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  • in reply to: ‏תשובה #2137540

    Bump befrat in reference to the kol korei I will try to bump evrey once in awhile.

    in reply to: ‏תשובה #2132557

    Rabboisai I have read some of the responses and have a big tavah to respond back, but in all honesty I have already expressed evreything I need to, I would like to adress menachem shmei and mention two things 1) there are many thoughts I have as to why it’s appropriate for me to say how bad ywn is on the website of ywn but I’m not interested in the shakla vatarya that will ensue, 2) even if I were a hypocrite just like the person protesting being at the beach, while he’s on the beach with the sign, the person with the sign is correct about what he’s saying even if he’s qoute unquote a “hypocrite” his message is still true, so too I am willing to suffer your accusation of being a hypocrite even though I feel I am not, but my message is clear and message is still true ywn is bad

    Now rabbosai I have brought proofs, and links to chats in the coffee room which show the ahavah between the coffee room members females to males and vice versa I have brought basic proofs from the Torah i have brought basic proofs of seichel, I have fought back against silly pushaback that I have gotten to prove that not just hashkaficlly but halchicly also this is wrong, I have mentioned a new reason which is the connection and may I say chibah that is shown between men and woman (some married) on this site

    And in conclusion I want to bring a kol korei from gedolim I found today and show evreyone that not just is ywn wrong according to our gedolim, but ywn has refused to cooperate and continue to post garbage and shtusim on this site here’s the link and I urge all of you to drop this website with all its issurim and hashkafic issues,
    And if you want to find chiyus try to see what is blocking you from a meaningful relationship with Hashem and work on it and try to connect to him and get chiyus from
    Him because that is the only chiyus that lasts, THE ONLY

    Here is the link:

    To all males: a gut chodesh

    in reply to: ‏תשובה #2129379

    It’s erev Yom Kippur now, let’s take a deep look inside and see if it’s right to be here, on this site.

    in reply to: Let’s all do some introspection! #2126091

    The coffee room is wrong be’etzem in its core, besides for the lashon hara and name calling that goes on,

    See here

    Ps I don’t know why no one cares about the truth of how bad the cr is

    in reply to: Bring some Kedusha #2124076

    The coffee room is lichoirah ussor
    You wouldn’t jump into a garbage can to share a tasty banana

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123174

    I’m so sorry you feel offended Reb elizer becuase of what I said, again I’m reiterating that whatever proofs you brought do not have shaychus to this case, this case is not kol isha, and your sevaras are not really making sense to me and they seem to not really have shaychus to this case, (ie. you were speaking about yichud and kol isha)

    Anyhow the smoking gun to this case is this

    In the above link you will see how others respond to one leaving the coffee room this proves my sevara is true, it shows that there is a connection made between people in the coffee room, one personmakes a deep connection to that others personality and there’s real emotional connection on a deep level between men and women, as ujm brought up pen pals are ussor becuase you are connecting to the opposite gender emotantailly and feeling attached to them, and the link above will prove my point about how yiddeshe kinderlach are doing the same on this site, just read some of the reply’s in the above link,
    one being “no pls don’t go”
    Another being “pls continue to check up on me”
    I’m not trying to attack other peoples emotions I’m just trying to point out this proves how attached cr memebers are to each other, men and women soem married, if you wouldn’t have a friend of the opposite gender without your spouse involved why would you do it online???

    in reply to: Not Happy #2119335

    Do hisbodedus, if you don’t know what it is learn about it. Also I recommend learning Reb Nachmans Sefer likutei moharan. Hatzlacha

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118588

    Raboisai here goes: Yasher koach to ujm for backing me up and having some seichal to understand what is being said, and it’s just PURE common sense that it’s wrong to be mingling men and woman talking to each other constantly day in day out.(I’m not trying to attack anyone but if you know it’s wrong/ussor why do u do it, ujm?).

    And to menachem your missing the point, what would u like me to do if I want to communicate to the coffee room about something wrong in the CR, how else can I do it other than writing on the coffee room to the cr davka?? (Happens to be this is not about trump and stupidity it’s about serious awareness..)

    To Reb elizer with all due respect your saying shtisim and lukshen by an all you can eat buffet, first of all your not a rav and if u want to know the Halacha you have to ask a rav if it’s mutar, not just bring kal vachomers from kol isha and your own savaras to be matir it (which as side point do NOT make sense), but you don’t want to ask a Ruv because we BOTH know what he will say…. so again real life shalos with NO mention in previous poskim need a rav a real rav to matir and like I mentioned you and I both know what the rav will respond…

    Now to the actual svaras (I can’t get to all right now) 1 yichud has no shaychas with this so I don’t know what the hava amina is. 2 there is no proof/ kal vachomer from kol isha (which as a side point im pretty sure other poskim argue on Reb ovadia and even if not, minhag yirei shmayaim is not to listen to women sing which basic HASHKAFA will “asser”) kol isha is listening to a Woman sing that is completely different from this discussion, you can’t bring a proof from woman singing, to speaking with a woman day in day out about stupidity about which you get to know the others personality.

