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The Best Hachana For The Yom Hadin

The King is Ready

Dazzling gates open before you as Malachim speed over head. You stand before Melech Malchei HaMelachim with your list of requests but your head is bowed. With what zechus do you deserve all of this?

Suddenly, a legion of Psukei Tehilim rush the throne room. Ribbons of Tehilos and Tishbachos surround the Kisei HaKavod. And they are arriving fresh from the holiest place on earth: right across from Kodesh HaKodashim.

Welcome to 40 Days at the Kosel by Vaad HaRabanim.

The Power is Incredible

It was the Ohr HaChayim HaKadosh who revealed the awesome power of 40 days at the Kosel. Countless Yidden have found their Yeshuos in this miraculous way. And is there a more perfect set of forty days than between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Ne’ilah of Yom Kippur? From the moment of the first Tekiah, until that final Tekiah Gedolah – Hashem Hu HaElokim! – a Shliach will pour out the timeless Tefilos of David HaMelech non-stop, 24/7.

The Gedolim are on Your Side

In support of this Tzedakah, leading Gedolei Yisroel will visit the Kosel each and every day to aid in this incredible endeavor. The sheer force of their combined Tefilos is enough to shatter the Shaarei Shomayim. They support and guarantee that Vaad HaRabanim’s activities are completely geared to aid the Nizkakim who so desperately need your help.

Be Mevatel the Ro’ah HaGezeirah

Tzedakah is so potent because you are giving of yourself. According to the Sfarim HaKedoshim, when you put in your Hishtadlus and Hashem brings down Parnassah, your very Nefesh is extended into that earning. When you give of this money to those who need it most, you are giving them of yourself. It’s amazing.

This is why Tzedakah is so important in achieving a Kesiva U’Chasima Tovah. It is in this way that you show ultimate Mesirus Nefesh because you have given your very Nefesh to be Mikadesh Sheim Shomayim.

The Sefer HaChayim

Join Vaad HaRabanim’s 40 Days at the Kosel right now. These moments are so crucial; you can’t miss out.

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