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Livni Seeking to Build a United Opposition

Opposition leader MK Tzipi Livni is working to unify the opposition, trying to formulate a working understanding with Arab parties on one side and Ichud HaLeumi on the other. Most political analysts do not believe she will succeed in formulating a unified opposition camp considering the diversification between the Arab parties, Kadima and the right-wing Ichud HaLeumi.

A senior figure in one of the Arab parties is quoted anonymously in the daily Yisrael HaYom saying that the Arab parties will cooperate when the issue at hand serves their agenda. However there will not be cooperation when such an act is contrary to the interest of the Arab parties’ agenda, stating “If Livni thinks she is going to build a united forum on our backs she is mistaken”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Livni is just like Olmert. She has no principles, and will sink to any low for her ego-based agenda. She proves it now by trying to unite with Arabs to further her career. They would slash her throat if she stepped a foot into Gaza.

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