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  • in reply to: Chanuka Cookies are worse than gifts. #1050592

    Bookworm120, that was hilarious!

    NeutiquamErro, I don’t know about that, but thumbs-up for a tech joke!

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069937

    Nu nu, so it wouldn’t be “perfectly…”

    Haifagirl, should that ellipsis have been outside the quotation marks?

    in reply to: Nittel #1121706

    I saw an ad somewhere recently for a sefer that would address

    the gap between Jewish and secular history, because apparently

    there’s more than a century of missing time to account for. Maybe

    that has something to do with the Yoshke issue mentioned 2 years ago…

    in reply to: If you could change the Shidduch System #1056208

    Thumbs-up, Oomis.

    in reply to: Parshas Parah – ????? #1049984

    ^That would have made sense if my previous post hadn’t been rejected.

    in reply to: Parshas Parah – ????? #1049983

    (Actually, I think the timeline starts even earlier… Shhh!)

    in reply to: Parshas Parah – ????? #1049982

    Actually, he’s only been a member for two weeks… Wait a minute, he doesn’t even know why you’re… Let me tell him!

    “ZeesKite” and “Little Froggie” are one and the same.

    (You’ll have to fill the gap in the timeline between them yourself.)

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152528

    “In viam meam” for NeutiquamErro.

    in reply to: If you could change the Shidduch System #1056207


    If Chazal said that it is forbidden for a man to betroth a woman

    before he has seen her, they must have considered her appearance

    a significant factor for many (perhaps even all) people.

    Can you not then accept that it may be a significant factor for the boy

    in question, and so, he may not want to spend time and money on dating

    without making sure that this one factor has already been verified?

    Of course, if you refuse to send a picture because

    you feel that sending a picture is not tzanua,

    you don’t think they truly reflect personal appearance,

    you don’t think it’s boys but their mothers looking you over, or

    you are not interested in a boy to whom this factor has such significance,

    I can’t argue with your decision.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212558

    totes bump

    in reply to: Do Not Create New Threads… #1050004

    Actually, Jewish Thinker, our day will of course have started with

    tzeis hakochavim, and the fast won’t start until alos hashachar

    in reply to: Do Not Create New Threads… #1050003

    DaasYochid is right.

    It’s more like when it rains on the day of your chasunah.

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050399

    Might not approaching someone about his flatulence well be

    considered embarrassing in a way that approaching him about

    this coughing-stuff-up issue would not be?

    in reply to: BT wants to raise children without internet access… #1049923

    Regarding the order of the posts:


    If you notice within the 25-minute editing limit, you can edit

    a note into any such post – click on EDIT underneath them.

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050394

    If he was sitting near the door, he could go out easily,

    and not be near the people sitting near him, but if he was

    planning on going out, he’d have sat there himself.

    (Rav Weiss did not address whether the actions of the

    man with the possible medical condition were justified.)

    While DaasYochid is correct in saying that “Sometimes we’re supposed to be nice to people even if they’re doing something wrong”, wouldn’t a Rav be a good person to ask if this is one of those times?

    It would not embarrass anyone for the Rav to instruct

    the gabbai on how to handle the situation, and that might

    even prevent someone else from embarrassing the man.

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050392

    Also, it’s not someone “clearing his throat,” it’s sort of coughing up

    mucus. It can be rather unpleasant to hear.

    “clearing phlegm from his throat (also very loudly) into a tissue”

    -first post in the thread

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050385


    1) Accepting and throwing out are different, even for a yeshiva.

    2) Shul membership and being in a yeshiva are different.

    A yeshiva bochur is the responsibility of the yeshiva, but

    a potential shul member is not the responsibility of the shul.

    What may happen to a yeshiva bochur if he is expelled is not at all what may happen to a grown man if a shul doesn’t want him as a member.

    3) It would be better somewhere noisy where no one cares about what he’s doing. If a person cannot be considerate of others,

    perhaps he should stay home…

    (Phlegm in the throat is presumably an effect of a

    temporary medical condition, but his attitude towards/awareness of others shows through how he handles it.)

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050384

    If you don’t have one, your shul is hefker, and anyone can

    come in and do whatever they want to. I’m only sort of joking.

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050383

    What does your shul’s Rav say?

    in reply to: A real debate about women #1049799

    (I haven’t read this whole thread.)

    From last week’s (Chaukah) edition of Mishpacha magazine:

    “Maran was opposed to women serving in the Knesset, but not because he didn’t respect women. He didn’t make a major decision without first consulting his rabbanit. Rather, he felt that the maximum effect and influence of a woman is davka when she is behind the scenes… The drama that takes place in the Knesset is good for men.”

    -Rabbanit Yehudit Yosef, daughter-in-law and confidante of

    Chacham Ovadiah, regarding the movement calling for a religious

    woman to appear on one of the chareidi party lists

    in reply to: 3 most important qualities to look for in a shidduch #1051748

    Interjection’s post hadn’t been approved when I started, and

    it brings up a good point. Just think about how you feel

    when seeing the face of a good friend or an enemy, and

    how little that may have to do with the face itself.

    in reply to: 3 most important qualities to look for in a shidduch #1051747

    “Someone whom you do not find unattractive”

    is not a euphemism for

    “someone whom you find attractive,”

    but for

    “someone whom you do not find repulsive.”

