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  • in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227212

    Obviously she didn’t Daven before! As far as I know, the guy turned her down! The End!

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227210

    This is true: A guy went out on a date with a girl who recently came back from seminary. In middle of the date, the girl pipes up that she needs to daven Mincha. A bit taken aback the guy says, “Do you want to borrow my hat?” The girl replied “Are you insulting me?” So the boy replies, “Of course not, I just never heard of a girl davening Mincha during a date.”

    in reply to: Waterbury Pizza Shop #654995

    notedaskan, What’s the name of the Pizza Shop in Waterbury that you are talking about?

    in reply to: What we do for Shidduchim #660763

    abx: “The girl has to look attractive to the boy. Better find out that she’s not, before the date.”

    A picture NEVER serves justice. In real life you see the person in movement, action and their personality. Many people are not photo-genic! PERIOD! Many people can look great in a picture but in real life their not. If a boy would look into a girl, and everything seems good, and then looks at a picture of the girl and says no, I think that’s unfair and he is not giving the girl a chance or himself a chance. A first glance on a picture, or even at a real person, one may be repulsed, but given with time one may be able to see the inner beauty of the person, and a picture can NEVER show that!

    in reply to: Chemistry Regent Tomorrow #648014

    Advice: Don’t be on Yeshiva World Coffee Room!!! GO STUDY!

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226930

    LOL! Mepal, you made me crack up! Well they always say, that if you have nothing to talk about, you can always talk about the weather! 😉

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226927

    Mepal, actually now that I’m thinking about it foreARMED makes sense – to always make sure to have in your ARMS an Umbrella…JUST IN CASE! 🙂

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226925

    Mepal, I think you meant to write “Always better to be foreWARNED….” Instead of “Always better to be foreARMED….”

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226924

    Mepal, advice: Just grin and bear it, keep calm cool and collected! It’s not really the end of the world. Your Bashert will like you no matter if your hair is frizzy and wet!

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226922

    Mepal I agree that it’s NOT funny at all. My friend once told me that she was on a date in a park and it was a really nice day, but then dark gray clouds came out and BOOM it started pouring. Luckily, they were able to run under an awning at the entrance of the park but my friend and her date still got wet. He then told her to wait, while he brings the car closer. So he brings the car closer, and then starts looking in the car for an umbrella, but he couldn’t find one. So my friend decides to RUN to the car. Of course her hair gets all wet and all the hard work before the date of blowing and ironing her hair went down the drain!! (fyi, she was meeting his mother later on…with frizz and all!) For all those curious, no they did not get married.

    in reply to: This Date in History #924422

    Back in the day, Today,..


    Federal Securities Act signed


    1st black light is sold


    President Kennedy announces US goal to reach the Moon


    Walt Disney World construction begins


    President Reagan orders 2 Poseidon-class submarines be dismantled


    Radical Democratic Party holds 1st political meetings in Moscow


    Larry King ended his radio show


    1st all female (20 British women) team reaches North Pole


    Russian President Boris Yeltsin signs a historic treaty with NATO

    in reply to: Missing your Bashert #646750

    Yeah, either they said horrible stuff…but chances are they didn’t.

    Or, what makes more sense is that the Mom does not think that you are for her son!! Chances are if you friends hadn’t called before, and the Shadchan called first, it would have resulted as a no anyhow. That’s my opinion.

    Don’t worry, I’yh you will find your Bashert! B’karov!

    in reply to: Missing your Bashert #646748

    Sriving: “By the time the shadchan called, the mom didn’t want to hear anything about me.”

    Ok, so your friends tells Mom of Boy about you! Then a Shadchan calls with info about you! What would make the mother not want to hear anything more about you???? Sounds weird.

    in reply to: Shabbos Seudah – China or Paper #646466

    Heshy, YOU DO THE DISHES???? Wow!!! What a wonderful husband!!!

    in reply to: College-Level Examination Program� (CLEP) #683339

    AOB: CLEP – College Level Examination Program. They are tests that students may take to receive college credits for selected courses, usually in the general education core. Thereby, if you take a CLEP test in a subject ex: Math, and you pass you get the credits and you won’t have to sit through a Math Class in college.

    in reply to: Birkas Hachama- This upcoming Wednesday….. #642254

    If it rains you say the Bracha without Hashem’s name.

    It’s a special day for Tefillah and Bakasha to Hashem!!!! Use the time wisely.

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079578

    I don’t like coffee either (and I hate the smell)!!!!

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172636

    Joke I heard:

    Wife: How come you never tell me that you love me?

    Husband: Didn’t I tell you in the Yichud room when we got married that I love you?

    Wife: Yes, so?

