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  • in reply to: Rally in Washington #2238565

    Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva in Queens.

    We ask all the Bnei Hayeshiva to attend the rally in Washington DC on Tuesday November 14th. If wives can attend it would also be appropriate. If they need to change their work schedule to accommodate their husband’s attendance, it would be appropriate if possible.

    Yeshiva will be providing transportation, however we request whomever can drive and take passengers to please do so. Yeshiva will reimburse costs.

    Whoever cannot go should keep regular sedarim in the Yeshiva.
    Shacharis schedule will be posted.


    in reply to: Rally in Washington #2238566

    Agudath Israel has released a statement encouraging people to attend the pro-Israel rally in Washington this coming Tuesday:

    Two Jewish organizations – the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations – are organizing a mass rally in Washington, D.C. next Tuesday November 14 to show solidarity with Israel and to urge the US government to stand firm in its support.

    In light of the ongoing life-threatening danger confronting Israeli soldiers and all of our dear brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel, and with great concern about the extremely volatile political climate here in the United States, we feel it is important, midarchei ha’shtadlonus, that there be a large turnout at this event. Accordingly, and in consultation with our rabbinic leadership, we are circulating to our friends and constituents information about the rally. More information will be available here in the coming days.

    In the merit of our Torah and tefillah, and carrying out our shtadlanus obligations, may HKB’H hear our cries and protect us from all dangers — Hashem hoshia ha’Melech ya’aneinu b’yom koreinu!

    in reply to: Obama: Sonei Yisroel Par Excellence #2238359

    Shame on any Jew who voted for Bush, Bush and Trump.
    You helped create a big mess.

    in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238083

    This whole discussion has been repeated in the CR multiple times.

    The election of Avi Schnall opened my eyes to the fact that some people who have been claiming that they vote republicans because it is daas torah, when they are actually confronted with daas torah to vote for Avi Schnall as a Democrat , find themselves questioning Daas Torah.

    in reply to: VP Harris’s Stepdaughter Raising Money For Gaza’s Children, #2238082

    She is a private person and does not represent anybody except herself.

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236661


    Did confiscating 650,000 guns in Australia reduce murders?

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236525

    Which restrictive regulation in a democratic state made gun ownership impossible? Or even in a city ?

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236481


    Why are you deliberately confusing “abolishing guns” with a specific type of gun ?

    I am pretty sure I was clear that I was differentiating the two, whereas the starter of this thread did not make such a difference and thought that democrats are opposed to owning all guns.

    As I said before no democrat wants to ban all guns. All your quotes are about banning specific types of guns.

    The following is what Biden and Democrats want to ban. I quote from your link.
    “It is within our power to once again ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to require safe storage of guns, to end gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and to enact universal background checks.”

    There are millions of other types of guns that every American who feels he needs to protect himself can own.

    Maybe we should all be allowed to own hand grenades also?

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236205


    Show me one bill in congress or one statement from the democratic party that wants to abolish private gun ownership?

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236204


    I did read it now, although his post was not up when I posted.
    He is talking about the AR-15 and other mass murder weapons . Where did he say we should ban all guns in American ?
    And where in the constitution does it day that there can be no common sense gun laws? Where does the constitution say that American can’t do anything to protect against mass murderers killing hundreds of people at a party or kids in school?

    I just read a teshuva from Rav Ezriel Auerbach where he quoted his brother-in-law Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg that owning a gun is comparable to locking your door at night. If you are permitted to lock your door , you are permitted to own a gun too.

