Klal Yisroel continues to mourn the Petira of the Skulener Rebbe ZATZAL, HaGaon HaRav Yisroel Avrohom Portugal ZATZAL.

Tens of thousands of people participated in the Levaya in Boro Park as well as at the Kevura in Monsey on Tuesday afternoon.

NOTE: Throughout the day, YWN posted pictures and videos from the Levaya on our WhatsApp status. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts.

The updates below are in reverse chronological order:

5:17PM ET: The Kevura of the Skulener rebbe has been completed.

5:06PM ET: Footage of the massive crowd at the Levaya in Monsey:

4:45PM ET: Drone footage of the Levaya in Monsey:

4:42PM ET: The Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel at the Levaya / Kevura.

4:17PM ET: The Skverer Rebbe arriving at the Bais Hakvaros:

4:08PM ET: The Levaya is currently making it’s way to the Vishnitzer Bais Hakvaros as thousands upon thousands of people walk behind.

4:02PM ET: Initial photos from the Levaya at the Skulener Bais Medrash in Monsey.

3:56PM ET: Thousands of Yidden have gathered in Monsey for the Levaya and Kevura of the Skulener Rebbe.

3:49PM ET: The Aron of the Skulener Rebbe has arrived in Monsey.

2:10PM ET: Another NYPD officer has been injured at the Levaya in Boro Park – this one struck in the head by a falling drone. The drone’s operator has been arrested. FULL STORY AT THIS LINK

1:59PM ET: An NYPD Officer was struck by the vehicle carrying the Aron of the Skulener Rebbe on 14 Ave and 58 Street. Numerous Hatzolah and EMS are on the scene treating the officer. FULL STORY AT THIS LINK

1:57PM ET: Some interesting photos from the Levaya:

1:33PM ET: Rockland Chaveirim along with other emergency personnel are standing by preparing for the arrival of the Aron of the Skulener Rebbe at the Vishnitzer Bais Hakvaros. As many as ten thousand are expected, as thousands are arriving from Kiryas Yoel, New Square, Monsey, as well as a large crowd from Boro Park.

1:21PM ET: Watch the Aron being removed from the Skulener Bais Medrash:

12:53PM ET: Thousands upon thousands of Yidden follow behind the vehicle carrying the body of the Skulener Rebbe ZATZAL as it leaves Boro Park and heads to Monsey for a levaya and Kevura.

There will be buses from Boro Park to Monsey, after the levaya. The buses will be lined up on New Utrecht Avenue, from 60th Street to 56th Street.

All buses heading to Monsey should take Route 59 until Route 306, turn onto Route 306 until Kearsing Parkway, make a right onto Kearsing Parkway. All buses will unload at the corner of Kearsing Parkway and Jill Lane. From there, all people will walk on Jill Lane until Blueberry Hill Road, make a right onto Blueberry Hill Road, where the Monsey levaya will take place.

All private vehicles coming to Monsey for the levaya, should park their vehicles at the Rockland Boulder Stadium, located at 1 Palisades Credit Union Park Drive, in Pomona, NY. There will be buses from Rockland Boulder Stadium to the levaya, at 10-minute intervals. After the kevura, buses will be at Parker corner 306 to return people to Rockland Boulder Stadium.

12:50PM ET: The NYSP and Rampao Police are getting ready for the Levaya and Kevurah in Monsey.

12:45PM ET: Rooftop footage of thousands following behind the Aron of the Skulener Rebbe following the Levaya.

12:38PM ET: Footage of thousands streaming past this camera at the Levaya:

12:29PM ET: The Levaya has ended, and the Aron will soon be brought out of the Bais Medrash and thousands follow behind the Aron.

12:08PM ET: It was just announced that the Rebbe’s oldest son, HaRav Yeshaya Yaakov will now become the next Skulener Rebbe.

12:07PM ET: Hagaon HaRav Aharon Schechter, Rosh Yeshiva Chaim Berlin at the Levaya.

12:04PM ET: The second and final Hesped – delivered by HaRav Shimon Yoel Weinberger, a son-in-law of the Rebbe – has ended.

