Ultimate Omer 2 – Brought To You By The Developer Of The YWN Radio App

Moshe Berman, the developer behind many Jewish iPhone apps, has posted an update to his Sefiras HaOmer app for iPhone and iPod touch, Ultimate Omer 2.

Ultimate Omer 2 is one of several apps on the App Store that can help with counting the Omer. So, what makes it different? Well…

Other Sefira apps stop at the end “Ribono Shel Olam”. This leaves people scrambling to re-open their siddurim to finish maariv. Of course, there is an easy fix. Ultimate Omer 2 includes aleinu, so you can just finish davening from your phone or iPod.

Another major challenge that most Sefira apps face (and other Jewish oriented apps as well), is the fact that the Jewish day begins the night before. Most Sefira apps just change at an arbitrary time. This is where Ultimate Omer 2 is unique in this regard. Ultimate Omer 2 allows you to automatically detect your location (or set it manually) and then Ultimate Omer 2 uses that information to change the day of Sefira at sunset based on your local time.

Of course, any Sefira app worth its salt also includes a Halacha section and customizable reminders. Ultimate Omer 2 includes those as well. You can find Ultimate Omer 2, with all of its unique features, on the iTunes App Store.

(NOTE: The current YWN Radio app has been made temporarily unavailable due to some exciting new updates coming your way….stay tuned!)

Chag Kasher V’Sameach!

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7 Responses

  1. Oh, and as for Blackberry – interesting point, but that platform never made it as good for developers as Apple or Google did. It’s something I’ll consider.

  2. @chaimss – Actually, a good friend of mine made a very similar Android app. Search for Yossie, on the Android Market. If you have friends with iPhones though, feel free to endorse this (my) app.


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