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236100


    Liberals and Democrats are not against responsible people owning guns. We actually believe in the constitution.
    We are intensely troubled that when there is a certain type of gun which is the favorite of mass murderers and has been used to kill thousands of children that Republicans refuse to enact sane common sense gun laws to protect Americans.

    in reply to: Insanity. Pure Insanity #2236092

    University of California Board of Regents Chair Richard Leib and UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., shared the following statement today, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023, in the wake of a violent weekend in the Middle East:

    Our hearts are heavy in the face of the horrific attack on Israel over the weekend, which involved the loss of many innocent lives and the abduction of innocent hostages, including children and the elderly. This was an act of terrorism, launched on a major Jewish holiday. What should have been a quiet weekend of rest turned into days of unspeakable terror and shock. The violence is sickening and incomprehensible, and as of this moment we still do not know the fate of the hostages. This act deserves and requires our collective condemnation.

    These are the Democrats.

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2235443

    I agree with Common Saychel about hesh kestin. His opinions do not hold any weight. He does not write from the torah viewpoint.

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2235040

    A record numbers of American Jews are getting trained and purchasing firearms only means that more jews than usual are getting training and purchasing. Does not say how many owned before and how many now.

    Owning a gun has nothing to do with being a republican, democrat or MAGA.


    in reply to: Mainstream Media = The Enemy Of The People #2233141


    Trump did not invent the term “the enemy of the people”. He took it straight from Stalin and Trotsky. It echoes of totalitarianism.
    It is an offensive term meant to demonize, marginalize and de-humanize political opponents. It should never be used in a democracy. It goes together with Trump’s other favorite term “fake news”. If people disbelieve the media, then Trump can come and constantly repeat his “alternate facts”.

    The mainstream media is not the “enemy of the people”. Neither is the even more biased left wing or right wing media.

    What should we call Fox news, that paid 700 million dollars for repeatedly lying about the election being stolen? Should we call them “the enemy of the people”? Do we even have to give them a derogatory name? Sometimes the media gets things correct and sometimes they don’t.

    The USA is a country founded on freedom of the press, assembly and religion. In the US, the press is a guardian of democracy.
    Dictators, Autocrats, and Politicians want people to believe in only what they say and to ignore facts. Richard Nixon would have continued committing crimes if not for the media.
    American support for the war in Viet Nam would have gone on forever without the media showing the terrible losses.

    The media prints errors every day. They are human and fallible. They have biases and sometime purposefully lie. Some of them are Anti-Semitic. Caveat emptor.

    in reply to: You who vote Democrat #2230211

    Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel explained on Fox News Saturday how GOP presidential candidates could respond to Hamas militants’ unprecedented, surprise attack on Israel. “I think this is a great opportunity for our candidates… ” McDaniel said.

    in reply to: Trump’s Georgia Indictment #2218252


    There is no defense of walking into a bank and using your freedom of speech to mention to the teller that she should hand over all the money in her cash box because you believe the bank stole money from you.
    The prosecutors do not have to prove anything except show the jury the video and they go right to jail. No passing mar-a-lago.

    Same here. The background of why Trump committed crimes is irrelevant.

    in reply to: Trump’s Georgia Indictment #2217081

    A Public Service Announcement.
    If you ever think that you are ” allowed ” to do something illegal because of A,B or C, do not be surprised when the Government arrests you for doing A, B or C.
    If you ever think that you are simply helping another person do something illegal, do not be surprised when the Government arrests you too.

    There are nebach too many Yidden who were and are currently in jail because of the above 2 mistakes.

    in reply to: Trump’s Georgia Indictment #2216986

    We have laws in this country.

    If the election was stolen, the only way to legally overturn it is to turn to the court system.
    If you have no success with the legal system, then anything you do after that is a crime. It is a crime even if you have the biggest lawyers and the most influential senators and congressmen together with you.
    And even if you have 70 million Americans that support you.

    in reply to: Gaavad Yerushalayim election #2213067

    Who are the candidates?
    Who gets to vote?

    in reply to: The democrats he who must not be named #2211717


    I do not agree.

    Republicans decided that they need to invent accusations against Joe Biden 2 years before the election in 2020. Giuliani, supported by the Trump administration and Trump himself, travelled to Ukraine to defame him with non-existent crimes. They even withheld aid to Ukraine because of it. Ergo – Impeachment number 1.

