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  • in reply to: Hamas’ unsurprising return to rule gaza #2259311

    I really thought they would not let this happen! Call me naive! All those קרבנות Nebech! I just thought they would prevent it! The world is cruel! The pressure they put – even so-called friends – is indefensible!
    הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא את יעקב

    in reply to: Chasidus Without Context #2146709

    What sort of emptiness in your life has prompted you to be unnerved by it? If you don’t want to go to such an event, don’t go! Why do you seem perturbed by others who do go and maybe get a little dose of ehrliche inspiration? Why does that upset you so?

    in reply to: Biden administration overrules Trump policy on Palestinians #2095280

    This is a White House that is so unraveling that they simply destroy and continue to destroy even reasonable, sane policies for the sake of politics regardless if it is reasonable or not. This is an example, the wall is an example, and the Keystone Pipeline along with their dumb fracking regulation are just examples. Why can’t their feet be put to the fire before election day 2024? The midterm defeats will not solve the problems although they may, in some insignificant way help somewhat!


    I think armed security guards in place of just big fellas would be the best deterrent. A big sized guard who isn’t trained to use a weapon isn’t much of a security guard. He can make sure children don’t run out of school but he can’t do much in terms of physical protection.

    in reply to: words that are not commonly used these day, #2081612

    Today we hear Yiddish expressions like CrKruss Mich der strit and Effin de Vindow. Ich Zeech mich ah Parking. But those real Yiddish expressions like Huruch Ous seem like they’re withering slowly like the Shyriss Haplytoo Yidden.

    in reply to: Ukraine Fundraisers #2066440

    There are very reputable people raising absolutely necessary funds: Rabbi Weinberger is pretty ehrich; wouldn’t you agree? Rabbi Sherman is too, No? Rabbi Dishon? They’re raising funds. Are you questioning their authenticity? The Stolin organization has many shlichim there along with mosdos under the umbrella of Yad Yisroel. Chabad is there too. These are all absolutely worthy and are selfless. They are doing so much there.


    in reply to: Name a gadol that says to vote Biden #1914224

    If one gadol tells you to vote for Biden you would?? How about all these who have said to vote for Trump for a variety of reasonings, are they thus all chopped liver because one said otherwise!!! Are you for real?

    in reply to: Chassidim #1894774

    I guess it’s along the same lines as the Hoicher Shemone Esray of yeshiva-leit! Oh no, sorry! That’s because they’re in a rush to seider!

    in reply to: Does Anyone (Basically) Know (Like) How to Talk (Whatever)? #1886635

    I’m like whatever as to how best to answer your question. Basically it’s like this! U gotta frst no how t spell n then u cn move onto this wierd imbecilic vernacular. It’s simply an advertisement as to your negative level of refined finesse.

    in reply to: Camps in Catskills #1849838

    While it is still way too early to know for certain, it is likely children AND PARENTS will need the camps to be in service this year more than ever! The stress levels will likely be reaching boiling point by then. Hopefully this will all be long forgotten by then and life can continue to function. Hashem yerachem

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848844

    Syag Lchochma, we’re talking about live video interactivity with rebbe/morah and all the classmates. Check it out! It’s far superior. Children see rebbe enlarged on their screen, they can ask questions when they raise their hand and rebbe unmutes them. It’s amazing. I watched my children learning. In fact they were so well prepared for the sedarim.
    Clearly it appears to me that many posters do not know the ability and effectiveness of this temporary classroom setup. It’s worth exploring during chol hamoeid.

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848807

    If your son needs your intervention that’s an issue that is broader than yeshiva over Zoom. Overall it is a better choice if children see their rebbe or morah. It’s a superior learning. No?

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848805

    We’ve got to do what’s best to promote Torah learning as well as protecting our children. If we do it for K’vod Shamayim, Hashem will protect our children’s purity and kedudusha. Whatever we do let’s do it for His Kavod and His Torah and His children. Let’s not let our personal views interfere with what’s best.
    As for tge phone having worked gor two weeks, come on, be honest, can that work long term? Secondly, because it worked for girls, can it also work the same for boys? Boys and girls two different worlds, you know!

