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Thousands of Teachers Expected to Lose Their Jobs

According to the Union of Local Authorities (ULA), as a direct result of cuts in the state budget, thousands of teachers will lose their jobs around the country. ULA head Shlomo Buchbut is calling for urgent meetings after the cabinet on Sunday passed the state budget which includes major reductions in education funding.

The firings will include teachers, psychologists and clerical staff. Buchbut warns the result will be a drastic decline in quality programming for students, accompanied by increased costs to parents, who will be compelled to pick up some of the lost revenue to keep schools operational.

Buchbut pointed out that now, with climbing unemployment, the last place we should be implementing cuts is the nation’s education system, which is vital for the next generation towards receiving the tools to meet the challenges of the increasingly competitive workplace.

Education Minister Gideon Saar, who voted against the budget, stated “this is a fateful hour. In the coming days, we will determine the future of the Israeli society. The dangers to the educational system are perceptible and we must awaken immediately. The dangers faced due to the lack of investment in education far outweigh the dangers faced by the banking industry”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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