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MDA Literally Cuts Off United Hatzolah Leader’s Pager

ichud2.jpgEarlier on Monday, YWN-Israel reported a veteran MDA volunteer has been suspended after it was learned he joined United Hatzolah.

It now appears that MDA is pushing things to a real head, this time by disconnecting the head of U. Hatzolah from the MDA pager system. As a result, R’ Ze’ev Kashash, a responder in Jerusalem’s N’vei Yaakov neighborhood is literally cut off from the system, no longer notified of a life-threatening call that demands his response.

It is believed the move is in response to R’ Kashash’s loud public criticism connected to MDA’s activating so many Hatzolah members on shabbos to respond to the Allenby Bridge, to transport victims of a Jordan bus crash.

Kashash felt the response was not pikuach nefesh and therefore, there was no justification for the chilul shabbos, as YWN-Israel reported on November 1st.

Whatever the case may be, agreeing with R’ Kashash’s protests or not, at present, his pager has been cut out of the MDA first-response alert system.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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