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  • in reply to: Bain Adam L'chaveiro Vs. Bain Adam L'makom #740729

    This thread is hashgacha pratit.

    We should be careful with the chaveiro mitzvos so we are a good example. If people see an observant Jew behaving rudely or something, it might have a negative impact on the person, like on a BT or even a ffb,G-d forbid.

    On the other side, we can make a good impact on others if we are careful with good middos I’YH

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740406

    From what I read and heard at diff times, I think that the key to shalom bayis is

    Let each other know what you need

    Show appreciation to each other

    They should focus on their Own resposibilities, so they each do what they need to do. And if one can’t that day, it’s okay because it’s Not a race who does more. Focus on your own task. Of course, if something is bothering you, calmly speak to your spouse.

    Make time for each other, even just a moment alone at home.

    If you’re upset when a spouse comes home, let them relax first for a while.

    And in general, be supportive and appreciative

    in reply to: how do you improve your middos? #747394

    A good way to improve is to take time every day to reflect on something to improve on and then work on it. Also, what helps is to be careful when in certain situations. Like when we are upset or feeling impatient, try to hold back from doing what we shouldn’t.

    in reply to: Be a good example #737630

    I saw this topic on another site and wanted to mention it

    in reply to: Hachnassas Orchim Houses. #737654

    baruch Hashem for that site

    in reply to: Importance of knowing why #732250

    ItcheSrulik I agree about the mentor and that we should remember that the ultimate purpose is serving Hashem. He is our Parent and knows what is best for us and the world. And like a parent, He wants us to take care of ourself and each other by following the very special Instuction Manual

    in reply to: Importance of knowing why #732246

    AinOhdMivado, good point. The home should show how beautiful and enjoyable our heritage is. And when things are hard like pesach cleaning, we should express how it helps us to spiritually grow.

    Essentials for a home through our own example are giving over:

    Good middos

    Intellectual Wisdom



    Thereby internalizing it it in our family and staying strong I’YH

    in reply to: Kfar Zeitim for certain students #719491

    Yep, it’s good to look at a few options and see which one is best suited for them

    in reply to: The Maccabeats #834826

    I’m surprised that it became so popular so quickly. I’m glad that it has baruch Hashem, made a good impact on people, and help them to be happy to be Jewish

    in reply to: Why Is There Tragedy In Israel? #715100

    I don’t know why the fire happened, but I know that the owner of the site is trying to help the victums through hospitality etc. B’H May the unity bring blessing

    in reply to: On Chinuch and passing it down #713586

    good points wolf

    And notI, exacty, sometimes people are too pressured and then don’t want to do it. some kids have a special need and have difficulty. And even some regular students sometimes need something different

    Plus, we should show them that we notice their progress, to encorage them

    in reply to: On Chinuch and passing it down #713574

    you are right, it is easier said than done, just want to help 🙂

    in reply to: CHINUCH: A must read! #707732

    Wellinformed and Aries, great messages. We deffinately need to be a good example for our kids of good middos, wisdom, joy and emunah.

    communication is also very important between parents and children.

    In general, a Torah home should be a place where we nurture our family by showing them the Joy and wisdom of our heritage. This way, children have a strong foundation and can withstand the tests of the outside world

    in reply to: Do you believe in G-d? #701101

    AinOhdMilvado, I was thinking something similar/

    Btw, in Modeh Ani, it mentions about Hashem having faith in us, meaning our potential.

    This world is a beautiful painting, and yet people in general wonder whether the Painter exists.

    A good lecturer on this topic is Rabbi Mechanic from project chazon

    in reply to: Los Angeles, Yes or No? #1065350

    mesivta of greater los angeles is in Calabasas which is in the valley

    There is also a highschool called Yeshivas Ohev shalom which has affordable tuition

    in reply to: Rav Nachman Of Breslov – The Heavy Weight Of Apikursos #700369

    This is Not to say we don’t think, since we do and have many intellectual discussions. But when the truth is right in front of us, we can either accept it or fight it.

    in reply to: Davening is a burden? #701006

    Mghanooni, good point that sometimes things take time but come eventually. We might not feel something or receive at the moment, but with time we do.