    When they struck out with Joe , they went after Hunter. They keep on trying to tie Joe into everything that Hunter did. Another failure.

    You should be asking everyone to agree that the system has been unjustifiably in favor of Trump.
    Anyone else that committed all the crimes that Trump openly did – with recordings, videos and witnesses – would be in jail for life already.

    in reply to: Being a Jewish democrat #2208211

    The authors at Just Security consolidated the seven-part conspiracy the House select committee set out into three essential prongs. They explained the first prong: “Trump knew he lost the election but did not want to give up power, so he worked with his lawyers on a wide variety of schemes to change the outcome. Those schemes included creating fraudulent electoral certificates that were submitted to Congress, implicating statutes such as 18 U.S.C. § 371, which prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States” and 18 U.S.C. §1001, which prohibits false statements to the government. Second, after the phony elector scheme failed, Trump tried to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to obstruct the joint session in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512. And third, when that too failed, “Trump went to his last resort: triggering an insurrection in the hope that it would throw Congress off course, delaying the transfer of power for the first time in American history. This implicated statutes such as 18 U.S.C. § 2383, which prohibits inciting an insurrection and giving aid or comfort to insurrectionists.”

    When Trump gets indicted by Special Counsel Jack Smith remember this easy summary of why he belongs in jail and nowhere near any elected office.

    This is all separate from his other court cases that he will lose and send him to jail.

    in reply to: Mattos – 12 to 12 1/2 #2207232


    It is a valid question to understand why the torah that teaches many halachos through an extra letter adds many pesukim for a specific case. The meforshim ask this question by the repeated 5 pesukim in Parsha Naso.

    in reply to: Mattos – 12 to 12 1/2 #2207106

    I will add that she is 12 to 12 1/2 and also married with Kiddushin but no Nisuin yet.
    And she is making Vows at this age.

    in reply to: Being a Jewish democrat #2205735

    There is no such thing for a frum Yid to be a Jewish Democrat or Jewish Republican.
    If an American Goyishe Political party defines your Yiddishkeit, then you are misunderstanding your purpose in life while living in golus .

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2202072

    How did you let this one through?
    GadolHadofi June 21, 2023 9:56 am at 9:56 am


    I don’t see where this post is. The CR moderators can’t moderate on the main page.

    in reply to: More ‘Soros anti-Israel’ power? #2198728

    Alexander Soros’s mother is Susan Weber.
    Susan Weber was born in Brooklyn, New York City, the daughter of Iris and Murray Weber. Her father was born in New York City to parents who had emigrated from Russia. She grew up in the New York City area in a non-observant Jewish household.

    in reply to: Ten Commandments Posted in Public Schools #2193063

    “רבונו של עולם, תורה שאתה נותן לי מה כתיב בה?
    אנכי ה’ אלהיך אשר הוצאתיך מארץ מצרים.
    אמר להן: למצרים ירדתם? לפרעה השתעבדתם? תורה למה תהא לכם”

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2191763


    I downloaded the report.

    I am not reading 350 pages with footnotes just to argue with you.
    I started reading a little and it says things like – the FBI investigated into this person although it did not have sufficient facts to warrant it. Same with a few other people.

    Ask me about a specific instance mentioned in it and we can discuss it.

    I could not find anywhere about an agent crying. Please explain.

    Your comment about denial reminds me of the reason I stopped reading your posts because you did it to me before. Allow me to return the free psychology session. Maybe instead of having a real discussion, you feel a need to gain leverage by being a psychologist over the internet. Better you should leave out the psychobabble.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2191468

    Again, I agree with you about the process and lying on FISA.

    The FBI admitted that they did things that were improper.

    My point is that to conclude that the whole investigation was politically motivated with zero basis and not acknowledging that there were very serious reasons to investigate because of Trump’s campaign members behavior is wrong in my mind.

