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  • in reply to: Trump and the beis hamikdash 🎺🥙🍲 #1676749

    Its nice to make a leitzanus when that is all there is to your being. Just a bunch of clowns.

    The point is not that donald trump is mashiach. The point is not that Donald trump is the beis hamikdash. He is neither.

    The point is that we see a hint in the world to the concept of Mashiach.

    Just like the name barack obama hinted at the torah. According to kabalah, רק refers to torah shebichsav. מה refers to torah shebal peh. Birak, through rak, ubamah, and throughh mah.

    It is an accepted maamer chazal that everything that happens in the world, revolves around the jewish people. And evrything is working towards or against the jewish people. And somehow you can pull out your oiled up shield of leitzanus, and make every single serious topic into purim Torah.

    Nice and slimy individuals, just like your shield mashuach bishemen.

    Of course there is a distinction between a president an anointed mashiach. Who said otherwise?

    There is a also a difference between a falafel and a human being. Except in your case.

    in reply to: Is it healthy for yeshiva bochurim to learn from a New Vilna Shas? #1674879

    Is it healthy for bachurim to have a troll on the internet decided for them?

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1652753

    manitou- ages 20 to 60. what heter is there to impose this mitzvah on an 18 year old?
    we are not at war. Because of the army. Hence, all we need is enough to prevent war.
    My rebbi’s american cousin came to our yeshiva by a shalosh seudos, and he told us about how he tried to get in the army for a while, and they just refused him, stating, they didn’t have boots in his size.
    After pressing, they finally let him in.
    He has normal sized feet.
    They obviously did not need him, otherwise they would not have made up such a stupid excuse. Let him join, the more the merrier, right? But no, he was rejected over nothing. They made up a reason as to why they could not take him.
    There are plenty of bachurim with that shoe size, yet they are not getting a ptur for having average sized feet.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1652751

    to manitou at 12 00- how can we be chayiv, according to your understanding, in having an army, if we are dispersed throughout the world? how can one say that the Israeli army is to protect the jewish people, or that it is the army of the Jewish nation, if it simply does not function as a protector of jews outside of israel?

    my point is that I would think it is logical that we would only have this concept of an army, as defined by the Torah, in a situation where klal yisrael is one, together, and not in a galus. That kind of army would include people, ages 20 to 60, protecting the entirety of klal yisrael.
    In this vein, the israeli army would then be a regular army, albeit the best and most important one, as it does protect the land, and all the jews in it, with Hashem’s guidance.
    We would need an army to protect ourselves, because if we didnt have one, the arabs would come in and kill us. Therefore, one would be needed in eretz yisrael and not the rest of the world. Eretz Yisrael is the only place that Jews are under constant threat.
    We would need only enough of an army to be a deterrent to the arabs, to keep them at bay. Any more soldiers wouldn’t even be necessary for this army.
    Therefore, how can you say that all jews are chayiv in this army?

    in reply to: Why no גזל שינה? #1633719

    When your mishpacha lights at home when you wont get home until very late, are the being motzei you? If yes, you dont need to wake anyone up. If they are not motzei you, the question stands, unless the halacha to wake someone up nly applies when you need to be motzei them, because they didnt light. In that case, of course wake them up, its for their benefit inherently, as otherwise they miss this mitzvah.

    Anyways, it is very possible that the entire way this mitzvah was set up by chazal, was without a problem of gezel shaina.

    in reply to: Kapitel Yud Gimmel #1606099

    Gadolhadorah, how did you come up with that name and not be full of yourself ? That is the most gaavadik name I have seen here on yeshiva world

    Can you please clarify your greatness?

    in reply to: Hashem #1603296

    Yud key vav kay, or in each specific month, the correct permutation of those letters.
    Another option is yud kay vav kay over the Aron hakodesh, between the kruvim. You can imagine yourself standing in the kodesh hakedoshim davening to Hashem.
    You imagine these things with your mind, from your skull, called a kodkod. This is actually the roshei teivos of kodesh hakedoshim.

    in reply to: Recent chilul HaShem #1588094

    It all comes to gaavah gaavah gaavah, to quote rav shteinman. What we should learn from these to situations is to take an inner look into our own chutpzah and gaavah. If we can take steps to change ourselves and lower our own gaavah, we will effect the rest of klal yisrael for the better. Since we are connected to all of the olamos, we can effect them all, each person according to the shoresh of his neshama.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1585310

    A negative comment on an article from one person to another, bashing them, calling them names, etc from one commentor to another is what I mean by negative comment.

    Gee whilikers… I don’t think you are actually reading what I am writing?

    I wrote:
    2. I have said at least twice, that if there is even one comment, or one article, that had milim bishim, which means lashon hara, sinas chinam, whatever it is, any kind of thing that is asur to say, it is therefore not worth the entire web site. Are we clear on that?

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1585019

    The Arizal writes that “Gog and Magog” has the gematria of 70, corresponding to all of the 70 nations, and will come and gather the 70 nations and be Molech (king) over them, and come against. Hashem will save us, then it will be Hoshana Rabbah, as the galus will come to end, and we won’t have any more galus, because up until now we go from galus to galus to galus, but not any longer.

    The word Molech, means to be king over them. What does it mean to be a king? Rav Shimshon Pincus, in Shabbos Malkasa, writes, that a true Melech gathers together his people. When everyone is together as one, under one king, they become one nation, together. He says that another aspect of a real king is to provide for his people. A true king gives his subjects parnassah and food; he is their very life source, much like Yosef Hatzaddik was for the people in Mitzrayim when he sustained them during the famine. A true king gives Chiyus, life, to his people. A true king controls his people.

    There is no other way to say it, but if someone’s internet goes down, if their smartphone breaks, etc, they literally cannot function until they go to the cellphone store, or get the problem fixed. They immediately become depressed, and feel like they have nothing to do. This is just by adults. When it comes to kids with smartphones, if the parents take the phones away, the kids immediately scream and are chutzpadik to the parents, and even curse at them, etc. Their life support is literally taken away. What is happening? The kids get attacked in the Tumah that they are living off of, perhaps they start going through withdrawal, and their inner soul comes out, which is full of Gaavah and chutzpah, because that is where their Chiyus is coming from.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1585016

    avi k: In any case, making a comment about an opinion is definitely not LR.

    its a little bit strenuous that you are not responding to the actual points put forth.

    i never said that. Making a negative comment is.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584819

    I will need to find the source.

    When I said let the goyim expose them, I am talking about their own. Let them expose their own.

    For us, we dont expose our own.It’s called mesira.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1584562

    I can post it all here, you can read it at your will. It will be in the next post.
    Hashem’s four letter name has many different permutations.
    Huawei seems to be hey hey vav yud.
    yahoo- eliyahoo, yirmiyahoo. Yahoo is a shem of Hashem.
    This discussion of there being no such thing as gematrias in non lashon hakodesh is a valid point, but moot. The way you say google in hebrew, is google, in hebrew letters.

    It doesnt really matter what the companies motives were when coming up with their names. I am not saying that there is a grand conspiracy between the japanese and the americans to kill out all of the jews, being gog and magog. I am saying that the Satan is working behind the scenes, it is just that when it comes to gog and magog, we have to understand this very basic idea, that he is so full of chutzpah and gaava, that he is in your face, not hiding, but at the same time, blinding people from seeing the truth,

    I implore you to read the next thing I post. I am not going to leave out certain parts that are really not directly related to the topic of the internet. i am leaving them in, because they go hand in hand with the concept of gaavah and gog and magog.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1584565

