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  • in reply to: The top two dems are either a sodomite, or a communist #1831755


    Yes I believe that a sodomite is worlds worse than a man who has relations with someone who’s not his wife. Whats your standard for measure?

    But you believe they are both terrible ? (If you believe his infidelity was only once and doesn’t continue , I have a bridge to sell you. )

    It is not a contest to elect the least despicable for president. We shouldn’t elect either of them.

    It is time for truth. Your מראה מקומות are unclear. Please expand.

    in reply to: Why was trump impeached??? #1831587


    They did it because the constitution assigns them the role of oversight of the executive branch.
    They didn’t shirk their roles just because the republicans are in Trumps cult and afraid of crossing him. Trump’s actions – abuse of power and obstruction – clearly demanded oversight and being impeached.

    in reply to: The top two dems are either a sodomite, or a communist #1831588

    How do you know he can’t be defeated ? Are you a prophet or do you listen to faux news?

    in reply to: The top two dems are either a sodomite, or a communist #1831589

    Bernie is not a communist.
    For republicans and fox news anyone who want to help Americans is called a communist.
    When wall street , car companies, and farmers come begging for hand outs that is not called communism. Hypocrisy.

    in reply to: He who lives in glass houses shouldn’t throw roger stone #1831518

    Obama did not use the IRS . Another silly fox news conspiracy theory.
    As John Kelly said today people who rely on fox news “are not informed citizens.”

    in reply to: Why was trump impeached??? #1831469

    Catch yourself.,
    Nobody made Bill Clinton lie under oath and nobody forced Trump to bribe another county to go after his political rival.
    Everybody knows that whatever political/legal/constitutional grounds were put forth to not remove him were only the excuse for not removing him. The Republicans in the House and the Senate had made up from day 1 that they would not listen to any evidence or constitutional grounds to remove him.
    The excuses kept getting more bizarre. It started from he did not do it , to yes he definitely did it and it is really an impeachable offense , but he learnt his lesson.

    I have said before on YWN that Trump succeeded in making Biden unelectable by the Democrats. He reminds them of Hillary and her investigations too much . Though all of the investigations went nowhere, it still was a dark spot on her. Trump has put a dark spot on Biden. He and Guliani can say from today until they get blue in their faces that they have proof of illegal activity but it is all a lie.
    It has already been investigated and it is false. It is nothing but Russian propaganda.

    Russia meddled in our elections in 2016 and had absolutely no repercussions. Why shouldn’t they continue ?. Trump loves them and has asked publicly for their help.

    in reply to: Why was trump impeached??? #1831408

    We are not done either.

    The American congress will impeach him again if he does another impeachable act.

    in reply to: Why was trump impeached??? #1831406

    OP sees the results of Trump stealing this election and can still ask why was he impeached. The better question is why was he not removed.

    in reply to: shreds of decency #1830297

    Trump has not delivered .
    Trump WALL is a long long way away. And Mexico is not paying for it. Total failure.
    Repeal of Obamacare – fail.
    Total Muslim ban – fail.
    Eliminate Federal debt in 8 years . Fail, Debt is up a Trillion dollars.
    Make no cuts to medicare – fail. Budget has major cuts to medicare.
    Drain the swamp. -fail. WH is full of lobbyists and former lobbyists.
    Everybody is getting a tax cut, especially the middle class FAIL. Only wealthiest got a tax cut and corporations which did not filter down to workers.

    The only thing he has been successful in is his “mannerisms” .(Nice euphemism for not having a shred of being a decent human.) Also successful in dividing and disenfranchising over half the country.

    A man who stole from his own Million dollar charity organization is a real low-life.

    in reply to: Mitt Romney is now persona non grata #1830175

    Trump is a RINO.
    Romney is a life long real Republican. Romney was the parties candidate a few years ago. That the Trump supporters have turned their back on him show that they are the RINO’s. They all belong to the Trump CULT party.
    That they can turn against a Jewish American Purple heart recipient (Vindman) and a celebrated Vietnam war hero (McCain) in favor of a draft dodging lying impeached president makes me wonder if they are patriotic Americans.

    in reply to: Mitt Romney is now persona non grata #1829906


    Romney directly answered your question about not needing an actual crime for impeachment and quoted the founders.