They are reading the Tzavah of the Rebbe now. This will be followed by the Minhag of Hakafos – walking around the Niftar and reciting certain tefillos. After that, the Niftar will be escorted out of the Bais Medrash and the crowd will be Melava the Aron.

The route of the aron will be down 54th Street to 14th Avenue, making a right turn on 14th Avenue towards 58th Street.

12:02PM ET: Photos of Admorim at the Levaya.

The Rachmastrivka Rebbe
The Verdan Rebbe

12:00PM ET: Overhead video footage of massive crowd at Levaya:

11:50AM ET: The Vishnitzer Rebbe arriving at the Levaya.

11:48AM ET: Various Admorim attending the Levaya:

11:41AM ET: The Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg at the Levaya.

11:37AM ET: Thousands upon thousands of people pack the streets as they give Kavod Acharon to the holy Skulener Rebbe ZATZAL, the last of the elder of the Admorim in the United States.

11:25AM ET: The Rebbes oldest son is being Maspid now:

11:20AM ET: Thousands at the Levaya

11:18AM ET: Thousands of Yidden fill the subway as they arrive for the Levaya

11:15AM ET: Some stores in the area have closed due to the Levaya “Bitul Melacha”.

11:05AM ET: Thousands have packed the streets as the levaya is about to begin.

11:02AM ET: Photo from overhead of very partial view of crowd. Additional overhead photos will be published shortly.

11:00AM ET: Tehillim is now being recited.

10:55AM ET: It has been announced at the Levaya that those who do not have a filtered smart phone should not touch the Niftar / Aron.

10:52AM ET: Crowds continue to gather ahead of the Levaya.

10:38AM ET: Shomrim assisting with crowd control ahead of the Levaya:

10:29AM ET: Inside the Skulener Bais medrash 30 minutes before the Levaya:

9:54AM ET: People throw “kvitlach” into the empty grave of the Skulener Rebbe in Monsey.

9:50AM ET: Crowds beginning to gather in Boro Park just one hour before the levaya of the Skulener Rebbe:

9:10AM ET: Likely the first name has already been given after the Skulener Rebbe at a bris this morning. Listen “Yisroel Avrohom”…..


8:45AM ET: In the video below, the Chevra Kaddisha is seen preparing the ground in the Monsey Bais Hakvaros – where the Skulener Rebbe will be buried next to his father, the previous Skulener Rebbe.

8:35AM ET: Footage from a done taken overnight as the NYPD prepared for the massive Levaya:

8:30AM ET: The Levaya is scheduled to begin at 11:00 AM.  There will be only two Hespeidim at the Levaya. Misaskim tells YWN that by 12:00PM – 12:30PM the Levaya may already be over.

The first hesped will be the oldest son of the Rebbe, Harav Yeshaya Yaakov, who is currently the Rov at the Skulener Bais medrash in Montreal. The second Hesped will be delivered by HaRav Shimon Yoel Weinberger, a son-in-law of the Rebbe, who serves as the Dayan of the Skulener kehilla in Williamsburg.

After the hespeidim, the route of the aron will be, down 54th Street to 14th Avenue, making a right turn on 14th Avenue towards 58th Street.

Kevura will take place in Viznitz Bais Hachaim in Monsey.

There will be buses from Boro Park to Monsey, after the levaya. The buses will be lined up on New Utrecht Avenue, from 60th Street to 56th Street.

All buses heading to Monsey should take Route 59 until Route 306, turn onto Route 306 until Kearsing Parkway, make a right onto Kearsing Parkway. All buses will unload at the corner of Kearsing Parkway and Jill Lane. From there, all people will walk on Jill Lane until Blueberry Hill Road, make a right onto Blueberry Hill Road, where the Monsey levaya will take place.

All private vehicles coming to Monsey for the levaya, should park their vehicles at the Rockland Boulder Stadium, located at 1 Palisades Credit Union Park Drive, in Pomona, NY. There will be buses from Rockland Boulder Stadium to the levaya, at 10-minute intervals. After the kevura, buses will be at Parker corner 306 to return people to Rockland Boulder Stadium.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. Takes2-2tango,

    Which gadol in the past 50 years had a levaya in the United States with an estimated 100,000 (per NYPD estimates) people in attendance. If 100,000 people saw it necessary to attend a levaya then it merits bitul melacha.