    Dvarim Lichazek, V’lo Lihisrachek B’SD
    I think it is important to write that the ultimate goal here is to show that it seems to be at least slightly possible that we are currently living through Milchemes Gog and Magog. What we will attempt to show is that it is a multifaceted concept, which is coming at us from different angles, with different tactics against us, and is showing itself out in the open for all to see. The Rambam says that we will not know that it is happening until it happens. There is very little to no speculation here. All we need to do is to open our eyes. First, we will start with an important piece of background information regarding Gaavah, and even if we were not to discuss Gog and Magog, it is very important in and of itself.
    Let us bring a little bit of a background, just to have somewhat of a foundation to talk about Gog and Magog, mostly from the Be’er Moshe, the Ozhrover Rebbe Ztz’l.
    The Zohar says on Shemos 1:5 that Klal Yisrael is all connected on a ‘big Ilan,’ a tree, in Shamayim, and we all get sustenance from there. It has 70 branches so to speak, connecting us all. The Zohar continues that the 70 nations will gather together and say, “I will get up and fight against Hashem, then I will fight Klal Yisrael.” We see a correlation between the 70 nations of the world, coming against us and our connection to the Tree of Life.
    The Arizal writes that “Gog and Magog” has the gematria of 70, corresponding to all of the 70 nations, and will come and gather the 70 nations and be Molech (king) over them, and come against. Hashem will save us, then it will be Hoshana Rabbah, as the galus will come to end, and we won’t have any more galus, because up until now we go from galus to galus to galus, but not any longer.
    The Medrash Rabbah in Vayikra 27 is similar to the Zohar, but uses a lashon of “Nizdaveg,” to partner up, meaning to fight Hashem, instead of the words, “ to get up and fight.” This Medrash mentions that Gog will degrade all of the prior Reshaim that tried to get rid of Klal Yisrael, calling them the stupidest people on earth in their fight against us, and that they had it all wrong. Gog has a new plan, which he thinks is the smartest of them all, which is to detach us from Hashem first, the only way that he could possibly destroy us. Hashem laughs at him, and wipes him out. In reality, Gog’s stupidity is the same stupidity as all of the previous Reshaim; you just cannot get rid of Klal Yisrael, because our connection to Hashem is eternal.
    Another Medrash goes into a little more detail. It says that every rasha that tried to wipe us out, called the previous Reshaim, “Shotim Sheba’olam.” Each one thought the previous one was the stupidest person on earth. Kayin killed Hevel, and said, I will now inherit everything. Eisav said that Kayin was stupid, because Adam could still have more children, and he did, Shes. So, Eisav said he would wait until his father dies, and then he would kill Yaakov. Comes along Pharoah and says, Eisav was stupid, because Yaakov had sons that could inherit him, and they did. So Pharoah says that he will kill out all of the boys, so no more boys can inherit anything. Comes along Haman and says, Pharoah was stupid! If a jewish girl has a boy, even from a non Jewish man, the child is Jewish! So, he tried to wipe out all of the Yidden, men and women, boys and girls, but did not succeed. Comes along Gog, and says, everyone was stupid. They didn’t realize that the problem is that they have Hashem. We need to first disconnect them from Hashem to succeed. Hashem laughs at him.
    We clearly see how so full of Gaavah each one of these Reshaim were, that they would call the previous one stupid. Each Rasha would think that they have the best plan in the world, and became more and more ambitious to wipe us out. In reality, they are all stupid to the same degree, because no matter what they will never succeed, regardless of what their new tactic is against us.
    We all knows the famous Gemara that says, in the times before Mashiach, “Chutzpah Yasgei.” This can be observed in the Reshaim’s attitude towards us, in their ambitions to wipe us out. They get more and more brazen as time goes on.
    The Gemara in Brachos 13A says that the Pasuk in Yeshaya 48:18 “behold, a ‘Chadasha,’ a new thing is being done,” is referring to Milchemes Gog and Magog. The new thing is the new tactic against us, to disconnect us from Hashem. As we will later mention, corresponding to this, to combat this, we are meant to sing a Shira Chadasha to Hashem.
    The Be’er Mosh says that Gog’s new plan is to send us all the way down to the Nun Shaarei Tumah, to separate us totally from Hashem. This would be accomplished by having our Emunah removed from us. The Gemara in Avoda Zara discusses the goyim as coming forward Leasid Lavo, and trying out the mitzvah of Sukkah, but ultimately rejecting it, fulfilling the Pasuk of “ Ninatkah Es Mosroseimo, Vinashlicha Mimenu Avosaimo,” that they will throw off the Mitzvos. The Gemara also says that the goyim will come with Tefillin on their arms and heads, and will be wearing Tzitzis and have Mezzuzos on their doors, and will throw off the Mitzvos, based of the same Pasuk. The Be’er Moshe explains this to mean that they are trying to show us that we should do the same, that we should abandon the Mitzvos and Hashem.
    The Medrash Rabbah at the beginning of Shemos says an opinion that when the Pasuk says that “a new (chadash) king got up, it really meant that the original Pharoah was kicked out of being Pharoah for three months, for not wanting to work with the Egyptians to hurt Klal Yisrael. He said to them, “Are you stupid? We survived and lived because Yosef, the Jew, saved us, and you want to attack them? After three months, he agreed to go along with them, and they brought him back to his position. This is referencing the fact that he renewed himself, and fought Klal Yisrael, like Gog does. Much of what Pharoah and Mitzrayim did, is brought back by the final Galus as well.
    The Gemara in Sanhedrin 94A says that Hashem wanted to make Chizkiya Hamelech, Mashiach, and Sancheirev, Gog. In the end, because Chizkiyah didn’t sing Shira, he didn’t become Mashiach, and therefore, Sancheirev did not become Gog. The Be’er Moshe points out that we see that Gog is not one specific person. He also says that the war is mostly a spiritual war. Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman Ztz’l has written that there was Gaavah by Kriyas Yam Suf, when the Egyptians were riding towards the Yidden, to kill them. “Ki Gaoh Gaah.” We sang Shira. Sancheiriv, who we know was going to be Gog, was defeated by the Shira of the Malachim.
    We also see that Shira is integral part of Mashiach coming, and is a big weapon against Gog and Magog. We are supposed to say Shira when we see the downfall of the Reshaim, like we see from the complaint on Chizkiyah Hamelech, as well as from Dovid Hamelech, who sang Shira when he saw the downfall of the Reshaim. in Brachos 10A.
    The Gemara in Brachos also discusses the reason why Perek Gimmel of Tehillim, about the rebellion of Avshalom against his father, Dovid Hamelech, is next to Perek Beis, talking about Gog and Magog. The Gemara answers that this is because someone might think that a servant would never rebel against his master, and therefore it can be proven that it can happen, as we see that even a son rebelled against his father. Certainly, a servant has the capability to rebel against his master. A few daf earlier, on 7B, Rav Yochanan says in the name of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, that a son going off the derech is worse than the war of Gog and Magog, as proven using the same juxtaposition of the pesukim. We see the relationship of Gog rebelling, and children rebelling.
    The Ben Yehoyada asks on a question on the Gemara, and I believe Rav Chaim Kanievsky raised the question as well in one of his sefarim. The question is, why is it so hard to understand that a servant can rebel against his master? As we see from Nimrod, whose name actually means to rebel, and from Pharoah, who always fought back against Hashem, rebellion is very possible. The Ben Yehoyada answers that Nimrod really believed in G-d, but thought that He was not involved in our lives, but did not totally disregard Hashem. Pharoah knew the name “Elokim,” but did not recognize Hashem’s four-letter name. The Dor Haflagah, on the other hand, totally rebelled against Hashem and denied Him, and is like Gog and Magog. We see how he compares the Dor Haflagah to Gog and Magog, in their total war on Hashem. Perhaps we can learn from what they did, to what Gog will do.
    The Be’er Moshe takes this a step further, and quotes the sefer, Migaleh Amukos, who says that Nimrod and Sancheirev are incorporated into Gog and Magog, and come together with their strengths to fight against us. This is hidden in the word נסוג, meaning that we should turn away from Hashem, each letter hinting at one of these Reshaim.
    Moav and Midyan
    The Be’er Moshe writes in Parshas Balak, that Bilaam wanted to me Machshil Klal Yisrael in the Tumah of Gaavah.
    The Zohar in 3:210 a, says that Bilaam wanted to build 7 mizbachos, to come against “Koh,” spelled Chof Hey. The Be’er Moshe says this refers to Knesses Yisrael as a whole, which is called Malchus. He says that Bilaam’s entire intention was to disconnect us from the power of Malchus, by building these 7 mizbachos, to fight against our connection to the Sefiros of Kedusha.
    Malchus is Anivus, humbleness, which is called “ Leis Lei Migarmei Klum,” it has nothing of its own essence, it is just a vessel. Therefore, Bilaam wanted to hurt us with Gaava, the antithesis of Klal Yisrael’s essence, Anivus.
    The Medrash Rabbah, Parshas 20 says that Bilaam said to Hashem, “Isn’t the avoda of the 7 nations better than the avoda of one nation?” i.e. Klal Yisrael. He was comparing us to them, saying they are just as good as us, and can replace us.
    Bilaam wanted us to be like the Goyim, steeped in Tumah, and to lose the connection to Hashem, and therefore be able to destroy us. Bilaam refers to Klal Yisrael in his nevuah and says we are an “Am Livadad Yishkon.” Hashem was telling him that Klal Yisrael is separate from the other nations, and cannot be compared to them.
    The Be’er Moshe continues to say that the Arizal writes in Likutei Torah, Devarim, that Moav is the aspect of Chochma of the Sitra Achra. He points out that in another location, by Vayera, the Arizal writes that Moav is the aspect of Malchus of the Sitra Achra. This is not a contradiction, because true Chochmah is Anivus, which is Malchus. Take the word חכמה, and break it into two parts, and it becomes מה and כח, referring to the strength of מה, which is Anvius. Everything in Kedusha has a correspondent in Tumah.
    Because we need Anivus to truly acquire Torah, meaning, Malchus brings out the Chochma, Moav fights Klal Yisrael, to make us become attached to the Tumah of Gaava, the antithesis of the good kind of Malchus, to disconnect us from Hashem and the Torah.
    The Gemara is Sanhedrin 106 A says that when it says that Klal Yisrael did the aveirah in Shittim, it is alluding to the fact that were dealing with “divrei shtus, stupid things.” The sefer, “Bichinas Olam,” brings down that Gaavah is something that a Baal Gaavah cannot recognize. He simply cannot see his own problems. This is also mentioned by the Gemara, in Sotah 3A. “A person doesn’t do an aveira unless a Ruach Shtus enters him.” A person just becomes blind to the reality of the Aveira.
    The Gemara Sotah 4b continues, “Anyone is acts with Gaavah will eventually succumb to the aveirah of being with a married woman.” This refers to znus. We see that Gaavah leads to znus, and is a Shoresh of Znus. Znus is an offshoot of Gaavah. They really go hand in hand.
    The Gemara 14A continues, “Why was Moshe Rabeinu buried by Beis Peor? To be Michaper, to atone for what happened at Beis Peor.”
    Tosfos writes that every year, around the time of year that Midyan and Moav caused us to stumble greatly, the Tumah of Beis Peor comes out to try to get Klal Yisrael to do aveiros again. And every time, Moshe Rabeinu fights against the Tumah of Peor, to protect Klal Yisrael. The reason that it is Moshe Rabeinu who can be Michaper for this, is because he was an “Anav Mikol Adam,” he was the biggest Anav to have ever lived. He personified the Middah of Anivus.
    He was buried in the valley, called a “גיא.” This is in contrast to the bad kind of גיא, which is גאיות, Gaavah. If we lower ourselves, if we humble ourselves like a valley, Hashem will lift us up like a mountain.
    The Medrash Rabba Bereishis 89 says that Reshaim are so full of themselves that they even go against their own gods. The Be’er Moshe points out that this can be see from the very fact that the way that they worshipped Baal Peor, was to go to the bathroom in front of it. There is no bigger disgrace than this, yet this is exactly how they served their Avoda Zara.
