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  • in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1341766
    Dave Hirsch


    You are right. Donald Trump is the least anti-Semitic person anyone has ever met. He even said so himself and unlike the uber-left Snopes, Trump never lies.

    I am certain that Fred Trump’s arrest at a KKK rally was a coincidence. It’s possible that Martin Luther King also passed by at the same time.

    Trump never pandered to the alt-right and immediately condemned David Duke. He simply likes to wait and see all the facts. You will see that Trump never jumps to conclusions, and unlike Barack Obama, waits to get all the facts. This is why the alt-right bemoaned Trump’s comments at the beautifully organized press conference.

    Also, what the Fake News failed to report that Trump repealed Obamacare, overhauled the tax code, and invested a trillion dollars in infrastructure and a Mexican wall. At the same time, Trump found the missing money from the Social Security fund which will enable the entitlements to continue without any reform and impending bankruptcy. Finally, his reduction in the trade deficit (with the funding of US manufacturing plants) miraculously reduced the national debt and resulted in a surplus.

    Voters already realize that electing a level-headed, non-politician was the right choice. No president in history has accomplished so much in only a few months.

    Historians will look back and see that Trump was the real founding father.

    Thank you Trump!

    Thank you Joseph for bringing all this to our attention!

    in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1341705
    Dave Hirsch

    When white nationalists descended upon the historic Virginia city to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, their “Unite the Right” rally gathered a veritable who’s who of top neo-Nazis in the United States, including the former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and alt-right leading light Richard Spencer, among others.

    They immediately went after the Jews. At their Friday night rally at the University of Virginia, the white nationalists brandished torches and chanted anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans, including “blood and soil” (an English rendering of the Nazi “blut und boden”) and “Jews will not replace us” — all crafted to cast Jews as foreign interlopers who need to be expunged. The attendees proudly displayed giant swastikas and wore shirts emblazoned with quotes from Adolf Hitler. One banner read, “Jews are Satan’s children.”

    “The truth is,” Duke told a large crowd Saturday, “the American media, and the American political system, and the American Federal Reserve, is dominated by a tiny minority: the Jewish Zionist cause.” Addressing another group, Richard Spencer mocked Charlottesville’s Jewish mayor, Mike Signer. “Little Mayor Signer – ‘See-ner’ – how do you pronounce this little creep’s name?” Spencer asked. The crowd responded by chanting, “Jew, Jew, Jew.” In TV interviews, attendees were not shy about their anti-Semitism.

    Denver Post

    in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1341709
    Dave Hirsch

    Jason Kessler – the organizer of the event – graduated from the University of Virginia, and like most Trump suppprters, voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and once attended an Occupy Wall Street rally in Charlottesville. He believed in a conspiracy theory that “Jews escaped Nazi Germany in order to erode Western values”.

    in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1341702
    Dave Hirsch

    “On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

    One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica.”

    — Washington Post

    I’m sure the response will be ‘fake news’…

    Only Trump speaks the truth.

    in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1341698
    Dave Hirsch


    Its as fictitious as Barack Obama’s relationship with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi.

    The fact is that Fred participated in KKK rallies and there is a picture to prove it.

    The fact is that Donald Trump continues to diss the Jews and pander to the alt-right.

    Maybe Jared and Ivanka have a ‘heter’ to support an alt-right agenda. Maybe they and you are naive.

    If you haven’t regretted your vote for Trump by now (whose presidency is turning out to be just like normal people predicted) them him shooting someone on fifth avenue won’t change it. That is why I called it disheartening.

    in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1341629
    Dave Hirsch


    I hope you don’t have parents or grandparents who survived Hitler. There’s no way to defend your ridiculous attempts to defend a president who continuously panders to the alt-right anti-Semites. This protest was organized and arranged by the KKK and neo-Nazis. Many alt-right extremists declined an invitation to a rally where the people (the entire group): vJews will not replace us”. If a fine person was there then he or she was a counter-protestor or bystander who got mowed down by a ‘nice guy’.

    Frum people voted for Trump despite his German heritage, his father’s participation in the KKK and his refusal to condemn David Duke. He joins t Democrats, his lifelong political home, and is Senator Byrd’s replacement in Washington. There’s no place for him in the Republican party or in the American society.

    Its sad that the conservative movement – the one that promoted individual liberty and fiscal responsibility – was hijacked by an incompetent and racist clown. It is even more disheartening that Frum people voted for him and are blinded by his populist, uneducated mannerisms.

    in reply to: Thank You President Trump! #1340666
    Dave Hirsch

    I agree.