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848655

    My children’s school Rebbie’s did opt to use Zoom and the kids gained immeasurably. My sisters children school did not. They opted for phone teleconferencing instead for basically the same reason the author offered. Her children were not well served. I think if the din is that we don’t disturb children from their Torah learning even if the Bet Hamikdash needs the Rebbi’s skills, he is not allowed to leave the classroom. So, I reason, if the children’s learning is so important, then the best contingency plan have to be put forth. On line is far superior to teleconferencing. Schools must be challenged by the parents and they must do the on line option. It’s a no-brainer. It’s the Torah learning of the children that brought about the miracle of Purim and it’s their Torah learning that has to be maximized now too. Edited 

    in reply to: Why do many people in Lakewood drive way to fast? #1825321

    I’m poster #8! Just curious why nobody until now has even noticed the egregious spelling error in the author’s title! Come-on! …”way too fast!” Not “way to fast!” We’re not illiterate dumbos! Come on people!

    in reply to: Is it okay to learn (Torah) During Davening? #1808309

    How about learning instead of using your smartphone. Leave the time which is dedicated to Avodas Hashem uninterrupted. Bored? Learn how to concentrate on tefilah. It’s the healthier choice.

    in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1801271

    No need to attack the OP. He asked a few innocent questions which simply show his not understanding the concepts! His questions were good and respectful and many of the answers were too. I’m sure he’s going, “ahha, I didn’t think of it that way!” The fact that Rubashkin was released is precisely because of warm relationships that have been forged and that’s likely why the president even mentioned it! Philanthropy needs to continue and yes, the gevirim are apputrumsim of the Ribono Shel Olam’s money and they are free to do with it as they see fit as long as it is well spent. The Manhattan event is one such example!

    in reply to: Parking in two spots #1793186

    Someone on my block in BP does it regularly! It is the epitope of selfishness. He cares only about himself and whatever is easy and comfortable for himself. He does it with impunity and ignores everything anyone ever says to him. In fact he smiles and says, “I just wasn’t thinking!” Sadly it brings out the worst in us neighbors.

    in reply to: “Lehovin” Jewish Newspaper #1788721

    Reportedly, Rav Aharon Shechter shlita is behind it!

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1786637

    Ben L, you stole my thunder. While I also intend to vote him in for a second term, I am doing so while pinching my nose. His middos stink. He is the antithesis of what a jew should be. He is the president of the gaayva club too. A sick, self-centered individual. He is the best choice for our country and for Israel. His friendship is legendary. Why so many jews consider him their hero is inexplicable.

    in reply to: Siyum Hashas – Inclement Weather – What Happens? #1745518

    ואל יכנסו לפניך תפילת עוברי דרכים ךענין הגשם בשעה שהעולם צריך לו

    in reply to: Holding hands after a Chuppah #1742790

    Not all chassidim do it. Generally chassidim emanating from Galicia, Poland and Hungary do it. Russian Chassidim don’t.

    in reply to: Velvet = Frummer? #1736949

    It’s nice, if you take care of it properly.

    in reply to: Going t Kever Rochel – “Mama Rochel helf mir” #1705740

    It’s a shame Kaleiv ben Yifuneh didn’t know this when he went to Kivrei Ha’avos while the Meraglim went further around C’naan. It’s also a shame Yehoshua didn’t know this when he reqarded Kaleiv with Chevron.
    It’s also a shame Yosef Hatzadik didn’t know this when davened at his mother’s kever as the Yishmaeilim were taking him to Mitzrayim.
    More recently it’s a shame Reb Chaim Shmulevitz declared, “Dyne Chaimke zogt, Folgt Nit! Noor Vain Mamma Vain.”
    If only they had read this chat they would have all known better!

    in reply to: How to deal with Disrespectful sons-in-law – “Bnei Torah” #1454079

    My bone to pick is not necessarily about his respect to me as it is to my daughter! He seems to think that he can say whatever he wants and however he wants since there is no mashgiach in his life anymore! I see my daughter toughing it out and it hurts me to no end!

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