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CROWN HEIGHTS: Eighth Grade Lubavitcher Bochurim Impress Litvish Roshei Yeshiva

How much are talmidim capable of? A group of young bochurim had the privilege of meeting this week with two esteemed Roshei Yeshiva, where they demonstrated their astounding accomplishments in Torah learning. The 13-14 year old boys had just completed two years of learning in Mechina L’Mesivta of Crown Heights, under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf. Geared toward advanced learners, the small 7th and 8th program offers students an opportunity to learn on a much higher level than usual, quantitatively and qualitatively. Over the course of these two years, the talmidim had learned thoroughly: the entire Masechtos Gittin, Bava Basra and Sota; the whole Seder Noshim and Seder Nezikin of Mishnayos; all of Chumash Vayikra with Rashi; half of the Simanim in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch; 42 Perakim of Tanya and two volumes of Likkutei Sichos. On Thursday, 21 Sivan, the bochurim were received by Rosh Yeshiva of BMG and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, Rav Yerucham Olshin Shlit”a, as well as by the Rosh Yeshiva of YU and Av Beis Din of the RCA, Rav Mordechai Willig Shlit”a. They were farhered by each on the entire Masechta Bava Basra and Masechta Gittin. The talmidim were joined by their Maggid Shiur for both Masechtos, Rabbi Chaim Polter. Both Roshei Yeshiva were extremely impressed by the boys’ knowledge. Most of the talmidim could immediately identify the exact Daf and Amud any few words came from. “I’ve never seen anything like this!” Rav Willig exclaimed. Rav Olshin praised the “budding talmidei chachomim.” A special thank you is due to the Roshei Yeshiva Shlit”a, Rav Yehoshua Olshin Shlit”a for coordinating the test with Rav Yerucham, and all the others who were involved in coordinating the tests.

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Gadera Council Head: We Don’t Have A Litvish Yeshiva – Video Proof Says Otherwise

The head of the Gadera Municipal Council denies there the presence of a litvish yeshiva in the municipality – “Let’s talk facts and stop with the fake news” stated the head of the council, Yoel Gamliel, who added, “In Gadera, there is no litvish yeshiva!” However, a video that was taken and released in the media shows quite a different reality. The story begins with an article that was recently published by Kikar Shabbos News about a new yeshiva which opened in Gadera, headed by HaRav Yaakov Yaakobson. The news led to discussion by some residents of the city. Eventually, the head of the council, Yoav Gamliel, responded, stating that there is no such yeshiva in the city. Gamliel said, “Let’s talk facts and stop the fake news – In Gadera, there is no litvish group! In Gadera, there is no litvish yeshiva! In Gadera, there is no litvish shul!” Gamliel boldly added, “The recent publication distributed throughout the area is nothing more than fake news intended to divide the community and create sinas chinam”. However, a video published in the new report shows talmidim, litvish talmidim sitting and learning at 18 Gamliel Street. Some of the talmidim explain there are mixed reviews regarding their presence, as for some residents, a “chareidi is a chareidi, like from Meah Shearim” and they do not understand the talmidim in the yeshiva are moderate normative individuals, who are simply studying Torah without any desire or intention to become involved in the day-to-day lives of residents nor to impact the character of the community. Nevertheless, there are many fearing the start of the ‘chareidiazation’ of Gadera, which they oppose. There is also a video which shows Rav Yaakobson and other rabbonim meeting with HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, with Rav Yaakobson saying, “Not to fear anything in light of the struggle regarding their presence, the yeshiva will endure and we are here to receive a bracha”. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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What is the Mesorah of the Litvishe Torah Community Regarding Maintaining a Beard and Shaving?

In the 1890s, when the trend to shave the beard was gaining popularity in the Litvish regions of Lithuania and Russia and beyond (due to various secular influences*), the Chofetz Chaim zt’l published Kuntres Tiferes Odom. In this volume, the Chofetz Chaim systematically and vigorously refuted all the various justifications being advanced to defend removal of the beard and asserted (in his introductory remarks) that “it is a great mitzvah for the entire Jewish people to reinforce this observance and refrain from trimming the beard even with scissors.” [In contradistinction to common presumption that the accepted Litvish practice is to be beardless, the Chofetz Chaim attests in the first chapter of this work that, until that time, only “one in a thousand” shaved their beards]. Recently, much discussion has appeared in various widely-publicized forums on the topic of maintaining a beard. Is maintaining a beard a halachic imperative or a Kabbalistic/Chassidic stringency? Many individuals have expressed varied and often conflicting opinions and assumptions regarding this issue (especially regarding the position of the Litvish and other Gedolim). Following this precedent of the Chofetz Chaim (and in the spirit of “know how to respond….” in Pirkei Avos 2:14), a new volume has been prepared for publication to dispute and refute the various arguments and sources utilized by some in defense of shaving. Entitled Authoritative Responses to Common Misconceptions (and compiled by Rabbi Moshe Nisan Wiener, author of sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon and sefer Kvuda Bas Melech), this publication presents (in 25 chapters) various claims and contentions which have been advanced in defense of shaving and demonstrates that they are often based on erroneous assertions and misrepresentations of sources. It is hoped that the publication of this comprehensive volume will provide clarification and alleviate some of the confusion surrounding this issue. *As attested to by the Gadol Hador, Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, in his sefer Orchos Yosher (chapter 5): “Throughout our history, it has been a disgrace for anyone not to have a beard. It is only in recent generations that some have started to treat this irreverently, having learned this from the non-Jews.” For numerous addition sources documenting this fact, see chapter 17 in this new volume and sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon section 2 chapter 4 at length. Click here to purchase the sefer    Click here to purchase the sefer Sponsorship opportunities are available to support the costs which are required to print and widely disseminate this volume. Please contact [email protected]. Authoritative Responses to Common Misconceptions may be viewed (at no charge) by clicking here. To review individual chapters, following is the table of contents with active links to each chapter (which can be accessed by clicking the chapter name): Preface: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Chapter 1: Glaring Omission I: What is the position of the non Chassidic Gedolim regarding maintaining a beard and shaving? …………………………………………….. 7 Chapter 2: Glaring Omission II: What is the position of the non Chassidic Poskim and Roshei Yeshiva  concerning all electric shavers? …………………………………………………………….. 13 Chapter 3: Was it appropriate to publish the sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon? …………………….. 20 Chapter 4: Is Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski zt’l a valid source to permit electric shavers? …. 23 Chapter 5: Is Rav Ovadia Yosef zt’l a valid source to permit electric shavers? ……………….. 27 Chapter 6: Is Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin zt’l a valid source to permit electric shavers?……… 29 Chapter 7: Is Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank zt’l a valid source to permit electric shavers?………….. 32 Chapter 8: Is Shaalos u’Teshuvos Tirosh v’Yitzhar a valid source to permit electric shavers? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 Chapter 9: Is Rav Avrohom Yitzchok HaKohen Kook zt’l a valid source to permit electric shavers? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36    Chapter 10: Is the Chasam Sofer’s statement about the Rama of Fano a valid basis to permit shaving the beard?………………………………………………………………………………. 40 Chapter 11: Did Rav Elyashiv zt’l consider electric shavers to be a sofek prohibition or a vadai?………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44 Chapter 12: Is the opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l an adequate basis to permit electric  shavers? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 46 Chapter 13: Is it accurate to say that only the Israeli Gedolim prohibited electric shavers and not the American Gedolim? ………………………………………………………………….. 55 Chapter 14: Is it accurate to say that the Tzemach Tzedek halachically prohibited only total removal of the beard but not trimming?………………………………………………….. 59 Chapter 15: Is it true that the Chasam Sofer discounted the kabbalistic basis to prohibit shaving the beard?…………………………………………………………………………………….. 65 Chapter 16: What is the significance of the beard according to Kabbalah? ………………….. 67 Chapter 17: What is the mesorah of the Litvishe Torah community regarding maintaining a beard and shaving?………………………………………………………………………………… 74 Chapter 18: Are electric shavers really forbidden according to the Chofetz Chaim zt’l?….. 78 Chapter 19: Did the son-in-law of the Chofetz Chaim write that shaving machines are permissible? ………………………………………………………………….. 85 Chapter 20: What was the position of Rav Aharon Kotler zt’l concerning shaving and electric shavers? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 87 Chapter 21: The Tzemach Tzedek writes that the transgression of lo yilbash is relevant to cutting the beard. Is his position accepted or rejected by the Poskim? ……………… 93 Chapter 22: Shaving the Beard: A Preparation for Rosh Hashanah?! …………………………… 102 Chapter 23: Should Electric Shavers Be Given To Those Who Remove Their Beard With Razors? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 106 Chapter 24: Are Concerns for “Ga’avah” and “Yuhara” Valid Reasons to Shave the Beard? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 114 Chapter 25: What is the position of the Gedolim of the Sephardim regarding the beard and shaving? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 117 Additional Challenges for Further Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….121 Addendum: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….123 Epilogue: Why Does Mame Rochel Cry? ……………………………………………………………… 126

