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  • in reply to: Traumatizing Children with Horrific Tales #1006145


    i loved your versions, and agree with your granddaughter, that those ARE the real versions! or should be!

    whenever i tell people that my kids don’t know of disney and all these fairy tales, they look at me like i’m crazy for depriving my kids from this essential ingredient to a healthy upbringing. i’d rather my kids be fluent in all the wonderful jewish stories and torah, and totally ignorant of these shtussim i grew up with. but now i can use your versions and entertain them in a yiddish way. thanks!

    in reply to: Moshiach coming? #992021


    just sitting here waiting for him….

    in reply to: Murphy's Law #992056

    i tried to access this thread for a year, but it wouldn’t open. now i completely forgot what i wanted to post.

    so, *bump*

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047801

    hatred is never anything but fear – if you feared no one, you would hate no one.

    -hugh downs

    in reply to: What To Serve Shabbos Lunch Besides Chulent #992158


    agreed about force-feeding, and training them to hate shabbos.

    however, sometimes kids are real fussy eaters and are scared to try new foods, with odd textures and tastes, hence the difficulty in getting kids to eat vegetables.

    we told our kids whoever eats egg salad with matzah, and some of the chulent will get dessert, if not- no dessert, leaving the option totally in their hands. all they had to have is a little itsy bitsy portion. they ALL had some and eventually they developed the taste amidst many months of moans and groans, but now love it and eat it with zest.

    in reply to: Shopping for Shabbos with Shammai #991990

    this thread is treading on borderline leitzonus. careful guys…

    in reply to: What To Serve Shabbos Lunch Besides Chulent #992152

    my wife hates and always hated shabbos menu. i always told her to buy something that she enjoys despite the traditional menu, to be mekayim ‘shabbos ta’anug’.

    finally she listened to me, she now buys sushi or makes a canny salad, has some other salads (potato salad, cabbage salad, or other etc), some selection of dips with her fresh challah, and dessert. i’m so happy that she is eating by the se’udah, i get pleasure from it too. it soooo doesn’t bother me that it’s nontraditional, let her enjoy shabbos too with her tasty dishes, gezunteheit!

    in reply to: Maggidei Shiur like Rabbi Wallerstein #992511

    Oh, right! i forgot about r’ schachter! thanks syag!

    another fantastic speaker is rabbi yy rubinstein, but you have to understand irish accented english. verrrrry entertaining!

    in reply to: Maggidei Shiur like Rabbi Wallerstein #992509

    rabbi tzvi zimmerman has outstanding divrei torah on the weekly parsha. each one is a diamond. he has humor, and great content.

    rabbi orlofsky, although limited shiurim on torahanytime last time i checked.

    i like rabbi label lam a lot too, also a bit similar to wallerstein in content.

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147255

    dementors = extremely powerful evil ta’avoh, yeitzer hara

    voldemort = quintessential self-hating OTD jew, anti-semite, roshoh who is in a high authoritative and political position

    quiddich = moral, ethical and religious challenges and battles one must overcome when entering the ‘gahss'(pitch).

    in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: What Is YOUR Favorite Dish (food) #1184464

    milchig: pizza & poutine.

    fleishig: bbq rib steak

    in reply to: Has Our Society Become “Greek-Like”? #991504

    thank you mod 29 for the compliment.

    i have to say, it IS rather an ironic time to have these war ads for this new fad of ‘Greek yogurts’ swirling around us at this time of the year.just seems so….wrong, lol. having said that, i DO feel the temptation to try one, but i’m fighting this one…

    in reply to: Has Our Society Become “Greek-Like”? #991494

    a great rebbe onced quipped, ‘it will be easy for moshiach to take yidden out of golus, but it will be so difficult to take the golus out of yidden’!

    we, (re: I), have become so comfortable and used to living a lifestyle where yiddishkeit is almost secondary and a greek-life is what dictates our behaviors and attitudes.

    yesterday, i misplaced my tallis and tefillin bag, and took several minutes till i found it. i was calm and cool throughout my search. contrast to a week ago when i misplaced my cell…..

