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Sunday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Israel Electric Company employees on Sunday are entering into a third week of sanction in opposition to planned company restructuring. Today, they will target the northern district and the utility company’s logistic center.

**Storms and snow predicted in the north on Monday and Tuesday.

**The Eida Chareidis is calling for the recitation of all of tehillim on Wednesday, Yom Kippur Katan on behalf of the yeshiva bochrim imprisoned in Japan.

** According to the London-based al-Hayat Arabic newspaper, the talks surrounding a prisoner release deal for the freedom of Gilad Shalit collapsed due to Hamas’ insistence pertaining to five terrorists.

**High schools in Ashkelon will begin at 9:00am on Sunday morning as an act of protest following a Friday assault against a teacher in a city school.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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