    Trump is the only modern US President who speaks the truth. He doesn’t back down despite the naysayers (for example, he has millions of CEOs that are willing to join his councils, but he doesn’t need them).

    He knows that the Nazis are good people and wishes that Hitler have a statute. Hitler and the Nazi party should not be considered anti-Semites. After all, not only Jews were killed in the Holocaust and Jews shouldn’t be singled out on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    President Trump also doesn’t think a U.S. president should visit the Warsaw memorial when visiting Poland. After all, if Ivanka was able to take his place at the G-20 Summit, why can’t a first daughter go to the memorial? A president should not be taking sides!

    For example, Trump realizes that Yad Vashem is just an amazing place to visit, but he wouldn’t condemn the Nazi perpetrators because he understands that a President has to have all of the facts before making such a statement (except when it involves an Islamic incident, of course).

    Trump is the least anti-Semitic, homophobic, racist and sexist person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Trump said so himself (and he NEVER lies)!

    in reply to: What is Trump Thinking? #1164191
    Dave Hirsch

    Trump’s pea-sized brain has no ability to think. The sad part is that most Americans don’t think either (with the excuse that it’s common sense…).

    G-d have mercy.

    in reply to: Vote third parties #1152287
    Dave Hirsch

    Indeed so.

    I never voted Republican because the candidate had an R next to his or her name. I voted for conservative principles. Unfortunately, the Democratic and Republican parties will have a pathological liar who touts a socialist agenda as the nominee.

    Some will say that one must vote to choose between the lesser of two evils (Hillary ‘Suha’ Clinton in this case). They would choose between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, Josef Stalin and Josef Mengele, David Duke and Louis Farrakhan, but I will be able to say that I had no part of my personal destruction.

    I will not support someone who wants to stifle American jobs by raising taxes, increasing the minimum wage, dictate corporations or spend in order to print more money (or worse, default on U.S. debt).

    I will vote for any third party candidate who draws and contrast and introduces conservative principles to the national stage.

    in reply to: Why is Donald Trump orange? #1151431
    Dave Hirsch

    ?????? = 424

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190402
    Dave Hirsch


    He has some very shocking positions and may get a little ‘high’ while carrying the football.

    I’m considering Austin Petersen, who is pro-life as well.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190394
    Dave Hirsch


    Firstly, Donald Trump is more liberal than Hillary Clinton on every single issue (discounting anything he said since he decided to con the Republican Party).

    Also, Clinton is a pathological liar who knows that she lies and remembers them. Trump is a compulsive liar who actually believes that what he is saying at the moment is the absolute truth. Hillary at least makes her intentions of destroying America and following Europe’s lead known. Trump is nothing but deception.

    Trump – until proven otherwise with a psych eval – has the following psychological illnesses and is unfit to preside over a country: Bipolar disorder, sever emotional insecurities, ADHD and the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

    Hillary Clinton is a cheater and is good at it. She grew up in a middle-class home and enriched herself by trading cattle, pardoning criminals, campaign contributions and political favors, etc.

    Donald Trump, however, is a failed cheater (he was even caught cheating golf!). He inherited $200,000,000 (or in real-real estate terms FORTY BILLION Dollars) from his cheating-mafiosi-daddy and squandered it.

    in reply to: Today is the New York Primary- Who should I vote for? #1148314
    Dave Hirsch

    I.M. Shluffin,

    See lemmings.

    in reply to: Today is the New York Primary- Who should I vote for? #1148312
    Dave Hirsch

    If you like Obama and deBlasio then you’ll love Trump!

    He’ll make America the next third-world country.

    If you want to vote for a winner then vote for Raul Castro (he’s guaranteed to be the Cuban dictator).

    Read here:

    in reply to: Please vote for Cruz – part 1 – BDS #1147050
    Dave Hirsch


    Trump is an religious as is Obama, and that is himself above all and above the One. he would also be a horrible president, as is Obama.

    Two people, same idea…

    in reply to: Donald trump poll #1147094
    Dave Hirsch

    I don’t think Trump is either smart or crazy. He’s a professional con artist and those who vote for him are either dumb or crazy.

    Trump ensured that America will never be great again. He ruined the conservative movement forever, which will cement the ‘New Deal’, ‘Great Society’ and ‘Obama Class Warfare’ destruction.

    in reply to: Ywn republican presidential poll #1144340
    Dave Hirsch



    in reply to: Donald Trump Is Bad And Has Popular Support #1138389
    Dave Hirsch

    If you hate Israel (or think that they share blame with “Palestine”) vote Trump. He said it last week!

