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Search Results for: psak

Sephardic Chief Rabbi David Yosef’s Psak: Israel Must Release Terrorists With Blood On Their Hands If Hostages Will Be Freed

Newly appointed Sephardic Chief Rov, Hagaon HaRav David Yosef has declared that Israel has a halachic obligation to release convicted terrorists, including those responsible for mass murders, if it leads to the return of hostages held in Gaza. In an interview with Kikar Shabbos, Rav Yosef referenced a psak from his late father, Maran Hagaon HaRav Ovadiah Yosef zt”l, emphasizing the necessity of such actions. “My father handed down a very clear psak that it is allowed and necessary to release terrorists, even many terrorists, even killers with blood on their hands, to release them in exchange for hostages,” he said. The Shas party, alongside fellow Charedi party United Torah Judaism, has strongly supported efforts to secure hostage releases, in contrast to far-right coalition members who oppose freeing Palestinians with serious terror convictions. Rav Yosef said his father’s psak was issued during the 1976 Entebbe hostage crisis, with the principle that the immediate safety of hostages must take precedence. “The danger faced by hostages today needs to be weighed against the potential future danger posed by the freed terrorists,” he explained. “My father’s answer was that the current danger comes first.” His remarks come amid ongoing negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian officials, with reports of significant progress. Central to the discussions is the number and identity of Palestinian prisoners to be released in exchange for Israeli hostages. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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HaRav Yitzchak’s Psak: What Day Do IDF Soldiers Read The Megillah In Gaza?

Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef issued a p’sak regarding what day the IDF soldiers should be mekayeim the mitzvos of Purim in the Gaza Strip, which is a location that may have been surrounded with a wall at the time of Yehoshua. In a lengthy teshuva that examines the halachic position of the Gaza Strip, HaRav Yitzchak paskened that IDF soldiers serving in Gaza should read the Megillah on the 14th of Adar only (Motzei Shabbos and Sunday this year) and should not read it on the 15th, even without a bracha. HaRav Yitzchak writes that since today there are no Jews living in Gaza, it has the status of a city of goyim which is not populated by Jews. According to the Yerushalmi, a Jew in a city of goyim reads the Megillah on the 14th only, even in cities surrounded by a wall. Also, the Rishonim pasken that even in a city surrounded by a wall, there needs to be at least ten talmidei chachamim in the city in order to read the Megillah on the 15th. Also, it’s unclear if the entire Gaza Strip is classified as a city that may have been surrounded by a wall or only the “city of Gaza itself” has that status. We hold according to the poskim that say that the villages surrounding a city which is in safeik of being a walled city (even if it’s populated by Jews), do not read the Megillah on the 15th. HaRav Yitzchak emphasized that his p’sak stems from the unique status of the Gaza Strip, which has no established Jewish settlement and that the p’sak does not diminish the kedushah of Purim and the IDF soldiers can fulfill the mitzvah of Kriyas Megillah properly on the 14th. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Jen Psaki Fumes Over Media Coverage Of Joe Biden’s Declining Cognitive Skills

In the wake of the special counsel report that has renewed debate over Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities, Jen Psaki, the former White House Press Secretary under President Joe Biden, blasted the media’s focus on her previous employer. Psaki, who has transitioned to a role as an MSNBC host, shared her grievances during a “Meet the Press” roundtable discussion, expressing disappointment over the prioritization of the special counsel’s findings over recent comments made by Donald Trump. According to Psaki, the media’s attention should have been captivated by Trump’s remarks, particularly his suggestion on Saturday that Vladimir Putin should be allowed to attack NATO allies without interference. “If you’re sitting in the White House and on the campaign right now, you’re absolutely banging your head against the wall at the way that the Thursday report has been covered,” Psaki lamented. “Given all of the things that have happened this week, including … the fact that Donald Trump yesterday suggested that Vladimir Putin should have free rein in attacking NATO allies. And what do we see when we wake up this morning? Wall-to-wall coverage of whether a guy who’s four years older than his opponent is too old to be president.” The conversation on “Meet the Press” also touched upon a Washington Post report indicating some top Democrats’ desire for Biden to be replaced as the party’s nominee in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Psaki robustly dismissed such speculation, underscoring the importance of recognizing Biden’s position as the inevitable nominee. “What the Biden campaign needs right now is for people to realize that … he is going to be the nominee,” she asserted, emphasizing the critical choice facing voters. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Mark Levin, Jen Psaki Get More Screen Time On Fox News, MSNBC

Two cable news personalities from the complete opposite ends of the political spectrum — Mark Levin and Jen Psaki — are increasing their presence on television. Psaki, former press secretary to President Joe Biden and current MSNBC host, is moving into prime-time for one night a week. The network said on Thursday that she will begin hosting the 8 p.m. Eastern hour on Monday nights. Since switching to media, her Sunday afternoon show “Inside with Jen Psaki” has proven to be successful for the network. Currently, the 8 p.m. Monday slot is filled by a rotating series of guest hosts, with Chris Hayes working on Tuesday through Friday. She’ll join Rachel Maddow, who also hosts once a week in prime-time for MSNBC on Mondays. Maddow’s show will air directly after Psaki. The new schedule starts on Sept. 25. Levin, the radio talk host whose TV show “Life, Liberty & Levin” airs Sunday nights on Fox News Channel, will have an additional weekend hour on Saturdays, Fox said. It will air in the same 8 p.m. time slot on both weekend nights. His show is the top-rated cable news program on Sunday nights, according to the Nielsen company. In addition to his Fox duty, Levin hosts a syndicated weekday radio show that is heard on some 300 stations. His new Saturday show begins Sept. 16. (AP)

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Jen Psaki, Ex-Biden Spokeswoman, to Debut Sunday MSNBC Show

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki will debut a weekly MSNBC political program on Sundays at noon next month, the network said on Tuesday. “Inside with Jen Psaki” will contain one-on-one interviews with newsmakers, and discuss policy issues like the war in Ukraine and debt ceiling talks, MSNBC said. The show is scheduled to premiere March 19. The show will feature a recurring segment, “Weekend Routine,” where Psaki will feature a lawmaker or newsmaker and follow them as they go about some everyday activities. The MSNBC show will stream the next day on Peacock. Psaki, who appears regularly on other MSNBC programs like “Morning Joe,” is developing another streaming show that’s set to debut this spring. Psaki was press secretary during the first 16 months of President Joe Biden’s administration, before landing at MSNBC last May. (AP)

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Transatlantic Dirshu Kinyan Halacha Siyumim Mark Transformative Impact on the World of Psak

Both Europe and America will be celebrating an incredible milestone this coming week with two major siyumim that promise to have a transformative impact on the future halachic observance of their respective communities.  The first of the momentous milestone events will be the Dirshu Kinyan Halacha siyum in London on Sunday, 8 Teves/January 1 at the prestigious Hall of the Aviation Suite, Thistle London, Heathrow. The special guest speakers at the exclusive event in London will be HaGaon HaRav Aharon Schiff, shlita, Rav of the Machzikei HaDas community of Antwerp and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, shlita, talmid muvhak of Rav Shmuel Wosner, a member of Rav Wosner’s Beis Din and Rav of the Kehillas Yaakov kehillah of Bnei Brak.  The following day, on motzoei Asara B’Teves, the American event will be held in the Eminence Hall in Boro Park. That event will feature special drashos from among America’s most preeminent poskim, HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Mechel Steinmentz, shlita, Skverer Dayan of Boro Park and HaGaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, Rav of Khal Shaarei Orah of Boro Park and a member of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, shlita, talmid muvhak of Rav Shmuel Wosner, a member of Rav Wosner’s Beis Din and Rav of the Kehillas Yaakov kehillah of Bnei Brak.  These two siyumim will be coming in the wake of a gala Kinyan Halacha siyum in the Binyanei Haumah Convention Center in Yerushalayim.  Kinyan Halacha is a rigorous program to which 3,000 avreichim applied more than five-and-a-half years ago. From among the 3,000 that applied, only 1,800 avreichim were deemed worthy of being accepted into such a demanding program. From that 1,800 only 400 persevered until the end becoming true bekiim in halacha and achieving outstanding results on very rigorous, comprehensive tests on hilchos Shabbos, Niddah, bassar v’chalav, taaruvos, safek sefeikah, melicha, shemitta v’yovel, brachos, sefer Torah, tefillin and mezuzah, eiruvin and ribbis. All the material was learned by beginning with the Gemara, proceeding through the Rishonim, the Tur and its mefarshim, then Shulchan Aruch with its mefarshim until the poskim of our time.  Before the program’s inception in 2006, when HaGaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l, was presented with the details of the Kinyan Halacha program by Dirshu’s hanhala led by its Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, he was extremely impressed saying, “…Learn [halacha] with Tur and Shulchan Aruch, for these are the essentials of [gufei] Torah.” The upcoming siyumim in three continents, Eretz Yisroel, Europe and America, will be outstanding demonstrations of kavod haTorah, as Klal Yisroel, led by the Gedolei Yisroel welcome a cadre of Klal Yisroel’s future morei horaah and poskim to the fold. 

