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  • in reply to: Being a Frum military Officer #628593


    That was your most nasty, vile comment yet.

    My brother who is a Rav in E”Y, gives gemorah shiurim on an air force base, kashers army base kitchens for Pesach, and once had a career officer court- martialed for bringing leben into a mess tent that according to army regulations was to be used exclusively for fleishig eating.

    May HKB”H stengthen and protect this “non-Jewish” army!

    in reply to: Places Where Police Pull People Over #628907


    I think it is wrong. Period. I just wanted to know if A) people heard of this and B) what their thoughts were about it.

    in reply to: Places Where Police Pull People Over #628904

    Reb Moderator,

    What is so bad about my question about the lawyer who gets people out of speeding tix?

    Supposedly, he is not breaking any laws………..

    in reply to: Places Where Police Pull People Over #628903

    What do people think about the guy in Monsey, who for $400 gets a speeding ticket completely wiped off the record?

    in reply to: Magazine for Yeshiva Students (Males Ages 13-18) #628059

    Just make sure your spelling is atrocious……….

    in reply to: Fave Foods #639367

    Edy’s Cookies and Cream ice cream. Can eat a half gallon at a time ( and not gain weight…sorry ladies!)

    in reply to: Foreclosures #627762

    Ask around for a lawyer who specializes in bankruptcy and is known to be trustworthy.

    He can advise you about foreclosure issues……

    in reply to: Any Runners? #695159

    Feivel- Thanks for pointing out the wonderful things about leitzunus. This way if I ever get the urge to give it up, I will remember all the benefits!

    (Btw, when I wrote that I ran to answer Yehei Shmei Rabbah, I was NOT joking around about that. I am extremely makpid to answer with kavanah and as gabbai in my minyan, I do my best to educate the tzibbur about the importance of it and the schar one gets for it.

    I am proud of the fact that I have completely eliminated talking by davening, which is unfortunately an illness that is not confined to MO yidden).

    THEN, after Havdalah, I go “open the pipes” and absorb the “subliminal attitudes” (wow! big word!) etc. How did you know my TV is in the den?

    in reply to: Any Runners? #695155

    And it’s a good thing I answer “yehei shmei rabbah” with all my koach,

    since it gets HKB”H to tear up the gzar din against me for having a TV.

    in reply to: Any Runners? #695154

    Anon- No apology necessary. I was not offended. Thank you nonetheless.

    ASDF- I ran to shul last Shabbos for Mincha because I was a bit late.

    Didn’t want to miss a “yehei shmei rabbah”.

    in reply to: Any Runners? #695151

    The big one- Yes, now you now the truth. I am a leitz! I’ve now been outed….

    Anon- I was not offended. I don’t see how anyone can be offended when posting with a screen name, but I was sarcasticly making a point about owning a TV, and “daas Torah”

    in general.

    Asdf…….thank you for your post. I’ve made comments about people’s posts, but I have never attacked a poster personally.

    in reply to: Any Runners? #695146

    WOW! Moderator….I’m proud of you! You posted my facetious remark.

    in reply to: Any Runners? #695145

    I am SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!

    Not ONE person pointed out that running in the streets causes one to lose their chaylek in Olam Habah!

    After all, when you run you will invariably pass men and women who are not dressed tzniusdik. Also, you most likely will pass a house with a TV on, and through the window catch a glimpse of something treif.

    Do you all realize how many gedolim DID NOT run? Obviously, daas Torah is NO RUNNING!

    in reply to: Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺 #1192813

    I have a TV (surprise!) and here’s what I use it for. I find it very relaxing after a stressful day’s work to watch a Yankee game in the summer, and the Giants in the winter. Monday night football too, if it makes a difference to the Giants playoff chances.

    I find the history channel and the discovery channel very informative and interesting.

    CNBC provides very good information about the financial markets and the economy in general. Other than that, not much else interests me.

    I have no fear of standing before the Melech Malachai Hamilochim after meah v’esrim and giving din v’cheshbon about these programs that I watched.

    It is my only form of relaxation and I have no doubt that HKB”H will be okay with me for taking some time to watch these things.

    To say that I am automatically doomed to gehenom becuase of this, is pure nonsense.

    in reply to: Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺 #1192801


    Going after Rav Soloveitchik?????? Not sure if you are being sarcastic here or not.

    I was very good friends with the Rav’s personal shamas in the late 1970’s.

    One day he allowed me to come into the Rav’s apartment where I personally saw the TV. He told me that Rav would occasionally watch the news and read the newspaper to see what was going on in the world.