    If a political opponent was a spy ? Boruch Hashem the US of America has government agencies that are well funded and tasked to protect the USA.
    (Please stop talking about money. America has enough money when it needs to go to war and provide security.)
    Why in the world would you send your personal lawyer?

    I think you can understand the difference between the constitution allowing an impeachment for a president violating his powers without breaking a law and demanding an investigation into American Citizens that did not break the law.
    The bottom line is what Romney said
    “The president asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival. The president withheld vital military funds from that government to press it to do so. The president delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders. The president’s purpose was personal and political. Accordingly, the president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust.”

    in reply to: Mitt Romney is now persona non grata #1829736

    This a transcript of what Mitt Romney said.
    “The House managers presented evidence supporting their case, and the White House counsel disputed that case. In addition, the president’s team presented three defenses, first that there could be no impeachment without a statutory crime, second that the Bidens’ conduct justified the president’s actions, and third, that the judgment of the president’s actions should be left to the voters. Let me first address those three defenses.
    The historic meaning of the words “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the writings of the founders and my own reasoned judgment convince me that a president can indeed commit acts against the public trust that are so egregious that while they’re not statutory crimes, they would demand removal from office. To maintain that the lack of a codified and comprehensive list of all the outrageous acts that a president might conceivably commit renders Congress powerless to remove such a president defies reason.

    The president’s counsel also notes that Vice President Biden appeared to have a conflict of interest when he undertook an effort to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor general. If he knew of the exorbitant compensation his son was receiving from a company actually under investigation, the vice president should have recused himself. While ignoring a conflict of interest is not a crime, it is surely very wrong. With regards to Hunter Biden, taking excessive advantage of his father’s name is unsavory, but also not a crime. Given that in neither the case of the father nor the son was any evidence presented by the president’s counsel that a crime had been committed, the president’s insistence that they be investigated by the Ukrainians is hard to explain other than as a political pursuit. There’s no question in my mind that were their names not Biden, the president would never have done what he did.

    The defense argues that the Senate should leave the impeachment decision to the voters. While that logic is appealing to our democratic instincts, it is inconsistent with the Constitution’s requirement that the Senate, not the voters, try the president.
    Hamilton explained that the founders’ decision to invest senators with this obligation rather than leave it to the voters was intended to minimize, to the extent possible, the partisan sentiments of the public at large. So the verdict is ours to render under our Constitution. The people will judge us for how well and faithfully we fulfill our duty. The grave question the Constitution tasked senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a high crime and misdemeanor. Yes, he did.

    The president asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival. The president withheld vital military funds from that government to press it to do so. The president delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders. The president’s purpose was personal and political. Accordingly, the president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust.”

    in reply to: Mitt Romney is now persona non grata #1829466

    Why is being a mormon more ע״ז than presbyterians or any of the other believers in ישו ?
    Anyone who does not keep the 7 mitzvos because Moshe Rabbenuc ommanded them to is not termed chaside umos haolam.

    in reply to: Mitt Romney is now persona non grata #1829365

    He is not up for an election until 2025.
    He has plenty of time to not worry about Trump.

    in reply to: Why does Biden get a pass Or ”the donkey in the room ” #1824910


    You call spending 8 years questioning whether Obama was even an American (and some R’s still believe this) and declaring him a closet Muslim as not hating him so much ?
    Read some posts whenever the name Obama gets mentioned even in passing and you will hear real sinah to him , his wife and his kids.
    Obama is hated by R’s just as much as D’s Trump.
    The hypocrisy is that when Trump does the exact same thing as Obama did , Trump supporters love it.

    in reply to: Why does Biden get a pass Or ”the donkey in the room ” #1824709


    You have a point. The House of Representatives rejected it.
    That is the reason for a FULL trial in the senate.
    Let us all hear from all the witnesses on both sides and let them determine which reasoning is more compelling.
    Was it Trump really caring about corruption or as many have testified that it was a tactic to knock off Biden.

    in reply to: How should trump respond #1824016

    “So he asked for a corruption investigation.
    What’s wrong?
    He should proudly admit it.”
    The alternative universe that Fox viewers and trump supporters live in is on full display.
    We are completely fine with the president using his power to persecute his political rival so that he can win re-election. He can even illegally hold up funds from another country to persecute his political enemies.
    That is not the malchus shel chesed that we live in. That is Russia, China and Venezuela.

