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Netanyahu: The Era of Weakness is About to Come to an End

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu, who according to the polls is likely to become the next prime minister, announced on Wednesday “the era of weakness is about to end”, referring to the February 10th general elections for the 18th Knesset.

Netanyahu did not mince words on Thursday in his scathing criticism of government policy, referring to the constant rocket attacks in Gaza that seem to go unnoticed in the Prime Minister’s Office.

“The government of Olmert and Livni releases terrorists without receiving anything in return and is willing to bring thousands of Palestinian refugees to all areas of Israel. I do not know of a single country that would be willing to tolerate this bombardment of rocket fire” stated Netanyahu shortly before departing for Paris for a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

“The current government policy brings additional Kassam rockets upon us. This will change from a passive to an active response towards restoring Israel’s deterrence abilities which no longer exist. The current policy does not advance peace – on the contrary, it brings terror closer… the era of weakness of Olmert and Livni is coming to an end.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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