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  • in reply to: Shalom Rubashkin, a wake up call to us #1114217

    I went to a rally last night in La. They mentioned about other rallies that also occured globally. It moved me so much, so many Jews coming together for their brother. – They stressed that it’s Not about condoning negative activity, we should always do things ethically. It’s about being there for our brother during this hard ordeal when the goverment is exceedingly hard on him

    I think that was probably the purpose of this hard ordeal; to bring us together.

    May our achdus help to bring the geula closer

    in reply to: Mental Health #687522

    Aries has a good point. A lot of teens are under too much pressure and can’t take it. There are things to help them back. But we should do prevention by giving them what they need so they don’t go off.

    If some of them need a slower pace, then fine give that to them.

    If some of them don’t feel the joy of Judaism or understand the meaning, then provide that to them. – It’s important that parents and teachers know what the child going through because they might look okay but really not be. Parents should communicate with them while they are still okay to prevent them going down hill

    in reply to: Encouraging success #690938

    Good point, kids might need something different, but they shouldn’t be made to feel broken. They just need something else to help them be successful

    in reply to: A Safety Reminder For Parents Everywhere! #1022202

    I think what they are saying is that we should protect our children more because they are more important. -If we try to protect things that that don’t really matter, we should do much more with our kids who are more precious.

    in reply to: Encouraging success #690936

    Also, besides emotional encouragement, we need intellectual encouragement. I know this great teacher who when he teaches, he encourages people to ask questions and think deeply about the topic. Students are natually curious and want to know. However, if the teacher doesn’t know, they should say they’ll look it up and come back to them.

    These 2 things the emotional and intellectual are both important in a person;s chinuch

    in reply to: Strengthening The Relationship #686683

    In regards to balancing diff things, that’s why Pirkei Avos says seek a rav. Sometimes, it’s hard for one to know how much time should be spent, doing this and that and that. And every person is different and has different needs. A good rav will tell you that you need to have a good balance of each thing that’s important. –

    When we have different responsibilities, we shouldn’t just focus on one thing, and leave the rest behind. When we take care of our marriage, we are also helping our children to have a nice home and grow up well. Communication is key in letting each other know what we need so we can grow stronger.

    in reply to: Strengthening The Relationship #686662

    SJS, exactly, people can also do this at home. Have the kids be in another room, so you and your spouse can spend time alone.

    in reply to: New Albums Coming Out #754236

    Funny, I’m listening to Shlomie Gertner and then some of you mention it here.

    in reply to: Have You Ever Googled Yourself? #686179

    I’ve looked up my english name and hebrew name. It’s interesting to see what comes up.

    in reply to: Ahavas Cheinum-Bringing the Geula #1108257

    True, we should remember the importance of ahavah. That’s why this project of working on our middos is so important because we need to unify in order to be strong, like in the Purim story.

    in reply to: A Safety Reminder For Parents Everywhere! #1022191

    Babies and kids deffinately need to stay hydrated.

    in reply to: Encouraging success #690934

    I was listening to something recently and the person mentioned that kids nowadays have a lot more homework than they use to. They made a good point that after a long day of school, kids need time to themselves and relax. The situation is probably different for everyone. Some play plenty, and some don’t. Interesting topic they brought up

    in reply to: Ahavas Cheinum-Bringing the Geula #1108251

    That’s an excellent idea to work on a mitzvah or middah for the zchus of easing our way toward the Geula.

    I’ll try to work on emunah, plus try to control my temper.

    in reply to: Encouraging success #690933

    Exactly, if we just say good job, it becomes meaningless. It’s better to be specific about it.

    Another thing that helps to encourage kids to have good example or role model. I heard this story about a parent who was concerned about what their child eats. When the man was asked what he himself eats, it was the same junk food. There you go.

    On the flip side, I saw a Beautiful example when at a certain family’s house on Shabbos. The father played with the kids and sang zemiros with them. That’s how you build love of yiddishkeit 🙂

    in reply to: Great Book #691915

    Here’s another great book. With everything going on nowadays, personally and globally, things can be pretty caotic. A great book to read is the “Garden of Emuna” By Rabbi Shalom Arush. It is the light during hard times

    in reply to: Encouraging success #690930

    Yep, we all need to feel that positive energy that motivates us forward. Otherwise, we are like robots just doing things. But if we feel it in our heart, then we can have more kavanah.

    in reply to: It's Not Personal #685549

    well said, the only way to improve is to accept that we need to.

