Rabbi Avigdor Miller: Parshas Haazinu


“Your father” means the Father of the people of Israel alone, not the father of all Mankind. He is the Creator of all men, but as a Father He has declared that relationship solely to His son Israel (Shmos 5:22, Dvarim 14:1). The nations therefore are totally unjustified to usurp the roles that Hashem expressly reserved solely for His bond with the chosen people. Hashem has honored us by declaring that He gave birth to us (32:18) and we are His sons and His daughters (32:19).

Although Hashem is the Ruler of the world, yet He is designated as the King of Israel: “And He was a king of Yeshurun” (32:5). “Hashem his G-d is with him, and the shouting for the King is among them” (Bamidbar 23:21). “Your king” (Yeshaiah 43:15), “Hashem the King of Israel” (ibid. 44:6).

He declares clearly that He is solely *our* king. “Our Father and Our King” is an expression permitted solely to “His sons and His daughters” (ibid. 43:6) and that are named by Him as “My subjects” (Vayikra 25:42). “For they are My subjects that I took forth from the land of Egypt (ibid.). “Send out My people and they shall serve Me” (Shmos 7:26); “send out My son and he shall serve Me” (ibid. 4:24). They alone have the honor of being called His subjects and His servants and His children and His people.

Even apart from the obligation of gratitude for His manifold kindnesses, this must instill in us a love for Hashem like the natural love toward a father. “Is He not your (true) father” that created you? (Mesillas Yesharim 19). Even when one never saw his father, yet when he learns that his father is alive and resides in a distant place, he is motivated by an emotion to come to his father.

Hashem is your individual father, and He is the father that established our nation. “Has He not made you, and established you?” “You are sons of Hashem your G-d” (14:1), Who loves you more than anyone or anything in the entire Universe (10:14-15). Three reasons are now available: (1) to love Hashem for His countless kindnesses, (2) to love Hashem as our true Father, and (3) to love Hashem because He loves us above everything in the Universe.

Published by the Rabbi Avigdor Miller Simchas Hachaim Foundation, a project of Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel, which Rabbi Miller founded and authorized to disseminate his work. Be inspired by our free email newsletters about marriage, personal growth, and more. Subscribe free at www.SimchasHachaim.com.
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