Olmert Calling to Punish Hamas Prisoners in Israel

olmert2.jpgSeeking to compel Hamas to exhibit flexibility and agree to a prisoner release deal, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at the special cabinet meeting on Tuesday afternoon expressed support for removing privileges of terrorists, a move that was demanded long ago by activists seeking to actualize Gilad Shalit’s release without releasing murderers from prison. The special ministerial committee headed by the justice minister will look into the ramifications of such a move. Also serving on the committee is Attorney General Menachem Mazuz.

Israel has agreed to the release of 320 of the Hamas list of 450 but this was not accepted by Hamas. The prime minister explained Israel believed negotiations would be conducted as in the past, give and take, but Hamas basically presented its list and said take it or leave it, unwilling to make any changes.

Leading the Hamas list are terrorists sentenced to 67 life terms, 22 life terms, and 17 life terms. Some of the terrorists provided the necessary expertise for some of the bloodiest attacks, including Sbarro Restaurant, Café Hillel and the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station.

Olmert stated that while he is willing to take a big step towards meeting Hamas’ demands, there are red lines which if crossed, would seriously compromise the security interests of the nation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Hamas got Israel where they wanted to.
    The whole country is busy with one thing only.
    And the leaders admit they don’t even know if he is alive.

  2. “Removing Privileges”??? It is a privilege (that they don’t deserve) that they haven’t been executed! It should not even have to be discussed that these “pereh adam” should not be receiving more than minimal food and water and a slab of cement to sleep on. I can’t imagine what kind of privileges they are giving them that they are now considering withholding. The blood on these arabs’ hands is also on olmert’s hands because he enabled and encouraged them by not finishing the job in the recent war in Gaza, and even more so by expelling the Jews of Gush Katif and allowing Gaza to become one big terror training and operations base!

  3. AOM! Kol Hakavod!

    I would add the following. Israel should drop its policy regarding capital punishment and announce they will start executing one terrorist a day until Shalit is released and that, whenever a Jew is killed 10 terrorists will be executed. If that doesn’t work, make it 100. If need be, go out and arrest more of them just so you have enough “stock” on hand.

  4. I Like what #3 got to say. listen they shouldnt be treated like humans when they arent, there a bunch of animals those terrorist yimachshmum.

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