Forum Replies Created
October 26, 2024 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm in reply to: We don’t have enough kiruv for frum struggling girls #2326017ujmParticipant
I wonder if girls are less likely than boys to go OTD or become at-risk.
October 26, 2024 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2326016ujmParticipantCA: A DNA test can determine znus/illegitimacy.
October 26, 2024 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2326015ujmParticipantYichusdik: Close to half the DL/RZ soldiers who entered the IDF religious are irreligious by time they’re discharged.
October 13, 2024 9:53 am at 9:53 am in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #2323859ujmParticipantAsking one and all for mechila for anything or anytime one was hurt or offended.
ujmParticipantAbsolutely treif.
October 13, 2024 9:51 am at 9:51 am in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2323592ujmParticipantGadol: I very much doubt that is an accurate rendition of what Rav Hirsch shlita indicated. Nevertheless, even if it were, his Talmudic who aren’t learning may follow that advice. Whereas, the talmidim of the Gedolei Yisroel shlita that strongly state that even those not learning full time should still not serve, will follow that advice not to serve.
October 8, 2024 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2322531ujmParticipantsomejewiknow: Yasher Koach for explaining it so well.
October 8, 2024 5:45 am at 5:45 am in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #2322412ujmParticipantIY”H soon America’s greatest and biggest Oheiv Yisroel president will, once again, return to the office of the presidency of the United States of America.
October 8, 2024 5:45 am at 5:45 am in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2322378ujmParticipantakuperman: A safek mamzer can’t “fix” that problem with a Geirus L’chumra. Geirus L’chumra doesn’t help if the person is already (or even possibly) Jewish.
Redleg: Who said anything about limited to only 3 or 4 generations back? Many folks have Yichus Briefs documenting back many many more generations back.
October 7, 2024 10:53 am at 10:53 am in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2321963ujmParticipantWhen potentially considering a shidduch with someone who doesn’t come from a straight line of all/completely Orthodox/frum/religious descent, with no break in previous generations of any Off The Derech ancestors, how can you ever be confident the shidduch candidate is truly Jewish?
October 7, 2024 10:47 am at 10:47 am in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2321874ujmParticipantRegarding the situation in Israel, in particular, add in the more recent issue of all the fake Russian so-called “converts”, where it has been exposed in recent decades that tens/hundreds of thousands of such (as well Ethiopian, etc.) never truly accepted the Taryag Mitzvos, and never kept a single Shabbos (including immediately following their false conversion) or kosher in their life.
But were granted a “conversion certificate” by the State of Israel ranbanut (often dated while the signing rabbanut Rabbi was out of the country, yet signed he was in Israel signing off on having witnessed the “conversion” on said date he was overseas), for the “virtue” of the gentile having enlisted to serve in the IDF.
ujmParticipantThe husband is the “Baal”. AAQ, check the translation.
ujmParticipant“why can’t we have all the mitzvos and still have separate jobs?”
Kohanim and Leviim (even b’chors and other categories) have different Mitzvos than others. There’s no reason why men and women shouldn’t, also, have different Mitzvos.
Yisroelim shouldn’t be saddened over the fact that they don’t have the same greater responsibilities and Mitzvos as Kohanim, and women shouldn’t be saddened over the fact that they don’t have the same greater responsibilities and Mitzvos as men.
I will add a side point in that I believe the fact that this bothered you, more than a Yisroel is bothered that a Kohain has greater responsibilities, obligations, Mitzvos and receives more Kovod (honors) than himself, is primarily due to the negative influences on the world (over the last 100 or so years) from the terrible feminist/women’s liberation movement. It affects people without realizing it, even those who think they’ve been immune to it.
ujmParticipantVasikin comes especially late in Boro Park.
ujmParticipantYour reply to me failed to address any of my substantive points.
But you did throw in the angle of non-learning Chareidim, which your OP didn’t inquire about and therefore wasn’t previously addressed.