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Agreement Reached In Elad Regarding Use Of A Building Among Chassidish And Litvish Mispallalim & Lomdim

The beis din of HaGaon HaRav Nissin Karelitz issued an injunction order at the end of last week against the activities of the Imrei Baruch Shul in Elad, which is affiliated with the Vishnitz Chassidus. Following the beis din issuing the order, the sides reached agreement. The issue deals with the Vishnitz Chassidim’s shul and the litvish beis medrash operating in the building in Elad. Last Wednesday, the administration of the beis medrash and Rabbi Shimon Gafner received a letter from the secretariat of the Beis Din of Rabbi Karelitz, containing an injunction against shul activity on weekdays and during the yeshiva’s activities. The plaintiffs, the litvish משאת המלך yeshiva in Elad, attached pictures of the rosh chodesh meal with the son of the Admor of Vishnitz, HaRav HaTzaddik Rav Yaakov Mordechai Hager, which was held in the beis medrash, as well as an announcement of davening times, beginning from Rosh Chodesh Nissin, including weekdays in the beis medrash, which according to them negates the agreement, which states the Vishnitz shul would only operate in the building of the yeshiva on Shabbatot and Yomim Tovim. According to a Kikar Shabbos report, agreement was reached by the parties following the injunction issued by the Bnei Brak beis din. The injunction reads: “Rabbi Naftali Ben Ze’ev came to us in the name of the Mishat HaMelech Yeshiva from 11 Rabbi Eliyahu Street. He claims that you are using the venue for a change from the situation that existed to this day, and to date, it was only used by you for Shabbos, and at present, the venue is used for limud, davening, or other purposes, including on weekdays, during yeshiva davening times while the yeshiva is operating, in such a way it severely disrupts the yeshiva’s activities”. The beis din decided that the venue would serve the yeshiva exclusively on weekdays. A notice posted by the administration of the Vishnitz Beis Medrash in Elad on this past erev Shabbos stated, “In light of the injunction received from the Beis Din headed by Rav Karelitz Shlita, we are informing members of the kehilla and mispallalim of the Elad Illit neighborhood that from today, tefilos will not take place in our beis medrash on weekdays until such time the matter is reviewed by Daas Torah”. The report adds that on erev Shabbos, the administration of the yeshiva and representatives of Vishnitz have set days and times that are acceptable to all parties involved and as a result, the din torah in Rav Karelitz’s beis din set for Sunday was canceled. Representatives of the Vishnitz Chassidim released a statement, that the agreement was reached in the spirit of the days of Sefiras Ha’Omer when we are to concentrate on matters between fellow man, and peace was reached. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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New Shidduch Initiative for Israel’s Litvish Community – Massive Computer Database

A new shidduch initiative has begun in Israel that is aimed at catering towards the Litvish community. The new initiative will see all the names of Bnei Yeshiva and girls who attend Litvish seminaries put into an online database that will be coded so that only recognized Shadchanim will have access. The initiative was started more than a year ago by the Rosh Yeshiva of Yad Aharon, HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, and recently received recognition by the Rosh Yeshiva of Slobodka HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch at a recent conference. At the conference it was decided that the community should invest in a specialized computer database, that will be built by using the advice of HaRav Haim Shmerler who founded a similar Chassidish Shidduch organization. The new initiative will not simply stop at a computerized database, but it will go so far as to appoint a representative in each of the Litvish Yeshivos and seminaries throughout Israel. Only Shadchanim recognized by Rav Eichenstein and Rav Hirsch will have access to the database or to the on-site representatives. After achieving the green light at the conference Rav Eichenstein said: “Hundreds of excellent women are sitting at home and praying, begging to find a spouse and build a home in Klal Yisroel. On the other side, we have hundreds of excellent yeshiva bochrim, in a bit smaller number, who are also hoping to find their match. As time passes, the distance from the Yeshivos and Seminaries does not have the effect it used to have, therefore, these young people become damaged and suffer great pain. In no lesser degree, the parents of these young people, who hope to bring their children to the Chuppah in happiness are also distraught.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Israel: Chassidish Newspapers Critical of Litvish Tzibur for Failing to Protest Bnei Brak Chilul Shabbos

Persons passing the Tel Aviv light rail construction site in Bnei Brak on the first day of Sukkos did not see Chilul Yomtov, but only a lone security guard on the premises to look after the expensive construction equipment. According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, work was taking place, underground, with Chinese construction workers operating, but above ground, the appearance of a cessation of work for Yomtov was felt. Officials in City Hall view this as a success, the result of the city rav, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau declaring war on the ongoing Chilul Shabbos surrounding the project. The first day Chol Hamoed Sukkos editions of both the Hamodia and HaMevaser, which are affiliated with Agudas Yisrael, express criticism against the litvish camp for failing to join the major protest against the Chilul Shabbos in the Torah City. Both HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach ZT”L and HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L are quoted telling the tzibur it is one’s responsibility to protest against Chilul Shabbos. The newspapers published letters from the late gedolim regarding the responsibility to the tzibur to shout out in protest against Chilul Shabbos. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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As Degel Continues Negotiations With Shas In Beit Shemesh, Litvish Gabboim Speak Out Strongly

Gabboim of shuls in Beit Shemesh, affiliated with Degel Hatorah, have published a letter in which they accuse of local rabbonim of going against the word of Gedolei Hador Shlita, expressing their disapproval with these rabbonim. The letter is addressed to the chairman of Degel Hatorah, MK Moshe Gafne, as well as the MKs in the faction. The initiative was undertaken by Rabbi Yitzchak Bugrad, who is among the gabboim. As Gafne continues negotiations with Shas regarding the upcoming municipal elections, signatories of the letter insist Abutbul cannot run the city properly and they are suffering as a result. Rav Bugrad spoke with Moshe Glasner of Kol Berama Radio on Sunday evening to explain the situation. Bugrad begins with an explanation, that they remain committed to the word of Gedolei Torah Shlita, and that they are acting to address the issues, and not in any way leveling a personal attack against anyone, including MKs. He apologized for what occurred during the asifa, emphasizing nothing here is in anyway addressed at anyone on a personal level, but there are persons whom have “suffered over recent years” due to the fact their cries have not only been unanswered, but not even heard. “We are here to talk to the point, to address the issues, and to ascertain if the suffering endured during recent years is going to come to an end” exclaimed Bugrad. “We have turned to MKs and tried to implement change. There were negotiations, which did not end in a number of weeks, which would have led to change, but instead, they dragged on for months and we cannot conduct a normal Torah life in the city, hence we are turning to Degel Hatorah to save the situation”, added Bugrad. The following is a synopsis of the radio interview: Kol Berama: Your letter states as Torah observing Jews, we remain committed to Rabbanei Gedolei Torah but the Degel-affiliated rabbonim in the city are not acting as they should. Bugrad: I cannot stand behind this. Yes, I was there and among those who wrote it, but now, I feel it must be addressed again. Kol Berama: You also write the local rabbonim are ignoring your needs. Are you saying the negotiations with Mayor Abutbul [ahead of elections] ignore your needs and contrary to the desire of Gedolei Yisrael? This is what the letter says. Bugrad: We are missing basic services. There are no playgrounds. Yes, the letter says this. There were negotiations but there were no results. Come and see. There are no mikvaos. They are building another neighborhood without a mikve and yet another without a mikve. What is going on? In Azur there is a mikve, but here in Ramat Beit Shemesh there is none. Kol Berama: There are no mikvaos for all the kehillos or just the litvish tzibur? Bugrad: Forget the letter. There is a tzibur here. The letter is not the issue. I am aware of three neighborhoods without a mikve. Ramat Gimmel 1, there was no mikve when we got there and avreichim paid with their own funds to build a mikve after years. People are beginning to move into Gimmel 2 and there is no construction [of a mikve] and there is the Mishkafayim neighborhood. I must state that everything I am saying is

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Degel Hatorah Still Contemplating A Litvish Candidate In Jerusalem Mayoral Race