    Maybe people will accept it more if the person giving the advice conveys that they are only doing it because they care. Plus, maybe they can make a deal with the person, for example, I’ll work on this and you work on that. That way, the person doesn’t feel like the only one doing something.

    in reply to: Instant times #685440

    It’s fine to like to do a lot of things at once. But if, for example, someone is late for something and is impatient, that might bother others around them

    in reply to: It's Not Personal #685544

    The problem is not just on message boards but also in person too. People are sometimes disrespectful to each other because they become emotional and passionate about the topic.

    However, we’re not very persuasive when overheated. We just sound like a pushover. The best way for people to get their point across is to Talk Calmly. Takes discipline but is more effective.

    While sometimes people need advice, there are many who are fine and following halacha. We might not agree with them, but we can still try to get along.

    What we should do is not look at the outside but the inside and see the specialness that’s in every Jew

    What concerns me is how the BT feels. They come so inspired by Judaism and then find people arguing etc. We need to be a GOOD EXAMPLE for them and help them continue being inspired. Example is a much stronger teacher than words. When people see people acting nicely, enjoying Shabbos, being tznius, they’re inspired to also.

    in reply to: Achdus for Shavuos #876002

    I heard a beautiful speech inwhich the speaker said there are two types of unity. One that comes when something harsh happens and people come together. And one that happens because they really feel connected like at har Sinai.

    With the first one, while it might work to bring people together like when there is a tradegy and they feel for each other. Sometimes, it’s a situation like everyone is stuck in elevator and they have to get along. This last example is just for the each individuals sake.

    But at Har Sinai, that was true unity because they truely felt connected to each other.

    The way to achieve this is to work on looking PAST the SURFACE and FOCUS on each other’s SPECIAL NESHAMA.

    Now of course, people sometimes need constructive criticism, and we should give someone that if they need it. That is also a form of love. But if they are following halacha and do it differently than you, you might not agree, but don’t Disrespect them.

    We have to be careful Not just with gossip stories but also Hurtful words towards someone

    The speaker I heard said that achdus is very important because it’s one of the things that we need to acquire Torah, like in the Purim story when they united and re-accepted the Torah

    in reply to: Instant times #685429

    🙂 Yea I’m in LA

    I was just mentioning this because of something I read and felt it’s a good lesson for people in general 🙂

    in reply to: The Kiddush Hashem Thread #691274

    Dr Pepper, great story. It’s amazing how a little thing like ‘Good morning’ can make a difference. Our little actions and words have so much power. We can brighten someone’s day or bring it down with negativity, G-d forbid. This story is a good reminder.

    Tomim, that’s also a nice one 🙂

    a long while ago, while I was waiting for the bus, I found that I didn’t have enough change with me for the bus fare. Then a frum lady drove by and saw me and offered me a ride. It was very nice of her

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223283

    mazel tov

    in reply to: How Many Neices or Nephews Do You Have ?? #683971

    Baruch Hashem, I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews

    in reply to: Kiruv… How We Can Help #683471

    Plus, keep in mind that some runaways are just be tired of it all and don’t want to come back, and so it’ll time for them, but just be patient and supportive

    in reply to: Kiruv… How We Can Help #683470

    You have to make bounderies, but I think that there should be a balance of that, plus space. They need both, one to keep them safe and the other so we don’t push them away. Some things we can’t let them do and are off limits. However, we also need to let teens be able to make small choices. That’s sometimes how people learn. They might decide that you are right, but they don’t know until they see for themself. Like this story in which this man didn’t want his son to go to the movie, but he let him choose what to do. The young man went there and afterwards decided it’s Not worth it and left that place.

    Of course, every case is diff and some might stay there. But if they forbid him from going to watch it, he might lie and say he’s going to a friend’s house or something. It’s better that they know where he is.

    Also, in regards to a child who’s off and run away, let them know they have a place to return. Sometimes, kids don’t come back because they feel they can’t. Let them know you are there

    in reply to: Emunah #715594

    Just like we know our mom and dad is there for us, so too, Hashem is always there. And everything He does is for our best, eventhough sometimes it’s hard to see that.

    Like a Parent, He has given us so much for our own benefit and wants us to take care of ourselves and others spiritually, physically, emotionally so we can continue to be holy and connect to Him.

    in reply to: The Kiddush Hashem Thread #691270

    Anymore stories — it’s great inspiration to improve our middos thereby reaching our potential

    in reply to: Shidduchim�Girls are Shallow #1134572

    Before someone marries, they have to think ahead in to what their situation might be like. A good idea would be to ask someone in that situation about it so you kind of have sense of what it’s like.

