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  • in reply to: What exactly is Daas Torah? #830309

    Actually, the term “Daas Torah” is primarily a Halachic perspective on situations that occur in everyday life. Or, a precedent in handling a certain situation from the vast collection of Aggadah in the Talmud and Midrash. Unfortunately, today the term has been devalued by running to the Gedolei Hador with every trivial matter or personal fantasy.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830573

    Toi: (In reply to “Apushatayid”.) Just to enhance your point about “Rabbi” Lamm. If he refers to Rishonim and Gedolei ha’Achronim with their last name, he demonstrates an extreme lack of Yiras Shomayim and Yiras hakavod in addition to his other “Maasim Tovim”. Then he can, at the very least be referred to by his last name. IMHO, he is no better than the cardinal of Paris, Lustigier having Semicha and (still) considering himself to be a good Jew.

    in reply to: This Thread for Mossad Secret Agents Only #977481

    The Goq; (In your reply to Skia.) Are yu sure it’s spelled with a “T”?! Go figure.

    in reply to: The B110 Bus #821713

    Dr. Seuss; The carrier (Bus Co.) may be private. But the route that they are driving along picking up passengers and collecting revenue is public, that is represented by City Government. And, therefore, public accommodation rules apply. And it is part of an agreement that they signed.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820965

    600 Kilo Bear; Speaking of that specimen of a character. I can tell you that he was, beside an extortionist a blackmailer on a different level. The details of which are not suitable for discussion on a Choshuve website like this one. At least Sir R. Murdoch does it for the money. But he did it for spite, too. Anyway. Someone quoted a very apropos Posuk, (Not a Gematriyah.) ????? ???? ?????.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820960

    Itche Srulik; thanks. You made my day. But the Acronym (Roshei Teivos) of my name spells “Mazik”. (?.?.?).

    600 Kilo Bear; That is exactly where I took it from. The Panim Chaloshos. by that esteemed demagogue. Do you know “The Rest of the Story”?! He started up with the BP Shomrim. He worked his usual MO (Modus Operandi) on them. Namely. Extortion. But they fixed his wagon, real good. When they were finished, he offered THEM money to get off his case.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820955

    600 Kilo Bear; I don’t know about Gematriyaos for “Shaygetz Aroys”. But I have a good, happy and working Acronym (Roshei Teivos); ?? ??? = ?? ????? ????? ??????? ????? (Sorry. But this phrase doesn’t lend itself to translation.)

    in reply to: Traditional Conservative Judaism #819466

    Jothar; I don’t know who exactly opinionated that there is a common thread between Conservatism and some segments of Modern Orthodoxy. But it happens to be true. Their ideology stems from the same source. They both (I’m not speaking of Modern Orthodoxy, as a movement. Just a segment of it.) started out as adhering to the Torah. But they were constantly looking for loopholes, in order to make life less difficult. But they keep “Lowering the Bar”, until they’re left with next to nothing. When Conservatism started (at least in the US) they were prohibited from driving a car on Shabbos and women did not get an Aliya. But they kept “Evolving”, in order to be more progressive.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820950

    Itche srulik; You’re scaring me!

    in reply to: Jackie Mason #820649

    Zhavasdad; “Elisa” ben Avuyah; It’s Elisha. And there is a world of difference between “Elisa” and Elisha.

    Kapusta; “Maybe it’s a question for a Rav”. With all the stupid trivia around, we would bother the rabbonim, they would never have time to learn Torah. I think it’s high time we should give the Rabbonim and Gedolei Yisroel a break and stop fardreying them a kup with our shtusim. Let’s leave the serious Sheilos for the Rabbonim and the rest we can discuss among each other.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820933

    Mexipal; Any highway that you don’t pay attention to the speedometer. Or your rear view mirror.

    in reply to: Jackie Mason #820636

    The Frumguy; Unfortunately. Your story doesn’t check out. One doesn’t go from being a “Frum” rabbi to being a Mechallel Shabbos and “Ocheil neveilos U’treifos.” There are some missing links. Yes. He was born with a sense of humor. But he sure didn’t go straight from being an Ehrlicher Yid to lead the goyishe lifestyle that he leads today.