While the secretariat of Agudas Yisroel is set to meet on Tuesday evening, 12 Menachem Av, at which time officials are expected to approve the candidacy of Yossi Deutsch, who wishes to enter the Jerusalem mayoral race, Degel Hatorah, the litvish chareidi faction, is still weighing the possibility of announcing its own candidate in the race, rather than uniting behind Deutsch. In fact, Degel is weighing its own candidate in other chareidi municipalities and cities, including Elad and Beit Shemesh, rather than uniting behind already announced chareidi candidates. Degel officials feel they have many qualified persons, and some simply do not see the merit in backing a candidate already in the race and who represents the chareidi tzibur. They add they should be divided 50/50 with the chassidish faction; Agudas Yisrael, and therefore they question why they should automatically pass on the mayoral race in Jerusalem. Degel officials are set to convene on Wednesday as well, at which time the matter will be discussed. Kikar Shabbos News adds that Degel Hatorah MK Uri Maklev met with Chacham HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Cohen Shlita, head of the Moetzas Gedolei Torah of Shas, discussing the matter of a chareidi candidate at length vis-à-vis the mayoral race in the capital. In the chassidish camp, they feel that Yossi Deutsch, who has already signaled his intentions to run, is a most suited candidate and he will represent the chareidi tzibur in the Jerusalem race. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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More Talks to End Machlokes Between the Litvish And Chassidish Factions of Yahadut Hatorah

Leaders of the Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael factions that comprise Yahadut Hatorah are meeting on Tuesday 16 Iyar in an effort to continue hammering out differences to end the machlokes between the factions. Scheduled to take part in the meeting are Moshe Gafne, Meir Porush, and Chanoch Zeibert. Those involved explain the meeting was actually supposed to take place last week but it was canceled due Gafne’s scheduling conflicts. The atmosphere has already improved as Meir Porush announced he was going to resign as a Member of Knesset while continuing to serve as Deputy Minister of Education to permit Degel’s Yaakov Asher to return to Knesset. Truth be said, in the best of times there is a state of cold war and not peace between the factions, as their lives surround quid pro quos, with each constantly making demands of the other as well as pointing accusing fingers of disproportionate division of the pie. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Litvish vs Chassisidh Discussed at the Degel Hatorah Convention

It was a stormy session at the Degel Hatorah Convention in Kibbutz Chafetz Chaim on Wednesday, 27 Adar-II. Data was presented to participants documenting a historical injustice pertaining to the division of Yahadut Hatorah as Degel, the litvish stream, now maintains it is larger than Agudas yisrael, the chassidish stream despite the fact the latter has always maintained it is larger and it therefore deserves a larger portion of the pie. What is clear is that after the convention, there will be more machlokes between the Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael factions of Yahadut Hatorah and it will remain to be determined if that machlokes gets bad enough to cause the parties to split as they were in the past. There were also personal assaults leveled by speakers at the assembly at Agudas Yisrael members, which YWN-ISRAEL will not be reporting. Much attention was paid to litvish verses the chassidish at this forum rather than discussing the troubling issues facing chareidi Jewry in Eretz Yisrael. Degel announced it is going to hold a census to determine just how many litvish voters it has. The head of the party’s municipality unit, Menachem Shapira, showed participants a number of slides in which he explained shows Degel is clearly larger than Agudas Yisrael. The graphs showed the voting breakdown for chareidim in Jerusalem, Modi’in Illit and Bnei Brak. He showed in those cities, among Yahadut Hatorah voters, there are more Degel voters than Agudah. Degel is calling on Agudah to take part in the census, announcing if the chassidim are unwilling to cooperate, Degel will go it alone. It was added that in the last Knesset elections, there were 32,434 litvish voters in Jerusalem as compared to 19,231 chassidim and in the database of potential voters there are 34,189 litvish voters and 24,816 chassidish voters listed. Bnei Brak 28,354 litvish votes 18,624 chassidish votes Database of potential voters shows 32,819 litvish and 23,630 chassidish. Modi’in Illit 12,336 litvish votes 2,798 chassidish votes Database of potential voters shows 13,108 litvish and 3,241 chassidish. Clearly slides of Betar Illit and many other areas that are strong chassidish strongholds were not presented by Shapira. It is explained the data is presented this way because the Yerushalmi faction of the litvish, Bnei Torah, ran in those communities in the elections and those potential voters come from the Degel (litvish) tzibur. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rabbi Amsellem: The Torah was Not Given Exclusively to Ashkenazim And Litvish at Sinai

Rabbi Chaim Amsellem, who heads the Am Shalem party, is among the growing number of rabbonim and public officials commenting to the media following the announced establishment of ‘Giyur K’halacha’, a beis din for giyur that permits one to circumvent the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Speaking with Srugim News, Rabbi Amsellem stated “These are joyous days in Israel”, explaining he has been crying on behalf of the so many thousands who have not been able to enter the giyur program to date. He praises the rabbonim for daring to speak the truth and stand firm against those who do not agree with their position without fear and solely on behalf of the many who wish to become Jews and have no address to turn to. “We only have the path of the Rishon L’Tzion Maran Rav Bentzion Meir Chai Uziel ZT”L to follow, the unwavering minhagim of Sephardic Jewry” stated Rav Amsellem, who explained the late chief rabbi was compelled to address the many immigrants in the category of originating from ‘zera yisrael’ (זרע ישראל) which he feels is the case with so many immigrants form the former Soviet Union. Rav Amsellem insists halacha has always bent over as much as possible to accommodate the convert and so it should be today as well. Amsellem joins those who accuse the Chief Rabbinate of Israel of “becoming an executive arm of the chareidi extremists and all the rabbonim around the world, particularly the Sephardim, they were downtrodden as if the Torah was given at Sinai to the Ashkenazim and Litvish and as such has become irrelevant for Klall Yisrael”. “Therefore, today is a day on which Zionist rabbonim finally had the courage to do something publically, not in the dark, quietly and with fear for the Rabbinate does not do what it is responsible to do so we are once and for all breaking the twisted monopoly that has become the Chief Rabbinate regarding giyur. The eyes of world Jewry are looking at Eretz Yisrael and its rabbonim, which began as a trickle and has become a long continuous flow and this is the order of the day, a great mitzvah. The Prophet Yechezkel cried to seek those lost and restore those that are foreign”. Rabbi Amsellem explains he is not deterred by the shouts of opposition, “of the extremists”, those insisting the giyur will not be in compliance with halacha and lead to assimilation. He calls on his colleagues, dati leumi rabbonim, to remain strong and steadfast for this “holy mission” towards eliminating the Chilul Hashem and returning the lost brothers to “Our Father in Heaven”. Rabbi Amsellem concludes with a quote from Gemara Taanis (30:b) “שלא היו ימים טובים לישראל כיום ט״ו באב מפני שהותרו בו שבטים לבא זה בזה. אם יום זה יהפך להתחלה גדולה לפתיחת בתי דין הלכתיים בכל אתר ואתר לגייר, כל הבא לשם שמים ובמיוחד מ״זרע ישראל״ (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Litzman Blames the Litvish Camp for Drop in Numbers

MK Yaakov Litzman, who is a member of the Chassidish Agudas Yisrael faction of Yahadut Hatorah blames his Litvish colleagues in the Degel Hatorah faction of the party for the drop from seven to six seats. Making matters worse, at some point in the campaign, the polls showed Yahadut Hatorah is likely to gain an eighth seat. However, the split off Yerushalmi faction not voting in addition to the high voter turnout not only cost the party the eighth seat, but it lost the seventh that it holds in the outgoing Knesset. Litzman explains the party received 15,000 more votes than in the previous election yet it lost a seat, blaming the split in Degel for the bleak outcome. Litzman added that nevertheless, Yahadut Hatorah will continue to serve the interests of the entire chareidi tzibur with achdus among the ranks. YWN-ISRAEL points out the high voter turnout resulted in each party needing more votes per seat. The minimum threshold for entering Knesset was 3.25% of the vote. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Litvish Rabbonim to Attend Urgent Kenos to Discuss Chareidi Draft

Over 100 rabbonim shlita are expected to take part in a Monday afternoon 13 Teves 5774 gathering in Bnei Brak set to begin at 5:00 PM. The rabbonim will be discussing the Shaked Committee at the urgent kenos, the ongoing efforts to pass a new draft law that will compel chareidim to serve in the military or an approved national service program. As this meeting takes place, the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Agudas Yisrael is going to convene in Yerushalayim to discuss the same topic. The Bnei Brak kenos will take place in the hall at 10 Rav Hirsch Street in the torah city. The kenos was first scheduled to take place in the home of HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita but after realizing so many rabbonim plan to attend, the venue was moved to the hall. The kenos is likely to focus on how talmidim are to act when they receive the various notifications in the different stages of the draft process. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Kol Korei from Litvish Gedolei Yisrael Shlita

Earlier in the week a kol korei calling on the chassidish tzibur to vote Agudas Yisrael was published in chassidish newspapers, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL. While that kol korei listed names, it was void of signatures from the admorim. A similar kol korei, void of signatures, now appears in litvish chareidi newspapers on behalf of the litvish gedolei Torah shlita. The text describes some of the threats facing the bnei Torah tzibur today and the absolute requirement to show achdus and vote for “Gimmel”, in the Bnei Brak election on 18 Cheshvan 5774. Click on the image to enlarge it. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Will There be Achdus in Litvish Camp Ahead of Elections?

