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NJ Officials Remove ‘Hitler Cake’ Kids From Home

arrest1.jpgPolice say three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in the custody of the state.

Holland Township Police Sgt. John Harris says he was there to keep order Tuesday when workers from the state Division of Youth and Family Services removed 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and his younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell.

Harris says DYFS did not tell police the reason the children were removed. DYFS spokeswoman Kate Bernyk says the child-welfare agency does not comment on specific cases.

The children and their parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, received attention last month when a northwestern supermarket bakery refused to put Adolf Hitler Campbell’s name on a birthday cake – reported HERE on YWN.

The story was first reported by the Easton-Express Times of Easton, Pa.

20 Responses

  1. Good job State of New Jersey!

    “Harris says DYFS did not tell police the reason the children were removed.” — How about child abuse? Isn’t naming your kids after Nazis and subjecting them to ridicule and hatred, a form of abuse?

  2. If their only crime was their name, then us as frum jews need to be concerned. Imagine taking away a child from a parent because his name is jewish sounding hence subject to tormentation.

    While we don’t like what these parents have done, we live in a country that grants freedoms, which is why us jews have been so comfortable. I’m infuriated when I hear frum jews supporting govt restrictions on freedoms when its not a jewish issue. By not maintaining a solid position, and only supporting jewish rights, we are severely endangering ourselves.

    The Agudah rightfully often will file briefs in support of religious freedoms, even non-jewish ones.

  3. Good job State of NJ? I would like to know which government jurisdiction allowed these names to be registered legitimately!! If someone wanted to name their kid a vulgar or swear word would that be allowed? Why is this any different?

  4. Once again, EMES is shining through. This nazi tried to get attention (probably to increase nazi power worldwide) by making a stink about not getting a cake. The attention he made for himself, caused his kids to be taken away.

  5. #3 – Are you a member of the ACLU? This is not about Jewish and religious issues. What if they named their child African Slavemaster, or the more derogatory name for black people? I would still support taking away their child.

    #4 – L’chatchila they should not have allowed those names. B’dieved they’re trying to make up for it.

  6. While I understand what the DYFS did, I wonder why the State of New Jersey hasn’t yet jailed the parents for child abuse, hate mongering, etc.

  7. Yaakovg: You’re way off base. What if they sent their child to a school which taught that non-Jews only have an animal soul? Oh wait, that’s what many Chareidim believe – especially Chabad. What if they believed that theoretically Jews should be liable to the death penalty for breaking Shabbos and cursing G-d, and non-Jews should have courts which execute people for petty theft – all of which is clearly stated in the Torah and by Chazal? No need to mention the (theoretical) mitzvah to wipe out an entire nation – men, women, and children.

    According to the opinion of the vast majority of society, these beliefs are hateful and derogatory. Can’t you see the obvious implications here?

  8. KeenObserver
    If a Charedi wants to understand what a nefesh is and what a neshoma is, he should go discuss it with a rav or a talmid chochom.

    If you are trying to incite P.E.T.A, please don’t use theyeshivaworld for it.

    Just a reminder:


    Our Day School, Yeshiva and Bais Yaakov students are not confused. If you know somebody who is, it is a mitzvah to enlighten them. Feel free to elaborate on my comment, as I do not have time right now


  9. I am certainly not inciting anyone – and I believe of the items I mentioned, the difference between the Jewish and non-Jewish souls is the least important. The simple fact is that frum Jews have beliefs that most Americans would consider to be extremely offensive. If indoctrinating your child with extremely offensive beliefs is sufficient reason for the government to take your children away, then frum Jews should be very concerned.

  10. no offense but what did they do?
    yea i passionately hate Nazis
    but why arrest the kids because their parents are Jew-haters?
    i don’t get it

  11. You have an opportunity right here to clarify what the Truth REALLY is.

    It’s not possible for the Torah Hakedosha to be anything but a Kiddush HaShem.
    so if people wearing the clothing of a learned person, are in fact misinformed…. you can teach them. right now. right here!

  12. KeenObserver: Unfortunately, it’s your comments about what is taught in Jewish schools that are way off base. I suggest you do a little digging into what Jews actually believe before you associate the words of G-d with epithets such as “hateful” and “derogatory”, even if you pass it off as the “opinion of the vast majority of society.”