There are many reasons even non-working Chareidim cannot and should not join the Zionist Army. Some of those reasons include such soldiers, when discharged, are no longer the same Ehrlich Yid he was when he went in. Another is the rampant pritzus in that army.
October 1, 2024 6:13 pm at 6:13 pm in reply to: Chofetz chaim says to bring Mashiach need to love everyone. #2320858ujmParticipantMenachem:
Are you accusing the Chofetz Chaim of encouraging Klal Yisroel to play with fire when he tells Klal Yisroel מצווה לגנותם ולבזותם בין בפניהם ובין שלא בפניהם”.
September 29, 2024 11:57 pm at 11:57 pm in reply to: Chofetz chaim says to bring Mashiach need to love everyone. #2320043ujmParticipantMenachem:
“החפץ חיים בהלכות לשון הרע כלל ח’ סעיף ה’ – אומר: “אותם האנשים שמכירם שיש בהם אפיקורסות מצווה לגנותם ולבזותם בין בפניהם ובין שלא בפניהם”.
ובהמשך- “אפיקורוס נקרא הכופר בתורה… ואפילו הוא אומר כל התורה כולה מן השמים חוץ מפסוק אחד…”
The Chofetz Chaim says the above. Idol worshippers are apikorsom. You are bringing stories from Tanach to reach your own conclusion to disagree with the Chofetz Chaim? Or are you being misunderstood? Where in Shulchan Aruch does it say it is ever prohibited to condemn, mock or despise idol worshippers?
In your understanding, when would the above quoted halacha from the Chofetz Chaim apply? And when would it not apply, if ever?
ujmParticipantAre the income figures being thrown out above referring to what a CPA would earn?
ujmParticipantSimcha: This is clearly the point and argument that resonates with you, that you chose to respond to it in its own thread. The reason this is the one you respond to particularly, as such, is because of how strong this point is.
1. The primary reason this bothers me is
Because how overwhelmingly strong this point is (if we’re going to be honest.)
that one has nothing to do with the other.
It has everything to do with each other, insofar as this nonsensical argument goes that Yeshivaleit need to “share the burden” of joining the zionist army is concerned.
Should people be learning more Torah? Of course!
So, then, why are trying to pull people away from learning Torah, thereby causing less Torah to be learnt?!
But that doesn’t address the issue of whether Charedim should be sharing the physical defense burden.
Sure it does. As pointed out in my (non-attributed) quoted comments in your above OP, in in order for Bnei Yeshiva to so-called “share the burden” by becoming professional soldiers, by defition, they’ll need to leave the Yeshiva and learn much less Torah.
Limud Torah is, by far, the greatest protection that anyone can provide to Klal Yisroel. Reducing Limud Torah, reduces the protection of Klal Yisroel. Telling Bnei Torah to leave the Yeshiva and learn less so they can enlist in the army, means less Torah and less protection for Klal Yisroel.
Following the very simple logic?
The fact of the matter is that Klal Yisroel already has too little Torah being learnt. Such a tiny tiny percentage of Jews engage in Limud Torah. Of that tiny percentage, an even tinier percentage engage in Limud Torah full time. And they are the ones you want to drag away from the Gemora to shmad, er enlist, in your army? They are the ones MOST protecting Klal Yisroel. Take that away and *your* protection disappears.
And on top of all of the above, your army isn’t short soldiers. Your army isn’t losing battles and wars due to a shortage of enlisted servicement. Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t scoring successes due to Chareidim not being enlisted. What you are demanding with “sharing the burden” is that Charieidm enlist so that your daughter (who shouldn’t be in any army in the first place) and her male friend soldiers can take more furlough and breaks and go back to their jobs and employment, with the Charieidm who were dragged out of the Yeshivos and forcibly enlisted taking over so that the others can go home.
Are you so blind to understand the above logic results in losing protection, losing battles and wars (the shooting and bombing kind) because less Yidden are learning Torah, and those that are learning are learning less Torah?