    This is exactly why he he is a danger to our democracy and was impeached and should be immediate;y removed.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1811862

    Syag ,
    I made an appointment with my psychiatrist Lucy Van Pelt (only 5 cents when she is in), but she is booked until next November by the Angry White Men Republicans that are using the hearings to scream and shout about everything except for Trump attempting to steal the 2020 elections.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1810789

    COEQUAL does not mean that you can commit impeachable offenses and then tie up Congress in the courts forever.That is the Trump game plan and the democrats saw right through it and beat him at his own game.

    If he has nothing to hide and everything he did was completely proper , they all should have testified
    The answer is that there is so much more that he is hiding and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    “US” Are you implying that because he used the word US, he wasn’t the one that was benefiting from the investigation, or even as little as a declaration of an investigation?

    Democrats do not care about Hunter Biden. He is not running for anything. The issue is the former VP of the USA who is running currently for the Presidency.
    It is bizarre that the Republicans believe that the President cares so much about corruption that he mentions an investigation into Hunter Biden in a phone call with the Ukraine President. The overwhelming evidence is that POTUS doesn’t give a hoot about dealing with corrupt countries. He deals with SA and Jamal Khashoggi, China and the killing of tens of HK during the protests this year, China and detention camps for Uyghur;Muslims, and Turkey and killing of Kurdish allies.

    I don’t watch MSNBC and if you really care about the process , I assume you are going to be here castigating the Republicans in the senate. Especially the ones like MoscowMitch who already announced that they will coordinate with trump.

    Bottom line is the if the shoe was on the other foot and a Democratic president sent his private attorney and used the Attorney General of the USA and canned the foreign country’s Ambassador to dig up dirt on his republican political opponent , they would all vote for impeachment . (And they would be on the right side for doing do.)
    The whole narrative against Joe Biden and Ukraine is Russian propaganda – as stated in the hearings – in order to deflect the Mueller report and the position of the US Government Intelligence agencies that the Russians were the ones that meddled in our elections and they are doing it again right now.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1810650

    E.Irrelevant. You expect him to say what he really feels ?
    F. That is fox news propaganda and far from the truth
    G. The unprecedented, categorical and indiscriminate defiance of subpoenas is not routine. The impeachment document lists four federal agencies and nine administration officials, including acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, for following Trump’s lead.
    H. More fox news propaganda. Fox news loves disparaging professionals, dedicated public servants, and decorated purple heart recipients all in the service of defending Trump.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1810649

    A. It does have a request to coordinate with the AG and Guliani an investigation into Trumps political enemy as personal favor.
    >The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me.<
    B. Trump directly ordered the hold up of the security assistance to Ukraine as repeated by Mulvaney. There was no valid explanation except that it was to pressure Zelensky.
    Regarding Trump not meeting with Zelensky – According to Ambassador Sondland, “we all believed [a White House meeting for President Zelenskyy] was crucial to strengthening U.S.-Ukrainian ties and furthering long-held U. S. foreign policy goals in the region.” (Sondland at 26)[3] As Ambassador Reeker testified, “To say that I was dismayed, frustrated that the White House meeting had not yet taken place is a fair [ ] statement. … We didn’t know exactly where or why, so we were pursuing this PCC process to try to force a decision and a movement forward on that, and that that was, indeed, through that period in July going into August was of concern to I think all of us working on Ukraine trying to figure out why.” (Reeker at 89)
    C. That is not the totality of what he said . Read his opening statement.
    D. After the July call, Trump knew that he was in very hot water. There was already a whistle blower and rumors that he committed and indefensible offense.