    He also said a couple of months ago that, as president, he will force Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians…

    If you like Trump; why not Sanders?!

    in reply to: de Blasio v. Lhota #975547
    Dave Hirsch

    Dinkins vs Giuliani

    in reply to: Zecher LaChurban #966109
    Dave Hirsch

    From YWN Archives:

    Al Naros Bavel

    As a remembrance of the churban the poskim write that one should recite al naros bavel before bentching during the week, on days that tachnun is recited. The reason for saying this tefilla is to worry about the churban each seuda that one washes. The minhag seems to be that people are careful to say al naros bavel during the nine days, but do not say it the rest of the year. It is unclear what the basis for this custom is.

    Amah by Amah

    Where to Place the Amah by Amah

    Each Room

    What to do?

    One who puts up wallpaper (and does not paint) is also obligated to leave a part of the wall unfinished.

    Buying a House from a Goy

    Bought from a Yid

    Investment Property

    One is not required to make an amah by amah in a house which is purchased for investment purposes.

    Shul / Bais Medrash



    Bungalow/ Summer Home

    Wedding Hall


    Ashes on the Forehead

    Breaking a Glass under the Chupah


    Wearing Less Jewelry

    Less of a Meal

    Practicing a Musical Instrument

    One is permitted to listen to music for the sake of learning a trade.

    For Children

    One is permitted to sing a song to help a child go to sleep because we rely on the opinion that singing is only forbidden if accompanied with wine (without food). However, one should not sing songs which are not proper for the children (such as certain lullabies).

    Recorded Music

    There is a discussion in the poskim if the issur applies only to live music or also recorded music. Some poskim maintain since recorded music was not around when chazal made the issur it was not included. Many argue with this premise. Others say if one records his voice it is considered vocal music and if one records musical instruments it is viewed as instrumental music. Those who are lenient in regard to recorded music are also lenient as far as music on the radio. According to all opinions one is permitted to listen to the music that emits from his cell phone when receiving a call.

    Listening to Tapes of Jewish Music

    Today the custom is to be lenient and listen to music for the following reasons: 1. Musical instruments are only forbidden if accompanied by wine. 2. One who is down and out may use the music to lift his spirits. 3. Perhaps the issur never applied to recorded music. 4. Many say the issur only applies to listening on a constant basis.

    Driving a Car

    One who is driving a car may listen to music (even for long periods of time) if one is doing so to stay awake while driving.

    Weddings and Seudas Mitzvah

    The Music Ban in Yerushalayim

    In 1865 a general ban was issued in Yerushalayim against playing music at weddings, and only one instrument was permitted to play. Many poskim discuss if recorded music or electric synthesizers may be used at a wedding in Yerushalayim. The consensus is to be stringent. A chosson and kallah who live outside Yerushalayim and have their wedding in Yerushalayim should not be lenient and have a band without asking a sheilah first. The ban seems to apply to all of Yerushalayim.

    Singing Praises of Hashem

    One who sings songs of praise to Hashem is permitted to play a musical instrument while doing so and the above discussion would not apply. This is permitted even with wine, and even on a regular basis.

    Pesukim as Lyrics

    The Gemorah in Sanhedrin says one is not allowed to use words of Shir Hashirim for a song. Rashi explains that this issur applies to all pesukim. The reason is because using the words of the Torah for his own enjoyement is a lack of proper kedusha. One who wishes to praise Hashem may sing the lyrics of the Torah. A posuk that is a nusach of davening may be sung by adding a tune to it. However, singing a certain posuk because you like the niggun is forbidden.

    The Magen Avraham says when singing songs on Shabbos one should only sing songs which were composed esepcially for seudas Shabbos (and not other words of chazal). However, many poskim say the Magen Avraham only forbids other songs if they will be sung in a frivolous manner, and if they are used to praise Hashem then singing them is permitted.

    Non-Jewish Music

    Many non-Jewish songs have lyrics which are forbidden to listen to, since many of these songs (even those without lyrics) have the ability to bring one to lewdness. Other songs are wild and can cause one to act in a manner that is improper for a Jewish person. There is a discussion in the poskim if one can take a non-Jewish tune and sing Jewish words to it.

    There are many types of classical music. Each situation is different and has to be judged on its own level if it has the din of non-Jewish music or not.

    Today there are hundreds of Jewish CD and tapes on the market and one can easily avoid any questions of listening to non-Jewish music.