    Husband: Did I tell you that I would change my mind?


    in reply to: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim? #1008098

    Kiruvwife, I’ve always heard that on Purim, if one was not to get dressed up, then they should wear their Shabbos clothes. (being that Purim IS a Yom Tov!) I guess getting dressed up counteracts that you don’t have to wear Shabbos clothes – that’s how I always understood it.

    in reply to: Boro Park: Give Away Used Clothing #639802

    I don’t know of a place in Boro Park, but I do know of a place that comes and picks up bags of clothing (criteria: Clothing all in a big black garbage bags – I think 5 bags is the limit, per pickup) I’m pretty sure that it is a Lubavitcher organization that runs it. You call them, and set up a day that they will come and pick up the bags of clothing. If you want I can try and find out the number.

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #677198

    Yeah, they got rid of the Daily Joke and Quote (which was more of a weekly joke/quote), and put instead, Daily Halacha, and Parsha Potpourri.

    in reply to: What we do for Shidduchim #660674

    Something I’ve heard (IT’S TRUE) A boy’s mother wanted to meet a prospective girl that they were checking into for their son. The mother wanted to meet the girl at the POOL (in her bathing suit)! The girl’s mother refused to meet the boys’ mother’s demand! Good for her! (side point: the girl is not heavy, ugly, or anything, but they felt it was a totally inappropriate demand!)

    in reply to: Smoking #633319

    Purim has nothing to do with anything…some people think that it is a day that one is allowed to do things that you normally can’t do. In my opinion Purim should be like Yom Kippur (except the fasting part). It’s a day to daven and to give out Shaloch Maanos, Tzedakah, and to have a seuda. One can also drink wine…until they don’t know the difference between Haman and Mordechai. However, this does not mean that you have to get sick!!! Purim is NOT a day to SMOKE, nor an EXCUSE to SMOKE!!!

    in reply to: Shadchanim #632978

    Poshut, it’s not so poshut. People have busy schedules (work, college etc). I’m not saying that dating is not a priority, it is, but it is hard to have a date almost every single day of the week. Considering that you want the dating period to be 1-2 weeks, and the normal amount of dates that people usually go out are 7-8 dates. According to your calculations, they would have to have a date at least 4x’s a week. Furthermore, sometimes it takes a day or even two days for the Shadchan to get back to you whether it’s a yes or no. However, I do agree that from one date to another (especially from a first to second date) it should be in close proximity with each other, so that it should not be like a whole new process again, of re-getting to know each other.

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1126290


    in reply to: Random Questions #1078784

    Translation: We will understand if you speak Hungarian

    Is that the correct translation?

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224987

    FYI, for all those wanting spell check…I don’t know about you, but my computer when I write a message in the post box, any word that I by mistake misspell gets underlined in red. If you right click on the misspelled word, it will give you choices of the correction. For example: if I by mistake type in “teh” instead of the, the “teh” gets underlined in red, and so I right click on “teh” and it gives me choices like “the” or “tea” or “eh”..etc. So you guys (and gals, whichever you are) can do this with all the words that have a red line underneath and change it to the correct spelling.

    However, I think you need to use the Mozilla Firefox browser and not Internet Explore Browser in order to have this feature.

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632118

    YW Moderator-55, I heard that part too, sorry, left it out in the story by mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632114

    syriansephardi “hey i was wondering if anyone else heard the story about the israeli soilder who saw rachel imenu??????”

    yeah, I heard about too from my father. He said that a group of IDF soilders were going to go into a building when they saw a older lady wearing white who said to them, not to go into the building because it was booby trapped, they listened to her, and knocked down the building. Then, a little later they were at another building when the same lady with white again told them not to go inside because it was booby trapped. They were wondering how she got from the first site to the second site so fast (before them)

    The soilders asked a rav (who constantly went to daven at Kever Rachel) and he said that it is possible that it was Rachel Imenu!

    May we only hear good news and all the soilders should come out alive!

    I just heard the same story. Except I heard that the soldiers asked the lady who she was and she said “rochel I’meinu” and then she vanished. I have no clue if this is true. :}

    YW Moderator-55

    in reply to: Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Chassidish, You Name It! #631886


    in reply to: Missile Attacks – Red Alert to Klal Yisroel (R’ Moshe Sternbuch) #636418

    It means that his name is attached to a website…if you click on it, it will forward you to his website, or a website he wants you to go to.

    in reply to: Plans For Winter Vacation #636957

    bored@work: “I am wiling to lower my life standards… “

    You are ‘willing’, but you won’t know what life will be like without all the materialistic things which you are blessed with now, until you are actually living the life of a Kollel couple! Once you are living that life, let us know if you are able to lead such a life! I’m not saying that you won’t be able to lead a Kollel lifestyle, but it is very difficult. Be aware of all the challenges you will be faced with. I admire all those you can lead such a lifestyle, but most of them are usually coming from homes where they don’t have as much materialistic needs as you have right now and had throughout your life.