    About your Svaras… it’s wrong, that’s why you keep going from one to the other in all ur posts… I can also quote chazal let me put one here that’s actually relevant ‏כל העובר עבירה ‏ושנה בה ‏נעשית לו כהיתר, let me just put one example case in point, (and that will defer all your defenses of 1 the moderators make sure people don’t get personal (ha, funny) 2 writing with a pen pal is diffrent/worse and 3 it’s only a problem if ur single (what?))
    Case in point I’m gonna use ujm (sorry) because I’ve seen he’s been here for a long time, when ujm sees syag lachochma [on the cr](which I think is a girl but it doesn’t matter to the point I want to make) he recognizes the latters personality and thought process to the extent that he knows how to respond, and can even bring back old jokes and they know each other’s personality to an extent that they already know how to communicate to a certain degree that it’s personal. Now drop that example and just realize this happens and is happening with evreyone in the cr that over here with one another and the matzav is that people are chapping others personality and bonding with one another like friends(girls and boys!!!) and kol shkein if you know that the other is of the opposite gender-the connection that evreyone in the cr builds with each other-is going to be between man and woman that know that they are men and woman speaking!!! And there is a ‏התחברות between man and woman happening with each other, getting to know and communicate with the others personality day in day out (about stupidity mind you) and subconsciously or even consciously from a friendship (men and woman!!!!) This is besides the clear HALACHA that men and woman should not communicate for things that are not important/ not Nogeia and that is in definition “the coffee room” (hence the name) basically a chill spot to shcmooze men and women together for stupidity,

    again this needs a rav to be matir and in my eyes it’s clearly ussor al pee hashkafa AND Halacha it’s just poshut like I realized nobody’s really gonna change… and Reb elizer I’m upset at ur heterim that ur making for others and yourslef that don’t really exist al kul punim everyone should have hatzlacha and please maybe even be misgaber on there yetzer and leave the coffee room, which is hard because you know and connect to a lot of people there , which proves my point ‏ושנזכה למשיח צדקנו במהרה בימינו אמן

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116865

    Mrs who just posted it is not I in my gashmiusdige seichel that decided that men and women should not chat recreationally for no reason other than to chill share opinions etc.

    It is the heilge creator G-D who in his Torah said that men should not chat with women for no reason who siad this, (and again a female posting is not the problem it is the fact that it is a mixed forum where men and women chat for no reason although I guess u are contributing (and I am as well for awareness of the issue))

    Pls don’t answer where in the Torah does it say I assume your not a cofer and beileve in Torah shbel peh pls see my previous posts for where u can find a rav who says this.

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116258

    Well that’s a shame my links were blocked, al kol punim go to shulchanaruchharav. com and look up opposite gender and there will be an article on it called talking to opposite genders

    If the moderators will respond then may I ask what you think of my claims? And if u are ready to do something about it? Or are u sitting and laughing at my posts like I assumed in my previous posts

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116256

    no links

    Sorry if the first link doesn’t work my filter blocks it and the second link I sent has the prohibition but no mekoros check it out, (if you want to know mekoros you can contact the rav directly I don’t have patience to do it for you)

    And also Reb elizer it’s Pashut to any bar Daas that just because you don’t see her physically you are still getting close to a woman and her personality plus/while schmoozing with her about all types of stupidity would be ussor. maybe if u don’t know she’s a woman it wouldn’t be I don’t know, but that’s a Shalla for A RAV Not you or me to with all due respect. but if you know she’s a woman I mean come on it’s pashut taht it’s ussor to schmooze with her even online

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116217

    Raboisai the only change that can be made is very simple very very simple it’s either 1)destroy the whole coffee room or 2) make two separate ones and one either registers as females or male. Now lemaaseh option 1 I feel like no one will agree with, becuase people have become attached to one another in this coffee room which is gufa unhealthy (and if one wonders what’s unhealthy about it see the post i posted on augast 16th, hint female and male friends which is ussor) and I feel like option 2 might be possible but probably not becuase a) the mods are watching and laughing as they read this becuase they are not changing a thing and b) even if the mods are willing to change it if the people agree to this, I have a feeling that yes, people are attached to there opposite gender coffee room friends ‏עד כדי כך, they won’t want to have separate coffee rooms which like I mentioned previously proves the serious halchic issue in having a mixed coffee room

    Rabbosai ARE WE TAKING ACTION OR NOT ‏מי לשם אלי

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116134

    Yasher koach gadol to Reb eliezer that’s a beautiful idea

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115837

    @menachem shmei I did realize that but a)how else am I supposed to say to the coffee room people stuff about the coffee room and b) I just found out mamash recently that this place is crawling with ‏תערובת, I just assumed evreyone was a man,
    P.s. i personally thought u would understand where I’m coming from

    @reb Eliezer ‏אל תרבה שיחה עם האישה פשוטו כמשמעו
    If you have mekoros that it doesn’t apply online if be happy to see it

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115723

    Reb Eliezer with all due respect if you ask any rov he’s going to tell you it’s not good to speak to women online wether or not you saw pictures of her.