Sunday’s meeting in Bnei Brak between HaRosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach did not result in any major announcement as many hoped would be the case. Kikar Shabbat quotes members of the Yerushalmi branch as clinging onto hope that achdus will follow and the split will be mended. On the less optimistic side, Netzach spokesman R’ Yaakov Friedman states Rav Shteinman’s followers acted inappropriately towards them and it does not appear that achdus is a high priority. Friedman told Ynet he did not feel that the Bnei Brak camp is genuinely interested in mending fences. “Instead of acting respectfully towards the rav,” referring to Rav Auerbach, “the other side simply acts as if the rav was coming to seek a bracha or advice just like any other person.” (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS & VIDEO: Chabad Delegation Visits Litvish Gedolim

(PHOTO & VIDEO LINK BELOW) A Chabad delegation on Thursday night is expected to meet with Litvish Gedolei Torah in Bnei Brak. The delegation will include Chabad rabbonim and askanim, led by Rav Ashkenazi Shlita, the rav of Kfar Chabad. Rav Yosef Yitzchak Aaronoff who heads Tzeirei Chabad will also take part in the delegation along with HaRav Aaron Shapira Shlita of Pardes Katz, HaRav Mordechai Goldschmidt Shlita and Rav Yaakov Goldschmidt. The meeting surrounds the upcoming Chabad Kenos “Shloshim of the Mumbai Kedoshim” which is scheduled to take place in Har Chotzvim in Yerushalayim. The event is being sponsored by Chabad askan Rav Chaim Yaakov Leibowitz. The delegation has already met with Rav Michel Lefkowitz, Rav Gershon Edelstein, Rav Nissim Karelitz, & Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel – all reportedly receiving the Chabad delegation with open arms and sincere warmth. The Gedolim Shlita emphasized the Kedoshim and their shlichus, being killed ‘al kiddush Hashem’ and they wished the delegation much success in their mission. In the beginning of the week, the delegation also met with Maran Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, and a number of Admorim, including the Gerre Rebbe Shlita, as well as the Admorim Shlita of Boiyan, Erlau, Rav Yisrael Hager of Vishnitz Shlita, the son of the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita, Admor of Slonim Shlita and others. The Chabad delegation hopes to include the entire spectrum of the frum community in the event, which will mark the Shloshim of the Mumbai terror attack. PHOTO & VIDEO LINKS BELOW: Click HERE for photos, and click HERE for a video (courtesy of COL) (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Tzvi Kogan, H’yd Wore Slain Uncle’s Suit To His Wedding

Two years ago, Tzvi Kogan, H’yd, married Rivky Spielman of Crown Heights, the niece of HaRav Gavriel Holtzberg, H’yd, who was murdered together with his wife Rivka, H’yd, by Pakistani terrorists in Mumbai in 2008. One of Rav Kogan’s friends, Ari Katz told Ynet on Sunday morning that Tzvi, z’l, 28, wore Rav Gabi Holtzberg’s suit at at his chasunah two years ago. Ari said that before the chuppa, he said to Tzvi: ‘A chassan wears a new suit.’” “He responded with a sentence that now caused me to choke up: ‘If we die, then we’ll die Al Kiddush Hashem.’” As YWN reported on Motzei Shabbos, Gabi and Rivka, H’yd, were murdered in Cheshvan, shortly before the annual international gathering of Chabad shluchim in Crown Heights, which begins this Wednesday. Tzvi, z’l, grew up in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo in a large Chareidi family that was not connected to Chabad and attended Litvish mosdos, including Mir Yeshivah. But after his older brother Reuven grew close to Chabad and went on shlichus to Dubai, Tzvi followed in his footsteps. “Tzvi was one of the most well-known people in the Dubai kehilla,” Ari continued. “He was a doer, helping those who are struggling. Countless messages and phone calls; no matter what time it is, he was always there to help everyone.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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A Tragic Loss: HaRav Shlomo Halioua Zt’l, Rosh Yeshiva Of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman) It was a year of enormous tragedy for Yeshiva Chaim Berlin, with the loss of two remarkable Roshei Yeshiva within some 14 months of each other.  Today, HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Halioua passed away tragically at the age of 65. His father-in-law, Rav Aharon Schechter zt”l, had passed away 14 months earlier. It is a sad tragedy that the Oilam HaTorah beyond the Yeshiva did not get such a chance to fully appreciate who this remarkable Rosh Yeshiva was by virtue of the short tenure that we had him.  His brilliance shined forth in so many Torah techunos, as well as his remarkable midos and anivus.  He was clearly destined to play a pivotal leadership role in the Torah world, which is why the talmidei haYeshiva are in a state of despair and shock.  The talmidim noticed that in the past few months he was visibly weaker, but whatever illness he suffered from, he kept hidden from his talmidim. Rav Halioua zt”l demonstrated remarkable brilliance as a talmid chochom, who gave masterful shiurim.  He also had a full mastery of the entire oeuvre of Rav Hutner’s Pachad Yitzchock, and was fully comfortable in the world of Torah Machshava as well. The Rosh Yeshiva’s mastery of the Ramchal’s writings was demonstrated in his many shmuessim that he delivered to the Talmidim.  The talmidim were enamored by the down-to-earth nature of Rav Halioua’s maamarim as well as synthesis of the machshava of Rav Hutner zt”l, the Maharal and the Ramchal.   Rav Halioua veritably introduced the Talmidim of the Yeshiva to the deeper understanding of the Ramchal’s greatest talmid, Rav Moshe Dovid Valle zt”l.  He was also a baal mechadaish – who could derive deep insights from their writings which we otherwise might have missed. Rav Halioua was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon right before Hoshana Rabbah, and yet he was still delivering maamarim until the last week of Yeshiva and during the Yom Tov.  He gave a maamar on Monday during the Yeshiva’s Simchas Beis HaShoaiva. His father, Rav Avraham zatzal, immigrated from Morocco to the USA at the age of twenty in November of 1948, and was a Rav in Flatbush who passed away in December of 1988. Rav Shlomo was thirty years old at his passing and took over the shul.   He had a close association with Agudath Israel even while yet in Morocco.  They helped sponsor his arrival in the US. He  learned at Yeshiva of Brooklyn, from Yeshiva Ketana through Mesivta.  As a young man of 13 or 14 he was hit by taxicab in Brooklyn and was seriously injured.  He required surgery on his spleen.  Notwithstanding this experience he was immersed in his learning even as a young man. Rav Halioua was of the first class of the Mesivta of the Yeshiva of Brooklyn and became very close to Rav Shlomo Mandel shlita, its eventual Rosh Yeshiva.   Rav Feivel Cohen zt”l who taught there prior to his writing his Badei haShulchan had an enormous hashpa’ah on him at the Mesivta and that was his first exposure to Rav Hutner’s talmidim. The Rosh Yeshiva zt”l was also a talmid muvhak of Rav Binyomin Paler zt”l and mastered the Brisker mehalech from him. Rav Paler was one of Rav Velvel Soloveitchik’s closest Talmidim, and

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Chasdei Lev Hosts 20,000 Rebbeim, Morahs And Their Families In Chol Hamoed Bonanza At Dorney Park [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]

Chasdei Lev hosted thousands of rebbeim, morahs and their families for a special two-day Chol Hamoed event at Dorney Park on Monday and Tuesday, continuing their mission of honoring and expressing gratitude to our children’s mechanchim, the vital guardians of our mesorah. Dorney Park, known for its wide range of activities and rides, was the perfect setting for this appreciation event, and in addition to the park’s attractions, Chasdei Lev provided a large sukkah and abundant food and refreshments. Over the course of the two days, approximately 20,000 rebbeim and their families participated, with attendees coming from across the country, representing the diversity of Orthodox Jewry, including Litvish, Chasidish, and Lubavitch communities. Notably, Harav Reuven Feinstein, the rabbinic leader of Chasdei Lev, was in attendance at the amusement park on both days, to personally impart Chasdei Lev’s message of appreciation for mechanchim. Events like these are central to Chasdei Lev’s mission, offering much-needed recognition to rebbeim and morahs, and equally important, to their spouses and children. When the families of mechanchim witness the honor and respect given to their husbands, wives, and parents, it reinforces their shared commitment to the essential work of harbotzas Torah. This event follows Chasdei Lev’s pre-Sukkos distribution, which benefitted over 6,000 rebbeim’s and morah’s families, and their efforts this past Pesach, which supported over 8,000 families. Other initiatives include subsidized esrog sales, shaitel sales, and many other programs designed to express gratitude to mechanchim.   (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Donald Trump Keynotes Antisemitism-Fighting Gathering At His Bedminster Golf Club [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]