    For example, if a girl wants lifestyle inwhich her husband learns while she works and takes care of the kids, then she should talk to a woman who has that, and ask her about some things about it. This way she can make an informed decision what to do. She might say yes she wants it, or decide she wants someone who does both learn and work.

    in reply to: Quality (Family) Time #682876

    It can be at home or outside when you go somewhere. the important thing is the quality of the moment and how you spend it with them, even just a few minutes per day. This closness can help so much later

    in reply to: Jewish Music Videos #682604

    theres the Jewish site yideo tube and the cool Jew

    in reply to: Jewish Music Videos #682603

    I saw some really beautiful jewish music videos for example, Yosef Kardunar, Baruch Levine, Berry Weber and so on

    in reply to: Share Chizuk Ideas #685555

    Refuah sheleimah

    in reply to: Shidduchim: Girls & Size Zeros #880325

    main thing is people should realize that it’s what’s inside that counts

    in reply to: Eishei Tanach Who Portray The Middah Of Zrizus #682486

    Avraham showed a lot of enthusiasm when he invited guests

    in reply to: Earthquake!! #682436

    Someone told me Sunday they were at the store and heard someone ask why the light fixtures are moving. They figured it’s probably an earthquake. Where I live, it was a small vibration. I didn’t know about it until I heard the news. 🙂

    in reply to: Chol Hamoed WEST Coast Trips #682327

    I really think you should consider one of the things I mentioned. Griffith Park has so many activities and is affordable.

    Or like you mentioned, the aquarium in Long beach, they also have boat rides 🙂

    in reply to: Chol Hamoed WEST Coast Trips #682322

    btw if you search on google for griffith park it is the second link

    in reply to: Chol Hamoed WEST Coast Trips #682320

    Miniture golf at Sherman Oaks Castle Park in the valley near La. And Griffith Park, which is in between the city and valley has horse back riding, hiking, a zoo, minature train ride, and a planetarium

    have a good time

    in reply to: Another Shidduchim Thread #682161

    It’s important for people to take time to find out some things first like whether you two are compatible with each other’s personality, have similar goals and interests and so on. Also, we need to have realistic expectations, for example, in regards to lifestyle, parnassa and so on. Take care

    in reply to: Yom Tov & Divorce…. #682385

    I think that if you want to be alone that’s fine. Or you could do what oomis said about having other singles over. You guys can keep each other company. Anyway, hope you have a good time during the second half of Pesach with the kids 🙂

    in reply to: Your Favorite Tehillim #682248

    Good idea, I choose mine as you see above 121, 130 because the first one talks about our help coming from H’, and the second one talks about yearning to be close to Him

    in reply to: Mental Health #687509

    Plus, besides better nutrition, people also need excercise

    in reply to: Your Favorite Tehillim #682243

    so nice you put links

    in reply to: Enjoy Pesach. #681893

    It can be a frustrating time. What I like to do is listen to music while cleaning, and do one small job at a time.

    in reply to: Think Before Doing #681905

    so maybe give it to a non Jew

    in reply to: Riding a Bike #681867

    Good point, safty first. It’s important to stay whole so we can serve H’

    On a sidenote, that’s so cute, father and son riding together 🙂

    in reply to: Shloime Gertner’s New Album- Say Asay #681855

    The 14th track is sounds so spiritual 🙂

    in reply to: Mental Health #687499

    This is why it’s important for parents to communicate with their children early on so they have that connection and can help their children with whatever they need. There’s a story I heard from a friend reading Mispacha magazine, about a guy who was having a hard time behaving at school. He didn’t mean to, he just couldn’t help it. If I remember correctly, he had ADHD. He was having a hard with everything and so he went off. But later, when he was given the support he needs, he came back.

    Sidenote, just want to add that for ADHD, besides medicine, a special nutrician plan and exercise helps

    There’s a book called ‘At Risk-Never beyond Reach’ By Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch which helps parents communicate with their children

    in reply to: What to Look out for While Dating #681959

    What I look for is someone who is nice, respectful, observant, who’s both learning and working. Someone I can have a nice conversation with. What’s important is compatability, middos, mature and reliable. Someone who’ll treat their spouse like a partner. Also, Don’t look for perfection, Nobody’s perfect. Just look for important things, like their personality etc

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