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Turkish Cyber Hackers Strike at Israel

The unofficial Likudnik website was targeted by angry Turkish hackers who were apparently less than pleased with the IDF Navy commando operation which prevented the terrorists on board from breaking the Gaza embargo on Hamas-controlled Gaza.he hackers inserted a photo of a victim of IDF atrocities, being carried off in a stretcher with a knife protruding from his body. The PLO flag was seen alongside Turkish and English vulgarity against Israel.

Turkey, a NATO ally is playing the role of the champion of human rights fails to remind the United Nations Security Council of the connection between its nationals aboard the Gaza flotilla and the connection with al-Qaeda and the IHH terrorist organization. Ankara is playing a double role, instigating the world against Israel while seeking to reap the rewards of the state-sponsored terrorist flotilla.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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