Jewish leaders from across religious denominations came together at an exclusive event hosted by businessman Yehuda Kaploun and his partner Edward Russo at Donald Trump’s National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, featuring Trump as the keynote speaker, along with philanthropist Miriam Adelson. The event drew Jewish leaders from across the spectrum, including figures from the Chasidic, Litvish, Conservative, and Reform communities, as well as organizations like Young Israel, the OU, and Agudah. The event, which was not a campaign function but rather an invitation-only gathering, included representatives from various segments of the Jewish community—Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. Approximately 30 leaders from each group were present, including business leaders, rabbis, administration officials, and influencers. Rabbi Mark Rosenberg, Chief Chaplain for the Florida Highway Patrol, delivered the invocation, with Rabbi Yaakov Kaploun offering the traditional blessing of Birchas Kohanim. Kaploun and Russo said the idea for the event stemmed from their regular conversations with the former president about the Jewish community’s growing fears in light of increasing anti-Semitism. The event was meant to provide an opportunity for Jewish leadership from all walks of life to hear directly from Trump about his stance on the issue. The former president made clear his commitment to combating anti-Semitism, emphasizing that it poses a threat not only to Jews but to Americans as a whole. He also stressed the importance of standing in solidarity with Israel, saying that any individuals in the U.S. protesting in support of Hamas would be subject to deportation, and that universities allowing such protests could lose federal funding. Miriam Adelson spoke about her family’s Chasidic roots and the importance of unity in the fight against anti-Semitism. The historic nature of the gathering was widely noted, with participants emphasizing that, despite their religious differences, the shared goal of combating anti-Semitism brought everyone together. Kaploun highlighted that in today’s climate, Jews from all backgrounds face threats, whether in the U.S. or abroad, noting that the Abraham Accords have made Jews feel safer in places like Abu Dhabi than on American college campuses. Rabbi Mark Rosenberg, Chief Chaplain for the Florida Highway Patrol, who delivered the invocation, told YWN: “In these times of growing anti-Semitism and division, it is crucial for our community to stand united in faith and resolve. Our prayers today are not just for protection but for the strength to continue the fight against hatred in all its forms.” Yehuda Kaploun, who hosted the event, told YWN: “This gathering was about bringing together Jewish leadership from all walks of life to address the serious concerns facing our community today. The rising tide of anti-Semitism affects us all, regardless of our differences in practice or belief. It was important for us to create a space where we could unite, listen, and chart a path forward together.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Chassidish Leaders Join Litvsih, Sephardi Counterparts: “Forbidden To Report To Induction Centers”

As the recruitment of bnei yeshivos reached the operational stage on Monday, with the first Charedi draftees scheduled to appear at induction centers, Chassidish leaders in Eretz Yisrael instructed bnei yeshivos not to comply with draft orders. Litvish and Sephardi Roshei Yeshivos have already instructed their talmidim not to report to induction centers. A letter published by Chassidish leaders states: “Since the IDF authorities recently sent draft orders to bochurim and avreichim for the purpose of recuriting them into the army, we would like to clarify that Gedolei Yisrael have already ordered that it is forbidden to enlist in the army under any circumstances. Even if the IDF establishes strictly Chareidi Mehadrin companies and brigades, they have already proven that they do not end up sticking with it.” “And even if they partially accommodate Chareidim at first, after a while, it’s impossible to remain Shomer Torah u’mitzvos k’halacha there. Even if they say that now they’ll insist that they can remain Chareidi Mehadrin there, al pi din Torah, they have no ne’amanus [trustworthiness] on this. We know very clearly that there is not one Gadol b’Yisrael who disagrees on this issue.” “Therefore, we would like to instruct, in accordance with the opinions of all Gedolei HaDor, that all bochurim and avreichim who receive draft orders are forbidden to report to induction centers.” “And Hashem Yisbarach should guard His nation Yisrael to withstand all nisyonos and remain Jews faithful to Hashem and His Torah.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Tears in Binyanei Hauma: Historic Bar Mitzvah for 63 Yesomim of “Zeh Lazeh” Led By Gedolei Yisrael

Uplifting moments of deep emotion and “simcha shel mitzvah” were experienced by all at the Bar Mitzvah for the 63 boys as they celebrated this very significant milestone in the presence of Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolei Yisrael. With great joy and excitement, the 63 boys who are members of the “Bnei Melachim” wing of the “Zeh Lazeh” organization, under the direction of Rebbetzin Rotenberg, celebrated a joint Bar Mitzvah with siyumim on mesechtos in an inspiring setting. The event was held at the Binyanei Hauma in Yerushalayim, and entertainment was provided by the “Neshama” choir with the singer R. Zanville Weinberger, and accompanied by Shimi Sklar’s orchestra. The excited boys were seated on a magnificent stage, next to gedolei Yisrael from all communities, Chassidish, Litvish and Sephardi who honored the boys and even spoke in praise of the organization. The guests attending were the families, mentors and friends of the bar mitzvah boys. Each boy has a professional mentor who is handpicked to support and accompany him throughout his childhood. All of the members of the Bnei Melachim have been learning meseches Sukkah and during the bar mitzvah event they made a siyum on the entire mesechta. Prior to the event, the boys made a special trip to the Gedolei Yisrael; Rav Dov Landau, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Don Segal, Rav Dovid Cohen, Rav Shraga Steinman, Rav Leizer Yehuda Finkel, Rav Shimon Galay, Rav Chaim Feinstein, Rav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein, Rav Binyamin Finkel, Rav Reuven Elbaz, Rav Nissim ben Shimon, Rav Amram Fried, Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Rav Aharon Toisig, the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe, the Nadvorna Rebbe, the Modzitz Rebbe, the Alexander Rebbe, the Zuschke Rebbe, the Biala Rebbe, and the Sadigure Rebbe. At the height of the ceremony, the entire crowd stood together to welcome the Gedolei  yisrael who entered the hall to honor the choshuve bar mitzvah boys and the “Zeh Lazeh” organization. The massive audience stood on their feet singing “yomim al ymei melech tosif” in honor of the Gedolei Yisrael headed by Maran Mashgiach HaGaon HaTzaddik Reb Don Segal, Maran the Rishon Letzion HaGaon Rav Yitzchak Yosef and with the participation of Maran Rosh Yeshiva of Mir HaGaon Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, Maran HaGaon Rav David Yosef, Hagaon Chacham Nissim Ben Shimon, the Biala Rebbe , HaGaon Rav Ben Zion Kook, rabbis, and members of the Knesset and public figures. At the conclusion of the siyum, the boys stood to say the Kaddish in memory of their parents z’l as not a single eye was left dry, and the cry of “Amen, yehei Shmei rabba” that erupted from the crowd certainly opened the gates of Heaven to cause a great impact on Klal Yisrael. After the magnificent seudas mitzvah, all the celebrants rose for a mitzvah dance, which concluded with each young man receiving a beautiful and meaningful gift, an elegant silver kos that was given by Reb Don Segal as he lovingly bentched them each with a personal bracha.

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What to Learn on Shavuos Night by R. Yair Hoffman