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Kovaitz Psakim on Tzedakah of Rav Forcheimer shlita and More

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for PROBLEM:  For some reason, practical seforim on Tzedakah halachos and rulings are few and far between.  RESOLUTION:  With the new sefer entitled, “Kovaitz Psakim” including rulings from Rav Yaakov Forcheimer shlita, one of the leading Rabbonim and Poskim in Lakewood, New Jersey, this problem is solved.  It is an exceptional sefer that is simulateniously well organized, filled to the brim with remarkable nuggets of psakim, and an absolute pleasure to learn. This 369 page sefer belongs in every Torah home and will not only enhance one’s personal observance of Tzedakah  – it will entirely redefine it.  FASCINATING NUGGETS What are some of the fascinating nuggets contained within the sefer? If you don’t have money on you, but you do have money in the car.  Are you obligated to go out to the car and get that money?  It depends if it is easy to get or not.  If it is easy – then yes, you are obligated to get it (p. 121). What about the somewhat touchy issue about receiving a substantial Tzedakah allotment from a married woman? The author deals with it well (see p. 177).  He also has a ruling from Rav Reuvain Feinstein shlita from his father zatzal that it is entirely lechatchila when the woman works out of the home herself.  If one received such a donation from the wife where it is not the case – Rav Forcheimer ruled that it does not need to be returned. WHO IS AN ANI? The entire chapter three deals with who is an “ani” that is eligible for Tzedakah.  If the person has substantial savings can he take Tzedakah? Answer: No.  What about enough savings for a “rainy day?  “ Answer: Yes, he can.  What are the exact guidelines?  Good question – learn chapter three. WHO IS A RELATIVE? What is the definition of a Karov – a relative, for purposes of preferential treatment?  ANSWER: Anyone who is pasul l’aidus – ineligible to testify  (p. 151).  What about a friend?  Yes that also falls under the rubric of Karov.  (This reviewer once posed a similar question to Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l in regard to the parameters of a Karov on Kesuvos 52b – while driving him to a moetzes meeting. Rav Feinstein responded that regarding that Gemorah – it would be anyone that you would invite to a wedding.) TO JUST ANYONE? Is one always permitted to distribute Tzedakah funds to just anyone?  No- not really. A city such as Lakewood that has a Vaad HaTzedakah that gives out letters – if an ani has such a letter – he should give.  But what about a bochur with no letter that comes from a far distance?  Rav Forcheimer ruled that one should avoid giving him actual Tzedakah funds (p. 144).  Elsewhere, the author cites Poskim that rule to give a quarter from one’s own money. Before anyone comes down on Rav Forcheimer for being too harsh with this last psak, it would behoove the reader to know that the entire chapter four reminds this reviewer of a Lawrence Gvir who wished to produce a documentary on Tzedakah.  He offered one hundred dollars for 15 minute interviews of various people that collect each week in shuls for Tzedakah – provided that the collector

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Paypal – an Interesting Psak

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Sfas Tamim Foundation In late 1998,  Peter Thiel and Max Levchin founded a company called, “PayPal.” (It was originally called Confinity). Venture capital funding allowed it to combine with eBay transaction partnerships, and PayPal quickly shot up to 1 million users after just 15 months.  With Paypal, people can send money to others electronically – through their email addresses.  There are, however, two ways of sending money on PayPal: Friends&Family (F&F) and Goods&Services (G&S). F&F is intended for paying a friend back for dinner, for example, or giving a relative money. There’s typically no fee involved, but it also drops protections for any issues that may come up, such as refunds or scams. G&S is intended for purchases, and money sent this way is subject to PayPal fees which are currently 2.99% of the transaction. With G&S, if what you bought was not as described or if it was damaged upon arrival or it never got to the buyer – refunds are much easier. PayPal makes its own money in two ways. The first is the fees they charge to a payment’s recipients. Though most transactions are free for the average user, many merchants pay that fee on transactions which is the G&S method. PayPal also collects interest on money left in PayPal accounts. All the money held in PayPal accounts is placed into one or more interest-earning bank accounts. Account holders do not receive any of the interest gained on the money while it sits in a PayPal account. Is it permitted for a business to take payment for goods and services through F&F, even though it is not what they intend?  Can F&F or the term “friend” be defined as any person that you trust? The question was posed to Rav Yisroel Dovid Harfenes, one of the leading Poskim in the United States.  [Each person, however, should make his or own inquiries to both Paypal and also to one’s own Rav or Posaik].  Rav Harfenes responded that one must ask PayPal if they truly do not care if a business uses F&F instead of G&S.  If they do care then it will be a problem.  When the question was posed to PayPal, however, they did not respond. When Rav Harfenes was told this, he responded that it would seem from their lack of a response that it does not matter to them, and therefore, there would be no prohibition in utilizing the F&F method. ***Why not subscribe to the weekly Parsha sheet on Emes published by the Sfas Tamim Foundation?  Each week there are four columns all having to do with Everyday Emes.  Send an email to subscribe to the author at [email protected]

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Thousands of Psakim From Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l in New Sefer

Reviewed by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for This author predicts that this sefer will sell out immediately as soon as it arrives in the United States.   Rav Dovid Feinstein zatzal (1929-2020) was the leading Posaik in the United States since his father Rav Moshe zt”l (1895-1986) passed away.  Rav Moshe zatzal answered thousands of halachic queries each year left an entire legacy of responsa.  Rav Dovid answered thousands of halachic questions every year as well, but unfortunately, until now we did not have a written record of his rulings. Rav Yitzchok Frankel shlita, the Rav of Agudath Yisroel of Five Towns in Cedarhurst, is one of the leading talmidim of both Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l and of his son Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l.  And, fortunately, Rav Frankel kept meticulous records of the shailos that he and others had posed to Rav Dovid. This week, Boruch Hashem, Rav Dovid’s rulings on four sections of Shluchan Aruch has been printed in a beautiful two volume work 679 page, entitled, “Shailos uTeshuvos Yad Dodi” with footnotes from Rabbi Frankel (Volume I has 282 pages Volume II has 252 pages and there are 96 pages of indexes). There are some fascinating rulings in the Sefer, including the following: A Zaicher LaChurban need only be made for someone who is building a new house or expanding his home– not for someone who purchased a home from an aino Yehudi. If someone did not make a zaicher l’churban when he should have – he should do so now. On Rosh HaShana Rav Dovid zt”l held that one should eat the Simanim after one has washed on Challah (not like the Mateh Efraim 600:6, but in accordance with the MB 583:3) On Rosh HaShana we should not daven for personal things except for what is in the Machzor already. If something contains vinegar but the sour taste is not detectable it is permitted to eat. We do eat lemon, but no vinegar, mustard, or chrein. Rav Dovid held that it is fine for a shul to arrange for slichos after 11 PM at night. Breadcrumbs (for chicken or fish) must be pas Yisroel during the 10 days of repentance. The same with bagels. Yeshivos have building funds that parents are instructed to pay – it is maaserable. For Shabbos One cannot blow up a blowup mattress on Shabbos or Yom Tov. One may not put pickles back in the pickle juice on Shabbos. Rav Dovid held that there is no problem of sechita when using a toothbrush without toothpaste. There is also an entire section on weddings and sheva brachos. For Weddings Rav Dovid held that a chosson and Kallah may take pictures together before the chuppah. Woodmere is spelled with 3 consecutive vovs, a dalet, a mem, a yud and a raish. It doesn’t matter whether one writes Spring Valley or Monsey when it comes to the Atrium. There are three rulings for diabetics: If someone has low blood sugar on Shabbos and needs to drink orange juice – he drinks it without making kiddush first, as it is too dangerous to wait for Kiddush. A diabetic that cannot drink wine and cannot tolerate coffee should use tea for havdallah. A diabetic should consult with a doctor regarding fasting on Yom Kippur – most of the

