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  • in reply to: Is the $7600 per couple offer on the main page a scam??? #1180735

    The only comments accepted on main ad page are praises of the offer. Which is a pure act of corruption and dishonesty but don’t worry YWN you’re not the only news media that does that. They all do it cause the ad is paying extra for it. But that still doesn’t permit dishonesty and corruption of not allowing freedom of speech

    in reply to: Living Wage #1181193

    I know a family who moved to a new frum community from a different frum community. They moved 5 or more years ago but they are still living with the mentality and way of life of the former town they used to live in-game from where they currently live-and that way of life makes them look like they are living in denial cause where they live now there’s so much more but they choose to continue living simply in the style and ways of their former community.

    Hope they wake up soon to reality

    in reply to: Living Wage #1181190


    Your absolutely right. But sadly today we are living in a spoiled generation. Ladies feel the pressure to wear same expensive clothes as their neighbors etc…

    in reply to: Living Wage #1181187

    Today people are living with 3 cars and3 vacations a year and then they approach me with budgeting issues and wonder why they are broke


    Start preparing for next summer by only eating out once a week versus twice and only taking 1 vacation trip this year and all your children’s camps will be covered with no stress or worries

    in reply to: When Minhag Trumps Halacha #1180475

    “when Minhag Trumps Halacha”

    trump doesn’t keep any minhagim or halachos. the only minhag he keeps is visiting his daughter at the friday night meal

    in reply to: Can you comfort me #1183822

    thank you

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180667

    speak to your personal rabbi for advice on how to go about it step by step & IY”H when you become a Kallah your parents will be very happy for you even if it means you did it behind them or skipped a sibling older then you

    in reply to: Living Wage #1181172

    keeps changing as economy changes & all depends on which schools you send kids to, also depends on renting or paying mortgage.

    definitely somewhere between 80-120g minimum

    perhaps its time to go just on summer vacation versus twice a year.

    in reply to: Only middle class people are clean #1180949

    Clean from what? You think middle class people are true honest people without corruption in them? Wish that was the situation cause what goes on now with everyone-not just middle class-is a big chillul Hashem

    in reply to: Take the TV out of the Restaurant or we will shut you down #1180981

    “take the internet out of your kosher jewish home or your children will not be accepting into any jewish schools in this town”

    ever heard that before?

    in reply to: the power of one family #1180040

    wish we were one big family of klal yisroel together & did teshuva together as a nation so mashiach can come already

    in reply to: Are you desperate for money? #1180266

    why hasnt my post been posted? all i wrote is the obvious truth

    that “cheating the US government is pure dishonest & stealing & is a big chillul Hashem”

    the fact that “BORED” used the word cheating means it has an act of stealing in it. if i cheated my business partner C”V what does that tell you about the act i did? simple, i stole C”V or i made a deal with someone without telling him & making him part of it when he is my business partner & we do all deals TOGETHER.

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190272


    i saw a video from the media going thru her many years of sicknesses & showing her parkensons & many other sicknesses in the video as it was happening. of course they have it because shes being videoed 24-7. so the media made it all together of all her sicknesses. i think it was the video from the Dr. video recently shown on YWN. LOOK IN YWN recent videos to see if you can see it for yourself, as you don’t seem to trust me

    in reply to: policemen security cameras #1179882

    Police: Boy, 13, Killed by Cop Had BB Gun That Looked Real

    another black boy shot & killed by a white cop

    so why do you think is the top reason for police to start wearing body cameras from the list above or a different reason? whats your opinion?

    in reply to: Life insurance #1179797

    if it is the true norm of todays day to have life insurance then why don’t i here too many people talking that they have life insurance? its not like its a personal secret.

    in reply to: ??? ???? ?? ??? for kallah #1179842

    might be too soon if still before the wedding & can also C”V cause ayin Hara

    Mazel tov

    in reply to: Life insurance #1179795

    Rav Moshe in his Sefer discourages life I

    insurance but said if it becomes the norm for people to get life insurance a person can get it.

    in reply to: Life insurance #1179775

    buying life insurance should not be looked at as an investment. What it actually is, is a lack of faith & it looks like the person is preparing for death C”V. Sure you need to care for your family, sure a person needs to do his hishtadlus in everything in life but buying life insurance is not a hishtadlus to taking care of your family or thinking of the future but is actually a ayin hara. i beg you not to put a klala on yourself by being looked at by Hashem as a person worried about your after death (this far going into after niftar C”V) & preparing for Death C”V

