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  • in reply to: Attn Coffee Addict & Other's in Finance #802526

    sister bear- how’d it go?

    in reply to: Tumah in Camp – we must differentiate ourselves from the Goyim #808226

    My students during the year every Friday are the shabbos Imma and Abba (girls) for shabbos party. Should this be stopped as well?

    I don’t think so!!

    in reply to: Teenage girls and older chewing gum on the street #800885

    Honestly, you have nothing better to worry about?!

    I give you a bracha that this should be your biggest and hardest thing you have to worry about forever!!

    in reply to: How do you know you're in school for the right profession? #797952

    A lot of the time you don’t. I know I was in school for 3 years until I realized that whatever I was in school for was completely not for me. I am so happy I realized it then and not when I had finished school already because I would have felt pressured to work in that field anyway being that I had finished all the schooling for it anyway.

    in reply to: Food Stamps #798985

    My parents get food stamps legitimately and yes, when using it is kind of embarrassing. You are advertising to the world and very often the more well to do people (cuz it always happens that they’re the ones right in back of you on the checkout line) that you are in a hard financial situation. I don’t know. It’s not something that I want to advertise even though it might be known about my family.

    We could be looking at it from the wrong perspective and if we are, please feel free to correct it but for now this is our feelings.

    in reply to: Am I a chicken? #799519

    Honestly, I would not have been able to do it without taking an Ativan before. It is very scary being in such a closed, confined space!

    in reply to: A contractor says you cant point bricks on the side of a house …. #802190

    Good luck! I didn’t realize it rained so much until you posted this and the thread about your basement. I hope you get it all worked out soon and don’t have any more issues with it!!

    in reply to: Kosher Dunkin Donuts in Lakewood #797681

    The one in the 5towns on Rockaway Trpk is under the vaad of the 5towns.

    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815528

    am yisrael, thanks for the #. I think I am dealing with the issues by speaking to someone else right now but if I ever need to get in touch with Rabbi Goldwasser as well, I will contact him. Thank you.

    stamper, that is definitely not the reason why I texted this shabbos. I needed to text this shabbos for other reasons. They did happen to be important ones. I’m not condoning what I did but I’m pretty sure that if I told a rav what I did and why I did it, they would be ok with it.

    Thanks for your concern though:)


    Thanks everyone for your ongoing support. B”H I recently found some people who I can talk to about it.


    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815523

    I’m gonna admit something. I texted this shabbos. I was so desperately in pain and needed to know that someone was here for me. I know it sounds horrible and I admit that I probably shouldn’t have done it but I don’t think anyone can understand what I was going through which caused me to do it in the first place.


    Worst tragedy:

    Dealing with sexual abuse

    2nd worse- ending up in psych ward

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097802

    BSD- your health insurance won’t cover this?

    in reply to: Anxiety-And Symptoms #795323

    @popa- I guess you’re right about that. I am not comfortable sharing it with my family. It is unfortunate but that is the life that I am living right now and have to make do with it.

    in reply to: Anxiety-And Symptoms #795321

    Having some anxiety issues right now. What do people do when it gets to the point where it’s hard to breathe and e/t feels shaky?

    I technically have meds to take for it but that would mean telling s/o in my family that I need it and I’m not ready to do that.

    I’d rather a more practical way to get through this. Any ideas?

    in reply to: Part 2 #796664

    @hacham- thanks. It was definitely definitely something that was soooo hard for me and my family to go through but it was also such a growing experience for me too. I hope to never have to go back but I know that if I do have to go back, I would be really upset but I know that it would be for the best. (Btw- when I went I did not think like this, it was only after coming out did I think about it this way!)

    in reply to: Part 2 #796662

    I know it worked for one person because the staff wanted to get rid of her. She was making everyones lives miserable. Not sure about the other.