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Ex-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Hired by MSNBC

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has officially landed at MSNBC, where she is expected to make appearances on the network’s cable and streaming programs as well as host a new original show. The program, set to debut in the first quarter of 2023, will “bring together her unique perspective from behind the podium and her deep experience in the highest levels of government and presidential politics,” the network said in a statement Tuesday. Psaki will also appear on NBC and during MSNBC’s primetime special election programming throughout the midterms and 2024 presidential election. Psaki most recently served as White House spokesperson for the first 16 months of the Biden administration. She previously served as White House communications director under former President Barack Obama and as the spokeswoman for the Department of State. “Her extensive experience in government and on the campaign trail and perspective as a White House and Washington insider is the type of analysis that sets MSNBC apart,” MSNBC President Rashida Jones said in a statement. “She’s a familiar face and trusted authority to MSNBC viewers, and we look forward to her insight during this consequential election season.” At MSNBC, on-air personalities are mostly sympathetic to Biden and the Democrats. During Psaki’s White House tenure, Democrats saw her as a champion of their causes, while conservatives found her combative and standoffish. MSNBC has also hired Symone Sanders, former chief spokeswoman for Vice President Kamala Harris. NBC News has taken pains to draw distinctions between its journalists and MSNBC, which has beefed up its opinion programming. (AP)

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‘Fiery’ Psaki Ending Tenure As A Top White House Messenger

Jen Psaki had been White House press secretary less than two weeks when a reporter asked whether Twitter’s ban of Donald Trump had made President Joe Biden’s life easier. “We don’t spend a lot of time talking about or thinking about President Trump here,” she responded, then added for emphasis: “Former President Trump.” It was an early indication of what was to come with this press secretary. Her briefings were professional and typically congenial, but could turn pointed in a hurry. The sessions were informative but generally lacked the drama to draw big ratings on cable television. Psaki, whose last day on the job is Friday, has answered reporters’ questions nearly every weekday of the almost 500 days that Biden has been in office. That makes her a top White House communicator and perhaps the administration’s most public face after only the president and Vice President Kamala Harris. Her departure could complicate how Biden’s message gets out at a critical time for him, at least in the short term. “Anybody with a brain would want her to stay because she’s so good,” said Martha Joynt Kumar, a political science professor emerita at Towson University and director of the White House Transition Project, a nonpartisan group that tries to help streamline the transfer of power from one administration to the next. Succeeding Psaki is Karine Jean-Pierre, the first Black woman and openly LGBTQ person to be White House press secretary. She takes over as the administration is navigating inflation and Russia’s war with Ukraine, and as the Democratic Party is bracing for November election losses that could erase its control of Congress. The White House says Jean-Pierre, who has been Psaki’s chief deputy, will bring strong personal expertise and personality to the briefing room. She knows Biden well and has been a longtime adviser. “I’ve had the honor of working with many White House press secretaries and no one has done the job as well as Jen Psaki,” White House chief of staff Ron Klain, a veteran of the Obama and Clinton administrations, said in a statement. “I will miss her terribly as a colleague and friend, but I know we are in great hands with Karine following her lead.” Psaki has not denied reports she is heading to MSBNC, where on-air personalities are mostly sympathetic to Biden and where Jean-Pierre herself is a former analyst. Such a move will do little to alter perceptions of Psaki on the left or right. Democrats see her as a champion of their causes; conservatives says she is standoffish. Groups cheering Psaki are common across social media, including #Psakibomb, which has more than 22 million views on TikTok. Psaki’s sisters wore sweatshirts with the slogan during family Zoom calls, though it was more about gently poking fun at their sibling than making a political statement But Psaki angered Republicans by likening the party’s supporters who adhere to Trump’s fabrications about the 2020 election to “silent lemmings. ” When she quipped early in her tenure that she did not know who at the White House could answer questions about Space Force, House Republicans said she was belittling a new branch of the armed services that is working to counter Chinese threats. More recently, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a former Trump press secretary now running for Arkansas

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PSAK HALACHA: Askanim Assisting People Fleeing Ukraine Can Keep Phones On Over Shabbos

In a psak released Friday morning, HaRav Shlomo Feivel Zimmerman, the rosh av bais din of Badatz of London, wrote that those who are assisting Ukrainian Jews fleeing the Russian onslaught are permitted to answer their phones on Shabbos for calls relating to helping the refugees. “The ongoing war in Ukraine has presented a clear and present danger to life for almost anyone in Ukraine,” the psak reads. “It has become apparent that there are Jewish people situated in Ukraine in areas that border Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova and Poland who are reluctant to flee to these neighbouring countries due to concerns that they will have nowhere to stay when they arrive there. Community activists in these countries may be able to reassure these people that they will be taken care of if they flee the danger areas.” “In response to a shailah posed by community askonim in these border countries, it is beyond doubt that they may keep their phones on over Shabbos and may immediately answer their phones on Shabbos. If there is a chance that they will be able to facilitate in this way the safety of those who need to flee the danger zones. Indeed, it is an obligation on them to do so.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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ANYONE SURPRISED? Psaki Reportedly in Talks to Join CNN or MSNBC

With White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki set to leave the White House at the end of this year, numerous mainstream and liberal outlets are reportedly courting her to join their networks, the NY Post reports. Top amongst them is CNN and MSNBC, with the latter wanting to replace star leftist host Rachel Maddow, who stepped away from her time slot, with another leftist – Jen Psaki. CNN is also looking for new talent after firing host Chris Cuomo for allegedly acting inappropriately to women in the office, as well as for advising his brother, former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, when he was embroiled in his own such scandal. Hiring Psaki would make sense for both CNN and MSNBC, who are desperate for fresh anchors as their ratings continue to tumble. The NY Post added that although there is tremendous interest among liberal networks to sign Psaki and negotiations are underway, the White House press secretary isn’t yet close to signing a deal. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)  

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WATCH IT: Psaki Refuses to Admit She Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Being “Russian Disinformation”

Current White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed during the presidential campaign last year that a NY Post story regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” despite the fact that it had been corroborated at the time and has since been vindicated in multiple reports. And on Monday, she refused to back down from that claim. The NY Post story revealed that emails on a laptop left by Hunter Biden in a shop showed that he introduced a Ukrainian colleague to then-Vice President Joe Biden, despite the elder Biden claiming that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. Other emails revealed that Hunter arranged a joint Chinese venture in which Joe was to have a 10% stake. Democrats, the media, and just about everyone else rooting for Biden’s victory in the presidential election did all they could to suppress the story, with Twitter even blocking the story on its platform. At the time, Psaki tweeted a Politico article pushing back against the story, with the headline stating, “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” A NY Post reporter on Monday asked Psaki whether she would now admit that the laptop “is indeed authentic, and not Russian disinformation as you seemed to suggest on Twitter last year.” Psaki would not give a straight answer, instead saying, “The president’s son is not an employee of the federal government, so I’d point you to his representatives.” Imagine if it were Donald Trump’s son laptop. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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White House Press Secretary Psaki Says She Has COVID-19

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday she has contracted COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms. Psaki, 42, said she was last in contact with President Joe Biden on Tuesday, when she met him in the White House, where they were more than 6 feet apart and wearing masks. Biden, who is tested frequently, last tested negative on Saturday, according to the White House. Psaki did not accompany Biden on his trip abroad to Rome this weekend for the Group of 20 summit and Glasgow, Scotland, on Monday for a U.N. climate summit. Psaki had planned to travel with the president but scrapped the trip just as he was set to depart for Europe after learning that members of her household had tested positive for COVID-19. “Since then, I have quarantined and tested negative (via PCR) for COVID on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,” Psaki said in a statement. “However, today, I tested positive for COVID.” Psaki, who is fully vaccinated, said she is only exhibiting mild symptoms. “While I have not had close contact in person with the President or senior members of the White House staff since Wednesday – and tested negative for four days after that last contact — I am disclosing today’s positive test out of an abundance of transparency,” Psaki said. White House staff and others traveling with the president have been undergoing daily tests for COVID-19 since before departing Washington and are all fully vaccinated. Many officials have also received booster shots, due to the close-quarters environment and frequent travel associated with their work. Biden got his COVID-19 booster on Sept 27, shortly after federal regulators approved the third dose for many Americans. Biden has been accompanied on the trip by principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Psaki said she would return to work in person at the conclusion of a 10-day quarantine and following a negative rapid test. (AP)

