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Bonei Olam Auction Tomorrow!

bonei olam logo.jpgThe Bonei Olam annual New York Chinese auction will take place tomorrow, Nov 6th in Ateres Chaya Hall in Brooklyn.

Bonei Olam, the sole organization that finances fertility related treatments for couples across the world has to date spent over $13 Million on couples!

Over 825 babies have been born to Bonei Olam assisted couples, and that number Boruch Hashem keeps climbing with each passing day, week and month!

Bonei Olam relies on the support of people within the communities it services to be able to shoulder this enormous financial burden.

You can still take advantage of the discounted early bird prices by purchasing tickets online by clicking HERE.

Early viewing of the auction begins tomorrow at 11:00 am. Light buffet will be served from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. Program begins at 8:30 pm. Dynamic guest speaker: Reb. Ruth Assaf. Inspiring NEW slide presentation will be shown. Special musical guest!

Ample seating will be available with two additional floors. Program for women only.

Tizku L’Mitzvos!

2 Responses

  1. Kol Hakavod to Bonei Olam! This organization doesn’t cease to amaze me. The amount of lives they have touched, and families they have built will definitely speed up the arrival of Mashiach!

  2. This is Klal Yisroels best mossad. They provide needed funding for treatments for couples who unfortunately need thousands of dollars for the treatments. A “noted askan” in Lakewood told me that Bonei Olam has financed one of the largest developments in town by giving Lakewood the zchus of having “tens” of dear kinderlach in Lakewood alone. May Hashem keep on giving them the koach to continue bringing precious neshomos to this world Amen!!!!!

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