    In the zechus of keeping these halachos as a remembrance of the churban bais hamikdosh may we be zocheh that Hashem will send us out of gulus so we can see the building of the third bais hamikdosh speedily in our days.

    in reply to: Zecher LaChurban #966107
    Dave Hirsch

    Another neglected Halacha:

    It is incumbent on one to rip his or her garment upon seeing the Churban Yerushalayim (Yehuda) or Churban Habayis. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Zt”l ruled that the Halacha is not applicable nowadays upon seeing the Old City, as it is under Jewish rule; nevertheless, he maintains that one must essentially perform the Kriah ritual even on Erev Shabbos or Yom Tov. Yet, if it is contrary to the Minhag, one should not perform it, but it does not exempt him thereafter (even within thirty days). Moreover, many Poskim (Pe’as Hashulchan and more) scoff at those who seek to evade from ripping their garment by lending or selling it to a friend as a ploy. They maintain that it does not relieve one of this obligation.

    You are encouraged to comment and add your insights on Halachos pertaining to this sorrowful day.

    in reply to: Obama or Romney #875079
    Dave Hirsch

    Let’s see: Those who work in academia and in the public sector will want to vote for Obama, and those who work in the public sector would prefer Romney.

    Being that I work in the private sector, I will IY”H cast my vote for Romney.

    in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857139
    Dave Hirsch

    Whose Derech?

    The Derech which forbids an Eishes Ish from having relations (source: Facebook post).

    The Derech which declares: “Lo Tiyeh Kdeisha B’Bnos Yisroel.”

    The Derech that follows the “Old Testament” in which it is written “Lo Techaten Bom…” (granted, she was only in a three month relationship).

    I’m not deciding the custody battle (I don’t know the facts), but what is clear is the fact that she is NOT leading a religious lifestyle (she’s sending the children to religious institution per arbitrated agreement).

    We must, however, examine the problems within our community (and this includes all of us: Hasidic, Yeshivish, MO and Sephardic — we all experience it) and acknowledge the reasons for this migration. I, for one, believe that the schools must place a bigger emphasis on Hashkafa and Emunah.

    in reply to: Scoop…. #842966
    Dave Hirsch
    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903403
    Dave Hirsch

    BTGuy, I read Donald’s book on how to get rich and it didn’t work, so…

    Trump is not ready to be president (Obama was far from prepared… how did it work?) and he knows it. There’s more to the presidency than knowing how to navigate a business and how to hire effective managers; Trump is a successful businessman and rhetorician but that won’t help him pay off the national debt (his one-time debt tax plan is ridiculous) and get the economy back on track (Advice: don’t follow Trump’s predictions, they’re usually wrong). Do you really think invading countries for oil will work? Can we afford a trade-war with China now? Do you want universal healthcare (Trump thinks Obamacare is not enough)?

    I can expose the chameleon here (who flip-flopped on every single issue more than Kerry-Romney-Obama-Gingrich combined); however, since my time is limited and he’s unelectable, I can just tell you that the worst thing for America is a spoiler candidacy by Trump. It will just reelect Obama and continue America’s destruction (some conspirators even believe that he’s part of the Obama-machine and wishes to ensure him a 2nd term).

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903401
    Dave Hirsch

    A Woman outside bklyn,

    Rick Perry undeniably would make the best president out of the pack; he might not be that smart, but he was/is an effective governor and has a proven record that no one in the race (including Obama) can compete with. However, he cannot win Obama in a debate and should therefore not win the Republican nomination.

    Additionally, his strategy was a losing one. As I tweeted after his debate flub, he was to focus fully on Iowa — not with TV ads but with retail (like Santorum has) — in order to remain viable. His staying in the race now comes across as aloof; he doesn’t have the war chest, and even the most stellar debate performance won’t put him back on track.

    This election season was forcasted to be volatile and shaky from the start. Mitt Romney cannot seem to garner more than 25% of the vote (although his Iowa showing — despite winning with less votes than in 2008 — was in line with previous GOP candidate), and the conservatives cannot seem to decide on one candidate. We had a different star weekly and they all faded. Expect Santorum to fade shortly as well; his fiscal record is perhaps quite liberal, and his departure from the Senate wasn’t pretty (he lost by 18%).

    The best thing for Romney is the fact that the conservatives aren’t united around a single candidate. However, it is also a disadvantage for him and the GOP; Romney is not yet prepared for the general and must have a bumpy road in the primaries in order to get roughened up for the Axelrod machine.