    But also, here’s another fact. A patient does not have to take their medication that the hospital is giving you BUT the Dr can take you to court and you can be forced to take it by the judge. If this happens, chances are that your hospital stay will be a lot longer because of your non compliance. Also, in this situation, the Dr almost always wins. Like I said before, the judge trusts the Dr and if the Dr is prescribing something then it is being done for a reason.

    Also, (and then I’ll shutup) if anyone has to go inpatient or to visit someone who is inpatient this happens pretty often. The nurses/Drs/mental health workers have to call security in order to get someone under control. A lot of the time just knowing that security was called, gets the patient under control without any force. But if a tranquilizer is given (through a shot) security will ALWAYS be there in order to hold down the patient since this is obviously against the patients will. If the patient willingly takes a tranquilizer, he will take it orally.

    bomb- you da bomb:))

    in reply to: Part 2 #796658

    @bomb- thanks for noticing that I’m back around a little bit:)

    Secondly, it is not the type of info that most people would know. I just know from firsthand experience (well I never did the letter) but there were one or two people who tried when I was hospitalized.

    Good luck with part3!

    in reply to: Part 2 #796656

    bomb- I don’t think you put this in but I could have missed this.

    If you are in the hospital voluntarily and want to get out before the Dr lets, you can write a letter to the judge and petition to get out earlier. I’m not exactly sure how it works but I know some people did that (not very many) when I was in the hospital! It is very hard to get the judge to side with the patient because the judges assume that if the Dr is keeping the patient, then there is a reason for it.

    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815492

    aries, I understand. But maybe some of these people seen texting are speaking to a rabbi/dr/hatzala member. I’m sure not all but it could be…

    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815490

    Just to be dan lekaf zechus- maybe these people have emergencies and need to contact someone who can help them through it.

    Just this shabbos I was told that I can call a certain person if something came up. He told me that he carries his cell around with him and I should not feel bad at all! So maybe these people also have a heter like I do/did to call/text on shabbos.

    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815407

    I admit that for a time I checked my texts on shabbos. This was when I was feeling really really depressed. Shabbos was torture for me. I felt like I had no connection to reality and to the outside world. Checking my messages one time every shabbos helped me a lot. I’m ashamed of this and hope I never go back to that but I really think I can understand why a person might feel the need to use a phone on shabbos. I don’t condone it but I think I understand it.

    in reply to: kosher flavored coffee? #791621

    You want like the crushed beans and you would make it with a perculater? I’ll get you a website later on. I know of people that buy from them all the time.

    in reply to: need for mental health facilities in our community #893571

    quark, I pay $300 a week and when I go see my psych which is monthly or bi-monthly it’s 450 and that’s with both my therapist and psych doing me a huge favor and giving me a break in cost. So no, it’s not usually 400 every few months.

    in reply to: need for mental health facilities in our community #893567

    hadassa- I wish I could like your entire comment! Very very well written and very thoughtful! If I knew people, I def would forward!!

    in reply to: Why I can't daven #791268

    Thanks everyone. For real, everyone on this site is just unbelievable!!!

    I feel horrible. I just don’t have the energy to answer right now. I should not have started a thread if I couldn’t come back to it. Right now, I just don’t have energy for very much (yes, that’s depression talking). I hope, iy”H to be able to answer in the near future. I apologize again!!!

    in reply to: Exceptions to the Rule? #791074

    I might get my head bitten off for this but we’ll see.

    I recently became very good friends with someone. Can you blieve that he’s actually a he and I’m a she? Well, anyway- I KNOW that we are good friends but we DO NOT like each other in a guy/girlfriend typa way. How do I know this, you ask? Well, we’ve discussed it and both came to the same conclusion. We are friends but that is it!

    in reply to: What's Your Pet Peeve? #982817

    PET PEEVE- people saying the word anywayS. There is no such word as anyways, look it up in the dictionary. The word is anyway:)

    in reply to: Why I can't daven #791260

    Still don’t have time to answer right now but just wanted to let everyone know that I said krias shema last night (half atleast) and put in a personal tefila too afterwards. Honestly, I don’t and didn’t at the time feel any different but maybe I just need to make a habit out of doing it and then I will feel some relief or even reassurance or something like that.