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PSAK HALACHA: Lakewood Rabbonim Instruct COVID Patients To Get Treatment On Shabbos And Yom Tov

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING COVID TREATMENT OVER SHABBOS / YOM TOV B”H we now have Monoclonal Antibodies available which have been shown to highly reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID. If you are COVID positive or have COVID Symptoms with any the following: – Overweight (BMI 35+) – Chronic Kidney Disease – Diabetes – Immunosuppressive Disease – Immunosuppressive Treatment – Pregnant in 2nd and 3rd trimester – 55 Years of age or older with: Cardiovascular disease Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Chronic Respiratory Disease Asthma – 65 Years of Age or older – Other Medical conditions / High Risk Call the 24/7 hotline at 828-4-Plasma (828-475-2762) even on Shabbos or Yom Tov with a shinui to set up treatment. A Non-Jew should be used for transportation (we can assist in setup) to and from treatment. Call the hotline if you have Risk factors. Do NOT delay, as this may be a matter of Pikuach Nefesh. Early treatment is vital. Chag Kosher V’Sameach. SIGNED BY MANY LAKEWOOD RABBONIM (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Rav Chaim’s Psak: Where To Send The Child

 R’ Menashe is a Yungerman, learning at a prominent Kollel in Boro Park. His children attend top Mosdos and are growing in Torah and Yiras Shamayim. About a week ago he began contemplating about where to send his 12-year-old son who is finishing elementary school at the end of the year and going on to Mesivta. He found himself torn between two options. On one hand, he had his sights set on an excellent Yeshiva with the best Rabbeim, but this particular Mossad is in a different borough, which would require his son to travel about an hour every day in each direction. On the other hand, closer to home there was another choice, a fine Yeshiva with wonderful Talmidim and dedicated Rabbeim but not on the same level as the first Yeshiva that he was considering. While contemplating this issue, he met his good friend R’ Yerachmiel and discussed it with him. His friend agreed that it was indeed a difficult question that required a decision by a great person, “My advice to you is” said his friend, “Send the question to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, he can certainly decide it.” The Yungerman was happy with the idea, but soon his face fell, “How can I reach Rav Chaim? It is very difficult to reach the members of his household, and I do not know anyone else who could ask the question for me,” he said sadly to his friend. R’ Yerachmiel smiled and replied: “that is no problem at all, today you can send a question to Rav Chaim through Orchot Yosher, and you receive an answer right away.” Thus, R’ Menashe sent his question to Orchot Yosher and after a few hours, he received a reply by e-mail from Rav Chaim’s devoted grandson Rabbi Aryeh Kanievsky, who wrote to him that Rav Chaim’s Psak was to send the child to the better yeshiva even though it is far away! [There were other details to the question that have not been presented here, therefore no comparison should be made to seemingly similar situations]. It is difficult to describe the immense joy of R’ Menashe after his doubts were resolved in such a conclusive fashion! Since the launch of the Orchot Yosher website, dozens of questions and names have been submitted to Maran Sar Hatorah every day, ranging from names for a Bracha for Shidduchim, easy childbirth, Refuah Sheleima, to questions of all kinds. Orchot Yosher invests a lot of time and effort to give overseas residents the opportunity to submit their requests to Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. At the offices of Orchot Yosher, dedicated people spend tireless hours translating the questions and requests to submit to Maran Shlita. His grandson Rabbi Aryeh Kanievsky then presents these questions to his grandfather. Subsequently, he sends each and every petitioner the answer of Maran Shlita. In addition to questions and Brachos, the site provides many stories of Rav Chaim Shlita, new pictures, and videos, as well as Sifrei Mussar that have been published by Orchot Yosher. This is great news for overseas residents, be sure to spread the word among family and friends. Click HERE to view the website

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Travelling During Chanukah – Psakim from  Moreinu V’Rabeinu Hagaon Rav Shlomo Miller Shlita

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman  based on a compilation by Rav Yehudah Gestetner Rav Shlomo Miller shlita is one of the leading Poskim in North America One should preferably not make travel plans that interfere with lighting the Menorah in its proper time. This is because Hadlakas Neiros of Chanukah was so important in Chazal’s view, that it is one of the only Mitzvos that Chazal required a person to spend ALL of his money, (when one has no other option) in order to fulfill this Mitzvah. It is therefore incumbent that we adhere to the fulfillment of this Mitzvah accordingly. If one has already purchased plane tickets to travel at a time that will prevent one from lighting the Menorah in its proper time, and to change the reservation would cause a significant monetary loss, it is nonetheless praiseworthy to do so. (as Halacha mandates that one must even sell the shirt off his back for this Mitzvah. If one is flying abroad and the only way to light Bzman would require him to take a multi-leg journey it is praiseworthy to do so. L’chatichila one should arrange travel plans to either leaves after the Zman Hadlakah, or to ensure ample time to arrive at his destination before the Zman Hadlakah. If one lights the Menorah after the Zman Hadlakah and wishes to leave right after he lights, he is not required to wait at home for a half an hour after lighting before he leaves. He can leave immediately after lighting as long as he ensures that the Neiros remain lit for an half an hour after Tzais Hakochovim. If one is travelling and is unable to light Bzman Hadlaka the following order of preference should be followed, with the first on the list being the most preferable at the last on the list being the least preferable. If one is leaving during the day (even if leaving after Plag Hamincha) and will be arriving at the destination during the night at a time when others will be able to observe the lit Neiros – he should light upon arriving at his destination. If one is leaving immediately after sunset (even if he usually lights after Tzais Hacochovim) he should light after Shkiyah before leaving and make sure there is enough oil for the light to stay lit until a half hour after Tsais Hakochovim. If one is leaving after Plag Hamincha, but before Shkiyah and won’t arrive at his destination until the next morning, or if he will arrive during the night but there won’t be anyone awake to observe the lit Neiros – he should light before he leaves. If one is leaving before Plag Hamincha and will be traveling by car through the night and will not be arriving until the morning (and there is no household member left at home who can light for him), he should stop at a rest area and light the menorah in his car, and wait a half an hour. This should be done sometime during the night when others can observe his lit menorah. In all the above cases the very last time one is allowed to light he menorah at night is a half an hour before Alos Hashachar  EARLY MORNING FLIGHTS TO ERETZ YISROEL If one is

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COVID Psak From HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein: “Whoever Is Cold Should Buy A Heater”

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and the Rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak, paskened that windows in shuls and other buildings must remain open even in the winter to minimize the risk of spreading the coronavirus. Several avreichim asked HaRav Zilberstein recently about the issue of keeping windows open during the cold weather when normally if even one person is cold, the halacha is that the windows must be closed. The avreichim asked the Rav to pasken on the correct behavior this winter in light of the Health Ministry’s instructions to leave the windows open. [It should be noted that the winter cold in Israel, especially in Bnei Brak, is very mild in comparison to other countries.] “The danger of the coronavirus involves pikuach nefesh and therefore we are obligated to leave the windows open during the winter,” wrote HaRav Zilberstein in the psak halacha that was posted in many shuls this week in Bnei Brak and other cities. “For someone to claim that the cold bothers him and the window must be closed in the winter if it bothers someone cannot be said during this time of the danger of the coronavirus. Whoever is cold should buy a heater. He does not have the right to demand that the windows be closed.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Crown Heights Rav’s Psak On Voting In Church Raises Storm

Residents of Crown Heights are facing a halachic issue on Tuesday as their voting booth station is in a local church and although residents made efforts to have the location changed, they were unable to do so, COL reported. Rav Yosef Braun, the Rav of Crown Heights, paskened this week that voting in a church is only permissible when the actual voting booth is in a room that does not serve as the prayer room since it is then apparent to all that the purpose of entering the room is not for prayer. Furthermore, it is only permissible if there is no other option. “One may enter a church to vote, provided it is not in the sanctuary, but rather they specifically set up a room for this purpose, e.g. the basement or a different room, since everyone knows that you are there to vote and not for anything else,” Rav Braun stated. “This is only permitted if one has no other place to vote. If the location can be changed, it must be changed.” (Sources: See Teshuvos V’hanhugos 2:410. Chayei Halevi 4:63) Rav Braun’s psak raised a storm and one of Hagaon HaRav Ben Tzion Mutzafi’s talmidim asked him whether he could vote in the U.S. elections if his voting station is in a room in the courtyard of a church, where prayers are not held. HaRav Mutzafi answered that one should not vote in such a situation. “This shaila was presented to Hagaon Rabbeinu Ovaida Hadaih, z’tl and he stated that the matter is simple – it is forbidden to enter their churches where crosses are hung and is a source of the sitra achra.” HaRav Mutzafi also quoted other halachic sources. However, a senior Chabad Rav in Israel, Hagaon Rav Tuvia Blau, the Rav of the Chabad kehilla in Neve Yaakov, supported HaRav Braun’s psak. “It is definitely permissible to rely on the psak of HaRav Hagaon Yosef Braun, who is a Gadol B’Torah and halacha. As the Rav of the neighborhood, he is familiar with the situation and based his psak on the situation, and limited his psak to very specific conditions.” “Furthermore, at stake is an issue that has a direct bearing on a matter of pikuach nefesh – the difference between the incumbent candidate Trump and his rival, as everyone knows.” Rav Blau added further restrictions to keep in mind when entering a church. “One should be cautious and take note of certain halachos – not to bend down in a low place, not to look at places of avodah zara which are forbidden to be looked at. Also, one should not delay by even one extra moment beyond the voting process and shouldn’t even wait there in line until the vote.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Understanding Rav Shternbuch’s Psak Regarding Including A Moser In A Minyan