    My point is that the republican party’s callous attitude towards people dying shows that their attitude towards abortion has nothing to do with their aversion to Murder.
    All your answers reflect the republican attitude.

    Me: How many people have died in ICE custody the past 3 years?
    You: No more than would be expected. No more than die anywhere else.
    Me: Can we try to ensure that there are ZERO deaths ?
    You: Most importantly NOBODY HAS EVEN SUGGESTED that ICE was in any way responsible for any death that occurred in its custody.
    Me :That is untrue. They are responsible for every death that occurs in their custody unless they did their utmost to prevent it.
    If they died because of the callous attitude that they are illegals anyway – then they are 100% responsible.

    Me: How many mass murders have there been in America the past 3 years?
    You: No more than is normal, given the US’s demographics. What has this got to do with politics?
    ME : Everything. Again – Can we try to prevent these mass murders ? The NRA, which owns the republican party,prevents anything from being done.The same party that is anti-abortion is pro-gun. Go figure.

    Me: How many refugees have we sent back to die in their own countries?
    You: Genuine refugees? Almost none. But tell me why we have any obligation to take in every person who wants to come here.
    Me. “Almost none” – That is completely untrue. Thousands of genuine refugees fearing for their lives have not been let in or have been sent back. The republican attitude that we have no obligation to refugees or even immigrants is disappointing , anti-Torah and was the LAW OF S’DOM. r”l.

    Me: How many people would have suffered if they had lost their insurance due to removing obamacare?
    You: None.
    Me: LOL. ROFL.

    I am not a socialist and I try to be the best Jew that I can. My allegiance is to the Torah and not to an american political party.
    Neither the republicans nor the democrats follow the Torah. A Torah jew does not identify with either of them.
    Hashem and his Torah care for every human being on this earth.
    If you can’t vote for a democrat because of abortion, you cannot vote for a republican either.
    (Also, the death penalty has proven to have killed innocent people. The american justice system is very fallible.)

    SCOTUS has determined that, based on the constitution, abortion (i.e, Murder) is 100% legal in America. The constitution also allows in America the Cardinal sin of avoda zara.
    We should think about those 2 things during Thanksgiving. It might lead us to act like Rav Miller Zatsal and completely repudiate Thanksgiving.

    Please do not engage in Ad Hominem attacks.


    Typical trolling.

    How many people have died in ICE custody the past 3 years?
    How many families separated ?
    How many mass murders have there been in America the past 3 years?
    How many refugees have we sent back to die in their own countries?
    How many people would have suffered if they had lost their insurance due to removing obamacare?

    When the republicans truly care about the living , I will vote for them .

    in reply to: Trump and the Democrats hate against him. #1791158

    Today is October 3rd 2019. Trump has done so much just today to be impeached.

    The question is fakert. When will the Republican’s realize that he will be impeached and after he leaves the presidency he will be fighting jail time ?
    No wall. No NK deal. No Iran deal. No China deal. Nothing.

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1787235

    On the topic of Middos and since it is Elul, let us all impose our middos.
    Of the arrogant, God says, “I and he cannot dwell under one roof.” By contrast, humility is the good trait from which all other good traits stem. With humility, one’s mind and heart makes room to let others in and removes all self-centered barriers. This manifests in someone who makes his own goal helping others achieve theirs. Indeed, “exceedingly humble” constitutes the Torah’s loftiest praise of Moses (Numbers 12:3). Another exception is anger – one should go to the other extreme and never get angry (Mishneh Torah – Deyos 2:3).

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1783854


    Regarding how would the second amendment protect us from a tyrannical government ?
    It would never protect citizens from a tyrannical government unless the whole country rose up against the government.
    America already fought a Civil War and the southern states were not able to overthrow the government or even install their own government.

    The likelihood of this happening is 0 since the whole country rising up against the government with arms would be the last straw.