    A life insurance salesman actually just called me about a week ago & had a long talk with him of what it comes with included & prices etc… & actually when i calculated everything it was a very cheap monthly for my entire family & even the total of 20 year deal total was very little compared to the coverage you get if i sign up. but this is a contradiction to yiddishkeit i.e. a lack of faith which IS THE TOP PRIORITY IN YIDDISHKEIT to have faith in your loving father Hashem the king of kings of the world

    if a person wants he can invest in something that he will not lose in or open up a good savings account etc…

    consult with your LOR what he hold of life insurance. Rabbi Yair Hoffman actually spoke about it on YWN recently within the past few months

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180658


    Regarding your question of shirts

    Some MO people wear color shirts on shabbos it just doesn’t look as shabbosdik

    in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179828

    A pharmacist is a great choice of degree and livlihood May Hashem always be there for you in your time of need and answer all your tefillos when you call out to him.

    So if you feel you NEED it then you should have no problem coping with all the college work knowing it’s for your good and future benefit

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180654


    Every family throughout the year makes a small chanuka party or summer get together etc… And lots make a quick easy buffet with sterno racks or other Simchas with them and lots of times warmers are needed for storage space

    You don’t need to make a Simcha to come to using stereo racks

    Keep strong with your family. They are the first ones to help someone in their time of need 24/7 and then of course are your CR friends who are there for you 20/6

    in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179825

    so why then don’t you immediately become a teacher? there are so many hundreds of schools in the east coast with open teaching positions

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180648

    here is another halacha question from a Kasrus Mashgiach

    is a non yid allowed to light the fires under a sterno rack? why not the food is fully cooked already. why yes, the food is being warmed to more well done, which brings us to the question if a non yid is allowed to turn on a warmer or not? why not it doesn’t cook like a oven?. what ever your answer is tell us why.

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190270

    getting sick in at least 5 different sicknesses from parkinsons to seigures etc… are not usual everyday sicknesses like a headache & a person with so many sicknesses on her should not be running a country neither even a state in america.

    besides for that she should be locked up for life on THOUSANDS of accounts of bribery, corruption, lying etc….

    in reply to: The Hishtadlus of Voting #1179747

    better to vote for the better of the 2 which we would all say trump then not vote at all & give 1 more chance of winning to the bad one.

    never in my life heard of such a lying & corrupt person like hillary

    in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179823


    suffering is when someone is forced to work hard labor with no pay or many other examples including when someone is very sick

    your in college now for your good & benefit to with Hashems help become a pharmacist. if you keep this in mind then all the school work & homework etc… will not be a pain for you as long as it takes. you chose this for yourself which hopefully means you enjoy being a pharmacist

    AND THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SCHOOL & COLLEGE. you had to go to school by law no matter what so all work & homework with tests etc… were a pain although it was for your good & education. College a person chooses by themselves, so that means the person takes the responsibilty of all work that comes with college

    if you keep this in mind then all your college work will not be so hard cause you will always know its for your future livlihood

    be Matzliach

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190267


    you still didnt reply to me to why SIDI is allowed to report from another news site of FOXNEWS while it looks like the rule says no other media is allowed & that was why you didny post my links

    i.e. either both posted or both not you can’t sometimes break the rules & other times not that bribery & pure corruption & reminds me of Hillary corruption of people paying millions to her charity & getting private white house meetings which calls for under arrest.

    please explain MODS im quite confused if you support no other media (me) or posting other media (SIDI post from fox news above)

    Thank you

    Let’s try this again:


    2 – If your post was deleted, please don’t post asking us why your post was deleted. It was deleted because we felt that there was something inappropriate, off topic etc. Do not resubmit deleted posts.

    3 – We generally can not post links to other websites.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Blocking traffic while turning left #1178782

    never heard of this before as im not young anymore & i travel to NY often enough

    in reply to: Feeling Down #1186180

    hatzlacha Sparkly in everything from your test to your health etc…

    put your faith & trust in Hashem & everything will be fine & go well, Hashem never turns one of his loving children away with their tefillos unanswered.

    Hashem loves his children more then any physical parent does & more then Rochel Imeinu who cries every night for her children sufering in Galus.

    in reply to: Blocking traffic while turning left #1178780

    how is someone from outside NY supposed to know that in NY there is no turn on red ever allowed? all over the USA its allowed except when signs. well guess what, there are no signs anywhere in NY (of course cause its forbidden anywhere)

    in reply to: Lev Tahor – what now? #1184333

    Who is their leader now with their past leader now being held in Israel for justice?