    (Reminds me of that whole “beheima asher lo…” – Exactly. 🙂 )

    That’s all that’s considered to be necessary by Chazal.

    If someone wants more than that, it’s their choice to make.

    Also, I don’t think physical attraction is meant, but aesthetic appeal.

    (Actually, can we get a discussion going about whether

    the Torah and/or Chazal distinguish between the two?)

    in reply to: 3 most important qualities to look for in a shidduch #1051746

    I’m going to point this one out because it’s common:

    Things that enhance or go well with each other are

    complementary, or complement each other.

    in reply to: 3 most important qualities to look for in a shidduch #1051745


    “Greps” is Yiddish for “burp,” and the meaning of “boor”

    is (I think) the same in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English.

    So… I’m not sure he actually made any mistake.

    in reply to: 3 most important qualities to look for in a shidduch #1051744

    There are 2 kinds of people:

    1) Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets.

    in reply to: Do Not Create New Threads… #1049996

    “Is celebrating the secular new year chukas hagoyim?”

    In the recent issue of “Halachically Speaking” about doing

    business with non-Jews on their holidays, an opinion that one

    should not go to (office) parties on January 1st is mentioned, and

    I think multiple sources are given. I don’t have it with me as I type.

    in reply to: Interrupting Shmoneh Esrei #1050433

    No mention of klopping before Shmoneh Esrei,

    which is mutar l’chol ha’dei’os ? For shame!

    (My own kind of Jew, see above:

    http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/interrupting-shmoneh-esrei#post-550892 )

    in reply to: Please put your contact info in your tallis/tefillin bag #1050373

    Public Service Announcement.

    in reply to: There is nothing wrong with ….and driving a car..take it from me. #1050602

    In the olden days, I think only wagon-drivers

    drove wagons, and halachic and practical issues

    excluded women from the profession. Those issues

    don’t apply to private drivers in the modern era.

    in reply to: See you in… a while. #1085385


    Oops! I’m Randomex. I’m sure you recognize me now. 🙂

    (I’ve eased up on that form of addressing under this new name.)

    Sorry, everyone, I didn’t mean to disappear for a day right

    after a post that, if I disappeared after it, could be taken

    to mean that I would be gone for a month. 🙂

    However, things are changing a little for me. I will usually not

    be seeing any posts not approved by 5/6-ish PM until sometime the

    next morning, nor will I be posting between those times of day.

    in reply to: See you in… a while. #1085380

    To you too, Eftach! Good to see you. 🙂

    Wait, Cozimjewish, does that mean you’re leaving,

    or were you just jokingly saying it for me?

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156721

    Will Letakein Girl’s post at the top of this page be featured

    in your ongoing debates about women learning Gemara, Patur? 🙂


    Last one for the day, and possibly the week (in this thread):

    This post – http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/your-coffee-room-report-card-comments/page/4#post-550573 – did not answer “Then you should have mentioned [Ohad] to begin with

    [when you recommended “Mar’eh Kohen]” (if it is necessary to

    hear his version to understand the recommendation).

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156720

    (I’m still awaiting a final decision on that post, mods…)

    Slight clarification – by “only on your side, not mine,” [2 posts up]

    I meant that you could take it as an insult, but I don’t

    think you could reasonably say that I meant to insult you.

    (Which does mean that it didn’t qualify for inclusion.)

    I object to some of your retelling of the Forest Animal thread>*<:

    1) You exaggerated more than slightly about the length of my post.

    It was 3 pages, not 7. If we’re going to look at length of responses, and especially proportionate length, I think we should look here:


    “[…]Randomex had yet to respond. When I pointed this out to him, he said that he doesn’t have to respond until I respond to everything he ever said to me in the coffee room which I have not responded to.”

    That is simply not what happened. See here (and on):


    Actually, I brought up the subject,

    and eventually said the following:

    “Those responses did not exactly inspire me to put in the

    effort necessary for a “forest animal” thread response…”

    (And now Eftach’s not even here to read these corrections…)

    ((I really should get back to that thread one of these days…))

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156719



    I don’t think I should have let those issues go without mention,

    as it could imply that my views are not opposed to yours, which

    is actually not the case. This is not meant to start a debate here –

    you’ve presumably noticed my general absence from such discussions.

    Women learning gemara – Open to debate, I suppose,

    though I see room to question motives.

    Women being ordained – I’m less inclined to think this one is

    debatable, and far more suspicious about motives in this case.

    No psak in beliefs – But don’t they have practical

    ramifications? Shechita? Sifrei Torah? Et cetera?

    I should probably read the one thread that I remember

    seeing on this subject…

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156718

    (Did this post – http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/your-coffee-room-report-card-comments/page/5#post-550984 – get stuck on an edit, mods?)

    Now, let’s resume our conversation, shall we?