    in reply to: Is eating in succah on Shabbos Breishis considered Bal Tosef? #977932

    Sam4321 & YW Band; Your (Band) Rav was 100% right. It states clearly in the Mishne Brurah (At the above chapter cited by Sam.) that if someone were to sit in the Sukkah on any other day than Shmini Atzeres or Simchas Torah, they don’t have to make a “Hekker” (Not to be confused with “Hacker”,) that they are not doing it for the Mitzvah, where it would be considered “Bal Tosif”. Logic supports that contention, too. Suppose, someone were to sit in the Sukkah on Chanukah, they would be considered nuts.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820922

    Rasha Gamur; (What is the Gematria, or meaning of this name). Gematiaos ?????????. are like Astrology. You take them with a grain of salt and a smile. Don’t put too much meaning into them. I have a mishigass (hobby, blaa”z) to find a gimatria for any highway that I travel on. In that spirit. What is the Gimatria for Interstate 287?! Even if you know the answer, please don’t shout it out loud. Just whisper.

    in reply to: Yiddish and Hebrew #818400

    Jothar; I’ll answer in English. Your syntax is not the greatest. It is obvious that your Spanish is not “Natural”. “Pimsler” and all the other language programs can’t replace learning a language “Naturally”. i.e. Learning from interacting with the natives. I have lived ( and went to school) in a Spanish-speaking country in South America for Three and a half years.

    in reply to: Yiddish and Hebrew #818398

    Senior, Seniora o Seniorita;Jothar; Si. Pero yo quiero escribar en Hebreo o el Judio, tambien. Solamente hai que traducir de las otras idiomas al Ingles. (I think this is more than you bargained for.)

    Here goes the translation; In response to your question/ request, that posts be written in Spanish, I wrote that I like to post in Hebrew or Yiddish, too. The only requirement is that it be translated to English.

    in reply to: "New" Segulah found in an old sefer #818047

    Bar Shattya; No one for a moment took your comment at face value. Knowing your track record and subjects you commented on. Your point is well taken, though. But there will always be people who live by Segulos. Those are people who have a Two-fold problem. (Let me be an amateur Psychoanalyst for a while.) They are borderline Obsessive-Compulsive. And reality doesn’t work for them very well.

    in reply to: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos #817109

    Sam2; I don’t have a Shulchan Aruch in front of me for reference. But I vaguely remember the Gemara in Masechet Shabbos and the Mechaber In Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Shabbos states; ?????? ?????? ???????. That you are allowed to record a house or property on Shabbos, due to the Mitzva of “Yishuv Eretz Israel”. One of the commentators explains because any language other than “Ashuris” is not considered “Kesivah” M’Dooraysa. L’Halacha, of course we don’t hold like that. But in a pinch, it might be enough to go with it.

    in reply to: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos #817108

    Dr. Seuss; Informing the police officer that he is not willingly going in the car or traveling on Shabbos, does not change the situation. He is not a sack of potatoes. He still participated in chillul Shabbos. But the facts in this particular situation were such that the (farshtunkene, anti-Semitic, dumb) cop refused to follow the Yid to his house, where he would have presented ID. Instead, he threatened to arrest him if he didn’t sign the ticket on the spot. But, normally, in NYC you don’t have to ( nor are you asked to) sign a ticket.

    in reply to: Mishmar Shaila- Why does everything smell like sweat #818777

    Bar Shattya; You didn’t have to make a Neder (B’li Neder) to find out the source of your smelling sweat everywhere. You coulda axed me. There are two reasons; 1) Refraining from taking a shower for an extended period of time; 2) Failing to use a deodorant. Now, the main problem is, (In spite of the fact that you hold by the Shitta of “B’shvili Nivrah Haolom”.) that others are smelling it, too. If you keep on this “Mehalech”, you will have scientific proof of “B’shvili Nivrah Haolam”. ‘Cause there will be no one else around.

    in reply to: What does IMHO mean?? #817018

    Kapusta; But you don’t have to be a D–b Blonde not to get the joke. You could also be a Brunette. But it helps.