    Also, I agree with Popa about talking to someone that can help you with this. It’s good to have guidence and support.

    in reply to: Davening is a burden? #701001

    Imagine you are talking to H-shem, requesting and thanking Him for your blessings. Read what the words means so it has has more meaning and you can feel it. Hatzlacha

    in reply to: Hashem talks to you every day, how to see Hashgacha pratis #701664

    when something positive happens, I try to think baruch H-shem

    that’s how to enjoy life by focusing on our blessings

    Plus, when I have a challenge, I try to trust it’s for the best

    in reply to: Los Angeles, Yes or No? #1065346

    We have a few great neighborhoods to pick from whether in the city or valley. There is a litvish kollel and a chassidic one in the city. There are different schools like Toras Emes for elementary, and Bais Yaakov highschool, Mesivta of la in the valley, and Ner Aryeh. Lots of shuls, kosher markets, and great people. My neighborhood has grown so much, it’s starting to look like a miniture ny 🙂

    in reply to: Help with Biting Nails #706922

    I bit my nails and couldn’t stop even with polish. What helps is to put fake nails on top. They are too hard to bite and the ones underneath have a chance to grow. I got it done at a salon, but it comes off days later because there’s not much to hold on to. But a friend told me that CVS has a pack of glue on nails I can buy


    in reply to: is there some way we can get along? #698476

    basically, we just need to look at a fellow Jew as a fellow Jew who is also special and important. We each make our own contribution in life and we are all needed to complete the puzzle so to speak. Someone might be different, but we can still be nice and respectful eventhough we have a different viewpoint, litvish, chassidish, sefardic.

    And if the person is not religious, we should be friendly so maybe they will someday be inspired to learn and grow

    that’s what i like about where hosts and guests are put together

    in reply to: Letting go of anger #696076

    People definately need perspective.

    in reply to: A Sweet New Year #1100132

    Have a good sweet year and many more

    in reply to: Infusing children with awe and joy #694937

    Wellinformed, thanks for sharing

    in reply to: Infusing children with awe and joy #694933

    Popa, we don’t have to pretend. We could work on it ourselves. By doing so, we share it with our children.

    in reply to: Do You Belong To A "Shushing" Shul? #797890

    But people do become bored unfortunately. It’s much better that they look at a piece of paper rather than talk. I guess the best thing would be that people study the prayers beforehand so it has more meaning to them. Plus, learn the importance of listening to Torah reading

    in reply to: What do you think #692495

    BP, good point, seeing good stories helps to encourage people BH. And they will find what they need if they stay determind, Bezrat Hashem.

    Oomis, that’s a good example of how challenges are for the best. We sometimes don’t receive what we want, but later we receive something better.

    I want mention also about what someone else said about having a mentor. That’s really good for Everyone, especially youth who need guidence so they don’t go astray.

    in reply to: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View #1096958

    One day is great. yedid nefesh is beautiful, I read the translation, gorgeous. And Shwekey’s Eshet Chayil

    in reply to: Do You Belong To A "Shushing" Shul? #797884

    I think people need to be taught and understand the importance of not talking in shul. Our tefillos would have a much better impact. It can be done if individuals make the effort.

    At the one I go to, they have reading material on the table, so you read instead of talk.

    in reply to: What do you think #692492

    Bp, I’m not really worried what people will say, but what people might experience. They hear a story where my friend in the vid mentions about so much support,but they might not experience the same.

    I agree though what you said about family and Hashem being my fans.

    Tomim, true, it’s what they focus on. If they follow so they can serve Hashem, it doesn’t matter how people are, they still practice for their own growth. In regards to warmth, do you mean that ffb’s are nervous about not being warm enough. I don’t think people should worry about that. We just need to be a good friend that’s all 🙂

    Ezrat, good point, people deffinately need a good mentor to guide them and give support

    in reply to: What do you think #692488


    in reply to: Inspiring, Articles, Poems, Quotes #692483

    Growing up

    their favorite memories

    were of those quality

    times with their family

    After lunch on Shabbos

    they continued singing

    and played in the

    living room with dad

    just for a bit

    At night mom tucked

    them in and said Shema

    might be small but

    It’s the little things

    that make a difference

    you accomplish more

    than you know

    in reply to: Great Book #691921

    I also want to reconmend an advice book for parents. Title, At Risk: Never beyond Reach by Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch

    in reply to: Great Book #691920

    The book “Between the thorns” by Libby Lazewnik looks good

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisroel #691942

    Thanks for sharing that inspiring story.

    in reply to: Inspiring, Articles, Poems, Quotes #692480

    I like the quote from Pirkei Avos, “you don’t have to complete the task, but you are not free to withdraw from it.” Sometimes we feel a lot of pressure in life. But we should realize that the journey is just as important as the finish line. Every effort counts.

    in reply to: Are We Spoiling Our Kids? #695708

    For every family, each one should try to decide when to say yes and when to say no. If you say yes too much, they’ll be spoiled. And if we say no too much, they might rebell and do it anyone.