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190261

    Thank you MODS for your explanation and Honesty May Hashem always be with you

    in reply to: Matzah Print Furniture #1178768

    do you want to think about Pesach the entire year?

    maybe if you will be putting it inside a Matza Bakery

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190258


    also mentioned in many seforim “a person cannot be granted Hatzlacha by Hashem for his Parnassa (livlihood) unless he runs his business with %100 percent honesty. This will be one of the questions every person is asked when he reaches bais din shel Maala in front of Hashem the king of kings…. now in ELUL is a great time for anyone to start improving in everything including Honesty in all parts of life

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190257

    which way? please explain.

    it was simply a few links to videos of Hillary so people can decide for themselves who to vote for.

    I would love & really appreciate if you could please explain what is wrong with that? i see links all the time to other pages etc…

    if you still have my post of the links it would be a big toeles for people to see so they can see the HONEST TRUTH about who Hillary Clinton really is before its too late C”V as the news media just said yesterday “there has never been a president as bad as Obama unless Hillary becomes president” i.e. she would be even worse then obama as bad as he is already

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190254

    why wasn’t my post posted ? it was just links to videos of hillary so people can decide for themselves who to vote for

    can MODS please post it or reply to this post reason why not posted. so i know your honest mods

    Thank you


    in reply to: Dan L'kaf Z'chus #1178325

    so how can a person be dan l’kaf zechus everyone & ever do the chiyuv mitzva of tochacha?

    see person in treif restaurant? no sure he’s in a kiruv meeting a someone who still eats treif

    see a person with phone on shabbos? no sure his wife either just gave birth or he must be on Hatzlala

    hundreds more examples. if a person is dan lecaf zechus then he throws away the mitzva of “hochaich tochiach ess amisecha” because every time he sees someone sinning his yetzer hara will immediately tell him be dan lcaf zechus, im sure there’s a perfect honest reason for cutting 20 people from the waiting line in the store without him just stealing time from all of them

    in reply to: Forget about the emails already! #1178312

    can you think of anyone more corrupt & dishonest as her? we could probably come up with a list of over 100 cases for arrest that hillary did & deserves arrest

    is Madoff more corrupt? anyone else come to mind? madoff might have stolen billions of dollars from people & is now in prison but he only did the one ponzi scheme. hillary has done hundreds of cases of corruption, lying & dishonesty that in legal law would put her behind bars immediately like the many other senators & governors now locked up for laundering or bribery etc…

    in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190232

    put her in the operating room in the hospital for a few months of serious operations

    no mishebeirachs for a corrupted lying rishanta like her

    in reply to: Discussing Salary With Colleagues #1178737

    a pushayid & Joseph

    as much as in your company policy of no discussing pay with other employees including after work hours. if they do discuss & find out each others pay & one of them claim for raise etc… there will still be no way to prove that they revealed paycheck amounts to each other to fire the employee

    in reply to: Discussing Salary With Colleagues #1178733

    Some people as an employee don’t want to share their information of pay lestctgey get fired cause their friend used them to ask for a raise to get same or more pay then her.

    As an employer myself. I make sure no employees get more pay even if working longer in the company. Lest my entire company go on strike all cause I have ONE worker a raise

    in reply to: I just dropped something on the floor #1178714


    in reply to: I just dropped something on the floor #1178711

    i just dropped my electric bill on the floor & then it miraculously disappeared. must have been pain by the in-laws

    in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #1204269

    Bump for 9/11 wow can’t believe it’s 15 years already. Remember it like yesterday. Wish it never happened.

    in reply to: policemen security cameras #1179880

    bump for appreciation on 9/11 for all our police officers protecting us

    Thank you for keeping america safe

    in reply to: Public survey about davening #1178006

    When a person holds his siddur even all the way up to his eyes he can still see the 2 or 3 people near him and cause him distractions this one is heading to work OTHER to store etc…

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180521

    Another tznius halacha

    Dressing too trendy or modern is also not tznius though the skirt or sleeves might cover the knees and elbows

    in reply to: Public survey about davening #1178001

    usually between 4-5 minutes.

    if you know what the words mean then daven with your eyes closed so you can concentrate without any distractions around you. if you don’t know the meaning then use a english translated artscroll siddur so your davening will come from your true heart & have hundreds of times more value to Hashem.

    in reply to: Worried about Sparkly #1177992

    post office is closed until friday no posting until then

    in reply to: learning Zohar Kabbala #1180304

    Do these zohar of these authors belong with your seforim or do they not even look Jewish and belong in your English library?

    Is there really NOBODY that does it like artscroll with HEBREW ZOHAR ON ONE SIDE AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION ON THE OTHER SIDE?

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