    We need to know whom we are dealing with. Moav represents Gaavah, and Midyan represents Taavah. The Arizal writes in Likutei Torah in Yisro, that Midyan is the bad side of Ahava, which represents Machlokes and fighting. The bad kind of Ahava is also Taavah. What is interesting is that really Moav and Midyan were enemies, but they banded together to attack Klal Yisrael, using all of their strengths in tumah against us. These two middos paired up together and became like one, in achdus.
    The Be’er Moshe writes much more on this topic, but it is too much to bring down here, and for our purposes, will be omitted. Part of what we are trying to say is that Gaava, at its source, brings out Taavah, and arguments and fighting. For the sake of the reader, I will simply list a few concepts that the Be’er Moshe says is connected to Gaavah:
    1. The Yisod and the Shoresh of the Nachash is Gaavah. (Avos Dirabbi Nosson, perek aleph)
    2. Gaavah is the Avi Avos hatumah. The Divrei Chaim writes that the root of Adam Harishon’s aveirah was Gaavah.
    3. The root of Tumas Mitzrayim was Gaavah.
    4. Gaavah is the shoresh of Death. Without Gaava, there would be no death.
    5. Gaavah is the shoresh of all bad Middos, and all bad Taavos.
    6. Bilaam in his Bracha to Klal Yisrael, praising Klal Yisrael, tried to make them full of Gaavah, which is what caused them to fall.
    7. Gaavah is like Kalus Rosh, not being serious, and Shichrus, drunkenness, and disconnect from Hashem and Daas, while Anivus is connecting to Daas, being in control and connected to Hashem.
    8. The shoresh of the Chet Haegel was Gaavah, This corresponds to cheit Adam HaRishon, as the Zuhama from the Chet of Adam Harishon, came back due to the Chet Haegel.
    9. Gaavah itself is a shtus that the Baal Gaavah cannot recognize.
    We see that Gaavah is one of the biggest, if not the biggest problem for Klal Yisrael, and that if we would get rid of Gaavah, we would solve many of our problems by doing so.
    The Zohar 3: 198 A actually compares Bilaam and Balak to Gog and Magog. It says there that they wanted to fight against Kneses Yisrael, and the Pasuk brought down in the Zohar is the Pasuk referring to Gog and Magog, in Tehillim 2:2, “ against Hashem, and against His Mashiach.” This is because at the root, they are the same, it is all the Satan and the Sitra Achra, trying to wipe us out totally, and disconnect us from Hashem, as mentioned earlier. Gog and Magog is at its core, Gaavah and Chutzpah Atzuma, as the Be’er Moshe writes, so much so that Gog is “Micharef and Migadef,” he curses and screams and denies Hashem, and does so out in the open for all to see. This means, that whether or not you want to call it Gaavah, or Gog and Magog, it is one and the same. Gog is stemming from Gaavah. We have to understand this very clearly. Gaavah is out there, a spiritual force that has wanted to get rid of us from the beginning. This is the Yetzer Hara, Amalek, the Satan; they are all the same at their core. They are so full of Gaavah, that they are out in the open, fighting against Hashem. We should be able to see it clearly, but for some reason, we are not able to see. We should be able to open our eyes and see that the enemy is out there, revealing itself more and more. It seems that it may be possible to see, nowadays, the spiritual occurring out in the open. We really do see, but for some reason, we don’t understand what we are seeing. Meaning, we actually see the Shoresh of Tumah. poking through the veil of Olam HaZeh, but we do not recognize Gaavah for what it is.
    First of all, why is this?
    It all goes back to the source. Midyan and Moav are the essence of Gaavah and Taavah. They tricked us into doing aveiros by Baal Peor. They used their kochos of Gaava , which leads to avoda zara and znus, and the koach of Taavah, to get us to be oved avoda zara, and to be mizaneh. What actually happened is that they tricked us into thinking that an aveirah was a mitzvah. We thought that to go to the bathroom in front of the avoda zara would be a disgrace to it. In reality, that is exactly how it is served, which in that situation is an issur, no matter what your intention would be. Our eyes were covered up regarding avoda zara. In addition, our eyes were covered up regarding bathroom functions, and being not tzniyus. Meaning, we can see an avoda zara, and not realize that it is one. We will do things that are avoda zara related, and not realize it. Regarding znus as well, our eyes were covered up, and from then on were able to fall into the Yetzer Hara’s trap much more easily. The Be’er Moshe points out that Moshe Rabbeinu was buried by Peor to atone for the aveira of Baal Peor. He warned us about it again after it already was over and done. Yehoshua warned us about it when we entered Eretz Yisrael, saying that it still affects us until this day. Not just this, but the very essence of Gaavah, a person will be blind to. As mentioned earlier, a Baal Gaavah cannot recognize his own issues. In the same vein, there is something very important for us to be aware of, but is not really the purpose of this topic, except to maybe help reveal the Tumah for what it is. We need to know that we were heavily afflicted by the Aveirah of Baal Peor, and that the concept of znus, pritzus, and bathroom functions are heavily rooted in avoda zara. They are not stam aveiros, they have a connection to avoda zara. To talk about the beauty of the body, is to give kavod to znus, which is really stemming from Gaava/avoda zara. To talk about bodily functions for no reason is giving kavod to avoda zara.
    The Ramchal says that the Tumah will get to be so big, that it will spread and spread, until it gets to be too big, to the point that Hashem will simply be Mivatel it. What is happening in the world today, is that Gaavah, and the bad Middos that comes along with them, are coming out in their full form. I would like to give a few examples, that seem to be stemming from the middah of Gaavah. Please excuse the topics, but they are important to be aware of, in order for us to start seeing how the Ra is manifesting. Nowadays, people communicate via text messaging, and often use smiley faces to communicate emotions as well, called emojis. Only over the past few years, in the secular world, something called the “Poop” emoji was created, which is a smiley face in the shape of dung. T-shirts are being sold, mugs and slippers, all in the shape of fecal matter, as well as being put into movies. It is cool to have something that references fecal matter. This is giving kavod to bodily functions. When it comes to Znus, it is rampant enough in the world, we do not need to discuss it, but we will mention that the billboards are getting more and more brazen each month. Almost every city bus in New York is covered by pictures of undressed woman, or advertising for a museum that gives kavod to znus, or advertising for a movie which is all about znus. The other kind of ads that they are showing are ads promoting the LGBT movement, another form of znus, which is actually called a Toeivah, like Gaavah is. “Toavas Hashem Kol Givah Lev.” Don’t think about the following too long, but I also think it is important to point out that Nivul Peh, cursing and screaming profanities, are all made up of words regarding znus, and bathroom functions. When a person gets really upset, and their raw emotions come out, they start screaming about znus and the bathroom. Don’t think about this too long, but this is how badly we were afflicted by Moav and Midyan, Gaavah and Taavah, to the point that people don’t even realize what they are doing. (As a side note, to use the word “holy,” in any reference whatsoever with these words, is clearly an act of avoda zara, which stems from Baal Peor.) Kol Hakoeis, it is like they served an avoda zara, and we can see how this is true literally. The way the goyim walk in the street and use this language openly, is a clear indication of the chutzpah and Gaavah expressing itself very openly.
    It makes sense that if Gog is stemming from Gaavah, we will be blind to him. We should not be able to recognize him for what he is, just like we cannot recognize Gaavah for what it is. At the same time, everyone can see Gaavah in another person really clearly, which does give us an opening to see Gaavah for what it is, in some sense.
    We want to suggest that we are currently in the Milchemes Gog and Magog. The way that this seems to be manifesting itself so far, would be in the following areas: The internet and smartphones, the spreading of Atheism and Apikorsus, being the main goal, and the Gay movement.
    Tehillim 40
    In Perek 40 in Tehillim, Dovid HaMelech sings a Mizmor, that Rashi says is referring to when the Yidden were in Mitzrayim, and by Kriyas Yam Suf, but is also corresponding to ALL of Klal Yisrael. Dovid HaMelech says, “Hashem raised me out of the deep pit, from the sinking mud,” which Rashi says refers to the “shackles” of Mitzrayim, and the ocean (Kriyas Yam Suf.) “Vayiten Bifi Shir Chadash,” Hashem will put a new song in my mouth, Rashi says this refers to the Shiras Hayam, (the song of the Geulah.) We see here that sinking in the waters is a reference to Mitzrayim and its Tumah. When Klal Yisrael was in Mitzrayim, the Egyptians threw the male babies into the river, to attempt to sterilize us, and stop us from being mikayem Pru Urivu, hoping that we would die out as a nation. Kriyas Yam Suf was also all about the water.
    The concept of the “Shir Chadash,” that we will sing, is going on the Shiras Hayam, but we know that the Shiras Hayam was really a song for the future, as it begins with the word, “Az,” meaning in the future. Actually, the very fact that here in Perek Mem it is called a “Shir Chadash,” a lashon Zachar, and not a “Shira Chadasha,” is hinting at the concept of the final Shir, will be in a Zachar, a male form. The Mashal is as follows: Up until now, we go from Galus to Galus to Galus, from one to the next, like a woman who gets pregnant and gives birth, and then gets pregnant again, etc. We keep going right into the next galus, like a woman who continues conceiving. A man, does not conceive. Comparatively, there will be no more Galus after the last Geulah. Therefore, the singing will be in masculine form. The Be’er Moshe and others point out that Shira is an integral part to the Geulah, and is specifically meant to be said when we see the downfall of the Reshaim.
    The very next Pasuk states, “Praiseworthy is the man who puts his trust in Hashem, and doesn’t turn to the, “Rehavim, and Satei Kazav.” Rashi says that Rehavim means Gaasus, which is Gaavah, and Satei Kazav refers to things that turn people off the derech, to avoda zara.
    Rav Chaim Vital writes in his sefer, Shaarei Kedusha, that one of the basic foundations of the world is Mayim, water, and that it is corresponding to the middah of Taavah. The Torah is compared to water, so we have the good kind of water, Torah, fighting against the Tumah of taavah.
    When we read the words that are saying that Dovid Hamelech is stuck in the deep water, it brings to mind the idea of being drowning in Tumah and shmutz. Just like Mitzrayim overburdened us horribly, not allowing us to function and focus on Hashem, the Ramchal says that the Yetzer Hara does the same. He overburdens us so we cannot grow in Avodas Hashem, and drags us down to the 49th level of Tumah. The internet does this to us as well.
    When we read the words Satei Kazav, it brings to mind the word “site,” as in an internet website, which leads us off the derech. The Radak says it is like the word Sotah, which clearly refers to znus, and it is like the Hebrew word “Shot,” which means to skim or surf along the top of the water. Why is it called “surfing the net?” Why is called, “the net?” Or the “Web?” Perhaps it is called the web, because it traps us, and we get stuck, like Dovid Hamelech mentions. Perhaps it is called surfing the web or net, because at its core, it is full of bad Taavos, as hinted to through its reference to water. When we read the word ocean, it makes us think of the fact that the ocean covers the world and connects the entire world, we all share the same ocean. Underneath the water, there are massive sea cables that are connecting the world together in the form of the internet. The internet leads us from one site to another, from one link to another, until we can find ourselves at a place that we don’t want to be.
    Now, you may not believe the following: After Rashi explains what the Satei Kazav is and what Rehavim are, he says, “Satei, איטורנאנץ in french.” Iternents. It is practically the word Internet! Look it up and see for yourself!
    The Navi Chabakuk says, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem, like the waters cover the ocean.” Perhaps it can be suggested that this is referring to the Kedusha side of what will happen. On the side of Tumah, the Internet is filling the world, connecting everyone together. The word ‘Daas,’ knowledge, also means connection. We also can maybe see the reference to water here. The pasuk immediately prior to this, is referencing Gog and Magog, as we see in the word, “Rik,” referring to the Goyim in the times of Milchemes Gog and Magog.