    in reply to: Zos Chanukah #1116305


    in reply to: Very Interesting! The Reason Why We Eat Jelly Donuts On Chanukah #990801

    i just ate my first jelly doughnut since like 2nd grade. i’m 39 now, but anyways. never liked them as much as the other flavoured doughnuts. was actually pretty good.

    in reply to: Al Hanissim Question #990886

    that’s an interesting ha’araa.

    i was thinking along the lines that ‘just as one must thank Hashem for good, so must he thank Him for bad’ (mesechta brochos)

    so, as much as we are grateful for all the open and obvious miracles, we must thank him as well for the bad, like for the terrible war we had in those days (where thousands of jews were sucked into the Greek’s Hellenistic ways lost forever.)

    perhaps because ‘kol mah d’ovid rachmama l’tav ovid’, and all that ‘bad’ is really good, meaning, a process where good will eventually sprout forth. similar to the yidden going through the crucible of mitzrayim where they emerged as am echad

    in reply to: What Happened to the Chashmanoim? #989824

    excuse my ignorance, but aren’t the maccabees and chashmonaim one and the same?

    in reply to: oy chanuka! oy chanuka! #989832

    yesterday my 4 yr old sang the “latkeleh letkeleh hop hop hop, tantz arain in mein top” song.

    my daughter turns to me and asks, what kind of latkeh dances in a pot?

    in reply to: Black Hat Friday #1113360

    and my neighbour is black with a heavy black hatittude. nice guy actually.


    in reply to: Feminist Jokes #989716

    next time you meet a feminist, try this for kicks:

    “you’re a feminist??…..(sigh) isn’t that just precious!”

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Chanakah Party!!! ☕🕎🎉🍩 #1205651

    ..uh, ok

    ….so…you wouldn’t happen to have any leftover donuts, would you?

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989818


    this is a nice chanukah thread. i love some of the answers here

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Chanakah Party!!! ☕🕎🎉🍩 #1205648



    in reply to: Chanukah party on second night #988951

    it’s a machlokess between the many american poskim.

    on one hand, chanukah is a time of hoda’ah and therefore we praise and thank hashem in the birchas hoda’ah of shmona esrei, with al hanisim. however bringing a turkey into the picture totally takes away our focus of our jewish way of thanking and celebrating chanuka, and shouldnt mix into our menu.

    mitzad hasheini, we must thank hashem for everything, even for our country, and is a welcoming addition to our plates once we’re in the ‘thanking mode’.

    the universal minhag is to compromise and to prepare and mold potato latkes in the shape of a turkey.

    (sefer toras lokshin al hamo’adim)

    in reply to: How to deal with rowdy, chutzpadik and/or mean kids #988150

    popa: i am actually learning with a chavrusa, aand i am dealing with my anger issues with other sources of help. b”h i have lots and lots of useful help and sincere people who are helping me. i feel that while i am trying hard to practice what i learn, a very triggering situation is when my kids act up and misbehave. i am trying to change my reactions and seek outside advice and suggestions from many sources including my relatives and friends.

    thank you, LAB, gonna peek what you are referring to when i get my chance. that’s an aweful lot of resources you just typed out. do you have anything practical to post though? thx

    thanks fkelly, i appreciate that

    in reply to: Explain Your Username #1019482


    lol! i am truly humbled by your offer. my humility is at its peek at this stage of the game. why, if i had but a little bit more of humility, i’d be perfect. you, my friend, are too great of a person to be humble…

    in reply to: Explain Your Username #1019478


    excuse me, but nobody has more humility than i around here

    in reply to: Pepper Babies #1002250

    it could be very cute, yeah. but it depends what colour pepper….