And, absolutely yes, if more non-Charieidi Jews, including Chilonim and including others who don’t learn Torah at all or don’t learn full time or don’t learn enough, started learning more Torah, Klal Yisroel would be more protected than we are with, as it is, only those few fill time learners doing the burden if Limud Torah.
And then there would be *more* protection of Klal Yisroel by Hashem, less wars, less deaths and less injuries.
A win-win, if there ever was one.
September 29, 2024 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm in reply to: Trump ready to drop Ukraine – Is Israel next? #2320029ujmParticipantHungary’s Viktor Orban is the best friend the State of Israel has anywhere in Europe.
September 28, 2024 10:07 pm at 10:07 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2319336ujmParticipantDovid: The Brisker Rosh Yeshiva suggested the possibility of Jews needing to move out of the State of Israel. In his evaluation, about two years ago, it was due to the State persecuting Torah Jews. But, perhaps, physical threats much like the the spiritual threats the Rosh Yeshiva was addressing, may too require such consideration.
September 28, 2024 10:07 pm at 10:07 pm in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2319333ujmParticipantSimcha:
1. Your daughter should not be in the army even if you believe everyone should serve. As you are well aware, the prohibition against women enlisting in the military is Yehareig V’al Yaavor.
2. Are you angry with soldiers on leave/break or you’re only angry at Yeshiva bochorim and Kollel yungerleit on break?
3. Why haven’t you yet written a similar diatribe against the non-Chareidim who do not share the burden of supporting Klal Yisroel by being in Yeshiva learning Torah, thus providing us out greatest protection? There are so many more Israeli non-Chareidim who fail to share the burden of Limud Torah than there are Chareidim in Israel who are exempt from the army. Yet your silence is deafening in your failure to protest against those who fail to engage in such Limud Torah. The numbers Missing In Action from Limud Torah is far greater. While the Israeli army isn’t losing battles or wars due to a non-existent shortage of soldiers, that they’d claim with more Chareidi soldiers they’d do win more battles fighting the Arabs.
September 26, 2024 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm in reply to: Trump ready to drop Ukraine – Is Israel next? #2319034ujmParticipantAmerica never had a more pro-Israel president than Donald J. Trump.
ujmParticipantAs a powerful person myself, I’m signing up for this assignment.
September 24, 2024 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm in reply to: Ozempic: The New Grift in Heimish Health #2318280ujmParticipantNever heard of this on any widespread basis. Is this happening in some basement somewhere?
ujmParticipantComputer777: Israel lost more soldiers, 657 to be precise, during its eighteen years of occupying Southern Lebanon from 1982 through 2000, then it loses lives from Hezbollah missiles shot into Israel now.
Being physically in Lebanon makes them far more at risk then being in Southern Israel.
ujmParticipantAJ: As stated, it’s a machlokes. Since permit filling with insurance, as they consider it a formality and not really suing the other person in the incident in secular court. Other authorities do consider it a violation of the prohibition of taking another Jew to secular court. They would require utilization of a Beis Din.
ujmParticipantComputer777: Israel already tried that approach of going full force, marching into Lebanon and occupying it for ten years.
It didn’t fix the problem.
ujmParticipantMods: Can you please move this thread to Decaffeinated? Thanks
ujmParticipantLF: It’s open source. Free to reuse. Just attribute credit.
September 22, 2024 8:47 am at 8:47 am in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2317320ujmParticipantSome people here have a chip on their shoulder requiring them to find fault with anyone too religious for their likings.
September 19, 2024 11:47 pm at 11:47 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2316737ujmParticipantPhilosopher: I suggested Australia and Canada as options, as well. That should make you happy regarding your so-called concerns.
But even regarding the concerns you expressed about America, in the State of Israel they have much worse terror targeting the Jews.
ujmParticipantTrump must step up, and fix America, not step down.
September 19, 2024 10:43 am at 10:43 am in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2316390ujmParticipantJews have never forgiven FDR for closing America’s doors to European Jewry, in their time of crisis, and sending the Jews who did manage to arrive from Europe to America back to Europe. And for failing to have Congress provide Visas to the Jews. FDR is rightfully condemned.
