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Avreichei Kollel Argue – One Stabbed to Death R”L

mda.jpgThis painful story takes place in a kollel for balei teshuva, making it especially difficult shortly before Rosh Hashanah. The store surrounds the stabbing death of an avreich, a 24-year-old male, a resident of Netanya.

Police received a call at 4:40am on Wednesday morning, that a lifeless body was detected in northern Netanya, near the yeshiva building. The man was transported to the emergency room of Laniado Hospital, but it was clear to all that it was already too late to help him.

Two men, 22 and 35-years-old are in custody, both residents of Netanya and both members of the same kollel.

Netanya Police Chief Ami Eshed explains the investigation is in the early stage, explaining it appears an argument got out of control and one of the suspects grabbed a sharp object and stabbed the victim numerous times. He added the suspects and the victim all have police records from past instances.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Has YWN become a new outlet for anti charedi hatred. Even Ynet reports that people learning in the kolel deny that these 3 people were ever members of the kolel and they don’t even know who they are.

    Come on don’t repeat dirty slander without both sides.

  2. plz explain to me the significance of this story & why yw has to report it?
    i would expect a higher standard from you! or switch your name to “world news”

  3. If you don’t like or believe the story fine with me.

    YET the lesson to be learned is that the world at large, and specifically our torah observant kehilla needs training and education in CONFLICT RESOLUTION. “Violence and HATRED corrupts the soul”, quoted recently by Yakov Horowitz (& known by many even before then). We harbor TOO MUCH HATRED within and when it explodes violence erupts.

  4. I think the lesson to learn here is:what happens in the street can affect anyone. Reb avigder miller many times would say,we have to be concerned about the morality of the goyim bec it automatically effects everyone. Let us davin for mashiach before its to late.

  5. Why should YWN avoid stories that are complimentary to the frum world??? You all seem so happy to hear negative stories from the non-frum world. Are we to presume we’re perfect? Does hiding our dirty laundry away make us more perfect? On the contrary, I think it makes the problems just get bigger and bigger. If we don’t see them and deal with them…the next thing you know they’ll be plastered all over the goyishe front pages. That said, of course, I DO hope YWN was correct in their reporting…

  6. YWN left out some important details, this is not just a kollel for newly religious, it’s a kollel to rehabiltate men who have serious crime records with the cooperation of the prison authorties. The way YWN reported it turned is I think what is called sensational jounalism.

    YWN- you need to give more accurate info!! And more info period.

    Editors Response: The first article was an initial report. A follow-up article has just been post a few moments ago.

  7. Look how a super intelligent person with a fantastic sense of humor like Sammygol missed the sarcasm in Menachem’s comment. This just goes to show how crippling frum-hating can become.

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