    Thanks everyone!

    in reply to: Sheva Brachot and DJs #790929

    yossi z- welcome back!!! We missed you:)

    in reply to: Why I can't daven #791255

    Hi everyone. I skimmed everyones comments but honestly just don’t have the energy to concentrate and reply to each one so iy”H I will do that tom.

    I just want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone on this site for being so so supportive!! Hashem should bless all of you with happiness and bracha and parnassa forever!!!

    in reply to: Girls and Davening #790240

    I’m not sure if I should open another thread for this but if I should, please let me know.

    I don’t daven because I have a lot of anger at GD right now for a lot of the things that are happening to me currently and that did happen to me in the past. But I’m wondering… maybe GD is doing these things to me because I am NOT davening. Is this a catch22?

    I just can’t bring myself to do it for some reason. It’s a big deal for me if I say modeh ani in the morning because I don’t feel happy to be alive in the morning… am I making any sense?

    And sorry again if this is the wrong place for this post!

    in reply to: Child Abuse #790111

    Are teachers in private schools also mandated reporters or they don’t have the same law as public school teachers (I’m talking about NY)? I was told that private school teachers are not yet mandated reporters but they are trying to make it a law that they should become them. Is this true?

    in reply to: What is the funnest thing you'll be doing this summer? #794989

    @haifagirl, I actually am pretty sure that “funnest” was recently added to the dictionary but I could be mixing it up with another word.

    in reply to: Child Abuse #790067
    in reply to: Feel like no one cares! #788741

    @aries and middlepath- I am officially going to start journaling today, iy”H. I think it is a great idea and am actually looking forward to doing so. I’m thinking it might be helpful for my friends and myself if I would show them from my journal how I’m feeling that particular day. It might help them understand how I am feeling. Does that make sense?

    Thanks again!!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795767

    @m in israel- thank you for answering all my questions so clearly!

    I am going to put in a call to my Rav (or really his secretary).

    Also, I’m not sure if it’s in my best interest for my parents to know. They will get very nervous and don’t really know how to deal with these types of situations. It actually might be smarter of me to keep it quiet for as long as possible because there is still that little hope that this will blow over in a week or two.

    I did speak to my Dr but I didn’t really tell him that I’m nervous about fasting tisha baav. I just told him in general what happened to me the last fast. I guess I should give him a call back and specify that I’m apprehensive about the upcoming fast.

    Thank you everyone for being so supportive!

    in reply to: Feel like no one cares! #788737

    aries- you are so right. Depression really does do that to a person!! My problem is that I don’t know what type of support I need/want. I just want them to care and not tell me that I’m insane or crazy for starting to not eat again or doing other things like that. They probably feel like they’re going in circles with me but everything they tell me, I really do listen to and hear. I might not be changing my ways just yet but everything they tell me really does make a difference to me.

    I just feel so confused right now. I wish I could explain what I’m going through right now but it’s beyond words:(

    in reply to: shloshim meal??? #788743

    A lot of the time different people speak about the person that the shloshim is for. I thought that I would cry by my grandfathers shloshim. I was really nervous for it but turns out, everyone had such nice stories and things to say that it kind of made the hurt feel a little better.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167134

    omg, all these poems speak to me so personally!! I wish I was a talented writer. I wonder if that would help me feel any better…

    You guys are all AMAZING!!! Hashem should shower you all with the happiness that you so deserve!!!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795765

    @kj- ask any Dr in the medical field, anyone that knows anything about eating disorders. It is never fully away unfortanately. A small thing can trigger you and there goes it all. Trust me, this is not the first time it’s happened to me.

    Yes, my family does know that I had an ed but they think that I am doing extremely well right now. Funny thing is, I am. I am not depressed and not suicidal, b”H. Just struggling with food.