    **ducking low as the anti-racists pepper group (ARPG) throws tomatoes at me for my insensitive discriminating comment*

    in reply to: Explain Your Username #1019460

    i would tell you, but my humility tells me not to

    in reply to: Gehennom #978154

    (?????? ?): “??? ??? ????, ??? ?????? ????? ????, ??? ???”? ????? ??? ???????, ?????? ??????? ??, ????? “????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????, ??????? ?????? ??, ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ‘”.

    there is no gehennim except that hashem takes the sun out of its protective shell, the tzaddiqim bask in it and the wicked are judged by it.

    rabbi zev leff shlt”a asks that what does this mean? what is the analogy of the sun? he explains, it is the pure, unadulerated light of the truth. that he will one day shed light on our lives, and show us if we lived a life of truth or if it was one big lie. and sometimes the truth can be devastating.

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047789

    if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all

    in reply to: How does one define a rasha? #978529


    i understand that Hashem does’nt test someone with a test he can’t handle. but what about a bad habit (which is sinful)that one can’t stop himself from, or someone with an addiction which violates torah law – is he a rasha? he nebach can’t stop himself from transgressing! but is he innocent? he has no bechira to a certain extent. no?

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1104552

    ????? ???????? ?????….

    in reply to: Looking for short and inspiring divrei torah on Parshas Noach #977507

    nevertheless, yagdil torah v’yadir….

    why would there be a mahn de’omar to read the posuk in a negative light, interpreting noach to be ONLY good in HIS generation, but not in avrom’s? if you can just as easily interpret in a positive way, why choose the pessimistic route??

    rabbi schwab zt”l writes a beautiful answer. because how can it be that noach who was so great and such to which the torah (i.e. Hashem) describes him as an ‘ish tzaddiq’, how can it be that eventually reshayim and murderers will be his descendants (Pharoah, Haman, Hitler, Ahmadinejad yemach shemom, etc). If he was so perfect, his children should logically follow in perfection. just as a perfect seed, with no flaws, predictably blossoms into a perfect tree with no flaws. it MUST be that there was some smudge, some character defect, some teeny-tiny flaw that can only be discovered by intense and extreme scrutiny. therefore this mahn de’omar searched, investigated and interpreted and twists the words in a very negative way to highlight that THIS is where the chisoron of Noach must be.

    in reply to: Looking for short and inspiring divrei torah on Parshas Noach #977505

    with all due respect, this thread should not really exist if there is a beautiful dvar torah thread already here…

    in reply to: What is the most important thing on Yom Kippur? #975056

    – bump –

    imho the most important thing on yom kippur is to make that first baby step in the right direction. to show hashem that you really really want to do teshuva, and make a concrete move towards tikun hamidos, by writing down on erev y”k your new year’s resolution

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1104550

    ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ????

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1011417

    the last words in last week’s haftorah was. ??? ?’ ???? ??????” (?????? ?’ ??

    chazal learn out that there are 2 potential zemainim for moshiach to come. if we are zoche, he will come ????. if not -??????- he will come at the end of 6k

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1011416

    he is coming today.

    wait for him.

    ???? ?? ?????? ??????

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047787

    i’ll never give up my pet toad, ozzie, not now not ever…

    in reply to: What's good to break your fast on? #965763

    it might be plain and boring, but this is my menu pretty much always following a fast.

    – hot, fresh, toasted baguette

    – potato soup

    – cinnamon pastry + coffee for desert

    i don’t overeat, and try to have some vegetables with my soup. then i wait about an hour if i want to eat more.

    in reply to: Words made up by babies #965105


    in reply to: MisheNichnas Av Mema'atim Besimcha #964962

    in other words

    from 😀

    to 🙂


    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047766

    sigh,…..why can’t I just be one of those totally insensitive emotionless people…

    in reply to: Vaccines in the frum community #963003

    i am staying away from these threads because of disgusting comments like frumnotyeshivish who instead of answering ONE of any of chance’s claims and questions, retorts with ignorance by attacking chance in the most revolting manner (saying pedophiles are BETTER???!?) Disgusting and shame on you.

    where are the Mods?

    i am signing off.

    p.s. is there ANYONE who can seriously answer and respond to each of chances 7 taynis found here:

    in reply to: Vaccines in the frum community #962965

    chance – #3 is such a strong valid point. i bet you all the money in the world that NOT ONE poster here asked their doctor before they got vaccinated, ” hey doc, what are the risks”

    and i bet the doctor will NOT say anything truthful. they will NOT show the vaccination insert, and they will NEVER tell of bad reactions other patience of theirs might have had.