    Hatzlacha with everything.

    in reply to: Oorah’s 8 Nights 8 Flights Winners #628283

    myshadow: I guess once something is free, you just gotta take advantage. But being that the Oorah raffle is FREE I feel like I’m one in a MILLION or maybe one in a trillion, especially since you have your million tickets in there. It would be a big surprise if I actually do end up winning…Oh how I wish…

    qwas: don’t worry I did my Histadlus…I think I have about 30 tickets in the Oorah raffle. I would have done more, but I don’t know as many people as myshadow 🙁

    in reply to: Oorah’s 8 Nights 8 Flights Winners #628278

    myshadow, ha ha you wish, even if I did write my email it probably will be deleted by Moderator. Sorry!

    BTW, you only need one entry to win…NOT A MILLION! I never get those people who put in like 50 tickets into a raffle at a Chinese Auction (unless they have extra) because only one ticket is being drawn, and if your meant to win you only need one, not hundreds…or millions in your case.

    in reply to: Oorah’s 8 Nights 8 Flights Winners #628274

    myshadow: You really have a million contact email addresses????

    in reply to: Fave Foods #639348

    Creamed Spinach (my grandmothers..mmmm)

    Sesame Chicken

    in reply to: Have any computer tips? #996609

    Here are a some helpful shortcuts that can be used in Microsoft Word and other various programs. Hope this helps.

    Cntrl C = Copy

    Cntrl V = Paste

    Cntrl X = Cut

    Cntrl B = Bold

    Cntrl U = Underline

    Cntrl I = Italics

    Cntrl A = Highlights all

    Cntrl P = Print

    Cntrl S = Save

    Cntrl R = Align Right

    Cntrl E = Align Center

    Cntrl L = Align Left

    Cntrl 1 = Line Spacing 1″

    Cntrl 2 = Line Spacing Double (2″)

    Cntrl 5 = Line Spacing 1.5″

    Alt+Tab = switch between programs or documents that you have opened.

    in reply to: Israel!!! #627036

    I’ve been there once when I was about 10 and then went again on a Birthright Trip!

    in reply to: What is Your Hashkafic Affiliation? #626958

    SJS: Yup I’m a real Yekke, although I never heard of “maltzeit” what is that? Interesting that you got married under a Tallis, my sisters did not have that, being that their husbands are not Yekkes, though we did have Shir Hamalos sung under the chuppah. Did you also face the wall?

    in reply to: Screen Names #1175454

    I love to Chat!!

    in reply to: What is Your Hashkafic Affiliation? #626952

    SJSinNYC: Half, as in your mom is a Yekke and your Father is not? So you don’t do all the Yekke Minhagim?

    My father’s parents are both from Germany, My mom’s parents aren’t. But I consider myself a real yekke!

    in reply to: What is Your Hashkafic Affiliation? #626949

    I’m a Yekke, and proud to be!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    in reply to: Kugel, Anyone? #759647

    Spinach Kugel? Broccoli Kugel? Zucchini Kugel?

    in reply to: Where Do You Live? #626534

    I live at work….well at least it feels like I do, being that I’m there from 9-5.

    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626438

    How about chicken cutlets?

    Or how about eggs? You can fry an egg or 2 and put it in a toasted bagel. It sure is filling and delicious.

    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626436

    OH, I see. Well the quickest prepared lunch is probably just a sandwich, but I don’t think you would be interested because I’m sure Salmon is much more tastier (and probably healthier.)

    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626434

    Well, firstly do you have access to a Toaster, Microwave, Refrigerator, or Freezer at work? At my work we have all 4 accessible so I can bring something, put in Fridge, and when I’m ready to eat I heat it up. 🙂

    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626432

    Your welcome! How can you eat Salmon every day??? Don’t you get sick of it?

    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626430

    Here’s the recipe for Easy Marinated Salmon:

    4-6 Slices salmon

    1 cup sugar

    1 large onion

    Marinated Syrup:

    1/4 cup vinegar

    1/4 cup lemon juice

    3 1/2 cups water

    6 Tbsp. Sugar

    1 tsp. salt


    In a large flat skillet, Saute onion and sugar until dissolved. Add all syrup ingredients to dissolved mixture and bring to a boil. Add fish slices and cook for 40 minutes. Add more sugar and lemon juice if necessary.

    Place fish into clean dish. Strain sauce and pour over fish.

    Refrigerate fish and served chilled.

    Yields: 4-6 servings.

    FYI: when I make it, I make it in a fish pot, and put in as many salmon pieces that fit. I’m sure you can make this recipe and only put in one piece of salmon if you want.


    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626428

    Actually, I have made this recipe numerous times (for Yom Tov) and I never even tried it. But my mother tells me how good and sweet it is. 🙂 Next time I make it I’m going to be brave and try it. 🙂

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