    The internet is full of Apikorsus, and atheism, which at its core is Gaavah and avoda zara. The internet is full of znus, which as we know, stems from Gaavah. As we said, Gaavah is the Shoresh of all Tumah and Rah. We all know that the internet is not good, but it is much more than that. It is a major tool, if not the biggest tool, of the Sitra Achra, and it perpetuates the most major aveiros, if not all of them. Lashon Hara is at its worst currently, as it can be spread so much more easily to the public. Through the internet, a person can kill someone by embarrassing them publicly on social media, which is like killing a person. Also, they can actually cause their death by bullying them into commiting suicided, which happens daily. Hackers can steal money through the internet, ruining a person’s life from the other end of the world. There is almost no end to the amount of things that occur through the internet, that are all against Ratzon Hashem. The internet is the main way Tumah is spreading in the world today.
    Like was mentioned at the beginning, the Arizal writes that Gog will come and gather the 70 nations and be Molech (king) over them, and come against Yerushalayim. The word Molech, means to be king over them. What does it mean to be a king? Rav Shimshon Pincus, in Shabbos Malkasa, writes, that a true Melech gathers together his people. When everyone is together as one, under one king, they become one nation, together. He says that another aspect of a real king is to provide for his people. A true king gives his subjects parnassah and food; he is their very life source, much like Yosef Hatzaddik was for the people in Mitzrayim when he sustained them during the famine. A true king gives Chiyus, life, to his people. A true king controls his people.
    There is no other way to say it, but if someone’s internet goes down, if their smartphone breaks, etc, they literally cannot function until they go to the cellphone store, or get the problem fixed. They immediately become depressed, and feel like they have nothing to do. This is just by adults. When it comes to kids with smartphones, if the parents take the phones away, the kids immediately scream and are chutzpadik to the parents, and even curse at them, etc. Their life support is literally taken away. What is happening? The kids get attacked in the Tumah that they are living off of, perhaps they start going through withdrawal, and their inner soul comes out, which is full of Gaavah and chutzpah, because that is where their Chiyus is coming from.
    The Be’er Moshe says that the Dor Haflagah is like Gog and Magog. It seems like this from the Ben Yehoyada as well, as well as other sefarim. The Be’er Moshe says that Gog is so full of chutzpah and Gaavah, that he is out in the open for everyone to see, he isn’t hiding at all. The Dor Haflagah brazenly built towers, up into the open sky, to fight Hashem. Nowadays we have these massive radio and cell towers, spreading the internet, reaching up to the sky, out in the open, perhaps alluding to the Dor Haflagah. The Dor Haflagah were apikorsim, going to fight against Hashem. They used their tower to get together in achdus to deny Hashem, and to fight Him. The internet does exactly that, linking everyone together, and spreads atheism and apikorsus in a way that was never possible before. It is a tool to deny Hashem. Currently, signal towers are being installed more and more in every possible location, not just in the forms of radio towers, but on the tops of houses as well.
    The Be’er Moshe, amongst many of the sefarim Hakedoshim, says that everything is Zeh Leumas Zeh. Everything on the side of Kedusha has a parallel on the side of Tumah. As we mentioned earlier, the Pasuk in Yeshaya says, “Ninatkah Es Mosroseimo, Vinashlicha Mimenu Avosaimo.” Gog and Magog are telling us to throw off our Tzitzis and Tefillin, our strings and straps with Kesharim, connecting points, our things that connect us to Hashem, which show we are Yidden. He is saying, come replace your connections with my connections the internet. Throw off Hashem, connect to me, Rachmana litzlan. The Be’er Moshe says that the specific things that signify us as Yidden, must be strengthened in Milchemes Gog and Magog. Bris Milah is one of our other Osos between Hashem and us. Gog says, come disconnect, and connect to me, and instead of your Os, do Aveiros on the internet instead, which is the opposite of Pru Urvu. How many people are using their phones during davening, or actually davening from their phones? If we are right, that the internet is an aspect of Gaavah and Gog revealing itself, then as people are davening, they are coming to connect with the Eitz Hachayim and at the same time, connect themselves to the Eitz Hamaves. They even look like the are bowing to their phones, at times. The Navi Yeshaya in Perek Beis, which is a nevuah on the Acharis Hayamim, says that people are bowing to the works of their hands, to the things they did with their fingers. Rashi says that the word bowing, is like bowing. This makes us think of people using their phones, the phones that access with tapping their fingers, always bent over them like they are bowing, and even using them during davening, making it look like they are bowing to their phones. The Ibn Ezra says that their fingers are bowing as well, all pointing towards the avoda zara. The Malbim says that the fact that they are bowing to these idols shows how stupid the bowers are. Does this not sound exactly like smartphones, and referring to using smartphones during Tefillah? Many Rabbanim have said this about using smartphones in Shul, that it is the dumbest thing in the world. Smartphones should not be used in Shul at all, no matter the need, whether it is for Torah or for Tefillah. As an aside, but in no means a joking manner, perhaps the reason that it is called a smartphone, is because it is really a tactic of Gog to get us to tune out and disconnect from Hashem. Remember, Gog comes up with a “new plan” against us, this grand, brilliant scheme that nobody else thought up before, everyone else being too dumb. Gog claims to be the smartest, coming up with a new tactic. The current situation that we are living in, with everyone addicted to their phones, glued permanently, not being able to function without them, has only come about in the last 15 years, something very new.
    Let us take this one step further. It is very clear from studies that have been done, that it is unhealthy to keep devices that have radio signals close to your body, or to live in the vicinity of one of these larger radio towers. If you actually look in the user’s manual for a smartphone, it tells you not to keep your phone within one inch of your body! Now, when people hold smartphones, it is very often in their lap, or leaning on their body, or the phone is put into the pocket. The studies have shown that the radio signals can lead to infertility. People need to be careful to keep their distance, even on a physical level. This is actually part of what Pharoah wanted to do to us! He wanted us to not be able to have kids and continue as a nation, by throwing the boys in the water, hinting at Taavah. Gog, on the other hand, is “much smarter,” and wants to disconnect us from Hashem, and then wipe out every single one of us, spiritually, and physically, but he still uses the same fundamentals as the previous Reshaim. Even without the knowledge of these studies, we know that using the internet leads to aveiros that are the opposite of Pru Urvu, and are considered a Bitul Aseh of Pru Urvu, which is exactly what Pharoah wanted to do to us.
    If anyone would be backed up against a wall, and would be told to get rid of the internet, they would claim that they need it for their business. This is usually the first reason why any given person got a smartphone in the first place, for their jobs. This is exactly the way that Pharoah tricked us into becoming enslaved to Mitzrayim. The Medrash writes that first, Mitzrayim offered the Yidden ten gold coins for ten bricks, or forty gold coins for forty bricks. As soon as the Yidden finished working, it was recorded as to how much work they were capable of doing, and then they were forced to continue doing that work, day and night, without being paid at all. We see how Mitzrayim tricked us into enslavement, and that they came to us in the guise of trying to help us out, and that it was for our benefit to get involved with them, when really their entire plan was just to control us. Everyone knows that once a person gets involved in the internet for business, they bite off more than they can chew, and get involved in worse things.
    Another Medrash: They told the Yidden, for your benefit, sleep at your workplace, because you simply won’t have enough time to complete all of your work if you need to spend time travelling. This would break down the barriers between work life and home life. This was really to break Klal Yisrael down, to not give them a home life, and to not allow them to have the opportunity to have children. We know that people often spend too much time at work, when they should be spending time with their families. This perpetuates feeling too overburdened, by work and by family, both conflicting with each other. At that point, parents would rather just relax than spend time actually paying real attention to their families. This often times will lead to parents just giving their smartphones to their children, to keep them occupied. What is happening here? There is a breakdown in home life. We end up having no real connection to our children. We end up not being michanech them properly, leaving the chinuch up to the little screens, teaching children how to be like the goyim, rather than teaching them a Torah life. Then we take away the screens, or we ask them to do something for us. They refuse, and get upset. Why? Because their real ‘parents,’ i.e. the ones that are raising them, are the smartphones! When a child is separated from a parent, they cry. Why should a child listen to their real parents, if from the child’s point of view, the technology is just as good as their parents? The technology provides endless distraction and entertainment, while the parents may be absent in their lives, not available, especially emotionally, for the child. The Navi Yirmiyah, 2: 27 says, “ they say to their avoda zara’s, ‘you are my parents!” This is because their avoda zaras are raising them! Parents are simply afraid that their children will go of the derech, so they don’t want to pressure them with chinuch, thinking that this is what leads to a child going away from the path of the Torah. It is exactly due to a lack of appreciation for true Yiddishkeit, or due to a lack of true chinuch, which cause children to go off the derech. When they have nothing to fall back on, when there is nothing sweet to be found in the version of Yiddishkeit that they were exposed to, they will not look back and try to hold on to the positive things in Yiddishkeit,when something gets difficult in their lives and makes them question their Emunah.
    Another thing that is happening in the world today, is that there is a very large internet company called Google. Google is used by everyone to search through the internet, for whatever they are looking for. In fact, most people’s homepage when they open their internet browser is Google. Everyone opens up the internet, sees Google and moves on, not realizing there is tool of Gog staring them right in the face. Google has relatively recently developed devices that many people have in their homes, which allow them to just speak out loud in order to access the internet, and do whatever they want on the internet. Meaning Google itself is taking form even in a physical object in people’s homes. It was already available on the phones themselves for the past few years in this form, but now it is becoming part of the homes literally.
    I believe that it was Rav Chaim Vital who says in one of his sefarim, (it was definitely one of the well-known Mekubalim,) that everything is not just represented as it is itself; It also takes form in the other forms of creation. To explain, we have a Domem, a Tzomeach, a Chai, and a Midaber. Just because a lion is in the category of being Chai, does not mean that there is no Domem that is like a lion, or no Tzomeach is like a lion, etc, rather everything is found in all different parts of creation. Perhaps this would apply to Gog and Magog as well. There would be a Domem that would be doing Gog’s Milchama, and that would be smartphones and the internet.
    What happens is, people speak out and ask Google for things. In reality, the only non-person we should be speaking out and asking things for, talking to an empty room so to speak, is Hashem. Why are people “davening” to Google so to speak, and saying, “send me groceries?” People are talking to an inanimate object, asking it for things. How can someone not realize the correlation to avoda zara?
    Is it so outlandish to say, that maybe, but not definitely, that the internet, and Google at its forefront, is as aspect of Gog and Magog? I would like to maybe suggest that the fact that they are called “smartphones,” is hinting at the idea that they are really a tool of Gog, stemming from the fact that Gog thinks he is smarter than all of the previous Reshaim, and uses whatever he can to disconnect us from Kedusha and Hashem.
    As was mentioned earlier, the Medrash says that every rasha that tried to wipe us out, called the previous Reshaim, “Shotim Sheba’olam.” Each one thought the previous one was the stupidest person on earth. Scientists are constantly making “new discoveries,” that disprove the previous discoveries of other scientists. Even evolutionists will disagree with Darwin, the Avi Avos Ha’apikorsus and evolution, and say there is absolutely no reason to say there is a G-d, when Darwin himself was an agnostic, he just was not sure if there was a G-d. The younger generation thinks they are better than the previous generation.
    One of the Medrashim had mentioned that Gog wants to be ‘Nizdaveg’ with Hashem. The very, very pashut pshat of the word is to pair up, or partner up. We know that a partner has an equal say as the other partner, like Rav Pincus Ztz’l mentions regarding Shabbos, as well as Rav Nissan Kaplan Shlita. He says that when we keep Shabbos and say Vayichulu by Friday night Kiddush, we are becoming equal partners with Hashem in creation, so to speak, and that when there are equal partners, if someone wants something from them, he can go to one, because he has equal power as the other. Therefore, someone can have in mind to daven for something that he desperately needs at that time, and will be answered. We want to maybe suggest a pshat in the word ‘Nizdaveg.’ What we are saying is that part of Gog and Magog is the spreading of atheism throughout the world. Unbeknownst to the author, it was revealed that Rav Nachman of Breslov actually mentioned this. Currently, the biologists and evolutionists are saying, there might be a G-d, but that he is totally unnecessary, Rachmana litzlan and that everything in creation can be explained by science. This is word for word, the very meaning of an equal partner, as they are trying to come and replace Hashem.