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is already well known that Rav Moshe Shternbuch, the Gaavad of the Eida HaChareidis has issued a ruling in his weekly shiur that one may not include in a minyan – someone who has informed upon a yeshiva or shul that has opened for indoor minyanim against the law. This is if the informer has the status of a moser in accordance with Yoreh Deah Siman 334. What is not so well-known, however, are the two sets of caveats that Rav Shternbuch included in his discourse on the topic. FIRST SET:  NOT PERMITTED TO ENDANGER ANYONE The first set stated that no one is permitted to endanger anyone else in regard to the matter of COVID-19.  He stated that this was especially true for anyone who has signs of having the illness.  He said that oobservant Jews are certainly more careful in matters of pikuach nefesh than others. SECOND SET:  EXCEPTIONS In the second set of caveats, Rav Shternbuch further stated that there are, of course, times when informing is permitted. The actions of those being informed upon be a clear and present danger to the public. It may only be done after a warning It may only be done after a psak has been issued from a well known, reliable Posaik, baal horaah. It may not be stated as a general rule – rather each case must be ruled upon individually and separately. These caveats can be read at TWO WAYS TO UNDERSTAND RAV SHTERNBUCH’S RULING This author believes that there are two ways to understand Rav Shternbuch’s ruling.  The first is that Rav Shternbuch is of the opinion that these four caveats are the correct halacha in regard to rulings of who is a Moser. The second way of understanding Rav Shternbuch is that this is an enactment that the sages of Israel are currently making.  There is a debate between the Rambam and the Sefer HaChinuch as to whether contemporary sages have the ability to promulgate new enactments under the rublic of al pi haTorah asher yorucha.  The Rambam writes that this Mitzvah applies only to the Sanhedrin haGadol in yerushalayim.  On the other hand, the Sefer HaChinuch rules that it applies in all times and in all generations. This author has attempted to put in an inquiry as to which way Rav Shternbuch holds, but has not yet received a response. It is this author’s view that, at least some of what Rav Shternbuch is ruling is based upon the current Takana enactment concept of the Sefer HaChinuch.  This is because it is a precedent to hand over the keys to the future of Torah to secular authorities and government. To many Rabbonim, the halacha itself seems to be that if the intent of the informer is to save Jewish life – even if he is incorrect in his assessment – that does not place him in the category of informer. The Rambam writes in Hilchos Chovel uMazik (chapter 8:11) that someone who is muchzak beMesirah is subject to various repercussions.  This language indicates that the prohibition of Mesirah does not apply to someone who endangers the public – because that informer would not be “muchzak b’mesirah. A person may turn in someone who endangers the public where

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NO MINYANIM – NO CHANGES: Psak Of Passaic Rabbonim & Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon HaRav Meir Stern

To the members of the Passaic-Clifton Community שיחיו, The ultimate outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic is ביד הקב׳׳ה. Yet, we remain obligated to fulfill ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם by doing do what we can to mitigate the spread of disease, suffering and death due to the pandemic. The Passaic-Clifton Community – under the leadership of its Rabbonim and Askonim and with the support and agreement of the Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Meir Stern שליט׳׳א – was proactive in implementing aggressive social distancing measures well before State and Federal regulations mandated these measures and well before they were adopted across the greater regional Jewish community. As painful and devastating as our losses have been, these measures appear to have played a critical role in preventing, ח׳׳ו ,far more serious illnesses and deaths due to COVID-19. The number of new COVID-19 cases admitted to hospitals and deaths is showing early signs of slowing. This is encouraging, but must be considered in the context of established patterns of pandemic infectious disease where resurgence of infections is the rule in the wake of initial declines. It is thus most likely that additional increases of infections, hospitalizations and deaths will follow periodically for the foreseeable future. It is impossible to predict where or how the pandemic will play out, especially since widespread testing is not available, leaving the number of infected persons residing in the community completely unknown. In light of the likelihood of resurgent infection and its deadly consequences, it is essential that the community maintain social distancing practices and NOT rush or push to modify these lifesaving rules. To maintain the health and safety of our community, the Task Force recommends: NO change in social distancing practices should take place. This means that NO gatherings should occur: NO minyanim NO playgroups, even informal gatherings of children on the block NO kiddushim NO inviting of guests from within or outside of the community NO travel other than grocery and pharmacy shopping as infrequently as possible Masks should be worn by everyone when out in public. When possible, this should be done with children from age 2. The mask must cover your nose and mouth at all times. Testing Scams: Be aware that at the present time, no validated test can confirm that you are safe from catching the virus or from infecting others. No test should be the basis for ending quarantine or relaxing social distancing unless approved by a knowledgeable physician. We are restating in unequivocal terms that the ban against all minyanim remains in place in the Passaic-Clifton community, without any exception whatsoever. Any easing of this prohibition would be, at the very minimum, a safek pikuach nefesh, endangering the participants and dramatically increasing the likelihood of illness and loss of life in our community. Notwithstanding any policy of another community to the contrary, every resident of Passaic-Clifton must adhere to the safeguards that are essential for the protection of us all. When will we get back to normal? Reopening normal activities across business, education and others areas is known to entail a delicate balance between the benefits of returning to normal life and the very real risks of a new surge of COVID-19 cases and additional deaths. Experts are carefully addressing this risk-benefit calculation to advise public policy. The John Hopkins School of

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LISTEN: Why Did Lakewood Change Its “Psak” About “Porch Minyanim”?

In a surprising move, the Lakewood Poskim have retracted their earlier psak about “porch minyanim”. Yaakov M. of the YWN Podcast’s discussed the following issues with Dr. Daniel Roth: Why did the Rabbanim reverse their psak? What is the perspective of medical experts? Could porch minyanim lead to eivah? If yidden comply with gov’t guidelines, could that still lead to dangerous eviah? And much more. Listen and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app, including iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Podbean. (YWN World Headquarters – YWN)

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WATCH: A Groundbreaking And Life Saving Psak From Rav Dovid Cohen About Using Technology On Yom Tov & Shabbos