    I tried calling my Rabbi (that I’m comfortable talking to, that knows my entire situation) but he’s away for the summer. He said not to leave messages but if it’s an emergency then I can leave a message with his secretary and he will get back to whomever as soon as possible. I don’t think this rates as an emergency. But I don’t know who else to ask. I am just really comfortable with this Rav, I’m scared to go to anyone else!! Ideas anyone?

    in reply to: Feel like no one cares! #788735

    Hi everyone.

    I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread but I was working all day:)

    Basically, I know my friends care but I guess my issues are just way to major for any of them to really know what to say or do.

    Middle path, I know what you were trying to say. Thanks!! I don’t think I have any friends who ever went through what I’m going through right now and what I have gone through in the past so I don’t have anyone to turn to in terms of that.

    I think they think that I’m trying to make them nuts or doing this on purpose but I PROMISE you, I’m really not!!!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795759

    @blabla and aries- I’m going to call my rav but I’m embarrassed to tell my parents if he says that I shouldn’t fast. How can I tell them that without letting them know that I am struggling with my eating?

    Thanks everyone!

    in reply to: Page 2 #1023507

    Thanks mod42.

    Now, I know I’m going to sound like a moron but I’ll ask it anyway. Where does it say page 2 or page 3 for us to go to other threads? I looked on the bottom of the page but don’t see anything. Like I said, for sure I sound like a moron but nothing I can do to help that!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795754

    @zahavasdad- thanks! First of all, I should ask a Rav over my Dr? Should I tell him what my Dr said?

    Also, I am not a teenager- I am in my early 20’s. I did begin struggling with this when I was in my teens though and now it’s just coming all back, almost like it never left:( Weird!!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795752

    Ya… it’s a bit hard right now. Spoke to Dr today. He said I am not allowed to fast any fast besides for tisha bav and y”k but right now I am terrified to even fast tisha bav. I’m not sure what to do about this. Do I ask a sheila or call my Dr again and speak to him about it?

    Just curious- why does life have to be a constant struggle? Why when one thing is getting better, do other things need to pop up?

    It is soooo hard right now! Hashem, please give me the strength to get through this all. I just want to be over and finished with this all!!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795748

    Why does everything have to turn into a struggle for me?

    Why does not eating sound appealing to me? I know it’s from the fast and how good I felt while I was fasting but it’s really frustrating for me. Funny thing is though, the fast wasn’t even so good for me. I had a headache the whole time but knowing that I was in control of what I was (not) putting in my mouth brought back intense ed thoughts to me. I’m so sad about this:(

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795726

    @zahavasdad, you’re probably right about what you’re saying because this fast felt ‘extra good’ for me. I’m a little bit nervous at the moment but iy”H it all will go well for me.

    I guess I should probably ask another sheila about fasting although it would be really strange for me to stop fasting when I’ve been doing it on fast days for the last 2 or 3 years.

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795722

    princesseagle- who is that meant for?

    And having an eating disorder is like living through hell. It is so so so hard. If the person was not depressed before the ed, they definitely will become depressed while having the ed. Many people who have ed’s have some sort of other mental illness or some sort of other issue that they are trying to hide ie- cutting.

    It is extremely hard to get over and really once a person has it, it never completely leaves them. It is a known fact that once a person has had an ed, their chances of them getting it again are VERY high.

    It’s a really scary disease!!!

    in reply to: Eating disorders… #795717

    I was told this when I was anorexic- that a person should NOT tell someone who has an eating disorder that they are sooo skinny already because that’s what they want to hear which will make them continue dieting.

    zahavasdad- thanks for worrying. I fast on fast days and my (previous) therapist knew that and so does my psych. I don’t think they are too worried about it so I continue doing so.

    If c”v I would see that it is bringing back good memories from that time then I would consult a rav and Dr and take it from there.

    Thanks again though:)

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