    What is really amazing is that the biggest atheist in the world, Richard Dawkins yimach shmo, when cornered and asked for the bottom line about his beliefs in G-d, he said this: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
    This is the epitome of chutzpa, to the most extreme degree, to say such a thing about Hashem, who is totally Tov and Kadosh. To further the point, Dawkin’s complains that people relies on a G-d answer, to explain science. Whether it using the Torah to explain things or saying that science is dependent on miracles from Shamayim, his response is, “It is so unfair to just totally disregard all of the hard work that the scientists have done, and just provide a simple answer with no research. It is simply not fair.” We see that it seems that it might be that he really does believe in Hashem, and fights him tooth and nail nonetheless. He wants to remove all religion or mention of the universe being created by any being whatsoever, from all schools and institutions. When other scientist atheists were asked why they don’t believe in G-d. they answered, “Religion is so boring, and dry, so utterly pointless.” They have no concept of what it means to live a Torah life, but they know that they need to fight it, no matter what, and they do it with such disdain and blatant chutzpah. They say that religion has provided us with nothing positive.
    The Dor Haflagah is an aspect of Gog and Magog. The Dor Haflagah went up to fight Hashem, denying him. Evolutionists say that we came from monkeys, and that it is scientifically proven, as we can see it in the dna. The Gemara in Sanhedrin already said that some of the people that went up to fight Hashem were turned into monkeys! It is not that people came from monkeys, monkeys came from people! These people, the epitome of Chutzpah, use the very thing that they were divinely punished with, as a tool to deny Hashem’s existence! There is no bigger chutzpah that this!
    Currently, there is an organization called YAFFED, which is pushing to have a secular education in all Chasidishe Yeshivos. They claim that they are trying to push an education for our benefit, so Chasidim can have jobs. This is exactly the tactic of Pharoah, and the Be’er Moshe says, the tactic of Gog. They come to us pretending that they want to help us, but they really just want to overtake us and destroy us. I am not saying that these people even realize what they are doing, as was mentioned earlier, Gaavah blinds us to think that what we are doing is a mitzvah, when it is really an Aveirah. Do you know what their advertising billboards says? “It is your Mitzvah, it is your Law.” This is a prime example of portraying an Aveirah as a mitzvah, which is actually trying to disconnect us totally from Hashem. Let us suggest that their complaint, that we are obligated to teach our children, “אומנות,” doesn’t even start, because in this situation, we need to teach our children אמונה before אומנות, and if teaching our kids אומנות will lead to a lack of אמונה, then it is not proper.
    This concept of being blind to Gaavah, and from seeing the truth, is affecting Jewish people in another way as well. The Torah calls Gaavah an abomination, a toeivah, which is exactly what someone who commits a gay act, is called. Again, there is nothing wrong with a person, except for the acts that they do, and like we are saying, they do not realize what they are doing. The epitome of a Baal Gaavah is someone who is full of themselves. It is someone who is so obsessed with themselves, that they can do whatever they want, everything is coming to them, and nothing should be forbidden. They tell themselves,” if I want it, why shouldn’t I have it? It is all about me, me, me.” Really, like we are saying, since Taavah stems from Gaavah, the problem is the Gaavah, not the Taavah, and that is what needs to be addressed in the long run. The concept of “coming out,” seems to be the source of Tumah, Gaavah itself, becoming more revealed. These people parade in the streets, saying that if you do not accept them for how they are, not expecting them to change, which is exactly what an ultimate Baal Gaavah is, a narcissist, would say, then there is something wrong with you, and YOU are evil. It is called “gay pride, which literally means, “Gaavah Gaavah.” We are holding at a point where the Ra is saying, “I am Gay! And I am here to stay!” This is the Ra speaking through them, without them realizing it all. They have become a vessel for the Tumah, in physical form. To have these tendencies is one thing, but to write it into law, allowing it be done Lchatchilah, is denying the very nature of what it is: a lust like any other, that needs to be kept in check. There is no other desire in the world that people are forcing others to accept in society, except for these znus related taavos. What they are really doing is saying, yes, being gay is a taavah, but we are holding before that, we are Gaavah itself, and therefore they do not want to change. This is the very problem of the Baal Gaavah, he thinks that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing. There is even a Jewish group in Canada, simply called, “Gaavah.” This problem has crept into even the modern orthodox community, where it is offered Lchatchilah to go to gay summer camps, to be paired up with a gay chavrusa, to get married, with wedding invitations with the names of two women, Rachmana litzlan. Jewish groups wish them mazel tov, and that they should build a bayis neeman biyisrael. This is a total perversion of the Torah! How has this aveirah become mufkah to the point that is even portrayed as a mitzvah to support gay rights, etc? How can someone say that the Hashem would support the gay movement, when simultaneously He calls it an abomination? The answer is simple, Gaavah has a segulah of blinding people, especially those who do not have the light of the Torah, to the point that they think that aveiros are mitzvos, especially when it comes to Gaavah itself, and anything related to it.
    The symbol of the entire gay movement is a rainbow. The entire symbol of a rainbow is a reference to fighting Hashem, when they would tell you that it really stands for peace. How is this so? We know that the rainbow is a sign that Hashem wanted to destroy the world. The Mishna says that the reason that the rainbow is curved the way it is, pointing at the sun like a bow and arrow, as opposed to being curved around the sun, is in order that people should not make a mistake in Avoda Zara. If they would see the sun with a bow around it, they would think that the sun is a god, and would pray to it. Rather, Hashem limited His own kavod, by turning the bow around, so now it looks like we are pointing the bow at HIM, so to speak. making it look like we have the upper hand. This is hinting at the fact that Hashem wants to destroy the world to due to our aveiros, but that we have Him with His hands up, so to speak, because He promised not to destroy the world.
    The very essence of Gaavah, comes out in this form. Gaavah leads to Taavah. When a person is so full of themselves, they do not even need to go to another gender. What they are not realizing is that, all it is, is a Taavah! The issue is, that they have no intention of changing, just like Gaavah, the root of Evil, has no intention to change. It wants to stay and fight against Hashem. If you want to recognize the Samech Mem acting in Olam Hazeh, hear him say, “I am Gay and I am here to stay.”
    To summarize, there are many ways in which Gaavah or Gog and Magog is manifesting. The aveirah of Toeva becoming an entire movement, is a Gilui of the Ra. There is not much to do directly against that, but we can do other things that will help fight against it, indirectly. The idea is to fight the Tumah as a whole, and that is by strengthening in Emunah, staying connected to Hashem, and by singing Shira.
    Rav Pincus says that the real way to acquire Emunah, even for someone who has absolutely no knowledge of Yiddishkeit, is to simply learn Torah. The very exposure to Torah will change a person, and light the spark inside them. Reish Lakish says in Avoda Zara 3B, that someone who learns Torah at night, Hashem draws a Chut of Chesed upon him during the day. This comes from the pasuk that says, “Ubilailah, Shiro Imi,” which means at night, his shira is with me. We see that Torah is called Shira, especially during the night. It would make sense to strengthen our Torah learning at nights, fighting with the double-edged sword of Torah and Shira. As was mentioned earlier, Torah is the good kind of Mayim, and Taavah is the bad kind of Mayim. If it is correct to say that the internet is compared to Mayim, then it makes sense that Limud Hatorah will help combat it directly.
    The other way that the sefarim bring down, is to praise Hashem, but not just in words, in a statement, but rather in song. Meaning, to say, “Baruch Hashem,” is great, but that is not enough. We need to sing it mamash, with enthusiasm. The Vishnitzer Rebbe, in the sefer Imrei Chaim, says that Shabbos is the best time to sing Shira to Hashem, as Shabbos is a time that we can do it with enthusiasm. This fits like a glove with the concept that Shabbos is the pinnacle of Emunah, and that by being Shomer Shabbos according to Halacha, and by singing Zemiros on Shabbos, we can really strengthen our Emunah, and sing proper Shira. Perhaps this can be one understanding as to why if we would all keep one Shabbos, we would be zocheh to the Geula, because it would show that we have strengthened our Emunah in Hashem. May we further suggest that to learn Torah, on a Friday night, after singing Zemiros by the Seudah, which as we know, if we eat the three seudos, it protects us from Milchemes Gog and Magog, we can really achieve the perfect combination of Shabbos, Torah, nighttime learning, and Shira.
    Regarding the Pasuk of “Vehayshev Lev Avos Al Banim, Vilev Banim Al Avosam,” a pshat has been offered, which is that younger people are coming back to the path of Yiddishkeit, and they are often dragging their parents back to Yiddishkeit with them. Maybe another pshat can be suggested. Maybe the pasuk means that parents need to start paying attention to their kids again, and to be michanech them. They cannot be left to their own devices, literally, which can lead them off the derech no matter how hard parents will try to keep them on. If they read apikorsus on the internet, or divrei leitzanus, it will affect them to the core, and they will lose the appreciation of Yiddishkeit, and their Koved Rosh for Yiddishkeit. Children should not have smartphones at all, and nobody, adults or children, should have an unfiltered internet access. Without a filter, once you are connected, you are connected, and even if you would only use the internet for good things, it would still be full of Tumah, because there is nothing being Mivarer the Tov from the Ra.
    When it comes to Tefillin, one of the Mitzvos that define us as Jews, and is one of the specific things that we need to strengthen during Milchemes Gog Umagog, yes, we are able to fulfill this mitzvah much better than previous generations were able to, due to our advancements in technology and the like. Unfortunately, as Klal Yisrael as a whole, we are lacking in this mitzvah greatly. The author has personally been to a massive shul, which is the Shul for the entire community, of thousands of Frum Yidden, where the large majority of mispallelim there are wearing their tefillin too far down on their foreheads, even almost between the eyes. This can be observed on any day of the week, except for Shabbos. When one of the well known Talmidei Chachamim there was asked as to why nobody wears their Tefillin according to Halacha, the Talmid Chacham’s response was that of course they need to be wearing them higher up. The author thought that maybe they had a different minhag of some sort. This is only one shul that has been observed. Even with signs hanging in almost every place of Tefillah, clearly showing how to properly wear Tefillin, it is still not being done. What is amazing is that due to not wanting to look into a mirror, a Middah that is highly desirable, but not one of the fundamentals of Yiddishkeit, it is only from Kaballah, they are throwing away the mitzvah Midoirasa of Tefillin. How many are not covering their Shel Yad, not keeping to the Pasuk of, “it should be for you as a sign,” meaning for you, and not for others. One morning, the author had put Tefillin on, and was hoping that someone would point out if the Tefillin were improperly placed, because a mirror was not available. Someone came and pointed out as to how they should be straightened. The author then noticed that this person’s Tefillin were very far down on his forehead himself. It was mentioned to this person, that the Tefillin need to be back by the hairline. The person admitted that yes, it does, but that his sect of Yiddishkeit’s Tefillin are too big, so if they would put it back to the hairline, the knot in the back would be in the wrong place. He immediately added that yes, he knows that it is not good either, but what are they supposed to do? The author mentioned that Gog and Magog want us to not wear Tefillin, and received the answer, “Don’t go to the mystics.” The Gemara is a b’feirush Gemara. The Halacha is Halacha regardless of what era you live in. We really need to be careful about this, amongst all the other Halachos that can invalidate the Mitzvah of Tefillin. Rav Chaim Kanievsky warns anyone that he sees that has long hair in the front, to cut it. Otherwise, the Tefillin are simply not being worn at all, no matter how holy the author of the parshiyos in the Tefillin is, or how many times he dipped in the mikva before writing them.
    Regarding Tzitzis, it is a total wonder how mesh Tzitzis are still being sold today, when there are no poskim who say that it is valid. Regarding Tzitzis in general, look at the Tzitzis in the store before you buy them, and you will see that the amounts of wrappings are usually not accurate. This shows that we can and need to be michazek in this area. We can start wearing our Tzitzis out. Related to this, a problem arises if someone does not wear his Tzitis out, which is that people may suspect him of not wearing Tzitzis, thereby causing those people to do an aveira.