(By: Sandy Eller) For decades, the greatest of poskim have allowed diabetics to check their blood sugar levels on Shabbos and yom tov, because these matters involve issues of pikuach nefesh. The same is true for a myriad of other illnesses because of the concept of “v’chai bahem,” living by the Torah laws and not dying by them, and even when questions arise, one is permitted reach out to professionals on Shabbos. During this COVID-19 crisis, the situation is even more critical, not just for matters of endocrinology and cardiology, but even for issues of mental health. Acknowledging the current historic crisis and its tremendous effects on those struggling with mental health issues as well as those in recovery, Harav Dovid Cohen Shlit’a issued a p’sak halacha that allows certain individuals to use technology under particular guidelines in order to avail themselves of lifesaving mental health services. Rabbi Cohen said that it is vital for those facing life threatening challenges to have continued access to those who provide them support, even on Shabbos and Yom Tov. With face to face contact prohibited at this juncture in order to limit the spread of COVID-19, the only way for those in crisis to get help is through digital means. “It is permitted to use all these machineries, so to speak, Zoom and everything else, in order to stay in touch, only mita’am pikuach nefesh,” said Rabbi Cohen, adding that there is no heter to use Zoom as a platform to connect people for a Pesach seder. Quoting Rav Chaim Halevi Soloveitchik, Rav Cohen said that for people who meet the relevant criteria, using their phones to call a mental health professional or attending a meeting through a Zoom conference, even as a preventive measure, does not fall under the category of chilul Shabbos. “As Rav Chaim Brisker used to say … I’m not maykil on Shabbos, I’m machmir on pikuach nefesh,” said Rabbi Cohen. Rabbi Cohen went on to say that any use of technology should be done with a shinui. Rabbi Avraham Kahan, Rav of K’hal New City and a dayan at Beis Din Vaad Hadin Vhoraah, further clarified that concept, discussing using one’s non-dominant hand or his/her knuckle to dial or log in. He emphasized that the need for a shinui is only applicable to those situations falling under the preventive category; anyone who feels that he/she is facing an acute mental health crisis should not hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional or avail themselves of Amudim’s hotline. More than 350 people have already taken advantage of a free anonymous support line set up by Amudim, staffed by a coalition of mental health professionals, seeking support while struggling with staggering losses, devastating illness and mandatory isolation as the deadly coronavirus pandemic rages on. Launched two weeks ago by Amudim in partnership with Child & Adult Psychological Services, Empower Health Center, Madraigos Midwest, Naaleh Cleveland, Nesivos, Relief, Shalom Task Force, The United Task Force, The Living Room, and numerous mental health practitioners in private practice, the support line currently has over 60 volunteers answering phones from 8 AM to 11 PM EST. Calls that come in after-hours or that cannot be answered by available volunteers are transferred to a live 24/7 call center to be returned as quickly as possible. Staff members

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12 Shabbos HaGadol Psakim from HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Miller Shlita

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for [culled from 2 Shabbos HaGadol Darashos 5780 and 5779] One should not order Chametz before Pesach from Amazon etc. to be delivered after Pesach. There are two types of garbage bins – depending upon the city. Some garbage bins belong to the municipality – these may be filled with Chametz if put out on the curb before Pesach.  Those that belong to the homeowner may not. The Burning of Chametz, (YH: where it is allowed by the Rabbonim) requires either one piece the size of a kzayis or combined smaller pieces totaling a kzayis – but then it needs to be in one kli. When buying  a kli that requires tevilah from a store, it is best to sell it to the Goy. [YH:  I am selling both Chometz to a goy as well as keilim – on the day before contact [email protected]] According to Rav Miller, not having in mind to acquire the kli when purchasing it is not an option. One can do biur chometz by placing a kzayis of chometz on a fork and burning it over a candle. [YH: Be careful – still] According to some, you can’t Kasher a quartz countertop. Some consider crushed stone as cheres- חרס. The Torah specified only כלי חרס can’t be Kashered. Perhaps one can say that anything else could be Kashered. Therefore, some are of the opinion that one may Kasher even plastic. Most alcohol in hand sanitizers are not made from grain and one can rely [YH: this year] on the majority that it is not chometz. 5779 “Food that the owner has a right to eat, even if there are some restrictions on them, is considered belonging to him. Therefore. one is in violation of bal year’eh and bal yematzeh on lachmei todah, as it is considered enough of lachem to merely have the right to eat them – (reshus Achila). Similarly, one fulfills achilas matzah with maser sheini wheat – even though there are other restrictions on Maaser sheini. Accordingly, if one is invited for the Seder, there is no need for the host to be makneh the Matzos to the guest. There is no need for the Matzos to belong to the guest. By having permission to eat it – that is enough.  And since there is no need to be makneh, one should perhaps not do it since a kinyan on Yom Tov is only permitted when there is a need or a Mitzvah – here there is no Mitzvah – so don’t do it. These psakim were culled from emailim baTorah from Reb M. Friedman over two years. For those who wish to download halachos to learn over Shabbos for Shabbos HaGadol click here. The author can be reached at [email protected]  

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PSAK HALACHA: HaRav Chaim Kanievsky: “Assur To Daven In A Minyan, Din Rodeif To Anyone Who Violates Health Ministry Directives”

In light of the rapidly increasing cases of the coronavirus in Bnei Brak and other Chareidi areas, Harav Chaim Kanievsky instructed the rabbanim of Bnei Brak on Sunday that each person should daven in yechidus and not in a minyan since it’s a matter of pikuach nefesh. It should be noted that when Rosh Yeshivah Hagaon Harav Gershon Edelstein, who also signed the letter forbidding anyone from davening even in an improvised minyan, saw that the letter included the term “the residents of our city,” he instructed that it be publicized in his name that “despite the wording, the ruling applies to every place” and not just Bnei Brak. Harav Chaim also condemned anyone who violates Israel’s Health Ministry directives, saying that such a person has a din of a rodeif and paskened that it’s permissible to report shuls or institutions that violate Health Ministry directives to the police even if the gabbaim will be required to pay heavy fines or even face imprisonment. Bnei Brak rabbanim will soon publicize a special letter calling to the community not to hold improvised minyanim at the directive of Harav Chaim. STAY UPDATED WITH BREAKING UPDATES FROM YWN VIA WHATSAPP – SIGN UP NOW Just click on this link, and you will be placed into a group. Full letter: 1. A person that is obligated according to the doctors’ instructions to self-quarantine in order not to infect others in case he’s positive for the virus, but he feels good and doesn’t feel ill at all, can he leave his home or he must listen to the doctors although he feels well? Harav Chaim: “He must listen to the doctors.” 2. A person who claims that he trusts in Hashem that he won’t become ill and therefore he makes light of the health ministry’s instructions (keeping a distance from others, not leaving the home unless it’s urgent, etc.) can he be defined as a “rodeif” because he’s liable to endanger others? Harav Chaim: “K’rodeif.” 3. And if someone chas v’shalom makes light of the instructions and causes someone to die, is he considered a meizid (someone who purposely kills someone) or shogeig (someone who kill someone accidently)? Harav Chaim: “Close to a meizid.” 4. If you know about someone who’s obligated to be in quarantine who nevertheless goes out and endangers others, it is muttar to berate him loudly and forcefully, although it may embarrass him? Harav Chaim: “It’s muttar.” 5. Is it muttar to give over the name of a person who makes light of the doctor’s instructions and endangers others to the authorities [police]? And is it muttar to give over information about shuls and mosdos who are not adhering to the health ministry’s regulations, even if it may result in a high fine or even imprisonment? Harav Chaim: “Muttar.” 6. On Shabbos, should one leave a phone on in case the doctors need to reach him and can one answer [the phone] due to the possibility of pikuach nefesh? Harav Chaim: “Muttar.” 7. What can the community accept upon themselves in order to end the horrible mageifah in which many people have already died? Harav Chaim: To Daven. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Psak From HaRav Yitzchak Yosef: No Mass Tefillah At The Kosel, Assur To Delay Weddings

Chief Rabbi Harav Yitzchak Yosef wrote a letter on Thursday instructing people to be stringent in fulfilling the Health Ministry’s instructions and regard them as halacha. Harav Yosef also wrote that: “according to the request of Israel Police, there should be no mass tefillah gathering at the Kosel at this stage. Instead, each man and woman should daven near their homes until the fury passes and there will be rachamim from Shamayim.” “Large shuls should also not hold tefillahs with a large tzibur but should divide the tzibur in a way that will accord with the Health Ministry’s instructions,” Harav Yosef added. “Regarding weddings, they should not be pushed off under any circumstances and should be held on time in a minimized way according to instructions.” STAY UPDATED WITH BREAKING UPDATES FROM YWN VIA WHATSAPP – SIGN UP NOW Just click on this link, and you will be placed into a group. “In accordance with the situation and in light of the risk of the spread of the coronavirus… we must plead with Hakadosh Baruch Hu in tefillah that He will stop the mageifah and will stand up from the Kisei H’Din and sit on the Kisei H’Rachamim, to plead for the cholim and for the mageifah to be stopped. At the time of ‘petichas ha’heichal’ it’s appropriate to say Tehillim and a special tefillah that we wrote regarding halting the mageifah and the healing of the sick. “Since there have been many inquiries with different shailos regarding the related halachos, I have come forward to clarify that there is no halachic ruling which supersedes the Health Ministry’s instructions,” Harav Yosef stressed. “The only halachic ruling on this issue is to completely adhere to all the Health Ministry’s instructions without any exception and any of their instructions is like a halachic ruling for every matter. “Our Torah is a Toras Chaim and commands us ‘V’nishmartem Meod L’Nafshoseichem.’ The Torah also says: ‘V’Chai Bahem’ and and the Chachamim explained in Yomah 85: ‘And you shouldn’t die for them. And therefore pikuach nefesh is docheh the entire Torah…” “The Tosfos already wrote (Bava Kama 23:71): ‘A person should be even more careful not to harm others than avoid harming himself’ and surely included in the prohibition to harm his friend, is also the obligation to prevent a situation which is liable to infect his friend with an illness, chas v’shalom.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Psakim from Rav Shlomo Miller on Mishloach Manos Plus an Overview