    Now, taking your statements (not that I agree with them), which would you prefer, to have an “animal” soul that dissipates with death (no pain), or to be condemned for all eternity to burning in hell without mercy, without a chance for repentence or cleansing, just because you committed the tiniest sin (but didn’t accept a certain way of belief that is idolatry to Jews). That’s what Christianity teaches. Even your unflattering description of Torah belief sounds wonderful in comparison!

    By the way, your moral equation of what is taught in Jewish schools to what this family named their children is quite offensive. You don’t ever see Jewish parents CV”S naming their children “Chosen Betterthanyou Finkelstein”, or “Goykiller Cohen,” do you?

  13. People who spew hatred, usually are agressive.

    we know this.
    Adam Nifal K’fi Pe’ulaso.

    They won’t publicly state the details in a Child Protection Case. It could compromise the case, and the long-term safety of the children.

  14. dee,
    the fact that these parents named their child the most disgusting name gives us some insight into what type of home this child was growing up in. They named their child a name that is synonomous with “evil” and “satan”. If evil is something that they respect and admire, then we can surmise that the home was a very unstable one.

  15. Avram, you misunderstand me. Having spent many years in Yeshiva and Kollel, I think I am fairly well informed on what Jews actually believe. I didn’t say I find any of those things to be offensive, but rather that frum Jewish children are taught things which would be considered very offensive by the vast majority of society. It’s fairly obvious to me that most Americans would find it extremely offensive that in an ideal society non-Jews should be liable to the death penalty for the most minor crimes. They would consider that someone who taught this to their children was indoctrinating them with hateful beliefs.

  16. Keen – dont read tanya. You dont understand it, and you’re making a mockery of the torah with your lack of understanding. Nowhere does the torah(or any source thereof) indicate that goyim do not have a tzelem elokim – they do, however their neshoma is vastly lower and different from that of a yid. Goyim learn about how men have a stronger body structure than women – doesnt cause hatred. If they properly understood the differences in neshomos, and that the difference does not have nazi-like connotations(as in, their a mistake and should be killed cv’s, or that they are less fit for society, etc..), then they would not mind the ideas be’etzem. Goyim are indoctrinated to believe in darwinian fairytales, and hence, if something appears inferior, it should be killed or treated like garbage. Afra lepumei. The fact that you were in kollel means nothing – hashkafa needs to be learned with a talmid chacham who knows more than how to learn gemora(sadly, there are a tiny minority of yungerleit who are hashkafically lacking), and in any kollel setting, nefesh hachaim, michtav meliyahu, or the tanya are not commonly learned. I know people in yeshiva who dont have a clue what daas torah really is – it’s sad, but you are seriously insulting the torah with those comments, when you have thousands of merciful dinim, and you focus on a few which you do not understand, put them together in a diatribe like some anti-semitic websites do, you can dsay you may believe in them, but you have no respect at all for them. ‘derachecha darchai noam’ is key here. The death penalty shows you the responsibility of te offender, and the magnitude of the grievance – goyim are given the whole choshen mishpat to follow, a valiant task indeed. Also, the din of killing a goyishe ganav only applies when there is a sanhedrin, or beis din smuchim. Petty theft is, unfortunately, look down on as, well, petty, but so is tznius, avodah zara, arayos and even shfichus damim(abortions), yet many goyim do not have such standards.

    Your statement about charedi beliefs is quite insulting – they are not ‘charedi’, they are torah beliefs – animal soul is not the proper term, they have a neshoma, albeit a lower one, however the 4(5?) levels of neshomos they cannot get,(I think they can only achieve 2 or 3, but i dont remember offhand). If we actually believes goyim were animals, we’d be able to kill them, which of course, we can’t – it’s a chiyuv misa for us to do that.

  17. While I am not siding with the parents of those children for giving such awful names, I don’t think DYFS is warranted in taking away their children unless there was definite substantiated abuse.DYFS themselves are like Nazis taking away children and breaking up families just for hearsay.If the state now feels those names are wrong (and they most certainly are) the state should not have allowed the parents to register those names when their children were born.

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