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Livni: Netanyahu Will Bring to a Fallout in Israeli/American Relations

bibi2.jpgSeeking to boost the Kadima Party’s ailing election campaign, party leader and premiership hopeful Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni warns the election of opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu will result in a fallout in the good relationship enjoyed between Jerusalem and Washington, DC.
According to Livni, a government controlled by Likud will exhibit a hard-line strategy that is not commensurate with ongoing American peace overtures in the region, and as a result, a chasm will develop between Israel and her strongest ally, the United States.
Livni explains that as long as Israel supports the “two-state solution” endorsed by the United States, the pressure is not on Israel but in a Likud-led administration, the pressure on Israel from the United States would increase immeasurably. “Israeli voters must decide between a continued diplomatic process or towards non-compliance and refusal” Livni campaign officials state.
Kadima campaign officials are stressing that anyone elected to office not backing the two-state solution will lead to a deterioration in US-Israel relations since such an Israeli administration is not capable of maintaining a working relationship with America’s new Obama Barak administration.
“If Obama is the man of tomorrow, then Bibi (Binyamin Netanyahu) is the prehistoric man of yesterday,” Kadima officials state. “Bibi and [former IDF Chief of Staff Moshe] Ayalon have a vision of flying backwards” they add.
Aides to Netanyahu state, “We are dealing with a collection of nonsense. Livni is trying to scare voters but it will not work. Netanyahu has already met with Obama and the two have a good relationship. He also has a working relationship with Vice President Biden for 25 years. Whatever the case, Netanyahu will always protect Israel’s interests.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Attention Tzip Livni:

    DIPLOMACY DOESN’T WORK! Talk about a vision of yesterday! Have you gained anything towards peace with diplomacy? Maybe try a hardline stance and see if you get anywhere.

  2. And what do you expect her to say? If a candidate for office announced “My opponent is wonderful and deserving to be elected” that would be news.

    Hint to YWN (from an earlier life in journalism):
    “Dog bites man” is not news. “Man bites dog” is news.

    P.S. A largely secular right-wing party such as Likud is probably the most able to make major concessions, but as long as most Palestinians oppose a two-state solution (note: Hamas did win the last Palestinian elections), the question is moot.

  3. Running a negative campaign backfires, and does more damage to yourself than anyonoe else. Didn’t they learn the lesson of the US presidential campaigns?

  4. This is not a case of “flying backwards”, it is returning to the Bible in which G-d says, “This is my land and it shall not be divided.” When has LAND FOR PEACE worked before. Kadima should look back so Israel can go forward.

  5. We have seen Bibi in action in the past, he is like a wet reed in a swamp. (especially if his plans are to merge with Labor and Kadima). The politicians in Israel are sore-losers, and better described without the attachment of sore.
    The slinging of words, criminal investigations of individuals that get in the way, halting people who are ‘negative’ from running in elections–is part of the ISRAELI CIRCUS.

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