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is a custom whose roots reach back to the earliest era of our nationhood. In order to make up for the fact that our ancestors actually had slept the night of the Sinaitic revelation, religious Jews stay up all night and study Torah (Midrash Shir HaShirim Rabbah 1:56). The custom does not fault our ancestors for being ill-prepared, for how does one prepare for something that one does not know anything about? Rather, it is a custom that allows Klal Yisroel to shine ever further. MENTIONED IN ZOHAR The practice is mentioned in the Zohar (Parshas Emor 98a). There it even describes the reward that awaits one who studies Torah all night. The all-night learner receives no less than seventy divine blessings from above and is crowned with a special celestial crown of the upper heavens. Then they are inscribed in a special Sefer HaZikaron, a book of memory. LIVING OUT THE YEAR The Arizal writes in Shaar HaKavanos that whoever stays up all night learning is assured that he will certainly live out the year. The Chofetz Chaim records this statement l’halacha (Mishna Brurah 494:1). TIME IS NOT LINEAR There is another interesting point too. Rav Dessler zatzal writes in Michtav M’Eliyahu that time is not a straight continuum. Rather, the nature of time is like a carousel that turns in circles. He writes that each Yom Tov is actually the very same Yom Tov that Klal Yisroel experienced in thousands of years ago in the year 2448. Each day on this carousel of time has its own special unique aspect to it. With this thought of Rav Dessler in mind, let us examine the words found in the Siddur Etz Chaim (page 46a). There it states that fulfilling this practice of learning all night makes it as if we ourselves received the Torah when we hear the Krias HaTorah of Shavuos. It is therefore, as if we were actually there at Har Sinai on the actual day of Matan Torah itself. WHAT TO LEARN? The question is, however, what should one learn? There is a special Tikkun Lail Shavuos that much of Klal Yisroel studies each Shavuos night. It encompasses Torah, Neviim, Ksuvim, Midrashim, and certain mystical parts of Torah. The Tikkun was established by the AriZal HaKadosh. And here is exactly where the controversy begins. THE GREAT DEBATE The Shlah HaKadosh (Tractate Shvuos 47) writes that this order of what to learn has become a Minhag in Klal Yisroel and this is what we should all certainly learn. The Shvus Yaakov, however, (Chok Yaakov 494) writes that this Tikkun was only enacted for the masses of people, and those that are capable of doing so should learn their own study regimen. What is the common custom? Chassidim generally learn the Tikkun, but, generally speaking, Litvaks generally learn their own study regimen. Although, both the Steipler Gaon zt”l and lehavdil bain chaim l’chaim Rav Chaim Kanievsky actually did the Tikkun Leil Shavuos (See Teshuvos Rav Chaim #216). The Sefer Tefilah K’Hilchasa rules that an Avel, a mourner, recites the Tikun Lail Shavuos. Sefardim also generally learn the Tikkun, particularly because the Chida writes (Lev David 31) that one should do so. Indeed, he writes that a group of people who changed the study

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Rectifying That Kareis

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman Two scenarios: 1] A student’s hand raises in a Rebbe’s class.  “Rabbi, I “accidentally” ate total Chometz over Pesach!  What should I do now?” 2] A wealthy philanthropist in shul, about to turn sixty, schedules a colonoscopy.  Interestingly enough, he had scheduled the test not because his doctor recommended it, but rather because he was about to turn sixty. His concern is that he wants to make sure that he has not incurred the penalty of Kareis – the penalty of being cut-off. In the first scenario, the student is quite scared. Presumably, in the latter case, the  man’s actions were based upon the Gemorah in Moed Katan (28a) where Rav Yoseph made a party upon reaching the age of sixty because he made it to sixty and therefore did not incur the punishment of Kareis. Abaye pointed out that there is a second type of Kareis called Kareis of days.  Rav Yoseph replied that just outliving Kareis of years is also a reason to celebrate. But in both scenarios we see something disturbing.  It is an unfortunate reality that there are many nice people out there who may have something rather serious hanging over them. That something is the Divine punishment known as kareis—being cut off. This penalty is associated with a number of violations: desecrating Shabbos, improper relationships. eating blood, breaching the prohibition of niddah, eating on Yom Kippur, eating cheilev, going onto prohibited places on Har HaBayis…the list goes on.  If one ate Chometz by accident, he is chayav a chatas Kvu’ah, if on purpose and above twenty – he is chayav karais. THE QUESTION Kareis, of course, is quite serious.  But can anything be done? Is there a means by which kareis can be rectified? If so, how? And why haven’t we heard about it before? Is there a particularly propitious time for it? The answer to this question, fortunately, is “yes.”  With the Yom Tov of Shavuos quickly approaching, however, there is now a possibility of double-dipping.  But, there are other requirements. LEARNING ALL NIGHT The great AriZal, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (Shaar Ruach HaKodesh, p. 11b) describes a rectification ritual known as tikkun kareis. He writes as follows: “One who is awake all night and does not sleep at all, and immerses himself in the study of Torah that entire night will exempt himself from one punishment of kareis if, Heaven forbid, he has incurred it. Each night exempts one kareis.”  The Chida  has a sefer called, “Seder Tikun Karet.  He mentions what the Arizal discusses as well. So here we have it.  One night of all night-learning can rectify one violation of Kareis. THE THOUGHT PROCESS Rav Chaim Vital, the foremost student of the AriZal, adds more information about the exact kavanos – intentions that one must have while learning Torah for the rectification: One must connect his neshamah to the root above, thus rectifying Adam Elyon. Practically, this means that he should focus and picture his neshama connecting and originally emanating from the upper heavenly sphere. THE FOUR CAVEATS Other caveats that Rav Chaim Vital adds are to refrain from 1] haughtiness, 2] anger, 3] being makpid – being overly-strict with people, and 4] lashon ha’ra.  It is, of course, worthwhile to study an overview of each of these

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It’s Pesach Sheini – So When Do We Eat the Matzah??

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is a question that a number of people are asking right now.  When do we commemorate Pesach Sheini by eating Matzah?  Do we do it on the night of the 14th, because that is Pesach Sheini?  Do we do it at Chatzos of the 14th – because that is when the Korban Pesach was brought?  Or do we do it on the night of the fifteenth – which is when it was eaten along with the Matzah? And then there are other possibilities too.  Should we do it during all three?  It should also be noted that the Chazon ish zt”l held that it should not be done at all, because it is adding on to the Torah (See Orchos Rabbeinu Vol. II p. 97). Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l followed his father’s view to eat it. ANSWER It seems that there are a number of customs.  Rav Sreya Dublitzky zt”l ate it on the night of the fifteenth (HaMevaser HaTorani, Parshas Emor 5772 p. 3)  Rav Yisroel Dovid Harfenes shlita, one of the leading Poskim in Williamsburg recommends doing it both on the 14th after Chatzos and in the evening of the 15th (See Teshuvos Mekadaish Yisroel Sfiras HaOmer #93).  If it is difficult for him to wash twice – then he should do it right before shkiya on the 14th.  I am informed that the Lubavitcher Rebbe said to do it all three times. The truth is that most people eat it, whenever they are reminded about it. INTERNAL MESSAGE And while we contemplate this question, there is an internal message of Pesach Sheni – that we should not miss. It is a message brought out by the Gerrer Rebbe – the author of the Chidushei HaRim. Rav Yitzchok Meir Alter (1799-1866) was the very first Gerrer Rebbe. A TIKKUN FOR THOSE B’DERECH RECHOKAH He writes that this particular day, Pesach Sheni, is a tikun for those who are perceived as beyond the pale – “B’derech Rechokah” – in his words. They are outside the scope of assistance. To them, to those who could not develop the closeness and Dveikus to Hashem that was emblematic of Pesach – is this second chance. The Psukim in Bahaaloscha tell us: There were men who were impure of the dead, and therefore, could not make the Pesach Korban on that day. They approached Moshe and Aharon on that day. Those men said to him, “We are impure [because of contact] with a dead person; [but] why should we be excluded so as not to bring the offering of Hashemin its appointed time, with all the children of Israel? Moshe said to them, “Imdu – Wait, and I will hear what Hashem instructs concerning you.” A NEW MEANING FOR IMDU The Chidushei HaRim writes that Imdu does not mean wait – but rather it means imdu in Teshuvah and Tefillah. It is not too late, just stand and pursue these two Avodahs and Hashem will help you along the way. The Chidushei HaRim writes that this is the day for the off-the-derech kids that are now in every single one of our communities. Each community among us, whether it be chassidisha, litvisha, or modern orthodox, has children that have left the fold. Look around. They are hanging out on

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How Ramat Beit Shemesh Is Making Pesach