    in reply to: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos #817105

    amused; I happen to live one half block away from a 24 hour supermarket and if I need something in an emergency, like with last minute guests for Shabbos. (As has happened during the last Hurricane, this past summer.) I can get it without driving, But there is another problem. There are tremendously long lines. And you would have to ask a “Shaila” if you’re allowed to finish your purchase before “Shkia”.

    in reply to: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos #817104

    Dr. Seuss; There is one angle in this entire discussion that you haven’t explored. If the Yiddishe “Jaywalker” wouldn’t sign (due to a lack of having ID on him, according to that stupid, dumb anti-Semitic cop.) he was threatened to be arrested, where he would be committing more Chillul Shabbos. Plus. (This is a serious debate with the Poskim.) Anything other than “Ksav Ashuris” ??? ?????? is not a foregone conclusion that it is considered “Writing” on Shabbos.

    in reply to: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos #817103

    Zahavasdad; Just for the record. (For the sake of accuracy, factuality and punctuality.) In NYC, you don’t have to sign a traffic violation ticket. And I’ve gotten some in my time. I remember the case that you’re referring to. There was a different chain of events than a mere traffic violation. The cop in question was one of the dumb ones. (And I have the utmost respect for the officers of the NYPD). He, stupidly and wrongfully was throwing his weight around. Our local assemblyman. The indefatigable Dov Hikind raised a big S—- about it with the Police Commissioner, the Hon. John Kelly and the beat walker (or, radio car traveler) was reprimanded.

    in reply to: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos #817071

    The first and best Segulah is not to drive Erev Shabbos close to the z’man. When I was walking to Shul this past Erev Yom Kippur, I told my walking partner to stay wayy away from any car driven by Jewish drivers. You could see, even without looking at the driver, any car driven by Yidden, was going verry fast, and not even slowing down at a stop sign.

    in reply to: prediabetics #881654

    ilovetheholyland; Even though, there is, to the best of my (limited) medical knowledge no such thing as Pre type 1 diabetes. The onset of that condition is sudden, not gradual. But due to your age (20 yrs.) I thought it’s type 1. But when you described your weight, it was clear that we’re dealing with type 2. One thing is certain. Do not (as one, well intentioned poster suggested) cut out Carbohydrates completely. It can not be sustained. I personally know a few people who went on Dr. Atkins’ diet and in the beginning they lost a lot of weight. But, since they could not sustain that diet, when they stopped, they gained back all of their weight. Additionally, ingesting too much Protein (As Dr. Atkins advises.) will put a strain on the kidneys. The trick is to eat a balanced diet (with some Carbs.) But to stay away from refined food products like white bread, refined sugar and white rice. Whole wheat bread is very healthy for everyone. The greatest single thing, though, is exercise. That alone, will reduce the numbers of mg./dl in your blood by a large amount.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy at a crossroads #817569

    Let me put in my Two cents. Even though we had the major league, world class debaters like Poppa Bar Abba and other Gedolei ha Coffe room have their say. I will just simply give a little analysis of the situation (I hope I’m not over Loshon Hara or Sinas Chinom, or Kanaus) (Almost sounds like enumerating the “Al-Cheits” all over.) The vast, overwhelming majority of Yidden who call themselves (Or feel they belong to) MO are out to observe Torah and Mitzvos al Pi Halacha, like the rest of us. On the fringes, you have some groupings who feel that leading a true Torah life is too difficult or old fashioned. They are always looking for loopholes. Yet, they are offended when they are compared to the Conservative movement. The same goes for Rabbis. Let’s talk about the minority first. Rabbi Avi weiss (I met him personally. (A groise z’chiyeh.) He is a very affable fellow. Of course his life’s work is working to free Soviet Jews and innovations in the performance of our religion. But where observance of Halachah and Jewish tradition are concerned, there is a lot lacking. Especially, if he sees nothing wrong in breaking with traditions of Two Thousand Years. I once heard from a great sage that Halacha is, in a way like a rubber band. You can stretch it, and stretch it some more. But when it snaps, you get zapped.

