Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Is Sherry Cask Scotch kosher? #1947310
    Reb Eliezer

    See about a detaiiled discussion.

    in reply to: Gedolim who went to public school #1947112
    Reb Eliezer

    Wolf, maybe, there is a bigger yetzer hara for yeshiva boys and too much emphasis is placed on learning torah and not enough for sensivity and empathy and that is why we wear masks and require social distancing to minimize our interaction with each other.

    in reply to: What Hebrew font should I use for my English sefer? #1947047
    Reb Eliezer

    Try vilna font.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1947045
    Reb Eliezer

    Can you tell me MadeAliyah why you get involved in the first place? Worry about Natanyohu.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946797
    Reb Eliezer

    From the time Trump believed that he won the election, he encouraged people to fight. This was a progression that culminated Jan 6th when the election was to be certified by congress.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946772
    Reb Eliezer

    Once incited it is too late to say go home.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946734
    Reb Eliezer

    Trump commended the insurrectionists and condemned them after the fact, closing the door after the horse escaped the barn.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946690
    Reb Eliezer

    It says ushlolom lavoz, if they are dead who cares? However, when you encourage taking their wealth, you encourage killing them in order to take their wealth.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946639
    Reb Eliezer

    Health, what happened in the Capitol, people dying, is not funy and people encouraging it need to be accountable because it can happen in the future.

    in reply to: Gedolim who went to public school #1946636
    Reb Eliezer

    A child is very impressionable and therefore, it is utmost to keep him currently out of public school.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #1946559
    Reb Eliezer

    The chitzonos, the outside action in performance of the mitzvos, should reflect on the penimiyos, the inner feelings and closeness towards Hashem.

    in reply to: Purim #1946525
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Dems vs Reps #1946071
    Reb Eliezer

    The Retrumpican tax cuts helped the average American?

    in reply to: Purim #1945978
    Reb Eliezer

    The generations become weaker in Torah knowledge. The Rabbenu Bachaya at the end of Parashas Ki Siso explains that mishna was written concisely as we could only write down what was necessary for understanding but as the generation became weaker, more became necessary. Therefore, in our psak, we rely on our previous poskim who were smarter than we are. I pointed out the ruling of the Chasam Sofer, Rav Yehudah Assad and the Maharsham which is being dismissed because of lack of knowledge. I don’t see the Encyclipedia Talmudis talking about a goy being a shaliach but you might want to look at the Sefer Piskei Teshuvas siman 695 referring to the above.

    in reply to: Competing bigots: Omar vs MTG #1945574
    Reb Eliezer

    Charlie, that she equivocated makes it plausable not made up apology as she points out were she has problems.

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Yisro – Just Passing Through: #1945530
    Reb Eliezer

    See also the Pelei Yoetz under Ger, a similar idea, to see ourselves as a temporary dweller of this world.

    in reply to: Competing bigots: Omar vs MTG #1945529
    Reb Eliezer

    The Denocrats wirh 11 Republicans voted to bar MTG from commitees. The excuse is that the Republican Party is a big tent but I would not want to bring something that stinks into it.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #1945510
    Reb Eliezer

    The Ksav Sofer asks why give two crowns when we must hear before we can do? The crown was given because of the precedence. However, there was only one precedence, so why two crowns? If they would have said, נשמע ונעשה, hear and do, then no two crown would be given, but they said נעשה ונשמע, do and hear, but you cannot do before you hear, so נשמע over here means to understand and for that an extra crown is deserved. The precedence caused the change of meaning through which a crown was provided.

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Yisro – Just Passing Through: #1945505
    Reb Eliezer

    See the Meshech Chachma on Parashas Bechukosai beginning words ואף גם זאת.