    Al kol punim the oilam is maskim it’s not good to do this but what can we do bpoil to fix this?? Is there anything we can do bpoil to fix this??? With this metzius my skepticism of ywn place in the Frum world dropped drastically.
    maybe we should be mevatel the coffee room. Whoever read that previous line their hearts probably dropped, especially those that are here at ywn for awhile, and THATS exactly the problem!
    we shouldn’t be even slightly dependent on any online chat, kol shkein vkol shkein one that has men and women communicating!!! And even a person that doesn’t know which gender a username is, kol shkein one that knows what gender a specific username is, people get used to seeing the Same username and develop some kind of something with them on some level, and ‏בהכרח that leads to some connection and some understanding of the other persons personality and some appreciation of the other persons personality and you have a lady and man communicating consistently and constantly backing each other up arguing ‏ ‏וכד״ and it could be your speaking to this person every day. (maybe even more than ur own wife)!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not trying to troll it’s just I care. ‏ ‏אל תרבה ‏שיחה עם האישה באשתו אמרו קל וחומר באשת חברו


    Sam u seem to have some issues emotionally something doesn’t add up.. you can inspire people with emes u don’t need this constant ridicules wear calculations

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112586

    Sam it doesn’t sound healthy what ur saying even if we have to do teshuva your saying it in a obsurd way that sound like a missonary preaching on a public bus..

    Reb e so ur 74 nice

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112402

    Reb e I’m just curious how old are you? Also why did you title your name “Reb”

    in reply to: Chassidishe Sefurim #2112394

    Hello this thread is probably dead but if anyone will see this I recommend: tiferes shlomo,kedushas levi,bnei yissaschar,bas ayin, likutei moharan, yismach yisroel, sefas emes, avodas yisroel, yosher divrei emes and that’s all I remember learning so I’m sure there other inspirations out there but in all of the above seforim I’ve seen something inspirational and life changing in some of them more than once much more than once.

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112380

    Chas veshalom said on this whole thread. Moshaich should come speedily amen

    in reply to: Rav Shmuel #2107603

    Ca ur so old

    in reply to: Ywn is it really “yeshiva” world news #2106965

    @menachem shmei I don’t go to bmg and the reason i said that comment was my way of expressing what I said in this thread but instead of expressing it in a healthy good way like in this thread I expressed it in those words becuase I felt upset that it’s being normalized to be on ywn to a point that a g Bochur is on it so I don’t think col haposel applied there because like explained above I was expressing my upsetness at the normalazition of ywn @ca it’s not about me it’s about the klal and what I feel about ywn and how they are perceived by the klal and are effecting the klal @reb elizer I don’t understand both of ur comments but if I interpreted it correctly Ur saying what does a shnuchitz like me have being morer the klal and I agree with u it’s just that I feel very strongly that people seem to be not understanding my above points either by being In denial or by going on like they don’t exist and I feel like I have to say this

    in reply to: Ywn is it really “yeshiva” world news #2106895

    To all those saying I should stay off the internet chasdei HASHEM my phone is filtered and all those who don’t have filters should definitely consider getting one still I am working to try to convince myself to get a flip phone alts not wasting time but BH I don’t have bad things on this phone so I’m not sure what the problem is with filtered internet and even though someone can log on to places like these with filtered internet it’s still a choice wether to come here or not to all those saying that my point is correct just the Yetzer hara convinces them to come here i say: “duh” that’s totally the Metzius and I agree to some degree it’s obviously better than a non Jewish website to some degree to someone saying that Judaism is a democracy that’s comeplete garbage really the point of my thread is to make people that are in denial about this website like those saying Judaism is a democracy etc. realize the truth and those who know the truth consciously, to be morer their concise. to All those saying I’m not a good writer and I should learn how to write a paragraph or whatever I don’t care and I don’t plan on being a writer and frankly am not insulted as it’s not my tafkid to be a writer and to Reb Eliezer if someone says Torah on YouTube it’s basically similar to saying Torah on this website it’s not really changing that much and doesn’t make it right as to ur point that ywn publicizes that we can thank HKBH that would be true if they would say positive news or at least News WITH SOME KIND OF POSITIVE TWIST but NO they don’t and this new site definitely doesn’t make someone thank Hashem again to all those personally attacking me about what I’m doing on the internet and my writing skills this is not about me personally per say it’s about the Metzius of this fact that I started the thread with and helping people underStand/warm up to the truth by realizing that it’s been in front of their nose the whole time

    I’m sorry for making all u dizzy reading this Shkoach

    in reply to: WWRAS-What would R’ Aharon zt”l say? #2101737

    @daslakewood if ur so shtark in bmg and bmg is great what are u doing on yeshiva world news??!!

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