    I hope you’re not serious. Trump? The biggest attention seeker in the United States for president? If Christie can’t close his mouth (for food), The Donald can’t contain himself either (for illogical talk)! He’ll do anything for his benefit at America’s expense.

    in reply to: 2011, A year in review. #840589
    Dave Hirsch

    These were quite big despite the sparse coverage it received from the media.


    Fast-and-Furious Scandal

    in reply to: Just a quick �Hello� to� #842207
    Dave Hirsch

    ICOT, I also miss some of the posters you mentioned. Although I often had heated debates with charliehall, I appreciated his wisdom and astuteness; the Coffee Room just isn’t the same without him. I, for one, am still here, but I hardly participate in discussions since he and some of his liberal friends left (nfgo3). I’m always in the mood for a good debate.

    I also miss The Wolf’s humorous take on the issues.

    But, I stopped by to say ‘hi’ to all of you, as I am still here and frequent your threads occasionally.

    in reply to: Politics #819294
    Dave Hirsch


    That is precisely the matter with the current (and by now, final) Republican field — not one candidate is addressing the real problems, and they’re all ducking from offering solutions. Additionally, no candidate has a record of cutting deficits and balancing budgets. ‘Purity’ and negativity scared off those who were going to have an earnest discussion with the American people about the direction of the country. Although it would seem viable for the Republican nominee to choose Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American senator from Florida who is brilliant and eloquent, to ensure victory, it would be better for the country to have Governor Daniels or Rep. Ryan as veep.

    Here’s my take on most candidates:

    in reply to: Politics #819292
    Dave Hirsch

    For the record: Mitt Romney’s record is far more liberal than Jon Hunsman’s.

    in reply to: Where is Charlie Hall? #809712
    Dave Hirsch

    Ferd, if you would have had a different name, I would condemn your despicable statement. However, your name seems to suit your talk.

    Dave Hirsch

    Knowing how the beauty of a song or melody of beautiful composition sung on tune by a wonderful and amazing singer and performer with magnificent harmonies and background vocals accompanied by a philharmonic orchestra and symphonic musical ensemble playing distinct notes of music in sync among numerous pitches of melody with magnificent chords by musicians and vocalists masterfully assembled and conducted by an organized and masterful conductor or music director can captivate, mesmerize and fascinate people in addition to comforting and cheering broken hearts, miserable persons and depressed individuals, the Hebrew Academy for Special Children non-profit organization, otherwise known by its acronym – HASC, arranges an annual live performance and melodic show where a concert hall or entertainment centre ,which is lit to desire and has a tranquilizing setting, is rented for the evening while orthodox-Jewish super-stars in the likes of Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried and Lipa Schmeltzer rehearse together with a full instrumental ensemble that contains strings, brass, woodwinds and percussions in addition to a vocal chorus led by a choirmaster in preparation for the evening where they will be starring in a packed music hall filled with thousands of people that wish to participate in the recital so masterfully created to be easy on the ear and pleasant sounding, in addition to supporting the worthy cause of taking special children and unfortunate children to the next level with special education and programs to prepare them for life.

    18 to be exact.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903394
    Dave Hirsch

    Moderates Win the Debate

    Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman emerged as the winners from the debate held at the Reagan library. Rick Perry, despite a good start, performed poorly as Michele Bachmann flubbed.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903393
    Dave Hirsch

    What was supposed to be a weak, uninspiring Republican field became an action-filled, substantial crop of candidates. A handful of successful governors (Huntsman, Johnson, Perry, Roemer and Romney), another handful of influential former or current members of Congress (Bachmann, Gingrich, McCotter, Paul and Santorum) along with some businessmen (Cain is only one of the pack). Yet, is the field about to get even bigger?

    Big Names Push Paul Ryan to Run

    Other Potential Late Entrants

    in reply to: Why good grammar is important #798364
    Dave Hirsch

    Panda: Eats, Shoots, And Leaves…

    in reply to: Is the Tea Party pro Israel? #798068
    Dave Hirsch

    Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann are perhaps the most pro-Israel from the pack.

    Rick Perry on Israel

    Gov. Rick Perry visited Israel more than any candidate. One of his first acts after being elected agriculture commissioner in 1991 was to create the Texas-Israel Exchange, which promoted information and research sharing.

    He told the Jerusalem Post that he wants Texans to “strengthen their support for Israel and keep Israel in their prayers.”