    In fact, the Rav would also sometimes inquire about how the Red Sox were doing, being that his grandchildren in Boston were fans, and he wanted to use that as a vehicle to become close to them so that when they would become a bit older they would be more comfortable learning with him. (In other words, to show them that he is a “down to earth” person).

    Where is the loshon hora and sheker in that?

    in reply to: Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺 #1192794

    I personally saw the TV in the YU apartment that the Rav used when he stayed at the yeshiva (Tuesday and Wednesday nights).

    R’ Avigdor Miller’s statement that anyone who has a TV will not have a chaylek in Olam Habah implies that R’ Yoshe Ber ZT”L will not.

    Now, if he claimed that I have no chaylek, fine. But to claim that the Rav doesn’t, is

    “less than smart” (the only way to phrase this w/o getting censored)

    in reply to: Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺 #1192776

    As I said, Joseph is ALWAYS here to monitor the discussion rather than being in the beis medrash where he should be.

    I have no doubt all the Rabbonim mentioned would agree that if one is a Yankee fan, then TV is absolutely muttar. In fact, encouraged!

    One should seek to emulate the gedolim such as Gehrig, Dimaggio, Mantle, Murcer, Mattingly, Jackson, Munson(Z”L), Rivera et al.

    in reply to: Jews Owning Dogs? #1013070

    dd- Rav Jachter is a huge talmid chochom, but he went to YU, so of course, anything he writes about should not be quoted C”V on this forum.

    We wouldn’t want Joseph to be ne’neh from “toras akum”.

    in reply to: Jews Owning Dogs? #1013043

    I hate dogs. I would never have one. BUT………….

    The fact is, that dogs can be very helpful in helping people who are suffering from depression. It has also been shown that dogs can help people heal faster form illness.

    This is why some nursing homes bring dogs to visit patients.

    I still don’t understand how Joseph posts on just about every thread. Shouldn’t he be learning all day instead of this bitul zman?

    Yes, there are halachik issues but they can all be overcome.

    Pashuteh Yid, well said as always!

    in reply to: Screen Names #1175483


    How does Joseph hatzadik have time to respond on every thread? I think he posts more than anyone else on this site.

    Shouldn’t he be learning instead of being mevatel Torah with all this shtuss?

    And if some people are “lucky enough” not to have a TV or care about a TV show, why in the world would he take the time to google it to find out what I was talking about?


    in reply to: Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator? #653013

    Intellegent- Why can’t you register again under the screen name “intelligent”?

    You had said that people sound like a bunch of HS girls with this discussion. So I said that someone who can’t spell intelligent fits in with a bunch of HS girls.

    Sorry, I should not have made that mean spirited comment.

    Did you mention that you live in Israel?

    in reply to: Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator? #652996

    Yeah, that’s why someone who can’t spell INTELLIGENT would fit in perfectly here.

    in reply to: Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator? #652992


    NO ONE?????????????????????

    I guess most people are too young to “Get Smart” now….

    in reply to: Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator? #652968

    I’m touched that someone thought I am a moderator.

    I purposely deleted something recently just to throw people off………..

    You see, me, 78, 86, and 99 keep CONTROL here, and keep CHAOS away.

    (how many of you are SMART enough to actually GET that?)

    in reply to: Gilad Shalit petition? #627202

    I was informed by a relative in E”Y that a protest against the government for doing NOTHING to try and get him released was held last week. (Why have a tayna to Red Cross?)

    Simply shutting off the water and electricity to Gaza should get him released.

    You know how many people showed up? About 1000. SHAMEFUL!!!!!!

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077800

    Jfem02- I noticed you used the expression “(sic)” a number of times.

    Do you really think those who post here and can barely spell an English word would know what that means?

    in reply to: Summer Camp #626674

    I went to Camp (name deleted by YW-Moderator) as a kid and hated every minute of it. It was run like a boot camp. Many people have said the same.

    My parents forced me to go back every year……….

    in reply to: What is Your Hashkafic Affiliation? #626891

    The Rav ZT”L was a gadol who spent his entire life devoted to harbatzas Torah.

    His view on “Daas Torah” was that for halachik issues one consults with a Rav.

    For non halachik issues, one should consult an expert in that particular field.

    For example, when faced with a medical problem you go to see the best available doctor.

    When faced with war, you let the generals decide the best course of action.

    In other words, you don’t necessarily consult a Rav about every facet of life.

    If that makes him/me an apikores, I’m okay with that.

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626297

    The Rav (R’ Yoshe Ber, for those who don’t know who “The Rav” was) had no problem with a woman saying Kaddish, even if she was the only one saying it.