By Gila Arnold Chances are, you know someone living there.  Your child in yeshiva or seminary has probably spent Shabbosos in this beautiful, warm, welcoming community.  As the number one destination for frum Anglo families, Ramat Beit Shemesh is a community that speaks your language; a place where you can feel at home. And a city that – based on the rate of Anglo aliyah in recent years – may likely one day be your home!  Walking through some of the neighborhoods can feel as familiar and comfortable as Lakewood or Passaic.  Yet there’s so much more to the people of RBS than you may realize.  Take another look at this city… because, as Pesach approaches, 5,000 of its resident families need your help.   1. Fastest-growing city in Israel Contrary to stereotypes, RBS is not just a small enclave of olim; Beit Shemesh is, in fact, the third-largest Charedi city in Israel and the fastest growing city in the entire country! Its population has more than doubled in the past 15 years and today numbers close to 150,000. This explosive growth is thanks both to the arrival of olim from all over the world, and to the rapid development of new neighborhoods – RBS Gimmel, Daled and Heh, as well as many new sub-communities within RBS Aleph, which has attracted young families from across the country.   2. You don’t just hear English in the streets  While many, many Anglos make their home here, the majority of the city is not Anglo.  There are native Israelis, French, Russians… a veritable kibbutz galuyos! And yet, the Anglos have absolutely made their mark.  As a living example of what happens when the best of Anglo and Israeli qualities come together, Ramat Beit Shemesh is a model in so many ways.  A model of community. A model of achdus. A model of innovation.  And a model of chesed.   The Kupa Shel Tzedaka of RBS is a prime example of this.  The address for every financial crisis in RBS, the Kupa is run with a level of professionalism, initiative, accountability and big-picture thinking that has made it a model for other Kupas.  As the largest and most robust Kupa in the entire country by far, it is a trailblazer and leader, and is sought out by other Kupas for guidance in how to best help the needy. 3. Achdus? Yes! There are many different kehillos within RBS: Chassidish, Litvish, American-style Yeshivish, Dati Leumi and more.  In some shuls, you can see men in shtreimels and men in IDF uniforms davening in the same minyan.  It’s a kaleidoscope of styles and stripes of Yiddishkeit, but when it comes to the most important values, they are all united. Values like supporting their neediest – no matter what kehilla they’re from. That’s why 67 local rabbanim from across the spectrum of communities have signed a letter requesting our assistance for the Kupa’s Maos Chitim campaign. 4. No, not everyone is a financially-comfortable American.    Like any other city in the world, RBS has many families that struggle to make ends meet, and some who suffer from serious financial crisis.   With the explosive population growth, its number of families in need of financial support has grown exponentially as well.   There are 5,000 families who have turned to the Kupa for

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How Ramat Beit Shemesh Is Making Pesach

By Gila Arnold Chances are, you know someone living there.  Your child in yeshiva or seminary has probably spent Shabbosos in this beautiful, warm, welcoming community.  As the number one destination for frum Anglo families, Ramat Beit Shemesh is a community that speaks your language; a place where you can feel at home. And a city that – based on the rate of Anglo aliyah in recent years – may likely one day be your home!  Walking through some of the neighborhoods can feel as familiar and comfortable as Lakewood or Passaic.  Yet there’s so much more to the people of RBS than you may realize.  Take another look at this city… because, as Pesach approaches, 5,000 of its resident families need your help.   1. Fastest-growing city in Israel Contrary to stereotypes, RBS is not just a small enclave of olim; Beit Shemesh is, in fact, the third-largest Charedi city in Israel and the fastest growing city in the entire country! Its population has more than doubled in the past 15 years and today numbers close to 150,000. This explosive growth is thanks both to the arrival of olim from all over the world, and to the rapid development of new neighborhoods – RBS Gimmel, Daled and Heh, as well as many new sub-communities within RBS Aleph, which has attracted young families from across the country.   2. You don’t just hear English in the streets  While many, many Anglos make their home here, the majority of the city is not Anglo.  There are native Israelis, French, Russians… a veritable kibbutz galuyos! And yet, the Anglos have absolutely made their mark.  As a living example of what happens when the best of Anglo and Israeli qualities come together, Ramat Beit Shemesh is a model in so many ways.  A model of community. A model of achdus. A model of innovation.  And a model of chesed.   The Kupa Shel Tzedaka of RBS is a prime example of this.  The address for every financial crisis in RBS, the Kupa is run with a level of professionalism, initiative, accountability and big-picture thinking that has made it a model for other Kupas.  As the largest and most robust Kupa in the entire country by far, it is a trailblazer and leader, and is sought out by other Kupas for guidance in how to best help the needy. 3. Achdus? Yes! There are many different kehillos within RBS: Chassidish, Litvish, American-style Yeshivish, Dati Leumi and more.  In some shuls, you can see men in shtreimels and men in IDF uniforms davening in the same minyan.  It’s a kaleidoscope of styles and stripes of Yiddishkeit, but when it comes to the most important values, they are all united. Values like supporting their neediest – no matter what kehilla they’re from. That’s why 67 local rabbanim from across the spectrum of communities have signed a letter requesting our assistance for the Kupa’s Maos Chitim campaign. 4. No, not everyone is a financially-comfortable American.    Like any other city in the world, RBS has many families that struggle to make ends meet, and some who suffer from serious financial crisis.   With the explosive population growth, its number of families in need of financial support has grown exponentially as well.   There are 5,000 families who have turned to the Kupa for

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Inaugural Amud Hayomi Siyum on Masechta Brachos One of Many Highlights at a Dirshu Shabbos Convention Packed With Inspiration

HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei got up and grabbed the microphone. It was a totally spontaneous moment that left tears of emotion in the eyes of the thousands in attendance. It was in the middle of the Amud HaYomi Siyum at the Armon Hotel in Stamford. Hagaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, had just finished speaking when suddenly, before the MC, Rabbi Leibish Lish, could step in and introduce the next speaker, the gaon and tzaddik, Rav Galei, grabbed the microphone and exclaimed, “Rabbosai! I want to tell you something very important. A siyum masechta is a time when there is a great eis ratzon in shomayim. If this is said about any siyum, how much more so, a siyum being made by thousands! Now is the time for all of us to daven for Klal Yisrael who are undergoing great difficulty and for all our personal tefillos as well.” Rav Shimon then began singing, “Shaarei shomayim pesach,” a song where we beg Hashem to open the gates of heaven and shower us with bracha from His infinite otzar, treasure house of bracha. The tangible emotion and feeling of Rav Shimon reverberated throughout the hall and the crowd joined him, raising their voices in song. Soon, everyone was on their feet singing, davening. The emotion reached a crescendo and it was clear to anyone there that they were indeed tapping into a unique eis ratzon. The emotion, the tefillos, the tears that were shed, defy description.  The truth, however, is that this exalted moment at the Amud HaYomi siyum was a microcosm of the eis ratzon that characterized the entire Shabbos Dirshu Convention this year. Every believing Jew knows that there is nothing that invokes rachmei shomayim more than the koach haTorah. Over the course of Shabbos Dirshu, not only was Torah celebrated by more than a thousand lomdei Dirshu and their families, Torah was being learned in every free minute! As HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Mechel Steinmetz, shlita, the Skverer Dayan of Boro Park, so eloquently highlighted during his shalosh seudos drasha, “I must confess, I have never seen anything like it! I woke up on Shabbos morning at about 5:00a.m. I went downstairs and couldn’t believe my eyes! There were people learning all around the lobby and in the large room designated for learning. Where do you have a Shabbos convention where the program ended the night before at close to 1:00a.m. and then, by 5:00a.m. the next morning people are horeving over their Gemaras? Only at a Dirshu convention where limud haTorah with goals and tests never stop for anything!” Throughout the Shabbos, the extended Dirshu family reveled in spending time with like-minded people traveling the same exalted road of life where their homes and every waking minute is influenced and shaped by goals of learning, reviewing and constant accountability through testing that so exemplifies a Dirshu Yid.   The inaugural Amud HaYomi siyum on Masechta Brachos, held on Thursday night in the Armon Hotel’s main ballroom, was a self-contained event that was open to the public, and the public came en masse. The standing-room only crowd was permeated with a profound sense of simcha. This was especially evident after HaRav Shlomo Eliezer Katz, a prominent Amud HaYomi maggid shiur delivered the hadran and entire assemblage burst into song and dance.

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Gedolei Yisrael From All Over the World Converge on Vienna for Historic Inaugural Amud Hayomi Siyum

100 Years After Daf HaYomi Inaugurated in Vienna, a New “Yomi” Takes Klal Yisrael by a Storm “This historic maamid transpiring now, in a place where history was previously made, is a maamid that continues the legacy of Torah bequeathed to us right here by the Chofetz Chaim, the Gerer Rebbe, Rav Chaim Ozer, the Chortkover Rebbe and Rav Meir Shapiro, who established the Daf HaYomi in Vienna one-hundred years ago. This is the place where Klal Yisrael came together in unity, the olam hayeshivos and the olam hachassidus joining forces to increase kavod haTorah.”  Those words were the beginning of the seminal speech of HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron at the Sofiensäle Hall in Vienna, the same hall where the Knessiah Gedolah was made in the same city, Vienna, where the Daf HaYomi was established one hundred years ago.  Rav Cohen’s drasha along with those of numerous Gedolei HaTorah V’Hachassidus, Ashkenazim and Sefardim was but one highlight of a historic journey filled with highlight after highlight and climax after climax.  In truth, the word “historic” today has become a bit clichéd, however, Dirshu’s journey to Vienna, Pressburg and Keristier to celebrate the inaugural siyum of the Amud HaYomi program in the Sofiensäle Auditorium in Vienna, the same majestic hall where the famed Knessiah Gedolah was held, was nothing short of historic.  The maamad of the siyum attended by leading senior Gedolei Yisrael, Ashkenazim, Sefardim and Chasssidim of all types, all unified under the Torah banner of Dirshu, was a deeply emotionally and inspiring maamad of chizuk. How to describe the sight of senior Gedolim, many elderly, going above and beyond their abilities, shlepping on planes and buses, to come express their support for Torah, and admiration for an organization that facilitates limud haTorah with a breadth and scope, never seen before?!  In addition to the actual maamad of the siyum, which was the heartbeat of the whirlwind journey, powerful tefillah rallies were held at the tziunim of the Chasasm Sofer and the Ksav Sofer in Pressburg, and at the tziunim of the famed Chortkover Rebbe and HaGaon HaRav Yosef Engel in the old beis hakevaros in Vienna and the next day at the tziun of Rav Shayele of Keristier.  The buses came one after the other stopping in front of the Sofiensäle Hall in downtown Vienna to let off waves of participants. In addition to guests from all over the world, virtually the entire chareidi community of Vienna was in attendance.  The palatial hall filled up quickly and then… it happened. The orchestra began to play as the assemblage rose, craning their necks to see the Gedolei Yisrael entering the hall, being welcomed and then walking down the regal red carpet in the center of the hall: Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita, Nasi of Dirshu, was flanked by HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, on one side and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Peretz Berman, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh, on the other. Behind them, walking one by one were numerous Gedolei Torah and Chassidus.  The address of Rav Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, set the tone for the evening. Rav Dovid who has enthusiastically supported, advised and encouraged Dirshu’s hanhallah in their Amud HaYomi undertaking said, “Wherever I go people ask me, ‘Perhaps the Amud HaYomi can somehow be seen

