BORUCH DAYAN EMMES – HaGaon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZATZAL

07:03 IL: YWN-Israel has just learned of the petira of the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZT”L, the Mir Rosh Yeshiva. The rav zt”l was the Mir rosh yeshiva since 1990.

Based on the conflicting reports received this morning, the rosh yeshiva went into cardiac arrest and EMS personnel were unsuccessful in resuscitating him.

HaGaon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 12, 1943 to Eliyahu Meir Finkel. He married the daughter of Rabbi Beinish Finkel, who was the son of Rabbi Eliezer Yehudah Finkel, and Sara Greineman. Rav Finkel himself is a direct great-grandson of the Alter of Slabodka, whose name he bears. His wife is a second cousin of his. His brother is Rav Gedaliah Finkel, a Maggid Shiur in the yeshiva.

When once asked by a student why he never took drugs to calm the Parkinson’s disease he suffers from, he answered that when inquiring about the drugs, his doctor had told him that it would have an effect on his memory. “I’d rather be ill my whole life than to forget even one word of the holy Torah.”

UPDATE 07:18: Emergency medical personnel were summoned to the home of the rosh yeshiva on Amalim Street in the Beis Yisrael neighborhood of the capital at about 6:30am. The rosh yeshiva did not feel well, and subsequently collapsed.

A family member began CPR until EMS personnel arrived on the scene. Advanced life support measures continued for an extended time until it became apparent that it was not meant to be. A physician on the scene pronounced him dead on the scene.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. reb nosson tzvi finkel had a massive heart attack at 6;30 this morning after attempts by mda and then doctors they were r”l not able to bring back the rosh hayeshiva..
    family members are starting to arrive at the house now including his brother and childern…and now the rosh hayeshiva’s… he was nifatr in his room…nebach r”l…
    levay prep. is under way


  2. Just crying. He was the most caring and living father to thousands of Talmidim.
    He always made time for everyone with a smile.
    Boruch dayin haemes another rosh yeshiva lost.
    They say by a war the king calls his big people in to be nearby. That’s all I can think of.
    We all will miss you

  3. Too hard to believe…he was a loving as a father to all…..I have too much to write but I can’t do it..nothing ever written will do the Rosh Hayeshiva justice..the pain is deep and I’m sure its felt by anyone who learned in the Mir…BDE!
    We miss you too much already….Woe onto us for the Crown of Torah has fallen..

  4. levya is at 12:00 isreal time at the yeshiva. they are still deciding where to do the kvrua b/w Har Hazasim and Har Hamenchos,,

  5. R’ Nosson Tzvi was like a loving warm father to all. He never allowed his terrible suffering to slow him down, or prevent him from smiling his beautiful neshamadiki smile , and it never distracted him from connecting and empathizing with others. He was a gadol . I felt so close to him just because of my few encounters with him. I am so sad. There are too many gedolim niftar in such a short time. I think we better all do teshuvah.


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