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Muslims Defile Machpelah During Holiday

mh.jpgOn Monday, the Ma’aras HaMachpelah was closed to Jews to permit the Muslim worshippers full access to the entire complex in celebration of an Islamic holiday.

When Jews arrived on Monday night to daven maariv and hear Megillas Esther they were pained to see that once again Muslims defiled siddurim and tehillim, which community spokesman Noam Arnon explained is not too unusual for them. Arnon explained on Monday morning that in the past, during Muslim holidays when Jews are barred from the holy site, mezuzos have been ripped out of the wall and other acts to defile that which is holy to Jews take place.

Arnon expressed his hope that security officials will respond firmly and immediately to the desecration. Officials report security cameras in the Machpelah did not catch the perpetrators in the act.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. They should :
    1. Have the Muslim authourty post a bond of 1 million shekel to pay for any desecration,
    2. Have the Muslim authority hire security gurds , as many as needed, to gain access to the site.
    3. Deny access for 3 Muslim holidays as punishment for any damage.
    The ISraelis dont care?? If this was a museum they would do all the above.

  2. absolutely retarded israeli officials who allow this to continue. statement needs to be issued informing these chayas that the site will be closed for 5 years to all Muslim prayer after each episode such as this.

  3. post # 1 .. your way to generous with your 7-day idea… 7 days for a ripped chumash ?!? .. has to be years for it to sink into their twisted brains and for it to have any worthwhile effect at all ..

  4. Why does Israel have to be tolerant to Muslims when Muslim countries are not tolerant about Judaism? In spite of how Muslims will carry on and act beserk, there can be no Muslims in Israel. Look at the history. Why make believe that one day they will be nice as long as we keep being tolerant?

  5. as #1 said, video cameras, perpetrators put in jail for 5 years, and muslims cant pray there for 6 years. that would be nice but the government wouldnt do that of course, they love arabs too much

  6. This is quite odd – muslims believe our tanakh to be from hashem. It is probably secular muslims, or total ‘am haratzim’ so to speak, who did this.

  7. (incidentally, they also quote the mishnayos a lot – could be they accepted elements of torah she baal peh as well, whatever wasnt a stirah to what their ‘navi’ taught.)

  8. heavey handedness wont get us anywere there very primitve peapole and should not be to diffuclt to control u just need the right method with out loseing your temper and rageing out of control in brute strenth they are stronger

  9. when baruch goldstein ztvk”l visited on that fateful purim, the family asked to see the videos of the “event”. the govt denied there was a video system, till the family pointed to the video cameras. “oh — those cameras. they werent working that day.” sure, just that day!

  10. Precisely because of their primitiveness, heavy handedness is the only thing they understand. Like children, they will continue to try to get away with as much as possible until they are slapped in the face – hard.

  11. Moslems do NOT believe in the Tanach. And they certainly don’t believe in mishnayos! I can’t imagine where matisyohu28 is getting his information.

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