    There needs to be a clear distinction, from here until the end of this document, to the first part of this document. The following are some slightly interesting ideas which may help support what has been said, but are in no ways meant to be considered Toras Emes, they are just perhaps interesting insights, and we know that nothing happens in the world for no reason.
    The top smartphone maker is Samsung. Spelled in Hebrew, this can be read as, “Samech Mem, sung, alluding to the new song of the Tumah, the new tactic of the Tumah against us. This would be in contrast to the good kind of Shira that we need to sing. In addition, the very name “Samsung,” is the Roshei Teivos of the Samech Mem, followed by Sancheirev, Nimrod, Gog. (Pele Pla’im.)
    The next largest smartphone producer is Huawei, which is basically a permutation of the name of Hashem. One of the original internet companies, “Yahoo,” is really a name of Hashem as well. Google came and overtook Yahoo, to the point that a Google executive became the CEO of Yahoo. This is one way that we can see a hint, a mashal in the grand play that is Olam Hazeh, of Gog coming to fight Hashem. (The author is not saying that Yahoo is Hashem, please do not make this mistake, it is just a mashal.) After them is Apple, referencing the first aveirah ever done, the cheit of Adam HaRishon, which was eating from the Eitz Hadaas, which we know is coming from Gaavah. The Iphone itself, in Hebrew, is basically the same word as the Aramaic, ‘Apeihon,’ meaning ‘their face,’ a word that the Targum in Yirmiyah perek beis, pasuk Chaf Zayin, uses in regards to Klal Yisrael’s turning their backs on Hashem to go to avoda zara. Why is the word “phone” spelled with a “ph,” as opposed to an ‘f?’ The very word, ‘phone,’ seems to be coming from the word ‘poneh,’ to turn away from Hashem, as the pasuk says, “Al tifneh el haellilim,” don’t turn to avoda zara. As we know that avoda zara is rooted in Gaavah, we see this in the word, “Iphone.” It is all about me, me, me. The word Iphone says, I Poneh, “I turn away from Hashem.” The very name of their software is IOS, hinting at the “I,” and the word OS. Remember, Gog comes to detach us from our Osos, defining us as Yidden, and wants to replace it with Tumah. How many Yidden have fallen prey to even using their Iphones on Shabbos, destroying the OS of Shabbos with the OS of an Iphone.
    Google in Hebrew, is the gematria Magog. Google clearly references Gog. The Lamud and the Yud equal Mem, making it Magog. The headquarters for Google is in California, the state shaped like the letter “L,” for the left side, or Sitra Achra, all the way on the left side of the country, and in the way that we look at the globe, the left side of the world. It is the headquarters of Tumah and Liberalism. It is located in the city of Mountain View. Perhaps this is hinting at Har Seir, that will be judged for coming against Klal Yisrael. Gog is supposed to be judged with fire, as it says in Yechezkel 38, “and with stones of Algavish.” referring to the Barad that remained from Makkas Barad in Mitzrayim, that was also sent down by Hashem onto our enemies when Klal Yisrael was conquering parts of Eretz Yisrael with Yehoshua in Perek 10. Over the past few years, wildfires have been breaking out in California, and currently they are at a situation where they say the fires are uncontrollable. If you would look at a map as to where these fires are, you will see that they are covering a good large amount of land in California. The very name California means in Hebrew, “Kal Li, Forn,” possibly eluding to the tremendous Kalus Rosh, lightheadedness, that is stemming from there, and all the Tumah of pornography which comes from there. The Be’er Moshe says that Kalus Rosh stems from Gaavah. Then there is Hollywood, the seat of Tumah and Sheker, which literally means holy wood, which can be referring to an Ashera tree, alluding to the Ir Hanidachas, which needs to be wiped out totally.
    Another thing. Many Yidden have said that Gog and Magog are different people with similar names. Although no source for this has been found as of yet, maybe we can suggest, albeit with an apprehensiveness, that if Klal Yisrael are not Neviim, perhaps they are the children of Neviim. The biggest non-believers and strengtheners of apikorsus of late have been, Darwin, Dawkins, and Hawking. Note the extreme similarities between the names.
    Finally, there is no denying that from many sources, it seems like there will nonetheless be, an actual war. From here until the end is very based off speculation, Is there going to be an actual physical embodiment of Gog? This war would be led by Gog, against Yerushalayim. Rav Chaim Kanievsky says that this war will be 3 hours long. Is it possible, that Gog, is the essence of Chutzpah, like we have said? Is it possible that there is a person out there, bent on destroying us totally? Of course, there are, ‘which one,’ you may ask. Who are the current people trying to wipe us out? The Palestinians, a non-nation. Remember, Gog is not a nation of himself, he gathers all of the seventy nations together to wipe us out. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has the eyes of the entire world on it. Palestinians have the backing of the entire world, biased against Eretz Yisrael. They are all joined together in their hatred of Eretz Yisrael, through the Palestinians. This started back when the State of Israel was founded. There was no achdus of the Goyim against Klal Yisrael, until State was founded, the Palestinians became a nation from nothing, and everyone turned towards their “plight.”
    The first Palestinian government body, was the Fatah wing. Fatah means, “to open.” This is perhaps the opening, or the beginning, of the end. This party was started by Yasser Arafat, Yimach Shmo, along with a few others. One of these people, who is still alive today, is Farouk Kaddoumi. He wants to kill every last one of us, and wipe Eretz Yisrael off the map. Why is he different than any other Arab that wants to kill us? He started the entire Palestinian nation. He is actually currently the leader of the Fatah wing today, although it is not the body of government in power, Chamas is. He was exiled from Israel.
    Everything is Zeh Leumas Zeh. Gog comes against Mashiach. Farouk means redeemer. Farouk also means to be “porek,” to remove the yoke of Heaven from our shoulders. His last name, Kaddoumi, means, “kedem,” the First One. He comes to uproot the First One, Hashem, or perhaps Klal Yisrael, who is called Kedem. Shemos Rabbah 38.
    Additional inisghts- the Zera Shimshon says that Dovid Hamelech was forced to serve avoda zara, and so will people in the time of gog and magog.
    The beer moshe says that one of the names of klal Yisrael is “gan naul,” referencing the fact that we were tahor in metzrayim. Gan is gematria of magog. Hinting that we need to be locked away from magog.
    It is possible that the whole problem we are having now with the transgender issue being rampant, is because there is a gender change occurring in the air. The shira is changing genders.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1584564