    You did not address “You left my knighting you off – I assume

    you could not find a way to interpret it as an insult. (I have one,

    but only on your side, not mine.)”


    What I meant was that you could consider it insulting that

    I would presume being in a position to grant you titles.

    In response to >this<:

    I meant the second quote in my post >here<.

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156717


    I won’t pretend to have gone through that whole list, but I don’t

    think this – “PAA- Truw.” (oyyoyyoy) – deserves to be on it.

    (I doubt even Oyyoyyoy would disagree or be insulted.)

    Perhaps you can explain what puts it among the most

    awesome things said about or >in response to< you?

    It also isn’t >non-complimentary<, whether in or out of context.

    These posts by DaasYochid seem to me more deserving of a place

    (Perhaps you weren’t including posts in this thread at the time?):



    Also, Popa’s alleged wife’s alleged latest opinion, which was

    officially made part of the list, was left out of this collection.

    Speaking of which, when I wrote this,

    “Likewise, there would appear to be no advantage in being MLkD over MLdA, so I don’t think the term ‘dubious improvement’ applied.”

    I meant “no perceivable advantage.” If a false impression of

    improvement is not possible, it cannot be corrected, which is

    the context in which the term “dubious improvement” is used.

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156716






    “I think this is facetious…”



    It would certainly not be the first time you’d be

    using an argument that contravenes common sense

    despite being logical.


    What I meant was that I didn’t think PAA actually thought the

    arguments I was talking about were valid, but wrote them anyway

    as a joke/troll (or so I think) because he could get away with it,

    seeing as they were not illogical but merely against common sense.

    When I wrote >“There, I said it.”< (not included by PAA in his quote),

    I meant to tell him that someone had finally caught on to this trick of his. Am I mistaken (and giving myself too much credit*), Patur?

    I actually wrote that second post with the intention that it be

    put on this list, and I realize now that the first ones deserved

    inclusion too (I had previously objected to their use),

    but I think this explanation should be here as well.

    [*I mean specifically about this – I’m sure I do in general. 🙂 ]

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156715


    “‘merely spewing Aramaic quotes that have no relevance to anything, but give the impression of being somewhat learned.’

    Precisely the point I was trying to make”


    See here –

    http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/creative-writing-cr-users-in-real-life#post-540777 – or just keep reading.

    The first, quoted, part was written by PAA himself,

    and jokingly confirmed by Cozimjewish with the text

    of the second part followed by a wink – ;).

    No criticism of PAA was actually intended.

    The misleading decontextualization of this quote has been mentioned before, with PAA’s eventual response being >this<:

    “Once I included the links, people can see the context for themselves.”

    However, I don’t think anyone actually will (except, perhaps, Eftach),

    hence this post.

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156714

    Thanks for mentioning that, Cozimjewish.

    “It might be considered pretentious and presumptuous for me to.”

    in reply to: SUC Grand Member Master List #1177896

    There was also this:


    (I can see why people might not have read that one…)

    in reply to: Sample Seminary Essay #1063268



    Why can’t I make a two line break in a post?

    ?? There’s no double spacing / So you say / Not for you anyway ??

    But for me… Double spacing within a line is impossible, AFAIK.

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152525

    How about [man or mentch] for [man oh mentch]?

    in reply to: OH, JAY!! #1049411

    “OJ” is used as an abbreviation for “orange juice” in some places.

    in reply to: weinreb bros kumzits guys #1049387

    Can you name something with a comparable sound?

    in reply to: Safety First #1050205

    My apologies to Zelig. Anyway:


    Google – The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.

    Wiktionary – The condition or feeling of being safe; security; certainty.


    Google – The state of being free from illness or injury.

    Wiktionary – The state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction; wellness.

    So I’d have to agree with Lior:

    “protecting one’s health is […] a matter of safety.”

    So both of you are right and wrong. You are right that health is not the same as safety, but Zelig is right that wearing a coat is safety.

    No, but the post that I mentioned was in a music-related thread.

    in reply to: Project Improve #1049376

    7. Strongly agree.

    8. Moderately agree.

    Don’t bet on it happening, though.

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156694

    Actually, it was obvious that there was context missing. I assumed that at some point in the past, a statement about MLdA had been made.

    No reason was given, however, for a switch to MLkD.

    (You assume it to be this thread – fair enough, but

    could I have been expected to realize that?)

    Likewise, there would appear to be no advantage in being MLkD over MLdA, so I don’t think the term “dubious improvement” applied.

    (Thanks for clearing up the matter of the “This has nothing…”

    thread’s title – I had wondered about that.)

    At any rate, Cozimjewish had a valid complaint, and Popa had an insult. Which do you think I would consider a better post?


    Oh! The trolls. Do you think we should say something about the trolls?

    in reply to: Chronicle Moderations #1215452

    I probably hold a record for most rejected posts by a

    non-malicious user in some time period or other.

    But really, I can’t complain. 🙂

    (Sometimes I’ve been more surprised by posts that

    were approved than I’ve been by ones that weren’t.)

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