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PHOTOS: History is Alive In Modern Day Persia

This year, a hand-selected group of shlichim will continue their yearly tradition of visiting the tombs of Mordechai & Esther. The tomb has been preserved as a historical Iranian monument, and was even added to Iran’s National heritage list in 2008. It is a popular site for bar mitzvahs and brisos.


An air of mystery surrounds the space, where Hebrew murals cover the walls and beautiful tapestries are draped. It is truly a piece of history. 


Members of the Tehran Jewish community will enter the tombs on Purim with special prayer lists in hand. The names on the list? Those who give matanos l’evyonim through Vaad HaRabbonim’s campaign.


All money donated to the campaign will be distributed on the day of Purim, in keeping with the mitzvah of matanos l’evyonim. The campaign itself is highly respected, with stellar recommendations from Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a, the Belzer Rebbe, and Rav Shteinman zt”l, who was involved with Vaad HaRabbonim for many years before his passing.


Those who wish to join the brave travellers journeying to the resting place of the Purim heroes can donate here





One Response

  1. Are you trying to tell us that Reb Chaim Kanievsky and the other gedolei harabbonim actually endorse this extremely arduous and potentially dangerous field trip to the kevarim of Mordecai and Esther? It’s a well-known fact that they favor contributing to the Va’ad Ha’Rabbonim tzedaka fund. However, even after clicking through to the donation page, we don’t see any mention by Reb Chaim or any other rav about this serious safek sakanas nefashos visit to these kevarim. Yiddishe lives could be at stake here!

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