    He was also slammed for “abusing his office” to support Israel.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903392
    Dave Hirsch

    Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan is Considering a Presidential Bid

    Although I’m rooting for Ryan and would choose him over the current field, I don’t see how he can catch up to be a serious contender. He doesn’t have the fundraising capabilities or name recognition that Gov. Rick Perry has to enable him to be a late entrant.

    Karl Rove floated his name last night on the “Hannity Show” as a potential contender.

    @The Goq,

    I do it for significant news (headlines) or titles.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903391
    Dave Hirsch

    As expected the liberal media is hyping up the comparisons between Bush and Perry.

    George Stephanopoulos Endorses White House Strategy That Perry Is a ‘Carbon Copy’ of Bush

    Meanwhile, front-runner Mitt Romney slammed Obama’s “Magical Misery Bus Tour” with an ad featuring disgruntled Minnesotan slamming the President for not doing his job.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903389
    Dave Hirsch

    Texas Governor Rick Perry to announce his candidacy for president on Shabbos.

    in reply to: Tisha B'Av Forum #965730
    Dave Hirsch
    in reply to: Zecher LaChurban #966104
    Dave Hirsch

    Sof Davar,

    The Gemara (Gittin 7a) forbids music for pleasure.

    There’s a dispute, however, in the Poskim whether it implies to singing as well as music or it pertains to music only. Rav Moshe Feinstein Zt”l (Igros Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:161) maintains that singing itself is not problematic halachically; yet, he does advise G-D fearing Jews to refrain from singing.

    in reply to: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos #773213
    Dave Hirsch

    Pac Man,

    The Chasam Sofer doesn’t endorse the Minhag. The questioner refers to the Minhag to which the Chasam Sofer replies about the issue of Chatzitza (for a Kallah before the Chupa).

    in reply to: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos #773202
    Dave Hirsch

    I agree with many of the above posters.

    Shaving is merely a Minhag (the Chasam Sofer actually does mention it in his responsa Y”D 195 – citing the reason of ?????) and is a hard undertaking for a woman. However, being that you asked, and it is the Skulener Rebbe whom you asked, I feel that you are compelled to either go back and ask once more or do as you were told. He isn’t just another rebbe… rather a pious, devout and saintly man. He is known to many as a miracle man (literally). “Just throw away your TV…” etc.

    in reply to: Tznius clarification, and apology #771845
    Dave Hirsch


    Can you name one Posek who rules that toes/heels may not be uncovered?

    Shok B’Isha Erva is above the ankle according to the most stringent opinions. The Shevet Halevi rules that a woman does not have to wear stockings if her skirt reaches below her ankle.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903382
    Dave Hirsch


    Pawlenty is less famous than Huckabee. If he would be as famous as Huckabee and connect better with voters, then he would’ve been my pick in place of Christie. His problem is that he doesn’t connect to voters.

    Gingrich is a flip-flop, self-centered, no-chance choice. His record is murky with his gaffes and scandals. He simply has no self-control. The conservatives will be weary to vote for Gingrich as well. Pawlenty has a record he can run on. After all, he’s one of the only governors with an ‘A’ from Cato.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903380
    Dave Hirsch
    Dave Hirsch


    e best piece of advice I’ve ever received was bad advice; it taught me never to listen to “advisors” ever again…

    I also cherish what an economics professor once told me: “Look around and you’ll see that everyone who made it big worked hard, but not everyone who worked hard made it big…”

    in reply to: Why are some Jews against Israel? #913146
    Dave Hirsch

    I think that the question should be revised to:

    Why is Israel against the Jews?

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903378
    Dave Hirsch

    Tim Pawlenty Loses First GOP Debate

    You can’t really declare a winner for the first Republican presidential debate (which took place today in South Carolina and was sponsored by Fox News). Only five of the declared candidates participated: Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Gary Johnson and Herman Cain. Pawlenty is the only serious candidate. The other contenders were only there to make the debate a carnival barker and a bit more interesting (Pawlenty alone would be disastrous). People didn’t tune in and is would have no effect on the voters.

    Tim Pawlenty blew it. He had the opportunity to present himself to the public once more, and he failed again. Granted, he looked presidential and answered tough questions, but he didn’t exploit it to his benefit. “Mr. Nice-Guy” perhaps reiterated his Personality traits (they’re actually good, but not for a presidential candidate) and showed that he cannot engage in confrontations. His reluctance to berate Romneycare or to take a swipe at Huckabee proved once more that he is “too nice” to be president.

    Nice guys finish last…

    in reply to: Poll: Is Osama bin Laden Really Dead? #764677
    Dave Hirsch


    What about Bushhaters?!

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 284 total)