    from the rabanim that I have talked this over with, they have all liked it. One did not want me to mention anything regarding the rainbow people, because of it being not something discussed in the frum community.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584558

    Everyone knows what lashon hara is. If I would say one morning, “I want to avoid lashon hara,” does that mean every time that I speak lashon hara, it is considered bishogeg? I dont think so

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584557

    Regarding the hushing up, let the goyishe world expose the rishus there. When it comes to yidden, who follow the torah, it simply comes down to this basic fact, we do not do that. Even if there is a case of a rasha, we can publicize it, if we would ignore the chofetz chaim, but there is nobody who would allow the leitzanus, or additional nasty comments about the so called rasha. Yes or no?

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584556

    Your answers are simply not responding to my points. And you continue to not address them directly.

    1. You are not yotzei an answer to my points.
    2. I have said at least twice, that if there is even one comment, or one article, that had milim bishim, which means lashon hara, sinas chinam, whatever it is, any kind of thing that is Amir to say, it is therefore not worth the entire web site. Are we clear on that?

    3. Who said anything about reinterpreting the Chafetz Chaim?
    He himself has written in his sefarim how people continue to say lashon hara under the guise of it being a mitzvah, when they shouldn’t say it all, and that even if it is a case of a rasha, it is better to be shev vial taaseh than to possibly say lashon hara about the person. This is not reinterpreting anything, this is his shots. This means that in the face of being a baal lashon hara, it is better to not say anything at all.
    It would be nice if you would actually address what I am saying, rather than giving an answer that seems to definately ne a response, but without having any substance to it.
    We are not playing a blame game here, but that is all that seems to be available. I am talking about the ywn in general, and you continue to make it about me saying motzei shem ra, lashon hara etc.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584475

    Avi k, not yotzei.

    the comments are full of sinas chinam. It is very nice to show how lashon hara is non existent as well, and you are basically that deri is a rasha; as that is the example I gave, and you say mitzva lifarsem.

    In addition, the chafetz chaim has not since come back to life and changed his mind. Last I checked, he himself said that he is more afraid of lashon hara so to speak, than the mitzvah to be mifarsem, and wouldn’t take the chance.
    This is conveniently left out every time someone attempts to justify the addiction for lashon hara.
    Even if most of the time it would be a mitzvah lifarsem, on the tzad of it not being a mitzvah, when it is not a mitzvah at all, it is an aveira, and there is no heter to me marbitz that aveirah lirabim.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584303

    There you go my friends, this is the face of chutzpah and gaavah at its utmost.
    You are staring an aveira in the face, and you are basically implying that I am wrong, and really it isnt an aveirah at all.
    Why dont you give your insight on this topic?
    I am not trolling to make people upset. I am genuinely trying to understand people’s mindsets when they go to yeshiva world for their news. On fox news comments on their articles, there is no hock back and forth between yidden.
    Now, on sites like these, it is focusing on jewish issues, great, but there should be no reason to allow or promote the extra gossip that goes along with it, or putting out an article that asks, hmmmmmm did deri snub the gedolim?
    That’s like reading the front page of people magazine, or maybe even the national Enquirer. Whether the article is true or not, it is clear that the entire approach is to grab people by dangling the juicy headline in front of them.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584305

    In addition, I am trying to have an open conversation, and as soon as I say something that might actually have some meaning, or ring true, you tell me to go away and never return. Is that how a normal person speaks to people? Is that how yidden have a normal conversation? Not at all.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara in the CR? #1584196

    Quite a few articles that yeshiva world posts are lashon hara.
    Many of the comments involve sinah and lashon hara, as well as spreading certain people’s thoughts on what they think they halacha is, on what they think torah is, and that is wrong. We say shev vial taaseh even one aveira in the face of many mitzvos. All the good yeshiva world does is undone by the one bad article they post, or the one negative comment they let through. There is no way that a rav could allow this lichatchila.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1584055

    Do we overuse the internet? yes. would we be spending more time actually learning real torah, from a gemara or ththe like, without the internet? Yes.

    Do you look at your phone every to minutes? Then you are addicted. You know that drug addicts justify their addiction also? Avi k, do you have a filter? If you do, one that really works, than you can be protected. How else can kedusha be horeh? Without a filter, there are no limitations or boundaries. Kedusha cannot be chal in a limitless scenario. All things of kedusha need boundaries. We are not Ein Sof. Only Hashem is.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1583563

    you need a filter. without one it is mostly tumah mixed into all the kedusha you get involved in.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1583437

    amazon is reference to a tribe of all woman, focused on avoda zara. Yahoo is a name of Hashem. Huawei is a name of hashem. samsung references gog sancheirev and nimrod. apple references the chet eitz hadaas, which is stemming from gaavah/gog.
    steve jobs last name means avoda. pharoah enslaved us with avoda kasha, not giving us time to think, telling us it was for our benefit, and enticing us with a guarantee of parnassah, which ended up being false, and we got into much more issues. Do you see the parallel?

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1583435

    yes. the overall life draining that the internet does is not worth the good that comes out of it.

    im not sure why half of my posts are not being posted.

    i mentioned samsung, apple, huawei, yahoo, and google. and you pick the gematria of google and take issue with it, ignoring the rest. if you dont want to say that google is gematria magog, then say it is gematria, ligog, which it is exactly.
    i wrote an extensive piece on this topic, showing in many ways how the internet and smartphones together are gog and aspects of gog. If you want to read more, please email me at [email protected].
    you wont be disappointed.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1576379

    I would rather say that we are in a state of milchemes gog and magog.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1576377

    How can someone misunderstand one of the rebbes sichos without having heard it?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1576378

    Btw the rambam says a navi will get up in the times of gog and magog ro explain it all so we can do teshuva.

    in reply to: Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus #1574946

    Ridiculous. If you read kaballah and take it literally you will also be an apikorsus, because you will think “rosh” literally means a head. We know straight out pesukim, regarding Hashems “body parts,” especially in shir hashirim, are not literal. So why would you think that the words of a rishon are literal? Agadita also says things like this. It is usually not literal.
    Read nefesh hachaim.

    in reply to: Ym”s? #1572440

    The kav hayashar in perek 50 something brings down a story about an apikorsic jew, and said yimach shlomo. I believe.

    in reply to: Gayvah and the end of days #1566269

    If you look through the liberal agenda, you will see how they are pushing for things that are avoda zara related, with out even realizing it.