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1782306

    Ben Levi,
    I realize that you and the NRA want America to be as dangerous and lawless as Mexico and Africa are. That is a seriously ridiculous argument. You are a complete slave to the NRA. So is every Republican – including Trump. That is why one day Trump says we are going to enact law regarding gun control and the next day he backtracks. He got a pep talk from his masters in the NRA in between. If the NRA would go out of business , logical gun laws would be enacted right away.
    Also, If all immigrants bought AR-15’s , all assault rifles would be banned overnight. Republicans are more racist than they are pro-gun.

    I am referring to the countries that actually had mass shootings and enacted laws to prevent them. Australia, New Zealand,Finland.

    No person needs a gun that can devastatingly kill 100 people in 60 seconds.

    All the recent mass shootings, including Poway and the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, were done by people who legally had the opportunity to buy Assault Rifle weapons and did. There is no evidence that they would have gone to the black market to buy them.

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1781982

    Ben Levi,

    Please explain why only in the USA do we have a problem with people who are mass killing with these assault type weapons and not other countries who also have murderers but have banned these weapons?

    in reply to: Recession is all the Democrats fault! #1778645

    Coffee Addict,

    On Healthcare.gov – “Ultimately, the buck stops with me,” he said. “You know, I’m the president. This is my team. If it’s not working, it’s my job to get it fixed.” And he got it fixed.
    On his promise to Americans that they could keep their current plan. “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me,” he said.
    On the BP Oil spill – read this. sorry,  link removed. And he got it fixed.
    On the shellacking in 2010 “Over the last two years, we’ve made progress. But, clearly, too many Americans haven’t felt that progress yet, and they told us that yesterday. And as President, I take responsibility for that.”

    Were you listening to Obama speak when he was President?

    in reply to: Recession is all the Democrats fault! #1776349

    coffee addict,

    When you stop mentioning Obama to defend Trump , reality will hit you.

    akuperma ,

    That is not the tradition of all Presidents.

    Trump and his administration is saying that it is all fake news. No recession. No crisis.

    Read W’s memoir for his admission to mistakes in Katrina, Mission Accomplished and others.

    Obama took responsibility for healthcare.gov failure and the BP spill failure and got them resolved and fixed.
    He took responsibility for Democrats losing the house and the Benghazi attack.

    He took the Financial meltdown that he was handed by Bush and turned it completely around.

    Trump is going to leave the Democrats to fix his financial failures while he is partying in Mar O Largo on his yacht.

    in reply to: Recession is all the Democrats fault! #1775757

    This Post comes directly from Trump himself.

    Anything that happens while I am President that is good , I will take credit for.
    Anything that happens while I am President that is bad , I will place the blame on everybody else.

    He is a man incapable of taking real responsibility.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1767318

    Trump does a favorable act and the recipient is Jewish , ergo he is a oheiv yisroel par excellance.
    He insults, attacks and denigrates multiple black people multiple times , ergo he is a racist par excellance.

    in reply to: Star-K Article about Electric Shavers #1750008

    There is no new information here. It is known that many other gedolim disagreed with the Igros Moshe.
    That other gedolim disagreed does not minimize his psak one bit.
    His psak is chay vkayam and can be relied upon by every Yid.
    The only one that can change the Igros Moshe’s psak is the Bal Igros Moshe himself.

    I am concerned because I see some people trying to minimize the Kavod and Gadlus of Rav Moshe Feinstein ztsal because they have an agenda to disallow shavers.

    in reply to: Star-K Article about Electric Shavers #1749962

    What is the point of this discussion?
    Rav Moshe Feinstein zts”l allowed electric shavers. His psak has been followed by Litvishe Yeshiva bochurim for generations.
    The sefer hadras ponim zokon is missing the one and only haskomo that he really needed – Rav Moshe Feinstein’s zts”l.

    in reply to: AOC on Concentration Camps… What??? #1745253

    Her language was inexcusable.

    Instead of showing ourselves as a Ohr Lagoyim and showing how our Torah shows respect for every human being, people are more concerned about the Jewish Nation’s Registered Trademark on the words concentration camp .