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for There are four types of people in the world: Those that prepare their Mishloach Manos many days before Purim. Those that prepare the day before Purim. Those that recycle Mishloach Manos that they have received on Purim itself. And those that do not fulfill the Mitzvah at all. This article is written for all four types. THE MITZVAH The Michtav M’Eliyahu writes that the best way to form a relationship is to give.  When you give, you develop your Ahavas Yisroel to that other person, and eventually to others.  Mordechai and his Beis Din enacted that on the day of Purim each person must send a gift of at least two portions of food to a friend. This is seen from the verse in Megilas Esther, “Umishloach manos ish l’reyehu.” The Mitzvah is to send two different foods.  The two foods may certainly have the same bracha.  There is no requirement to have two separate brachos. THE TWO BLESSINGS MYTH Once again, there is no need for the two different food items to have two separate berachos. This is one of the biggest misconceptions in Hilchos Purim.  There is an issue, however, of taking one food item and cutting it in half into two slices.  The Aruch haShulchan (OC 695:14) writes that just because one cut it in half it should be considered two foods?  Perhaps it is this statement of the Aruch HaShulchan that has caused the two blessing myth to exist.  If someone sends another two pieces of meat from two different limbs that tastes slightly different this is considered two foods (Mikraie Kodesh Siman 38). TWO DIFFERENT FOODS The parameters of what constitutes two different foods have been delineated by the Poskim.  Rav Shlomo Miller Shlita (cited in Rav Moshe Friedman’s Emailim baTorah) has ruled that one piece of roasted chicken and one piece of boiled chicken are considered two minim, but two different pieces of chicken prepared the same way, such as one top piece and one bottom piece are considered one min – one type of food (See Sefer SHoshanas Yisroel cited by Rabbi Moshe Friedman). Similarly, a mixed vegetable salad is considered one type of food only, while cut-up vegetables to be mixed into a salad are considered two minim. A sandwich or hamburger in a bun is one min.  This is even if has two all beef patties, special sauce lettuce pareve cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.  The same would be true with a hotdog in a bun.  What about the thousand dollar Doma sandwich discussed in a previous article?  This would be one min. THE REASONS What is the reason behind the mitzvah of shalach manos? Two reasons are brought down. The Terumas HaDeshen (Siman 111) writes that it is to ensure that the recipients not run out of food items to serve for their meals. The Manos HaLevi on Megillas Esther (9:19), written by Rav Shlomo Alkabetz and cited by the Chasam Sofer, writes an altogether different reason: to increase peace and brotherly love.  This is the opposite of the characterization of the Jewish people by Haman as a nation “Mefuzar umefurad” spread and standing apart on account of internal arguments. PREAMBLE AND INTENTIONS Rav Alexander Ziskind of Grodno was one of the only

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PSAK HALACHA: Do Not Come To Megillah If You Are In Quarantine; 90 Telz-Stone Residents In Isolation On Purim

As the number of coronavirus patients in Israel rose to 50 on Monday, more and more people are being forced into quarantine due to having been in proximity to someone subsequently diagnosed with the virus. Two of the patients diagnosed on Sunday spent time in Chareidi areas, including Geula, Telz-Stone, and the Rav Shefa mall. Dozens of mispallelim of the “Chassidim” shul in Telzstone will have to spend Purim at home in self-quarantine, in accordance with the Health Ministry and local council, due to the fact that a man who davened Shacharis on Shabbos at “Chassidim” has since been diagnosed with the coronavirus. The Kiryat Yearim (Telzstone) local council published an annoucement: “Dear residents: Unfortunately, this past Shabbos a man was hosted here who was since diagnosed with the coronavirus. Currently, it’s known that he davened on Shabbos morning in the “Chassidim” shul. According to the Health Ministry’s instructions, anyone who davened at “Chassidim” on Shabbos morning must self-quarantine for 14 days according to the attached instructions and follow the Health Ministry’s instructions.” “We are in continuous contact at this time with the Health Ministry, which is carrying out an investigation of the patient in order to receive information whether he frequented other places in [Telzstone]. We’ll provide updates immediately on any information we receive. Please be alert and pay attention to the announcements.” מודעה ברחבי קרית יערים טלז סטון בעקבות חולה קורונה שהתפלל בבית הכנסת החסידים בשבת בבוקר — 'הקו החרדי' (@TheHarediline) March 9, 2020 It’s estimated that about 90 people in Telzstone who may have come in contact with the patient entered self-quarantine on Monday morning. Those who tried to enter the Chassidim shul on Monday morning found the door locked and a sign on the entrance wall announcing that the shul will be closed until further notice according to the Health Ministry’s instructions. The man who was in Telz-Stone was diagnosed on Sunday. He is a 45-year old MDA medic, a Chabad chassid who used to live in Elad and now lives in central Israel. The Health Ministry published a list of places the man was since February 28th, which includes the Chabad shul on the yishuv of Einav, the Osher Ad supermarket in Petach Tivka, a large mall in Petach Tikvah, the voting station in Einav, a nursing home on Rechov Argaman in Jerusalem, the Rav Shefa mall in Jerusalem, the Chassidim shul in Telz-Stone and the medical center in Elad on Rechov Rabbi Akiva where he was diagnosed with the virus. A detailed list of locations and times is available on the Health Ministry website. A psak halacha by Harav Yitzchak Zilberstein, the Rav of the Ramat Elechanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak was published in the Hebrew Yated Neeman newspaper on Monday morning, saying: “Anyone who is obligated to be in quarantine on Purim is forbidden to come to shul to hear the Megillah because he is liable to infect others and stumble, chas v’shalom, on the sin of spilling blood.” מרן הגר"י זילברשטיין כתב מכתב חדש המפורסם הבוקר ב'יתד' בו פוסק כי הנמצא בבידוד אסור לו ללכת לשמוע קריאת המגילה בציבור כי עלול להדביק אחרים ולהיכשל ח"ו בעוון שפיכות דמים – אלא יקרא לבד או ישמע מאחר העומד בחוץ. — 'הקו החרדי' (@TheHarediline) March 9, 2020 “Those in quarantine should read the

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SURPRISING PSAK HALACHA: Ashdod Residents To Celebrate 2 Days Of Purim For 1st Time

Hagaon Harav Mordechai Gross recently paskened that Ashdod now has the status of being a walled city (b’safeik) and the megillah should be read both on Yud Daled and Tes Vav Adar without a bracha like the minhag in Ramot, Shiloh and other locations in Israel, Kikar H’Shabbos reported. The reason for Ashdod’s change in status is due to new neighborhoods that were built between Biblical Ashdod and modern Ashdod, providing a continuous link between the two areas. Biblical Ashdod was a walled city during the times of Yehoshua and now that two areas are linked, the status applies b’safeik to both areas. “Due to new neighborhoods established between Biblical Ashdod and the Ashdod of our times, Harav Gross paskened that the city of Ashdod is now b’safeik [of being considered a walled city] and the megillah shoud be read on Yud Daled and Tes Vav Adar,” wrote Rav Tzemach Baruch Rabinowitz, the Rav of the Grodna kehilla in Ashdod who asked Harav Gross to pasken on the issue. “The Biblical Ashdod mentioned in Tanach was walled from the days of Yehoshua. This fact was known for years but there were no continuous residential neighborhoods between Biblical Ashdod and modern Ashdod until recent years. The only link was the industrial area of Be’er Tuvia. This link was not sufficient because it is a commercial area…and is not considered a residential area. But new residential buildings were recently built near the mall and industrial area.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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PSAK HALACHAH: Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Says Americans Can Carry Guns To Shul [SEE THE VIDEO]

The attached video is fascinating and the Psak Halacha is timely: A Rav from Monsey asked Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky if guards with weapons should be posted at shuls in America due to the recent spate of anti-Semitic incidents. Rav Chaim first answered that everyone should do as they want. But then Rav Chaim was told that the mispallelim want to do what the Rav tells them and Harav Chaim said not to post guards. The second question was should some mispallelim acquire weapons to bring to shul? Harav Chaim answered that they should if it’s pikuach nefesh. The question was explained further that it’s not a matter of “immediate” pikuach nefesh, but of potential pikuach nefesh due to the recent spike in anti-Semitic attacks. Harav Chaim answered that mispallelim can bring weapons to shul. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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PSAK HALACHA: One May Not Use The Free ‘Ramat Gan’ Bus to the Kosel for Slichos