    I would like to suggest that the avoda Zaras that were pointed out specifically in the Torah, are teaching us a message lidoros, meaning that we have to be careful of these avoda zaras ad hayom hazeh.
    May I suggest that abortion = taking away a kids life, saying they have a lot of potential, but too bad, we are taking it away. Just like molech.
    The problem that midyan afflicted is with is that we cannot see that the very thing we are doing is actually serving an avoda zara.

    in reply to: Gayvah and the end of days #1563625

    Moshe Rabeinu was buried by Beis Peor. This was to be a kaparah for klal yisrael for the avon of Beis Peor.
    The medrash says that every year during the time that midyan got klal yisrael to sin, the tumah rises up to attack us and make us do aveiros. And every year, Moshe Rabeinu fights for us against the tumah.

    Baal Peor was the avodah zara of revealing yourself. Baal Zvuv was the avoda zara for feces.
    The midyanim tricked klal yisrael into thinking that what they were doing was mitzvah, by defecating in front of the avoda zara. Klal yisrael fell in the place called “shittim.” Think it is a coincedence? Really, that is how the avoda zara is served, but they thought they were being mivazeh it, so it would be a mitzvah. They covered up our eyes from seeing the emes.
    Klal yisrael fell in the place called “shittim.” Think it is a coincedence?

    Moshe Rabeinu warned klal yisrael about the problem of baal peor after it happened. This is because the problem would still continue. When the yidden got into eretz yisrael, yehoshua warned again about baal peor, saying it still effects until this day.

    So what did they do to us?
    1. We don’t realize what we are doing. We don’t realize that what we think is a mitzvah, is actually an aveirah. We may think there is nothing wrong with what we are doing.
    2. We were afflicted by znus.
    3. We were afflicted by feces related things.

    Today, when one wants to curse and use foul language, when someone gets very emotional, what are the words that they would use? If you think about it, foul language is made up of words referencing being intimate, and feces related things. It is literally built into our speech, and we don’t realize it. This not realizing is the problem.
    The Tumah pervades our lives.
    The world is now in love with poop emojis, poop slippers, in addition to all the shmutz that they were already obsessed about.
    I feel that to be involved with any of these things, is giving homage to avoda zara. I used to own a mug that says coffee makes you poop. I threw it out because it is giving kavod to defecating…. which anyways we know is related to the sitra achra, and getting rid of the klipos.
    To express admiration of a woman’s body, besides for one’s wife, besides for being nivul peh, I feel it would be giving kavod to a taavah, which is in the shoresh, gaavah.

    We don’t realize that a lot of our actions are not just mere aveiros, but are in reality avoda zara related.

    The non frum jews that support the gay movement do so out of thinking that it is a mitzvah. There is even a group in montreal, called Gayvah.

    When we use foul language, we are giving kavod to an avoda zara.

    When we make our bathroom related aspects of life an entire avoda, it is giving attention to avoda zara. The bathroom is a bathroom, to relieve yourself, it doesn’t need to be a fancy shrine. (maybe 🙂 )

    We don’ realize that gayvah is showing its face. We don’t realize that a phone, a poneh device, is literally calling itself that. We don’t realize when the navi tells us that the phones are our avodah zara as well.

    The final note, something absolutely amazing, and I showed this to Rabbi Finkelman, who was floored:
    Tehillim Perek 40:
    The beginning of the perek talks about Dovid Hamelech being deep in the waters, and Rashi says this means the ocean. The ocean connects the entire world, like the internet does.

    Pasuk 5: Praiseworthy is the man that makes Hashem his trust and does not turn to “Rehavim” and “satei kazav.”

    Rashi says that rehavim is gayvah, and satei kazav is what makes a person turn off the path towards avoda zara.

    The word Satei, is like site, like a web site.

    Then Rashi concludes, and I kid you not, ayin shum to see for yourself, its insane, “satei, Iturnuntz bilaaz.”


    in reply to: Gayvah and the end of days #1563630

    And by the way, it is called the “Net,” as Rabbi Finkelman mentioned, which is used to trap in the ocean.
    To trap.
    It also happens to be that on the internet is where people find the things that make them question their Emunah in Hashem.
    Also, the word Satei, comes from the word sisteh ishto, by a sotah, (Radak) and it also means to be “shut,” to go surf across the water in a boat.
    Why was it ever called “surfing the web?” Because of this very thing.

    in reply to: Gayvah and the end of days #1563365

    To continue,

    The Ra has built up so much in the world, that it isn’t even hiding itself anymore. They chant, ” I’m Gay and I’m here to stay!”
    They don’t even realize that they are speaking the words of the Sitra Achra so to speak, as if the Shoresh of Tumah itself is saying, ” I’m Gay, and I’m here to stay.”

    The sign/symbol of the gay movement is a rainbow.
    I don’t remember, it might even be a mishna, that says that the reason why a rainbow faces the way it is, pointing up at Hashem so to speak, even though it should be curving around the sun, not pointing towards the sun, is because Hashem did not want people to make the mistake, that the sun is powerful and is pointing a bow and arrow at the world, threatening to destroy it. In order to not allow people to make this mistake, that the sun is a god, Hashem was mimaet his own kavod, and pointed the bow at Him, saying so to speak, “My Hands are up, you have the upper hand.” The sign of the rainbow came about after the Dor Hamabul, which was directly followed by the Dor Haflagah. The Dor Haflagah went to fight against Hashem. Hashem split them up, and the gemara says that some of them were turned into monkeys.

    The Ben Ish Chai in Ben Yehoyada says that the milchemes gog umagog is mainly a spiritual war, against Hashem and Klal Yisrael. He says it is also a test in Emunah.

    As I said, the Dor haflagah fought against Hashem. The rainbow is a sign of going against Hashem.
    Atheism is rampant today, as well as homosexuality. Atheism is war against Hashem in Emunah.
    So many yidden have Emunah issues today.
    Another thing, possibly the biggest three professors and supporters of atheism and evolution, Charles Darwin, richard dawkins, and stephen hawking, all have extremely similar names, like Gog and Magog, especially if you spell them in lashon hakodesh. I believe this is one major part of Milchemes Gog and Magog.

    The other part is the internet, and smart phones. Google in hebrew, is the same gematria is magog. “The entire world will be full of deah.”
    Deah is connection.

    Mashiach will only come with through hesech hadaas? maybe this means the disconnecting of the internet in its entirety.

    I have seen, it was either in tehillim, or navi, that it says that we will have avoda zara, I think it was called elohei maseicha, and it will “Iook like you are bowing to it.” To me, this clearly hints to smartphones, which we daven off of, while bowing. Also, our heads are constantly hunched over our phones. Last week’s haftorah talked about us saying to our avoda zara, ” you are my father, you gave birth to me/raised me.”
    This is so clearly smartphones, we give them to our kids when we don’t want to have to deal with them, to distract them, meanwhile most of their learning how to be a human being is coming from this device, not teaching them how to interact with human beings properly.

    “Al tifneh el haelilim.”
    To be poneh is to turn away.
    Anything that is done for the sake of itself, not to at lest rejuvenate you in avodas Hashem, is considered avodah zara.
    To use a phone, a poneh device, to just wast time and kill time, is turning away from Hashem for now reason. The device itself is called a Poneh! Isn’t that crazy? In Eretz Yisrael it is called a pele phone. Pele is aleph. Aleph is Hakadosh Baruch Hu. They are saying that we don’t need Hashem, we just need entertainment!
    Anochi Hashem Elokecha is parallel to to lo siyeh licha elohim acheirim.
    Anochi, I am the real thing in the world, nothing else is emes. That is the real “anochi.”
    The Iphone says, nope. Turn away from Him. I Ppneh away from Hashem.

    That’s besides for the I, I, I, Me ME ME! all being about gayvah.

    So far, we have Gayvah, the shoresh of tumah, and Gog and Magog fighting us right now, coming to us in the forms of avodah zara and tayvah….
    Anything else?

    Ah yes……Midyan.

    in reply to: Gayvah and the end of days #1563367

    Let’s try to stay on topic. more to come soon.


    Let’s assume gadol hadorah was joking and not totally mental.

    Albert hoffman discovered lsd. Does that mean Hashem meant for us to use it?

    The atom bomb. Does that mean we as jews should use it?

    I mean do you actually think or is it just a big flatline?

    in reply to: Yeshiva Ohr Reuven #1508659

    They have the best derech halimud! In fact, based off our answers alone, you should be there already/sending your kids there. Are you really asking for real information that can be used in real life, on yeshiva world?

    Don’t base your yeshiva decision off of the yeshiva worlds coffee room

    in reply to: Whistling #1495848

    Omg sabba8

    The shulchan aruch/ mb says whistling is mutar on shabbos!

    My near non religious grandmother only mentiones one halacha ththat her father told her, which is wrong, that it is asur to whistle on shabbos.

    It is mutar to whistle on shabbos, which implies that it is mutar to whistle during the week! Zeh hi!

    in reply to: Bais yisroel #1455131

    Is rabbi sosevsky not the rosh yeshiva?

    P.s. the hashkafa is officially charedi, at least when I was there a fee years ago.

    Drug problem? B.s. they have been saying that for years, there was always only a handful of guys like that, just like any other large yeshiva.

    Although OJ is small now

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