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Yisro – Just Passing Through: #1945481
    Reb Eliezer

    Dvar Torah on the Redemption

    Rashi in the beginning of Parshes Vaychi asks, why is this parshe closed? (nine letter separation in between two parshiyos) Answers Rashi, because the Torah wants to symbolize that this was the beginning of the suffering and enslavement of the Jews. Their breath was started to be taken away by closing their breathing passages. It says that they couldn’t listen to Moishe, because of their shortness of breath and hard labor. Another answer is given by Rashi, that it symbolizes the closing off the revealing of the end, the coming of the Meshiach, which Yaakov Avinu was curtailed from disclosing.
    The problem is that, neither of these answers satisfies the question. It does not answer why especially there is no pause after parshas Vayigash. Depending on the above answers this lack of pause should have been delineated, either in the beginning of Parshas Shmos, or before the blessings to his sons, respectively.
    The Klei Yokor at the end of parshas Vayigash explains that, the reason for the suffering and enslavement was because the Jews forgot an important lesson that must be remembered in galus, diaspora. We must constantly keep in mind that we are strangers in a foreign land. Moishe Rabbeinu constantly kept this in mind, and therefore the G-d of his father was constantly helping him. This was the lesson that Moishe Rabbeinu wanted to teach us through the naming of his children. The Jews wanted to become part of the Egyptian establishment. They forgot that they came to Egypt just as a temporary dweller, who is fleeing his problems temporarily by escaping to a strange land. They became rich and acquired land. They built on it fancy houses which the Egyptians resented.
    The Klei Yokor in parshas Devorim explains, that when we are in diaspora among the descendants of Eisov and Yishmoel, we must keep ourselves inconspicuous. They resent the fact that we got the blessing from Yaakov and Yitzchok, which causes envy and hate. They will do everything possible to take our wealth away. They will put us into labor camps to weaken us, and if that doesn’t work, G-d forbid, annihilate us.
    This envy and resentment happened in Egypt. When the Egyptian saw how the Jews are getting wealthier and stronger, they became envious and the resentment grew.
    The Klei Yokor also explains in the beginning of parshas Vaychi that the reason that G-d curtailed Yaakov Avinu the revealing of the end, was because, if people know that the coming of the Meshiach will not be in their life time they will give their hope up (meyaesh). They will forget the lesson from above and that they are in diaspora. They will build fancy houses etc. This will hold back the redemption. The redemption can only come if we keep in mind that we are in diaspora and we require the help of G-d to redeem us and no one else can do that.
    Therefore, the disclosing of the end was impossible. The Jews behaved in like manner without revealing the end. The revealing would have caused the viscous cycle which would have held back the redemption. Therefore, everything is symbolized at the end of Parshas Vayigash.

    in reply to: Purim #1945388
    Reb Eliezer

    The Daas Torah from the Maharsham of Brezon the grandfather of Rav Shvadron also qoutes the above Rav Yehudah Assad, Yehudah Yaaleh, O’CH 204 on the SA O’CH 695,4.

    in reply to: Gog Umagog #1945146
    Reb Eliezer

    The Pelei Yoetz says to have in mind לישועתך קוינו כל היום. we hope for Your (Hashem’s) help. The Arvei Nachal says המתפלל בעד אחרים whoever prays for others (Hashem) והוא צריך לאותו דבר and he needs that thing (redemption) הוא נענה תחילה he will be answered first.

    in reply to: Purim #1945083
    Reb Eliezer

    The above Yehudah Yaaleh view is also the Chasam Sofer’s view as indicated in reply #1944827 from the Sefer Mishnah Halochos by Rav Menasha Klein ztz’l allowing to send it with a goy.

    in reply to: Purim #1944985
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Aruch Hashulchan there, we should sent it on Purim in order to create simcha.

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Yisro — A Brand New Start #1944942
    Reb Eliezer

    We see Hashem as the choson and us, the Bnei Yisroel as the kallah, lecha dadi likras kalah, as Moshe Rabbenu saw us, vayotzei Moshe, but Hashem sees us as the choson and the Torah, the kallah. The kallah is always seen as new. Asher anochi metzavcha hayom, every day the Torah be seen as new.

    in reply to: Purim #1944873
    Reb Eliezer

    They also say that if the mitzva woulld be that you personaly must send then it would be a question if a goy is considered like you as there is no shalichus by a goy. However the MB O’CH 695 questions that maybe we need a shaliach and it is no good to send by oneself. Therefore, it just a means to get it to someone, shalichus does not apply over here and we can send it with a goy and also by yourself.