    Then again, the Rav was a Zionist so what did he know?

    in reply to: What to Do with My Etrog? #629001

    Yes, you can let it rot and then discard it as you normally would. Once it is not edible you may discard it.

    Return it where it came from? Ridiculus……….

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067859

    Very good! A lot of people don’t get that one….

    in reply to: How old are you? #870241

    I was born during the Eisenhower administration. What’s scary is the fact that many people on this site probably never heard of him!

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067857

    Anyone know the names of Lot’s two SONS?

    in reply to: Sheitels #692089

    Why do you people think the Chassam Sofer was opposed to sheitels altogether?

    in reply to: BE AWARE!!!!!!!! #624161

    Hakesef ya’aneh es hakol…………(v’hamayvin ya’vin)

    in reply to: Abandonment of Nussach #631191

    Cantor- Two questions. Did YOU read the book? It’s in Yiddish.

    Second, was Kwartin a shomer Torah umitzvot? I could be wrong about him, but why did he have the reputation that he did?

    Yes, Tiher Rabbe Yishmael is extremely moving, but it proves nothing.

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139060

    Yes, I thought of that. Okay, so I will rephrase my question. How many of you guys either own a gun (and now feel a bit more safe with a black president) or plan to go out and buy one?

    in reply to: Abandonment of Nussach #631189

    Cantor- You say that great chazzanut is interpreting the davening and making it meaningful for the people. I have to disagree on that point, as there were a number of chazzanim considered “great” for whom the words of davening had little meaning.

    Kwartin is a prime example.

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139058

    I don’t believe a single one of you big talkers will buy a gun or flee America.

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139057

    First of all, how would they find “havesomeseichel”?

    Second, I believe you can buy a shotgun w/o any license. You can get a handgun with a license. It’s perfectly legal. So why would anyone come after you?

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139053

    OKay, so now that he won, which one of you guys went out and bought a gun?

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139028

    Excellent point, anon!

    in reply to: Abandonment of Nussach #631148

    Joseph- I believe chasidim generally have a better grip on nussach than others.

    The problem they face is that the next generation will not know how to layn, as most Bar Mitzvah boys are not taught to layn. They already don’t have a clue as to how to say a Haftorah.

    in reply to: Abandonment of Nussach #631147

    Proper nussach is the mesorah for the way a particular tefilah should be recited.

    The best example would be Kol Nidre, which thankfully, most people still know.

    But the proper nussach for many of the other tefilos on Yomim Nora’im is being diluted (and convoluted)more and more as the years go by.

    Many of these tunes go back hundreds of years.

    in reply to: Abandonment of Nussach #631142

    It’s sad that the next generation will have almost no clue as to proper nussach.

    Perhaps if yeshivos recognized the importance of it, they would spend some time teaching it. Unfortunately, they won’t. I teach Bar Mitzvah kids and very few of them can read fluently. I spend a good deal of time getting them to read a pasuk correctly before I can teach them to layn it.

    The problem is pervasive in all the yeshivos. Modern Orthodox to Yeshivish……..

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139024

    Eric- Are you afraid to ask your pediatrician this question? Afraid you’ll look foolish

    for asking about guns when there are kids in the house?

    Did you ever consider that maybe your pediatrician saw victims of gunshot wounds when he/she was a resident?

    Why do you think the Pediatric Association put out a statement about this?

    Because they KNOW that innocent kids get killed.

    I’m not surprised you take this approach; you’re the guy who “enjoys” the drunks on Simachas Torah.

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139022

    Eric- Do you have chidren? Ask your pediatrician what he thinks about the idea of keeping a gun at home.

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139011

    Mayan- Okay, you want a number? The American Academy of Pediatrics did an exhaustive study on this issue. One of their findings was that for homwowners who own guns, it is 43 times more likely that a person known to that family will be shot by that gun than an intruder would be. For this reason I assure you that your pediatrition will tell you in no uncertain terms NOT to keep a gun in the house.

    Any Rav who says otherwise is a dope.

    in reply to: Prepare to Flee America! #1139008

    Havesomeseichel’s comment that a Rav once said every Jew should have two guns, is a perfect example of a Rav making a stupid suggestion, and shows that when people quote a Rav it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I wonder if Queen of Persia would run out and buy a gun because a Rav said so….Da’as Torah!

    The fact is that when people have guns in their houses, more innocent people are shot by accident than are burglars or other criminals.

    in reply to: Esrogim of Shmita #623381

    jphone….cute, but many will come from Morocco. There’s still no reason not to buy from E”Y (even from a non Arab country)just because you need to wait to discard it.

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