    Russia helping Trump get elected is not a hoax and the FBI was warranted to suspect that Trump’s campaign was involved in getting their help. Michael Flynn was a member of the campaign and he was not an innocent figure.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2191459


    Since my post answering you somehow was not posted, I will summarize.

    The argument you make is called a straw man fallacy.

    It refutes words that I never said and that I certainly agree with.

    I have no idea what boot licking you are referring to.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2191183


    You are making a good point that there might be good questions in the report and of course I did not read a single page of the 300 page report. But the whole report does not make any sense to me or to any other lay person.

    Does the FBI have a computer program or lawbook that needs to input exact factors and information before it will legally allow them to start an investigation? That is ridiculous.

    Or does the FBI have a computer program or lawbook that you needs exact factors and information before it will legally allow them to warn social media of a possible Russian influence on our election? That is ridiculous.

    The FBI should be able to start investigations and warn social media based on many factors that lead them to believe that an investigation is worthwhile.
    These factors might simply be based on the past history of known evil countries and their leaders. Or members of a campaign who are working for foreign governments and want to become rich after working in the military for 25 years.

    So I don’t care really care about every single factor why the FBI started it’s investigation.
    If Trump’s campaign was doing nothing illegal , then they had nothing to worry about.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2191076

    In other important republican news, the lady member of the party with family values Ms Boebert is ditching her husband.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2190858

    Or you could look at the Durham investigation and see that bill barr and the rest of the Republicans wasted 6 million in a worthless investigation because they are afraid of Trump.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2190853

    I guess the news about America’s disgraceful former Mayor isn’t so important so I will say it.

    He has been sued for $10,000,000 for abuse and many other things he is liable for.

    The lady suing him has many recordings and emails which show that he was working with Trump to sell pardons for 2 million dollars.
    She has records of the plan to steel the election if Trump lost way before January 6th.
    He also makes many antisemitic remarks.
    This is the person Trump was listening to fraudulently commit seditious treason.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2190581

    If you’re looking for a job in Florida, you might want to consider some red-hot new career opportunities picking vegetables, tarring roofs or cleaning hotel toilets.

    Thanks to the imperatives of campaign messaging, Florida is about to make life harder for the hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants working in the state.

    We’re going to be spending millions of tax dollars to fly them to other states or to scare them away by implementing a law that fines some of their employers $1,000 per day for giving them jobs.

    You might think that chasing undocumented residents from the farm fields, construction sites and janitorial closets where they’ve been working is an exercise in political bottom-feeding.

    But it’s best to think of it as great news for those of you who have felt stung by being unfairly left out of those pre-dawn bus rides to the crops, summer afternoons on the construction site and late nights in filthy office bathrooms. You have an opportunity now to reclaim these “stolen” jobs.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2190424

    Just imagine how much hatred for Biden the Republican’s have that Republican James Comer, the chair of the Oversight Committee from 2023, who held a Press conference a week ago to announce a SHOCKING whistleblower report on the Biden family, announced yesterday to Maria Bartiromo that he DOES NOT HAVE A WHISTELBLOWER .

    Comer was surrounded by all the other lying Republicans at the press conference to announce the SHOCKING WHISTLEBLOWER, but does not have the decency to have another Press conference to retract his lies.

    Comer has nothing on President Biden.

    Whereas, Trump is up to his eyeballs in criminal activity.
    Mar-A-Lago was raided because he is felon.
    He was liable $5,000,000 for defaming a person he abused and he continues to defame her even after he lost.
    Congress was attacked and a person lost her life on Jan 6th due to his encouragement. But Trump calls the person a patriot and the Security guard a thug. That it the leader of the Law and Order party. Just another silly republican slogan which is a lie.
    He is not a decent human being to even beg forgiveness from the people in jail because of him.

    As the chair of the Oversight Committee from 2023, Comer has declined or stopped investigations into former President Donald Trump, instead starting investigations into President Joe Biden and his family.

