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Rav Rabinowitz Condemns Women of the Wall

Kosel Rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz condemned the women who come to the Kosel monthly, on rosh chodesh, to daven in a quorum with tallis and tefillin and to read from a sefer Torah.

The rabbi stated the Kosel is a holy site that holds a place in the hearts of all Jews, and it is a site where efforts concentrate on unity and not dispute, calling on the tzibur to highlight that which unites us rather than that which divides us, stating this includes the chareidi and orthodox communities which also makes concessions towards achdus at the Kosel.

The rav called on everyone to permit the Kosel to remain outside the battlefield and not use the Holy Site to promote various agendas.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. I find it extremely ironic that these women, who are part of a movement that does not even aspire to see the Beit HaMikdosh rebuilt, and are, for the most part, NOT shomrot Shabbat or taharat ha mishpacha (which are laws they ARE, of course, obligated to observe), DO feel it necessary to put on talis and tefillin, which, of course, are NOT obligations for women.
    The reason, clearly, is that they are not doing this out of wanting to be ovaid HaSh-m, but for political/feminist purposes.

  2. Someone once asked rhetorically, “Who said the best in Judaism is what the men do?” I understand why these women are more interested in doing those things that men do…heinous envy!

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