    in reply to: Purim #1944829
    Reb Eliezer

    שו”ת יהודה יעלה (אסאד) חלק א – אורח חיים סימן רד
    וממילא אין בזה משום מלתא דלא מצי עביד השתא לא מצי משוי שליח דא”צ בזה שליחות כלל דהא משלחים גם ע”י קטנים ועבי”ד ע”י
    עכו”ם. והיא רק הכנה והכשר מצוה שעושה מקודם כדי לגומרה בזמנו

    in reply to: Purim #1944828
    Reb Eliezer

    שו”ת חלקת יעקב אורח חיים סימן רלד
    אם אפשר לקיים מצות משלוח מנות על ידי עכו”ם
    תשובה כהלכה להרב הה”ג וכו’ מר יצחק הכהן הובערמאן בעיר בולגריי הפולנית בעהמ”ח ספר מקבילות
    אחדשה”ט כמשפט לשוחרי תורה
    בדבר ספקו בא’ הדר יחידי בכפר ואין לו למי לקיים מצות משלוח מנות וצריך לשלחו לעיר על ידי עכו”ם אי מקיים המצוה כיון דאין
    שליחות לעכו”ם
    א) בפשיטות נלפע”ד שקיים המצוה, וכמו שהעיר כת”ה בעצמו דהרי אנו שולחים על ידי קטנים, ועי’ קידושין כ”ג והא קי”ל דיד עבד
    כיד רבו וברש”י שם והא מעשים בכל יום ודף ל”ז תפילין אשכחנן רבנן דמנחי תפילין בבבל וב”מ ט”ו ב’ והא מעשים בכל יום וכו’ וה”נ מעשים בכל יום ששולחין על ידי קטנים הרי דלא צריך לשליחות. והסברא פשוטה – בשלמא גבי קידושין וגירושין ותרומה שהוא בעצמו צריך להיות המגרש או הנותן רק דהתורה גילתה דשלוחו של אדם כמותו ודוקא בבר שליחות ואי לאו לא הוי כמותו, אבל הכא
    דעיקר מצוה היא המשלוח, אדרבה יש ספק אם נתן בעצמו אם קיים המצוה, עי’ מ”ב תרצ”ה, אם כן מה איכפת לן אם אינו בר
    שליחות ואינו כמותו, סו”ס קיים המצוה ושלח, וזה עיקר המצוה, וזה ברור, וראיתי באיזה מן המחברים סברא זו

    in reply to: Purim #1944827
    Reb Eliezer

    שו”ת משנה הלכות חלק ו סימן קכא

    ובחידושי כתבתי בזה וז”ל וכבר חקר כעין חקירה זו הגרע”א בהגהות ח”ס על או”ח וז”ל בלקוטי חבר בן חיים ח”א בהגהות על ספר יהודה יעלה סי’ ר”ד כתב וז”ל שמעתי מפי מורי הגאון זצ”ל כי מר חמיו הגאון רע”א נסתפק דכיון דכתיב לשון שליחות ומשלוח מנות אפשר דבעינן דין שליחות ואינו יוצא על ידי שליח עכו”ם ומרן השיב לו אולי היה המצוה להוביל בעצמו ורק ע”י שליח ג”כ יוצא משום
    שלוחו של אדם כמותו הוי שייך דין שליחות אבל מאחר שהמצוה משלוח דוקא מצי לשלוח גם ע”י גוי ע”ש ושישי מעי שב”ה כיונתי
    לדעת הגאון ז”ל ע”כ מחדושי הנ”ל

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944770
    Reb Eliezer

    An article in the Washigton Post appears entitled Trumpism is American Fascism by Michael Gerson.

    in reply to: Is it ok to buy lottery tickets? #1944636
    Reb Eliezer

    Rabbaim, what is fated every year? How much one will earn this year or how much one will one earn through buying a lottery ticket?

    in reply to: Is it ok to buy lottery tickets? #1944624
    Reb Eliezer

    Rabbaim, when you buy one every week, the probability of winning increases as you nught not be to worthy of a miracle to win and your hishtadlus must be stronger. it could also be that by only buying one a year you increase your worthiness by trusting in Hashem.

    in reply to: Purim #1944522
    Reb Eliezer

    Mordechai has a long beard without a chup in the back.

