The Next Generation Iranian Treat

Iran has developed a newer generation Shihab surface-to-surface missile which has a longer range than its predecessors, Iranian defense officials announce. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confirms reports that his country now possesses a missile that exceeds the capabilities of the Shihab series missiles.

According to Iranian officials, the development of the new longer-range missile was so successful; it will lead to the suspension of continued work on the earlier Shihab models, which are now viewed as irrelevant.

The new Sijil missile is reported to have a 1,200 mile (2000km) range. It is rated as extremely fast and is capable of carrying a non-conventional warhead.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. “AYLEH BA’RECHEV, V’AYLEH BASOOSEEM, VA’ANACHNU B’SHEM HASH-M NIKRA! When will they ever learn??? The egyptians, the romans, the greeks, the assyrians, the nazis (yimach shemam) etc., etc., etc. – ALL these once “great” empires have come and gone, but AM YISRAEL CHAI V”KAYAM! What is a Sijil missle against the will of HaKadosh Baruch Hu!!!

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