    There are many US migrant detention centers , in some of them the conditions are appalling.
    There is a Texas facility meant for 125 people holding over 900.
    24 immigrants have died in ICE custody under Trump , at least 7 of them children.
    There are “missing children” – separated from their parents. ( Similar to the sefardim in EY.)

    Her words are indefensible, but her point is on the mark.

    in reply to: The Institutionally Anti-Semitic Democrat Party #1736338


    Great trolling, but at least you told us where we can see the source. This is typical fox ‘news’ fake news playing to the customers who watch and listen to them.
    The headline is highly editorialized and does not describe the situation correctly.
    If you read the article, this “proposal” is one of many proposals and is no where near being passed or even voted on.

    in reply to: Unreasonable democrats #1736119


    Now I understand why you are talking about Michelle.
    She obviously wrote her book with the bias and purpose to make her husband appear to be the greatest president who ever lived. It is 100% hypocritical. But is sells books and democrats who read her book love it.
    Trump reaches new lows every day and the republican party shrugs.

    in reply to: Unreasonable democrats #1735946


    Most everyone reading this website was alive for the 8 years of Obama and remember that the Republican party was guilty of the exact thing that you are ascribing to the democrats.
    (And why take a swipe at Michelle Obama ? Hmm..)
    How many of the Republicans worked on and voted for Obamacare?
    Why did McConnell steal a Supreme Court nominee from Obama ?
    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

    in reply to: I don’t understand outcome of Mueller report #1735901

    The target of an investigation does not get to decide whether the investigation is warranted. Nor does he get to complain about the money spent on it.
    This investigation was due to a cyber attack against our country by an enemy nation that affected the most basic right of every citizen in the democracy – the right to vote and elect democratic (not the party) leaders.
    Trump’s whining about it shows how unfit he is to be president.

    in reply to: Unreasonable democrats #1735864

    Correct. That does not mean that the house should not due it’s duty if it determines that the POTUS deserves to be impeached.
    No. That is not my opinion. Maybe direct your question to OP who said that ” have never spent an entire presidents term trying to get rid of them.”
    Of course he has to do something to deserve to be impeached. With all the information we have NOW that is in the Mueller Report , he more than deserves it. Whether the Democrats will actually go for it , is a political question.

    in reply to: Unreasonable democrats #1735711

    Trump supporters should get over the fact that they lost the house to the Democrats and can no longer protect him from impeachment.
    The first 2 years impeachment wasn’t even possible.

    in reply to: I don’t understand outcome of Mueller report #1735712


    As he said:
    “The appointment order directed the office to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. This included investigating any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign.”
    “Every defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in court.”
    “When a subject of an investigation obstructs that investigation or lies to investigators, it strikes at the core of the government’s effort to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable.”
    “The report has two parts addressing the two main issues we were asked to investigate. The first volume of the report details numerous efforts emanating from Russia to influence the election. This volume includes a discussion of the Trump campaign’s response to this activity, as well as our conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy.

    And in the second volume, the report describes the results and analysis of our obstruction of justice investigation involving the President.

    The order appointing me Special Counsel authorized us to investigate actions that could obstruct the investigation. We conducted that investigation and we kept the office of the Acting Attorney General apprised of the progress of our work.

    As set forth in our report, after that investigation, if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime.”

    Mueller was never going to say that Trump committed a crime since he could not be indicted as a sitting president anyway.
    The only thing he could say was that he did not commit one. On that Mueller says that he could not say a crime was not committed.

    in reply to: I don’t understand outcome of Mueller report #1735501


    There is nothing in what Mueller said for the Republicans to be happy about.
    He said straight out that he was never going to indict Trump for collusion and that he did not exonerate him from committing a crime by his report.” Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.The Department’s written opinion explaining the policy against charging a President makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation. ”

    He also confirmed that the Russians meddled in our elections.
    “The first volume of the report details numerous efforts emanating from Russia to influence the election. This volume includes a discussion of the Trump campaign’s response to this activity, as well as our conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy.”