    but, no, the great, heilige pediatrian/doctor/GP, said its good so it must be good!

    like blind sheep we follow…

    in reply to: Vaccines in the frum community #962956

    gavra – sorry, call it what you want, but as i stated before, i just don’t buy it. my kids are perfectly healthy k”h, b”h, they are active, they eat properly, take vitamins, and have no medical issues except when they took vaccines 3 years ago. since then we avoid certain vaccines.

    truthsharer- i don’t know how to use bold type so i used caps. i have some names at home of which you can read of, but i will only be home late tonight. i don’t emember their names but i’ll try to remember to look them up so that i can post them later.

    again i have been on the fence with this issue. but how can people be so ignorant and ignore all the horror stories ( and yes there are so many out there) related to vaccines? yes they prevent many disasters, but not without terrible risks and other disasters to those who get vaccinated.

    secondly, what’s up with HPV? some posters mention rabbonim, well, this is where perhaps rabbonim SHOULD BE informed, and PROTEST AGAINST its use for our frum B.Y. girls and frum communities. anyone have a response to this particular vaccine? im all ears.

    in reply to: Vaccines in the frum community #962950

    health, truthsharer, gavra and ZK:

    i’m sorry but what you say sounds absolutely ridiculous, with all due respect. are you seriously saying that my healthy kids or my neighbour’s gezunte kids, who aren’t vaccinated, are a ticking time-bomb?! sorry but that is pure fallacy and rubbish (to be clean on this board)!! i just don’t buy it. because others say that its the people WITH the vaccines that initiate these epidemics and diseases the likes which we haven’t had in decades. don’t start telling me that this kid almost died if not for vaccines, yada yada yada, i know the power and wonderful results that vaccines have on our world these days – BORUCH HASHEM- however, HOWEVER, the risks and statistical studies (you hear truthsharer?) show otherwise, and are totally NOT baseless but statistically proven time and time again, over a period of years and years of research of the HORRORS and INCREASED RATE OF AUTISM and MANY MANY ALLERGIES (like my son who got a peanut allergy 3 weeks after his mmr vaccine- EXACTLY when these experts anticipate), THE LIKES WHICH WE HAVE NEVER SEEN before.

    by the way this is so not a frum issue, this is global, so don’t start blaming rabbis to bring up the subject forcing their communities to vaccinate. this has nothing to do with rabbis. this is an issue that millions of people with nebach autistic children and others- like my other son- who reacted with autistic symptoms ALSO 3 weeks after the mmr vaccination – are grappling with and are blaming the vaccines for their tzorus.

    in reply to: BBQ Food #1020781

    toi- i’m not trying to frighten my guests away, i want to impress and entertain. but hey thanks, i’ll keep that one with me when i need it 😉

    rebdoniel- i am salvating reading your posts. evrything sounds so delicious.

    i think i will serve with the bbq, tortilla chips and salsa sauce, cole slaw, cucumber salad, lettuce salad, pickles, and 3 types of knishes (potato, spinach, and mushroom). sounds good?

    in reply to: Vaccines in the frum community #962935

    i’ve been on the fence regarding some vaccines, truth be told. i’m not against them and i’m not for, but how can some posters burst out with such boldness to call others rodfim and other such names? where is your respect for someone else’s opinion toward this obvious controversial issue? that’s disgusting! because even if you are of the opinion that vaccines are one of the greatest inventions of the last century, if you had a little knowledge of the issue, you have to admit that there is some sort of risk -no matter what the percentage is (because that is controversial and nobody really knows)- with injecting chemicals into your body.

    why can’t you just be tolerant and respect other adults’ opinions just as every other controversial issue?!

    everybody seems to be getting their knowledge about this issue from completely different sources. is there some source that we can agree to rely on to be authentic and true? i’m not sure. until then, let’s then respect the posters here, and attack the issue on hand.

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