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Today Is First Yartzheit Of Leiby Kletzky A”H

Dear Friend,

A year has passed since the tragic death of our dear son Leiby. (Yehuda ben Nachman)

With the approach of the first anniversary of his death on Yud Aleph Tamuz (July 1st), comes deep reflection upon an innocent life cut so short. The pain surrounding our loss is more tangible than ever, as we vividly recall the final agonizing moments of Leiby’s short lifetime. With his yahrtzeit upon us, the struggle to comprehend and cope with this tragedy gets increasingly stronger. The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund was formed as a way to bring solace to all and ensure his memory would live on. The Fund is dedicated to helping families that are facing medical, tragic, or other urgent crises.

Leiby Kletzky Camp Fund, a division of the Memorial Fund was organized to protect children from abusive homes. Children that come from abusive or troubled homes are often neglected and forced to fend for themselves. These children are confused and distressed, not knowing a carefree youth or feeling the affection of someone close. They face a constant threat of danger, at the place they call home and at the hands of the very people who are supposed to love and protect them. For these unfortunate children, summer camp is a safe haven – a desperately needed respite. For these children camp is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity that literally changes their lives.

For these kids, summer vacation isn’t just freedom from school, homework and tests. It is freedom from abuse, isolation and neglect.

These children are provided for with care, affection, and fun, that unlike most children, they don’t experience all year long. The Leiby Kletzky Camp Fund provides these children with clothing, shoes, bedding – whatever they lack – due to a lifetime of deprivation. The benefits of summer camp last a lifetime and are means by which these children can learn and grow.

Leiby was a little boy too innocent to be aware of any danger, and we lost him in a manner so beyond our control and one that we were so helpless to prevent. But we are very aware of youths in troubled homes and the lurking dangers they face. We can can rescue them! We are in a position to help prevent them from suffering a tragic fate. BUT WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP.

Summer camps are not subsidized by government aid, so it is critical that each and every one of us reaches out to support this cause. We appeal to your generosity for the sake of these innocent, precious children. In the merit of protecting our less fortunate young ones, may G-d bless you with good health and tidings and may your children bring you pride and joy always.

Nachman & Esty Kletzky.



Click HERE for initial YWN report of Leiby Goes Missing

Click HERE for 22 hours later…& no sign of Leiby

Click HERE for report when Leiby was spotted on CCTV.

Click HERE to watch video of Leiby walking.

Click HERE for the YWN coverage of the Levaya.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. anyone remember what the wake-up call of the Kletzky tragedy was?

    During the month of june 2011-over the time of 2 weeks-3 tzaddikim, from 3 different corners of the world left to the Olam Haemes (true world) & they’re names were Harav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ZT”L from Europe, Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz ZT”L from Eretz Yisroel & Harav Chaim Stein ZT”L from the U.S.A. When a tragedy like this strikes the world everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem?. The RAMCHAL in Sefer Derech Hashem quotes, when klal yisroel is in a state of Sinning R”L, suffering & pain may be imposed upon a tzaddik as an atonement for his entire generation. In doing so the Tzaddik is raised to a level of leadership in Gan eden. When THREE tzaddikim are niftar in a matter of two weeks, Hashem is already on the level of begging klal yisroel to just start Teshuva & show a sign of remorse & repentance so that it does not need to continue Chas V’shalom on to a fourth tzaddik. Then These 3 Tzaddikim (above) were not enough. so this time Hashem sent a DIFFERENT KIND of tzaddik-a boy at the age of 8 R”L who has not sinned yet-to wake us all up to come to teshuva & STOP KEEP ON PUSHING IT OFF. This tragic event-of Leiby Kletzky- brought Achdus (unity) to klal yisroel but it was not enough to bring klal yisroel to confess & start doing teshuva so Hashem took 3 more tzaddikim away to the olam Haemes to wake us up to teshuva- Rabbi Dunner from England, The spinka rebbe of Yerushalyim at the early age of 79 & the next day the Baba Sali’s grandson Rav Elazar Abuchatzeirah was Stabbed to Death by another yid- that makes 7 Tzaddikim niftar in a matter of 5 weeks. will this be enough or will it need to continue? that is up to all of us.


  2. Ate they still collecting for the Sefer Torah being dedicated to the memory of Leiby? or has this Sepher Torah already been inaugurated?

    YeHei Zichro Boruch

  3. May his neshama have an aliya and may he be a mailitz yosher for gons klal yisroel during these trying times and may his ta’hire family be zoiche to nor simchos ad binyan bayis shlishi b”ba.

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