Ramat Gan City Hall has announced free buses to the Kosel as part of the city’s bus transportation, prompting HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein has released a psak that one may not travel on the free city buses. Ramat Gan Mayor Carmel HaCohen recently passed a municipal regulation permitting public bus service on Shabbos. These bus routes permit free transportation for those wishing to avail themselves of the bus service. Seeking to promote equality, City Hall has also announced that during the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah, the city would provide free buses for residents wishing to go to the Kosel to recite slichos. Mora D’asra of Ramat Gan, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein Shlita was asked if one may avail oneself of the free city buses to reach the Kosel. It was explained to the rav the bus service is organized by the mayor, who now openly defies Shabbos observance. To justify his actions, as if he is truly concerned about equality and to justify the use of public funds to operate the Shabbos buses. Following is the rav’s response regarding the use of the buses to the Kosel for residents. ברור לכל מהי מטרת האוטובוס, ואין לתת יד למטרות אלו, להראות את צביעותו ולזעוק כשר אני. לכן אסור להשתמש בנסיעות שמארגנת עיריית רמת גן לכותל המערבי “The motive for the bus service is clear to all and one may not lend a hand to this. One sees the hypocrisy and must cry out I am kosher. Therefore, it is prohibited to use the bus service provided by Ramat Gan City Hall”. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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PSAK CLARIFICATION: What Rav Elya Brudny Said Regarding Water Sports Following Recent Tragedies

There are rumors viral on social media that have emanated from a camp called, “Camp Machne Yehuda” in Lakewood, which stated the following (unedited) Psak in the name of Rav Elya Brudny: “Camp Machnane Yehuda just got a Psak from Reb Elya Brudny that there’s a big Midas Hadin on mi bamayim and therefore should not go on any water trips. We have therefore cancelled our jet skiing trip scheduled for tomorrow.” YWN spoke with Rav Elya Brudny, who explained the following, and asked that his Psak be made clear. “I am not a Posek for anyone. I was asked for advice from many camps, and I gave the same exact response to every one of them. Normal water activities such as swimming, a cruise, or normal boating are perfectly fine. But water tubing, jet skiing and/or any other “thrill-seeking activity” that flirts with some level of danger — and are only there for the “thrill” – I do not see how a person with a heart when there is clearly a midas hadin out there that manifests itself in mayim, can engage in such activities.” For those that question this Psak, Rav Brudny mentioned the Rambam Hilchos Taanios Perek Aleph Halacha Gimmel. “But if they do not cry out and do not sound the alarm, but rather say, ‘this is just the course of how the world works and this tragedy is just happenstance’ – this is the manner of cruelty and causes people to continue to hold on to their evil actions.  It further causes more tragedies to happen.  This is what is written in Vayikra 26:  And you walk with me in keri.. I shall walk with you with anger of keri happenstance..  In other words, when I bring tragedy upon you so that you shall repent – if you say that it is just happenstance – I shall add more tragedy to you.” אבל אם לא יזעקו ולא יריעו אלא יאמרו דבר זה ממנהג העולם אירע לנו וצרה זו נקרה נקרית, הרי זו דרך אכזריות וגורמת להם להדבק במעשיהם הרעים, ותוסיף הצרה צרות אחרות, הוא שכתוב בתורה ויקרא כ”ו והלכתם עמי בקרי והלכתי עמכם בחמת קרי, כלומר כשאביא עליכם צרה כדי שתשובו אם תאמרו שהוא קרי אוסיף לכם חמת אותו קרי. Recent drownings that YWN has reported on in just the past few weeks include: [BORUCH DAYAN HA’EMMES: Body Of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z”L Has Been Found By Misaskim Boat] [TRAGEDY: Boro Park Child R”L Drowns At Water Park In NJ [LEVAYA INFO UPDATE] [Levaya of Drowning Victim HaRav Dovid Traube Z”L] [TRAGIC ENDING: Body of Yungerman Recovered from Waters Off Tel Aviv Beach] [TRAGEDY: Yeshiva Bochur Drowns On Mexico Beach] *****PLEASE NOTE – YWN IS GIVING AWAY $5,000 CASH – JUST SIGN UP TO FOLLOW YWN WHATSAPP STATUS AND GET THE DETAILS!***** Make sure you are one of the more than 20,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts***** (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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PSAK DIN: Chief Rabbinate Beis Din Rules Divorced Woman Does Not Have to Return Jewelry to Former Husband

Whenever a couple decides to break up their home, seeking to divorce in a Chief Rabbinate Beis Din, a complex issue arises: Does the woman have to return the jewelry she received from the husband? During the course of their marriage, a Yerushalmi avreich gave his wife jewelry on Yomim Tovim and their wedding anniversaries. At a certain point, the couple decided to divorce, and the wife agreed she would forgo her kesuva and division of property would be discussed after the ‘get’ was given. It turns out that the fate of the rings, earrings, bracelets and the necklaces that were given as a gift caused deep disagreements not only between the husband and his ex-wife, but also between the three dayanim making up the Yerushalayim Beis Din. Each dayan wrote a lengthy psak, quoting an array of sources from Shulchan Aruch and from halachic contemporaries towards supporting their decision. The husband explained that from his point of view, the jewelry was given with the intention of his wife enjoying them, but the gifts were conditioned on the fact they are living together. He felt that once divorced, they are his property once again as the ‘gifts’ expired with the giving of the ‘get’. The wife stipulated she received them as gifts, unconditionally, and now, after being divorced, they remain her property. Dayanim HaRav Uriel Lavi, Rav Shlomo Tam and Rav David Malka were not unanimous in their decisions, and each wrote his own psak. Dayan ‘A’ writes a halachic ruling based on the Shulchan Aruch, the Rama and dozens of poskim up to the contemporary poskim. In his conclusion, he writes: “In our time the woman usually remains with her clothing and jewelry, and the husband does not insist on receiving what is due to him according to halachic rulings. As such, the jewelry will remain in her possession.” Dayan ‘B’s’ opinion followed a lengthy halachic discussion, deciding: “The jewelry given by the husband is not a complete gift but conditional, so after the divorce, the woman must return the jewelry to her husband.” Dayan ‘C’ who was supposed to decide between the two opinions, chose a third path and bypassed the decisions of his fellow dayanim. He wrote: “I read the words of my fellow dayanim, and in my opinion there is no need to decide how to behave in our time regarding jewelry. Some believe that they are given in line with Dayan ‘A’, that she keeps the jewelry as the minhag has changed since the time of the Shulchan Aruch and the Rama, and today, there is an ‘umdana’ (אומדנא) that they were given to her as unconditional gifts; or perhaps according to Dayan ‘B’, who rules the gifts were conditional, and therefore, the property is to be returned to the husband. “In this case, it turns out that the woman has already sold the used jewelry, which she does not want, and the only question remains is who will receive the monetary compensation in this case, “In this particular case, since the alimony set is the lower limit, taking the economic situation of the husband into account, as he is of limited means, and since the women explains she is using the money acquired from the sale of the jewelry for her household needs, to

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Sephardic Posek HaRav Mutzafi Has New Psak For Parents – Don’t Give Your Children Bikes

HaRav Bentzion Mutzafi, a prominent Sephardi posek in Eretz Yisrael, explained on Sunday, 27 Sivan that due to the many tragedies that have occurred, parents should not permit their children to play on bicycles. The rav was recently asked by a talmid, who spoke of the 7-year-old boy from a Southern Hebron Hills community, who died as a result of a bicycle accident this past erev Shabbos. In response, Rav Mutzafi said, “It is simply awful! Who said we did not spill this blood. A day does not pass without an incident involving a bicycle.” At the end of his response, the rav told talmidim “Parents, do not give them bicycles. Have rachmanus on us”. The psak does not make particular mention of electric bicycles and the small boy who died R”L was riding a regular, non-electric bicycle. Hence, it is believed the rav’s psak pertains to all bicycles. HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein Shlita, the Rov of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak and a member of the Degel Hatorah Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah, also released a psak. “Parents who give into children and buy them an electric bicycle are viewed as partners in murder and they will be liable for this if chalila something occurs”. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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