    in reply to: Purim #1944489
    Reb Eliezer

    Yes, see Yehudah Yaaleh, 1,204 from Rav Yehuda Assad quoted by Rav Menasheh Klein in Mishnah Halachos proving that a katan can be a shaliach so can a goy because shelichas does not apply as I said before with siyata dishmaya.

    in reply to: Purim #1944447
    Reb Eliezer

    the square, not a circle, thanks for making fun of me but I happen to be right. Many, Rav Yudah Assad a talmid of Rav Mordechai Binet very highly regarded by the Chasam Sofer, O’CH 1,204 and the Chelyas Yaakov O’CH 234 and Rav Menashe Klein ztz’l, Mishneh Halachos 6,121 quoting above Rav Yudah Assad say that you can send mishloach manos through a katan, so you can also send it through a goy as shlichas does not apply here and therefore, I say you can send it also through the post office just make sure to get there by Purim. I happened to think clearly with siyata dishmaya.

    in reply to: Purim #1944331
    Reb Eliezer

    The shaliach is not the mitzva but a heiche timtzo, a means to get it to one, as according to the Rambam and the Kapos Teporim, the mitzva of shafor is not the blowing but the hearing the sound, so we make a bracha on hearng and not blowing.

    in reply to: Purim #1944321
    Reb Eliezer

    The RMA paskens SA O’CH 695,4 that if someone sends mishloach manos and the other does not want to accept it, he is still yotzei. The Chasam Sofer explains that the mitzva is the giving, to show love and unity, and not the receiving. According to this if he takes it himself and not by shaliach it should not matter and also if sent through the USPS. The halacha is in hilchas sudas Purim that the sudah should not be sudas kreso but sharing it with others. Therefore, says the Ksav Sofer, that if he has a good heart and wants to give a mishloach manos on Purim Katan, he can also make a sudah. The SA starts with yeriah and finishes with ahavah both tamid which is included in שני תמידים כהלכתם.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1944295
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Sefer Hachihuch the women are exempt as they don’t fight, but the Minchas Chinuch asks that this is an obligatory war so even a kallah from the chuppa would be taken maybe for support?

    Reb Eliezer

    abukspan, it says תורת ה’ חפצו when ir comes to Torah of Hashem, he desires it, but בתורתו יהגה יומם ולילה, his own written Torah, he keeps it in mind day and night.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943949
    Reb Eliezer

    The halacha might not apply to the individual as DY posted and I don’t know how to do it. so I would not do it.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943832
    Reb Eliezer

    I have never killed anyone as I was not in the army and I don’t own a gun, so I don’t know.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943829
    Reb Eliezer

    Shmuel killed Agag but Shaul could not.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943823
    Reb Eliezer

    Daas Yochid, ujm, you answer it.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943816
    Reb Eliezer

    ujm, I wrote a reply #19436i71 did you see it?

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943800
    Reb Eliezer

    Mod-29 you misunderstood the post. I said that people stay by their beliefs even to the last minute when everything is proven agaunst them. I did not infer anything about the character of the poster, so there is nothing dreadful about it.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943793
    Reb Eliezer

    The GRA explains above reply #1943652 not why it was written in the sefer but why is it said, vesim beoznei Yehoshua, to make Yehoshoa hear it, to understand how rhe word zecher is pronunced and not zochor as they are no nekudos, dots for vowels, in the Torah.

    in reply to: Purim #1943687
    Reb Eliezer

    We have RJJ in Staten Island to send shloach monos for you, so you don’t have to do it yourself.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943677
    Reb Eliezer

    That was a dreadful thing to say and will not be posted. -29

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943671
    Reb Eliezer

    By ihr hanidachas, the GRA says, we are promised the character trait mercy not to become cruel. We are not the murderous type, but ani chashev kameis as Elifaz did to Yaakov, you can give him a bad
    advice in investment to lose his money. Isn’t there a contadiction in Beshalach it says, Hashem will destroy them whereas in Ki Seitzei there is a mitzva on us. Maybe, since we don’t know who they are, Hashem will destroy them.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943659
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rabbenu Bachaya says that אוה’ למושב לו’ Hashem desires to rest there, stands for aleph of כס and ‘vov, heh’ of י-ה , in order Meshiach should come, His throne has to be complete and His name should be complete.

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