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New Shul with view of Har Habayis

temple mount.jpgArchitects in a southern Yerushalayim neighborhood are building a Shul that will become the only one with a view facing the Har Habayis. The Shul will be built 2 kilometers from the Har Habayis and will give prayers the illusion of being at, or at least really close to, the site. The Shul will serve the new neighborhood containing 475 apartments and a hotel with 150 rooms.

The Shul will consist of two 350-seat halls, one for Ashkenazi Jews and one for Sephardic Jews.

A model apartment from the neighborhood, which will include three 140 sq. meter penthouses, is to be inaugurated during Pesach in a ceremony attended by Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger.

2 Responses

  1. The Beit Haknesset of Hebrew U (I think it’s called the Hecht shul) with a full glass window front also faces Har Habayit, as does (without the full glass front) the Beit Hamidrash of Yeshivat Hakotel. I think (not sure about this) the closest Jewish house (upper floors) that is practically upon Har Habayit (opposite the dome- a few hundred feet away, maybe) is from the roof of Beit Rand, in the Moslem Quarter.

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