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Israel Seeking to Increase Pressure on Iran

bibi.jpgThe Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Ministry are working in concert towards enlisting the support of the international community towards implementing sterner measures against Iran, realizing the clock is running out before Tehran is capable of building a nuclear bomb. Israel is expected to try to enlist Egypt in the forum, realizing Cairo’s recent statements have put the moderate Arab state at odds with Tehran, more so than in the past.

The prime minister next week will be meeting in Egypt with President Hosni Mubarak, and the Iranian concerns will be on the agenda.

An unnamed “senior source in the Prime Minister’s Office” quoted in the daily Yisrael HaYom stated “Iran is not just a threat to Israel, but to the entire region, including Arab nations”.

Minister of Information & Diaspora Yuli Edelstein stated the United States must make a differentiation between the Palestinian track and the regional threat from Iran as well as to the global community should Tehran achieve nuclear independence.  The prime minister is expected to deliver this message in his White House meeting later in the month.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The USA MUST get on this right away. It seems that over the years, no matter who is the president, Israel, America’s greatest ally, is left out in the cold. From sending troops to Viet Nam to threatening Russia over it’s invasion of Georgia, America flexes muscle for everyone but Israel, regardless of which party holds the house.

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