    Decide what to give and what to restrict. Hopefully this will help so they appreciate what they have and also don’t feel too smothered.

    in reply to: Encouraging success #690941

    Some kids have so much pressure. What helps though is to take a walk, play ball or whatever they enjoy doing. We all need to recharge sometimes 🙂

    in reply to: Not Feeling Welcome #693083

    I got an idea, there is this really nice family that might be able to help you meet some people you are compatible with. Maybe tell them what kind of people you are looking for and they can help.

    Search for Rabbi Benzion Klatzko on

    in reply to: Pre Tisha Ba'av News: 50% yearn for Mikdash; Lechem HaPanim Ready! #690428

    Speaking of kiruv, I read a story about a secular Israeli couple who came to America. A frum couple next door wanted to mekarav them and so they asked their rabbi what to do. He told them to just be a good example. – They became friends with them and just spoke about general things when they saw them. – Later, they invited them for Shabbos and had a nice time. Over time, the couple who came here decided to be become religious and move back to Israel.

    Sometime, we just need to be a good example and be a good friend, and it will overflow to others.

    in reply to: Moshiach #690135

    It depends on us – we can help to bring it or it will come another time.

    Someone gave me a Tanach as a present. I was reading Shemos and about the hail that came down on Egypt, which the commentary said consisted of fire and water together. They made peace in order to serve Hashem.

    I was thinking, how much more so should we Jews make peace with each other to serve Hashem – We don’t have to agree with each other, but we should still respect each other

    in reply to: SURVEY: Yeshiva Tuition Costs #1136253

    I read somewhere about a place that does a kehillah fund for schools.

    in reply to: Good Parenting Books #689525

    I feel a good book is positive parenting by Rabbi Abraham Twersky

    you can find it at Eichlers

    in reply to: Cause For Teens At Risk? #688942

    Someone wrote, the kids know that if they do mitzvos ….

    I feel that they should be taught more than just reward and punishment. Some kids don’t care about it. They should Also be taught that just like Hashem gives us food for our body, He also gave us mitzvos for our soul to help us connect to Him.

    If they are not interested for themselves, then we can also mention that our mitzvos help the world by bringing blessings to the world.

    in reply to: Books or Sefarim that have inspired you #689101

    These are some books that I really like

    Living with the Parsha Everyday

    The Thinking Jewish Teenagers Guide to Life

    The Garden of Emunah (didn’t read yet but would like to))

    And many others

    in reply to: Why Are Kids So Sensitive These Days? #695010

    Look at from this perspective. There is our world and the outside world. The outside world is very tempting, it has always been tempting.

    When they look at both worlds what do they see? It depends on their environment and personality. If they have a nice environment where they enjoy what they have, and have a good foundation, and are pretty happy, then they don’t care for what is outside. However, if their environment is not that pleasent, the outside looks more tempting.

    What we need to do is give them a pleasent environment where they can enjoy learning and growing. And acknowledge effort so they continue it. Plus, we should be a good example to them of middos, wisdom, caring and emunah, so they can look up to us 🙂

    in reply to: Cause For Teens At Risk? #688915

    Health, you’re right, it should be done. That’s why we are talking about it. Teens need mentors. While some are able to just flow with things, there are others who need someone to guide them. Someone they can turn to for questions or just to have a listening ear.

    These mentors are out there, we just need to find them. I feel it can be anyone who qualifies like an older, wiser friend, a rebitzen or rabbi, or someone else in the community. I know someone in my community who is like a big brother to many teens.

    in reply to: Cause For Teens At Risk? #688913

    I read a story about a teacher who was meeting with parents after the second week of school. There was two kids with the same name and the teacher gave the compliment by mistake to the parents who’s kid is not so great. The next day, the kid comes to the teacher and says thanks for the compliment, nobody’s has done that for me before. – And he promised to do his best and did.

    The article was about how compliments have a positive impact. Of course IF a child does something wrong, we need to advise them about the right way.

    We should also notice though when they do something good like if the youth helps someone OR is studying hard, compliment that in order to encourage them to keep doing good.

    Also, when a person thinks person E Won’t do well and person B Will, that’s what happens. But if you put faith in both of them to do well, then the first one will also do well.

    in reply to: Cause For Teens At Risk? #688908

    I personally feel that many people are too pressured and are overwelmed. They don’t enjoy their heritage because they are just told rules but are not shown the beauty. Plus, some are not prepared to fight outside ideas from college.

    To prevent them from falling, they need to be given what they need emotionally and intellectually. Show them the beauty and joy of practicing. Also, let them be aware that while they might encounter other ideas elsewhere, ours is truth because…..

    Kind of like how Rabbi Mechanic explains things.

    We should let kids know, “It’s not up to you to complete the task, but you are not free to withdraw from it.” (Pirkei Avos) We don’t have to be perfect, we should just try to do our best.

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