    in reply to: Why Isn't Pollard Free? It's Simple… #814075

    600 Kilo bear; I agree with you partially. About the fact that Jonathan Pollard did unspeakable damage to ALL the Jewish employees in the Government. Besides breaking the trust that the Govt. put in him. But there must be some other angle to this story. The fact that some high-ranking people who have access to classified information are so adamantly opposed to freeing him after so many years. It must be something more serious than the overt charges of turning over highly classified information to Israel. But the mystery deepens when no one (of those supposedly in the “Know”.)will even hint of the kind of specific crime or act of treason he committed.

    in reply to: roll over, einstein #813525

    Squeak; I don’t know what the relevance of “A Murdering Iluminati” is to the subject at hand. But, you are mixing the singular and plural. Just like “Alumnus” is singular versus “Alumni” which is plural. “Iluminati”, whatever that means, is, by definition “Plural”. Case closed. No butts (of cigarettes) and ifs.

    in reply to: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry? #812758

    WolfishMusings;(In your answer to Musser Zoger.) His (MZ) quote is correct. The attribution is wrong. I distinctly remember one of the posters brought up this point about the double ring ceremony. But it wasn’t you.

    Sam2 (In your answer to Shmoel. (Paraphrasing)…If the Sofer is “Kosher” and the Eidim (Witnesses) are “Kosher”, the “Get”, even by a Reform or Conservative Bais Din is OK…:! I’m not so certain about that being the case. Due to the fact that the R and C don’t follow Halachic procedure with other, peripheral Halachos of a “Get”. For example, They might not be very meticulous in describing the proper, given and nicknames of the protagonists. Or, description of the exact Geographic location where the “Get” was issued. Surprisingly. There are many complex Halachos involving the Two items enumerated.

    in reply to: Does Mesirah Only Apply To The Government… #812471

    If someone is a Goniff, you should report them directly to the person he is stealing from, in order to prevent direct and future losses. Besides, that private (non-governmental) individual does not have the power to impact the perpetrator’s life beyond what he possibly deserves Al Pi Halacha. Where it involves government regulations, it is definitely in place to ask a major Posek.

    in reply to: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry? #812750

    wolfishMusings; You speak of “Like” minded people. In my book, they certainly are “Dislike”, or “Crooked” minded people. Nothwithstanding the fact that today we are staring Rosh Ha Shana in the face.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta?? #1106107

    I have other proof that Weiss got a Yerusha from someone. If that weren’t the case, he would have to look for a real job and wouldn’t have the time chasing the spotlight.

    in reply to: Does every family have an element of Dysfunction? #812573

    Ms. Critique…; Were you on the inquiring side or on the receiving end of “The Nile”. In such a (latter) case, strangers will always tell you more than you know or care.

    in reply to: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry? #812744

    WolfishMusings; How you met your wife isn’t anyone’s concern. (Or it shouldn’t be.) The only people that might be mad at you are the shadchanim /(Iot) for possibly cheating them out of a fat commission. They might have given a deposit on that beautiful couch or they might have dreamed of a nice vacation, which they will now have to pay out of pocket.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta?? #1106105

    600 Kilo bear; There is one tiny bit of redeeming value (Limud Z’chus) about those disingenuous,dangerous, spotlight-craving, dimwitted bunch of fools calling themselves Neturei Karta. That they are naive. They really think they can fool the arabs. Like R. Amnon Yitzchak told one of them in a (heated) debate. That beside giving legitimacy to their (arabs) murder of Jews, they will one day be hurt themselves by the arabs.

    in reply to: Mead for Rosh Hashana #812679

    I’ll let you (all the choshuve posters on CR) in on a little secret. (Not that any of you give a hoot.) I never tasted mead. Nor have I ever seen it in any form. Is it alcoholic? The only reason I know about it altogether, is from old Chassidishe Maases from Rebbes.

    in reply to: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry? #812739

    Always runs…; You are correct.