    This affirms what the Democrats have been saying since the beginning to Trump’s and the Republican’s wild lies . The slogan “No Collusion” was and always will be a meaningless slogan. Just as meaningless as MAGA. He was never going to be convicted of collusion.
    It blows away the Trump talking point of ” lets get all those who surveilled me during my campaign.” He was under surveillance because the Russians attacked out elections.
    The Republicans have been living a lie for the past 2 years and the emperor has no pants.

    in reply to: How long will it take? #1727398

    How long will it take until the Jewish Trump supporters realize that Anti-Semitic acts and the killing of Jews in the US has increased dramatically during the Trump Presidency ?
    When will they correlate the election of 2 Proud Muslims to Congress to the Trump Presidency ?
    When will they do teshuva for electing a leader who called for a complete and total Muslin ban?
    When will they run away from a “leader” who sows racism and division in the country? (and then laughs about it).

    in reply to: I don’t understand outcome of Mueller report #1724977

    Trump could demand that there be a Constitutional amendment that declares him King of America for life and that his family members inherit this position and all the Republicans would support it.
    Mitch Mcconnell will extol the virtues of such an amendment and proclaim that it has been a long time since we have had such a great man as president. Only he can solve all of our economic problems. Only he can deal with world leaders and ensure that America is no longer taken advantage of.

    Fox news, Hannity,Levin and Tucker will all declare this as MAGA.

    Trump will hint that his supporters have guns in case you oppose.

    Some Rabbonim will declare in the most serious of tones that it is a sign from Heaven that Trump is King Koresh and anointed by Hashem and the Torah demands us to support him.
    Certain Jewish publications will agree that this is the greatest single event in American history and how can we protest when Trump is so good for the Jews. The democrats are anti semites and this will keep them out of control of America forever.

    Democrats will be accused of being obstructionist traitors and apikorsim who don’t want Moshiach to come.

    This is the upside down topsy turvy world we live in right now. Trump above all.

    I hope everybody will laugh out loud at this post.

    in reply to: Adama Veshamayim – Avoda Zara #1712364


    Since you are convinced that even with the change of words it is still avoda zara, can you please explain how these words are avoda zara ?
    adama means earth, shomayim means sky, chom haesh means heat of fire, tzlil hamayim – sound of water.
    None of these are shemos of Avoda Zara.

    in reply to: Adama Veshamayim – Avoda Zara #1712190


    The lyrics to adama vshomayim are not the original lyrics. Ergo, it is not assur.
    Is that what you meany when you wrote – Yserbius, a song which was originally made for avoda zara is actually assur to sing or listen to?

    in reply to: Adama Veshamayim – Avoda Zara #1712035

    Rabbi Shay Tahan on Torahanytime.com based on Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah Chelek Sheni – Teshuva 111 says that according to Rav Moshe the song adama vshomayim would not be assur but would be mechuar hadavar.

    in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1698795


    “Sometimes they’ll even insist on pulling the plug against the family’s wishes.”. I am not sure where you get this statistic from. Was a survey done on those who support abortion pulling the plug against the family’s wishes ? They are 2 separate issues. Although for a Torah Jew -they are the same – life is life.
    Healthcare in America is run like a business and Doctors, Nurses,Insurance Executives, and Hospital Executives are all part of the decision to pull the plug. There are many of them that are not pro-abortions.

    I will repeat what I wrote above :
    If you have an abortion , you have violated halacha.
    If you engage in toevah , you have violated halacha.
    If you pull the plug you are a rotzeach.

    in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1698622

    Avram in MD,

    Not everyone gets married in holy matrimony. Besides death beneficiary, the Married status also affects many other purely secular legal and financial issues. Once example is insurance coverage. Another is taxes.

    Regarding Abortion – I doubt that you think that the SCOTUS never read any books. They allowed it with full knowledge of what it says in the science books.

    Regarding your hypothetical question about life staring at 4 months – whenever I debate this issue with strong minded , women’s lib oriented people they are astonished that anyone could even think of such a situation. They are amazed that someone can compare a fetus in a woman’s body to a baby outside it.

    Non pro lifers are further amazed at the callousness that pro lifers show to adult humans who are living but they are refugees, immigrants or of a lower financial status.

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