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Gedolim meeting with El Al for talks

Members of the Vaad Likdushas Shabbos met Tuesday evening with El Al CEO Chaim Romano in order to try and solve the dispute that broke out after El Al was Michallel Shabbos last Shabbos. In the meeting, attended by attorney Yigal Arnon representing El Al and attorney Yakov Ne’eman (representing the Chareidim), the two sides agreed to draft a legal document, in which the airline would commit not to fly on Shabbos.

It was further decided that this document would be signed within 48 hours.

Sources close to Maran R’ Elyashiv Shlita, who have taken a harsh party line against El Al this past week, was to draft a binding legal document “in order to protect themselves in the future.”

Once the document is drafted, it will be passed to various leading Rabbonim for approval, thus hopefully ending the dispute.

If the Rabbonim “decide that the agreement is insufficient, they will come to an immediate decision regarding El Al.”

4 Responses

  1. This whole thing is beyond me. El Al is a private company majority owned by frei Israelis. So they fly on Shabbos – in a free society that is their privilege, for better or for worse. This is the same thing as saying Jews shouldn’t use Egged because in Haifa they run on Shabbos.

    To forsake the safest airline and lose lots of money besides, which is fohrt run by Yidden – my mind is boggled.

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