    Sam2; Your answer is partially right. A presiding rabbi is not critical for the marriage to be Halachically valid. But in the case of Reform marriage, the entire process is flawed from a Halachic standpoint. But it takes such a strong “Posek” as R. Moshe Feinstein z”l to legally invalidate the first (Reform) marriage when there is a need of wide-ranging impact. It is not for us lay people. Where the couple stays together, there is absolutely no change in the status of the children before, or after they remarried in an Orthodox ceremony.

    in reply to: whats the the status #812250

    Sam2; You missed one element in the story. That during the daytime meal they (potato and frankn’blanks) were warmed together. Halachically. I don’t know the status. But it’s not so simple.

    in reply to: Does every family have an element of Dysfunction? #812567

    always running with scissors fast; You’re spilling the family secrets. Rest assured. You’re not alone. There is, in every (extended) family a sub stream of gossip, discontent and jealousy running. But it is not the result of dysfunction. Nor does it result (In most cases) in dysfunction. It’s just human nature. Wherever there are Two people you will have Three opinions. It will all blow over. Things will be fine in the end.

    in reply to: Can anyone explain our wedding songs minhag? #812333

    Because this Passuk (??? ????)is part of the consolation that Jeremiah expressed to ??? ????? when they were driven into exile. Additionally. There is (was)a custom of remembering the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem at every wedding. By leaving one table setting empty and by excluding one piece out of a musical band performance (Before the one man band era.)

    in reply to: My employer has some openings! #997677

    Adorable; The answer to your question (In addition to Feif un’s answer.) Unless it’s India (where most American credit card, ISP and phone company jobs are located, anyway.) If you are willing to pay overseas phone charges, you might be considered for the job.

    in reply to: Interesting shailos and tshuvos #814018

    Speaking of a drop of milk falling in to a pot of meat. As per sam4321; There was once a person who had a Shabbos guest. While they were eating cholent, the host was holding an infant with a bottle of milk. A drop of milk spilled into the plate of cholent. The host, wanting to show what a big talmid Chochom he is, told his older son to bring a Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Shabbos. When someone asked, why, specifically Hilchos Shabbos. The host answered; “Because we eat Cholent on Shabbos”!

    in reply to: Neturei Karta?? #1106045

    Peacemaker; Wasn’t Reb Moshe Hirsch “Part of the Original Group”?!

    As for the NK “Being a Part of Satmar”. That is factually wrong.

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811211

    600 Kilo; (aware of the weight.) I once did a bookcase that I designed and built myself. Actually a combination bookcase-office desk and storage. (fastened to the wall and ceiling.) The first strip and varnish effort was half-baked. When I redid the job it came out splendid. (Not to be confused with Splenda.)

    in reply to: Price Mistake #810923

    Most stores that sell online (or otherwise) print a disclaimer (In fine print, if you will.) that whatever price they state, they’re not responsible for typographical errors. The “$0.00” can end up costing you anywhere from $10 to $100, to $1,000.

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811208

    Always runs; You will have no other choice than to start the entire process over again. (Strip the wood bare with coarse sandpaper first.) This is a very time consuming process. As I have learned through trial and error. (Mostly error.) Jobs like this are best left to professionals.

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832697

    Poppa Bar Abba; (OP). It depends who the Baal Tokeah is. With some people, (who may think that they are a Baal Tokeah.) it sounds like a cow calling her calves home for supper.

    in reply to: Frum Store Credited Card $1700 in Error #812545

    justsimcha; (In response to sam 2) On that subject, I have a little rhyme. (Poem, if you will.) But it only works with the Hungarian/Galitzianer (Chashash () of Killayim.) accent of Yiddish.

    “Tooes Akum Mitter”

    “Az Men Chapt iz Bitter”

    in reply to: Frum Store Credited Card $1700 in Error #812541

    KollelGuy_Dot_Com; First of all. Any business entity that doesn’t know the difference between a negative and positive balance of $1700.00 can’t be big. They’d “Lose Their Pants” in one day. There is a tiny feeling sneaking in the corner of my brain, that you are “Not too Eager” to return the unjustified credit to your account. (Sorry. In spite of it being Ellul.). Otherwise, it wouldn’t be the most difficult task in the world to find the owners. Assuming, you are not as absent-minded as the person in the Sugiya of “Tesha Chanoyos”. The 9 (Out of Ten) stores in a shopping mall, discussed in Masechet Pesachim.

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