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eBay Removes Juden Star Auction.

juden.jpgeBay withdrew a yellow Juden star from sale following inquiries by a local news reporter in Australia. The star was removed from the site by the company’s trust and safety personnel, less than an hour after the inquiry.

eBay spokesperson Daniel Feiler said: “We have a policy regarding Nazi war memorabilia and people that profiteer from violence, natural disasters or human tragedies,” “We do not want these types of products on our site.”

(Source: AJN)

5 Responses

  1. Being as Mr. Feiler is quoting a much broader policy regarding things such as natural disaster expolitation, I doubt that this is a radical policy. Additionally, what makes you think he’s Jewish?

  2. I actually bid on this item. I felt it was a true Davar Shebikdusha – almost with a Din of Pidyan Shvuyim. I thought it would help remind me and my family just what happened during the holocaust. And I wanted to make sure that it didn’t, Chas V’Shalim, fall into the hands of some neoNazi.
    I was notified by Ebay that the auction was cancelled.
    I Daven that this holy item finds a home that will afford it it’s true worth.

  3. It’s very sad, but I used to frequent military memorabilia shows and unfortunately many of the vendors that specialized and sold nazi stuff were Jews. I remember briefly discussing it with one of them and he said “hey, if there’s a buck to be made, they’ll be a Jew there to make it!”

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