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Gedolei Yisrael and Lomdei Dirshu Representing All Shevatim in Klal Yisrael to Gather at Upcoming Dirshu Convention

Every Dirshu Convention is a unique spiritual experience, but this year’s convention will have an added dimension – a special, Thursday night, historic Grand Siyum, the first siyum in the inaugural machzor of the new Amud HaYomi program. The Grand Siyum on Masechta Brachos, the first masechta in Shas, will be held at the Armon Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut on 13 Adar I/February 22.  Of course, Shabbos itself at the Dirshu Convention is so deeply inspiring that it is difficult to encapsulate with words. A Dirshu Convention is unique. It is a microcosm of the achdus through Torah that symbolizes the most beautiful qualities of Am Yisrael. It is a convention where men and women representing the entire gamut of Torah Jewry – Chassidim of all kinds, Litvish Yeshiva types, Ashkenazim, Sefardim – come together for one reason: to give and gain chizuk in the limud haTorah that both the men and women who attend know has transformed their homes, their family lives and the chinuch of their children.  In addition, the wives of lomdei Dirshu walk away from Shabbos on a high. Not only are they deeply inspired by the special women’s programing but perhaps even more so, from meeting other distinguished wives and mothers who truly understand what it means to be part of Dirshu with the inherent thrill of witnessing the hatzlacha of their husbands and/or sons after a test; or upon completion of a masechta, recognizing how, through Dirshu, the entire family becomes elevated and closer to Hashem.  One of the highlights of the Dirshu Convention that the lomdim look forward to is the iyun shiur delivered by a prominent Rosh Yeshiva. This year, the shiur will be given by HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Mesivta of Lakewood, and author of the magnum opus sefarim Gevuras Yitzchok.  Another highlight of the convention is the unique shailos and teshuvos sessions with two of the most prominent poskim of our times, HaGaon HaRav Reuven Feinstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Staten Island and HaGaon Harav Yechiel Michel Steinmetz, shlita, senior Skverer Dayan of Boro Park.  This year’s convention will be graced by numerous Gedolei Yisrael that will also include, HaGaon HaRav Dovid Goldberg, shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Eisenberger, shlita, Roshei Yeshiva of the Telshe Yeshiva of Cleveland, the Kossover Rebbe, shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Choeuka, shlita, Rav of Beit Haknesset Ohel Simha of Deal, NJ, HaGaon HaRav Nissan Kaplan, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Daas Aharon, and numerous others. At the Motzoei Shabbos Melava Malka Siyum on Masechta Bava Kama, Rav Dovid Goldberg, Rosh Yeshivas Telshe, the Kossover Rebbe, Rav Shraga Feivish Hager, Rav Nissan Kaplan, and Rav Dovid Hofstedter will address the massive crowd. The hadran on Masechta Bava Kama will be given by HaRav Moshe Mordechai Lowy, shlita, Rav of the Agudas Yisrael of Toronto.

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MAILBAG: Can We Please Stop Giving Attention To Every Dope?

A video of a guy I had never seen before and still don’t know the name of was recently posted on a rather random WhatsApp group that I am on. In the video, a heimish man films himself complaining about a litvishe man who apparently didn’t say Kaddish Yasom quickly enough for him. To make matters worse for our disturbed filmmaker, the Litvish man didn’t even conform to the Sfard Nusach for Kaddish – Hashem Yeracheim! (Sarcasm intended) Putting the stupidity and pointlessness of the video itself aside, there is something that bothered me tremendously about it. I have now seen that same video posted across multiple WhatsApp groups I’m on, and in each case, the other members of the group engaged in spirited discussion over whether the man has a point or not. May I ask a question: Who cares? When did we become people who give a flying hoot about what a random person’s opinion is – so much so that we’ll sit and argue ourselves senseless over a random incident, knowing full well that our own opinion about it makes no difference either? Once upon a time, to have your opinion heard and cared about by masses of people, you had to be a somebody in the first place. If you weren’t a rav or a known civic leader, nobody was going to pay attention to you – and why should they? But now, with the advent of WhatsApp and social media platforms, literally any random person is awarded attention and oftentimes undeserved respect simply because they took a video of themselves and sent it to others. Why? This bothers me very deeply because I’m worried about why we think the way that we do. Is our thinking nowadays guided by thoughtful people who earned themselves the right to be taken seriously, or are we being guided by people who are nothing more than dopes on WhatsApp? I fear the answer is the latter. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Rav Matisyahu Solomon: Understanding the Loss

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Jewish Home Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita, once observed his father, Rav Nosson Wachtfogel zt”l, the Mashgiach of BMG in Lakewood in a remarkable state of joy and Simcha.  Rav Elya Ber asked him, “What is the cause of such elation?” Rav Wachtfogel zt”l responded, “I am in a state of joy that the famed Mashgiach of the Gateshead Yeshiva, Rav Mattisyahu Solomon will be joining us in the Lakewood Yeshiva.  I anticipate great things to come, b’ezras Hashem, and that is why I am so happy.” And great things did come.  Great things that Klal Yisroel will so sorely miss. Rav Matisyahu zt”l clarified matters of Mussar and Torah to thousands and thousands of people and through his insights, knowledge and love influenced us all.  “What is the inyan of Kavod HaTorah?” – he would ask.  “Among other things, by us showing Kavod to a person or to any other matter of Torah – we are machshir ourselves to become influenced by that person to receive a hashpa’ah from that person or from that matter of Torah..” What is the idea of “Talmud meivi li’ydei Maaseh – that studying Torah brings us to action?”  It is only true if we approach it with “binas HaLaiv – understanding of the heart.”  If we approach Torah like we would we would approach any other area of knowledge Chas v’shalom, it would have no impact. Aside from his duties in the Yeshiva, Rav Matisyahu zt”l involved himself in communal matters and also with people – with individuals.  A number of years ago, there were a number of high school girls in Lakewood who were, unfortunately, not accepted into any school.  Rav Matisyahu made a Kol Koreh that no girls high school should open for that semester until these girls were placed.  Everyone listened and the girls were placed.  Such was the respect and love that the Lakewood community had for the Mashgiach! He had a unique love of people. A young man who grew up in Gateshead and now lives in Cherry Hill New Jersey recalls how when his parents were away and the other children were farmed out to homes of their friends, he ended up in the home of the Solomons.  He remembers how Rav Mattisyahu held him on his lap and sang zmiros with him.  The kesher continued even when both had moved to the United States. He motivated. He consoled.  He stimulated. He inspired.  And he advised. He did it to Talmidei Chachomim.  To Kollel wives.  To Mechanchim.  He did it to tzubrocheneh mentchin, and he did it to everyday regular people. A father had lost his precious child.  He advised him to use his talents and abilities to help bring about greater Emunah to Klal Yisroel.  He gave him brachos and encouragement.  He told him, “I know you have the kochos to implement this project.”  The man was simultaneously consoled and inspired. The Mashgiach once asked.  The Midrash tells us that Hashem posed the question to all of the other nations whether they wanted the Torah.  They all inquired as to what was written in it.  And most everyone is familiar Klal Yisroel’s answer of “Naaseh v’Nishma.”  But what would have happened if Klal Yisroel did not answer in this manner? 

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