  2. To all those who believe the behavior outside the beis medrash yesterday morning was showing kavod to the niftar, I guess you guys have a very different standard for how to show respect. If you watch the videos later in the day at the kevurah in Monsey, the crowds were just as large but there was no pushing, shoving or disregard of the shomrim and police. this day should have been all about the Skulener Rebbe, Z’TL, not the inability of many to control themselves whatever their sense of pain at the loss of one the last gadolim from the alte heim.

  3. To Ish hasholom:
    Still waiting for your list of past gedolim in america over the past 50 years who had bitul melacha and cities shutting down!

  4. Actually there have been many gedolim that there was a psak bitul melacha for, just do your homework before you talk.
    The fact that so many people came, and so many felt the great tsar when he was niftar, regardless of ones background, is the exact reason for the psak. This is another proof of “Kol haboreach min hakovod…”, someone who his entire life was nohaig with extreme anivus and prishus, and as hard as someone tries there’s nothing to say against him.
    Zechusoy Yagen Aleinu.

  5. Losing such a big tzaddik.

    Its time for klal Yisroel to come together as one nation for serious teshuva, Kinnus and Taanis.

    Nothing just happens to be coincidence. Every tragedy has a wake up message directly from Hashem. (not from a sefer or from a tzaddik speaking)


    May his neshama have an aliya

  6. Can we stick to speaking about the Skulener Rebbe zatzal instead of fighting?
    Maybe someone can tell us a meiseah about the nifter, instead of telling us about how bad the askonim were.
    For some reason there always more energy in the negativity than the positively.
    Waiting anxiously for a good word

  7. GH and the very few others. Just wondering what your comments would be if all was perfect, (like you)?
    there was tons of good ! and what did you see? no comment on that?
    Maybe it’s a chillul Hashem to see a yid with such negative comments and not one word of the good. It would proper for you to see what u did was incorrect and apologize, that would show greatness and a kiddush Hashem especially when it comes from a “Gadolhadorah”

  8. Why were there a “million” askanim – BSSP, Shomrim. Misaskim, etc, and they could not make a path for the aron to go through? It was difficult to see how the “nosei ha aron” were pushed around, like a ship on the stormy ocean.
    During the speeches they were strutting around with their walkie-talkies showing their big-shotness, but when it came to work, they dropped the ball.
    A shame!!

  9. I think the skulene rebbe wasn’t a rebbe just for a particular Chassidus with his Chasidim, he was a public rebbe for every Jew regardless of sector or Chassidus everyone was welcomed by him. so its a public avaideh as everyone lost here. therefore a ”bitel Meloche” is just an expression of tsar and taking part in availes.

  10. to you self hating jew looks like your only avire is chilul hashem and not always only when it is against your smartphone
    or …………

  11. Many tzadikim died over the years but for some reason no one came out with a psak of “bitul melacha” at a public levaya.
    Why was the skulener levaya today different. Can anyone shed light On this ?

  12. Gh , dont let anyone deter you. It was the wild west to say the least and a huge chillul hashem and all they can hock about is”bitul melacha” and “filtered smartphones”

  13. What a Chaos! Not normal. Where were the Planners?
    I guess they were too busy toeing away cars of innocent people, Yiddishe cars and Non-Yiddishe cars, all in the name of Kiddush Hashem.

  14. We did the kriah last Shabos but the actual event of בקרובי אקדש happened this coming Shabbos on the date of ראש חודש ניסן. That was in the year 2448. One could comfortably apply the בקרובי אקדש to this Rebbe too. He was כולו קודש. We lost a giant!

  15. Gadolhadorah, why are you wasting time on this site spewing your usual hatred, when you can be on other threads blabbering about trump?

  16. Is this how the Rav’s chassidim show kavod hames?? In the most recently posted video, there seems to be total chaos as they are acting like a bunch of animals crowding and pushing those carrying the Aron and nearly knocking them over. totally ignoring the pleas of the Shomrim and the NYPD to step back and allow them to move forward. In once instance, a policemwoman is literally pushed over and trampled by this mob. How can this be kavod?? What an embarrassment to the memory of this gadol on the day of his levayah.

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