Now’s the time to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself; lobby Biden and Congress to open America’s doors now to Jews under attack.
September 17, 2024 2:15 pm at 2:15 pm in reply to: Chofetz chaim says to bring Mashiach need to love everyone. #2315772ujmParticipantMenachem: I’m not sure what you’re objecting to. I simply quoted the Chofetz Chaim verbatim. Are you disagreeing with the Chofetz Chaim? If so, is it your own personal disagreement or do you have an opposing death of equal stature of the Chofetz Chaim?
The Chofetz Chaim is telling us we must identify reshoyim and kofrim, in order to treat them as the Chofetz Chaim prescribes in his above quotations.
ujmParticipantAAQ: It is a machlokes haposkim whether filing an insurance claim that involves another Jew on the other side of the claim, is considered to fall under the prohibition of ערכאות של גויים
ujmParticipantThe Donald is very happily and eagerly Moser Nefesh of himself for the United States of America and the great American people.
ujmParticipantToi, you’re not “really” back, are you now?
September 17, 2024 2:15 pm at 2:15 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2315767ujmParticipantSquare Root: Coming from a Messianic Jew as yourself, who seeks to sell everyone you come into contact with the salvation that Oso Haish will allegedly bring to Jews why embrace him, all the intemperate attacks you issue against HaKatan and all other Torah true Yidden, are the greatest compliments any of us can receive.
September 16, 2024 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm in reply to: Chofetz chaim says to bring Mashiach need to love everyone. #2315438ujmParticipantDorah: Are you taking objection to they the Chofetz Chaim said, in my above cited quotations?
Perhaps you should write your own Seforim, disputing the Chofetz Chaim.
September 16, 2024 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2315437ujmParticipantakuperman: No doubt. But, as we have throughout our long golus, we still need a place to run when things get bad in an area we are in. That’s been our modus operandi for the last 2,000 years. When Spain and Portugal kicked us out, we moved to Turkey, Morocco and Syria. When England kicked us out we moved to Germany and France.
This pattern played out over and over.
The OP is suggesting having a plan in place, just in case, when the time comes, as you suggested yourself
ujmParticipantAJ: C’mon, cut him some slack. He was only off by a few days!
ujmParticipantThe POTUS controls US foreign policy. So, certainly, as President he’ll have a great deal of control over Israel policy.
ujmParticipantKaraims are reshoyim.
ujmParticipantFilling an insurance claim, involving another Torah Jew on the opposite side, is a known halachic shaila.
ujmParticipantskripka: If at this point he wouldn’t be agreeable to merging with Hatzalah, that is a clear indication that he’s only in it for the kavod.
ujmParticipantTzadik in Peltz:
Rav Gifter condemned YU.
September 15, 2024 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm in reply to: Chofetz chaim says to bring Mashiach need to love everyone. #2314970ujmParticipantAt the end of Shmiras HaLashon (Hilchos Rechilus 9:15), the Chofetz Chaim writes that the prohibitions against Lashon Hara and Rechilus do not apply to reshaim and kofrim and that it is, in fact, a mitzvah to mock such persons:
“מצוה לפרסם דעתם הכוזבת לעיני הכל ולגנותם, כדי שלא ילמדו ממעשיהם הרעים.”
“It is a mitzvah to make their false opinions public before all, and shame them so that others do not learn from their evil deeds.”
“החפץ חיים בהלכות לשון הרע כלל ח’ סעיף ה’ – אומר: “אותם האנשים שמכירם שיש בהם אפיקורסות מצווה לגנותם ולבזותם בין בפניהם ובין שלא בפניהם”.
ובהמשך- “אפיקורוס נקרא הכופר בתורה… ואפילו הוא אומר כל התורה כולה מן השמים חוץ מפסוק אחד…”
ujmParticipantsmerel, AJ: Many non-Jews travel to Ukraine, these days, from America and elsewhere.
September 15, 2024 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2314961ujmParticipantHappy New Year: If the wife dies before the husband, she was never matir.