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #2190430

    If you read the 43 tweets that Trump sent out on October 3, 2019, you will be able to figure out how many turned out to be complete lies and deserving of impeachment.

    in reply to: Nabka event in congress canceled by the speaker #2189291


    He could or she could just move the event.
    By the way, when is George Soros going to be kicked out of congress? Or is McCarthy and the republican’s fine with a president that abuses women and a congressman that commits financial crimes and is a drag star?

    in reply to: Nabka event in congress canceled by the speaker #2189183

    It’s Nakba.
    He didn’t cancel it. He blocked it by reserving the spot she was going to use.
    Tlaib could still reschedule the event for a later date.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2189122

    Congressman George Santos Charged with Fraud, Money Laundering, Theft of Public Funds, and False Statements

    Santos Allegedly Embezzled Contributions from Supporters, Fraudulently Obtained Unemployment Benefits, and Lied in Disclosures to the House of Representatives
    A 13-count indictment was unsealed today in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York charging George Anthony Devolder Santos, better known as “George Santos,” a United States Congressman representing the Third District of New York, with seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives.

    The indictment was returned yesterday under seal by a federal grand jury sitting in Central Islip, New York. Santos was arrested this morning and will be arraigned this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Arlene R. Lindsay at the federal courthouse in Central Islip, New York.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2188986

    He has been indicted on Federal Criminal Charges.

    Details to follow.

    in reply to: Who is my government working for? #2188757


    c’est troller.
    bienvenue dans la société de la terre plate.

    in reply to: What Happened To the Forum I Loved so Well? #2187965

    Is it possible that the main YWN website has changed since you posted and that has caused the CR to also change?
    It is clear that YWN now has only a small percentage of news that is relevant to the Yeshiva World.

    in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2187040

    d’où tiens-tu tes nouvelles ?

    in reply to: Biden’s age #2186335

    Gadol Hadofi,

    Regarding Biden , I don’t understand where you are coming from. The right wing media enjoys laughing at Biden’s expense and there is even a whole section of the right wing media dedicated to catching Biden in slips and taking videos completely out of context, but it is all a lie.
    They know it is a lie. They know that he is functioning with complete competence 24 hours a day as President.

    It is the fox news and other right wing media rule of “We do not report the truth. We report what our viewers want to hear.”

    You did the exact same thing with Harris’s 20 minute speech and about 2525 words. You took one paragraph out of context and tried to make believe it doesn’t build confidence.
    The quote is gold. It is wordy, but so what. She was making a speech.
    Listen to her whole speech.
    You can disagree with it. As frum Jews we definitely have issues with it, since it was remarks by Vice President Harris at a Political Event on Reproductive Rights.

    By the way, I can destroy Trump’s way of speaking every time he opens his mouth at a rally.
    Bottom line, not a reason to be afraid of her as a President.

    in reply to: Biden’s age #2186294

    That is correct since he has committed to keep her as VP.
    But does anybody vote for a president expecting him/her to die or be disabled in office?
    What do you see as terrible if she becomes the president?

    in reply to: Biden’s age #2185860

    Trump is 3 years 6 months and 21 days younger than Biden.
    That is it.

    Republican’s focus on age is a pretext.
    Their focus on imaginary dementia is a bald-faced lie.

    Who would have thought that Republican’s are going to nominate an indicted criminal, who will probably be a convicted criminal by election day, for President?

    in reply to: Exciting Facts that we’ll have by Geula #2185657


    Many jews do not need to learn new possibilities of the geulah to get excited and yearn for it.
    We simply have kavanna while davening, benching and even counting sefiras haomer.
    We also have kavanna during the 4 fast days and 3 weeks.
    Learning Seder kodashim and all the parshiyos of vayikra can also increase the yearning.
    Even pondering the daily chilul Hashem that exists due to no Geulah is a strong motivation.

    in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2185556

    Benvenue en la société de la terre plate

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