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(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) On Sunday morning, during the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting, in the presence of the media, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced the cabinet has approved

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Municipality workers and volunteers in Tel Aviv constructed a 118-foot tower of Lego bricks, designed to set a new world record. It was constructed from more

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Following rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel on erev Shabbos, 12 Teves, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced the rocket were manufactured by Iran. Lieberman told

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Jerusalem sanitation workers on Sunday morning, 13 Teves, held a work protest outside the Finance Ministry. dozens of garbage trucks arrived and blocked the

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In the accompanying video, we see determined IDF soldiers operating in Hebron, apprehend the young Arab who attacked them with rocks and then tried hiding inside

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is publicly criticizing the same tax reform bill that he voted for. “If I were king for a day, this tax bill

(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Iran on Sunday blocked access to Instagram and a popular messaging app used by activists to organize and publicize the protests now roiling the Islamic Republic,

The victims of New York City’s deadliest fire in decades include a man who immigrated to the Bronx from Ghana and dreamed of becoming a military policeman. A relative tells

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Iranians angry over rising food prices and inflation under President Hassan Rouhani, protested in the country’s second-largest city and other areas Thursday. The “no to high prices”

With Israel halfway through its fifth consecutive winter of depleted rainfall, thousands assembled Thursday at the Kosek to daven. The event was organized by Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel and had particilation

(VIDEOS & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) New York City’s deadliest residential fire in decades was accidentally lit by a 3 ½-year-old boy playing with the burners on his mother’s stove,

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Whimpering in pain, bleeding from head injuries and dazed by the enormity of the crash, victims in the Amtrak train derailment south of Seattle begged 911

(VIDEO & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu continues to place all his faith in the IDF and its abilities. For many, the lack of humility and infrequent

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Last week, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh Maran HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita welcomed talmidim from Yeshivas Toras Yaakov in his home. The Beit Shemesh yeshivah is one

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