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July 9, 2024 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2295629LostsparkParticipant
Jackk you may be terribly misguided politically but spot on with your chassidishkeit.
“ Chasidus fills a void within the heart of every Yid. Exactly what the Besht was sent to this world for.”
I don’t know how this is possible but I love you as a yid all the same.
July 9, 2024 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2295627LostsparkParticipantDaMoshe please name a Lubavitch mesivtah or zal that has a pride club. I can name a crown jewel MO institution that did or possibly still does.
Thinking the Rebbe is Moshiach is much less of a problem than openly promoting aveiros. It is no wonder MO yidden studying nothing but nigleh, limud l’chol and trief media (then spending time wondering what high end questionable scotch they will have on Shabbos) are starving for something more. I find it funny hearing bochurim from MO yeshivos singing ChaBaD niggunim on Shabbos, almost like their neshamos are crying to be a part of something actually meaningful.
Your spiteful statement is evidence enough that I am emesdik on this.
July 8, 2024 1:17 pm at 1:17 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2295501LostsparkParticipantSechel83
Don’t fall for this obvious MO deflection. Anytime someone points out MO is a complete joke they immediately bring up ChaBaD like they have the Rebbe living in their minds. Sometimes I wonder if people like DA are closeted in thier hiskashrus to the Rebbe and try and stir up debate at every opportunity to make people think about the Rebbe.
LostsparkParticipantBetter yet they should run a Hillary Hunter ticket.
LostsparkParticipantHey Jackk was Bidens brain melting down in real time during the debate a right wing generated deepfake? Your daas Torah CNN doesn’t think so lol.
LostsparkParticipantJackk how many of those shrieking imbeciles in keffiyahs attacking Jews in LA were registered democrats?
I’d put good money on 100%
Is that cheap fake right wing propaganda as well?
I’m beginning to think you exist solely as a troll at this point there is no way you can possibly be serious.
LostsparkParticipantYou are correct Jackk
There could have been proof on that laptop that the US was providing targeting coordinates for Iranian missiles to decimate Israel and you still would support Biden.
Do you feel that the threat to democracy is so great due to Trump that the rules do not matter any longer? By any means necessary Biden should stay in power?
LostsparkParticipantHey Jackk do you remember when hunter bidens laptop was a Russian deepfake?
LostsparkParticipantI think trump should have to serve 4 years of community service,
In the white house
LostsparkParticipantDoom777 are you a substack writer?
LostsparkParticipantThe ICC is objective in the fact it has objectives.
LostsparkParticipantI say we all vote left and see how great this country would become! Remember communism may have not worked well many times before but this time around may be different!
LostsparkParticipantThe best gift of liberals to the world is they tend not to have children.
May 9, 2024 11:43 am at 11:43 am in reply to: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat #2281992LostsparkParticipantI’m also glad we can be buddies, I do give you a hard time!
May 9, 2024 11:43 am at 11:43 am in reply to: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat #2281991LostsparkParticipantJackk every time there is rioting in the streets or campuses it is said that is only a loud fringe minority, but yet when a loud fringe minority did J6 it was declared a pervasive indictment of the Rebublican party.
Am I wrong to believe at this point the ideological shift to the left on campus is pervasive at this point?
These people will be running the world in less than a generation’s time, these our our officers in the military, elected officials, scientists and doctors etc….
I do see hope in a small segment of the right, and no hope in the left.
May 8, 2024 4:04 pm at 4:04 pm in reply to: IMPORTANT MUST STOCK UP ON GROCREIS AND DIAPERS #2281950LostsparkParticipantAnd pallets of toilet paper!
May 8, 2024 12:21 pm at 12:21 pm in reply to: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat #2281781LostsparkParticipantHey Jackk and crazy, can you guys tell your buddies not to burn cop cars in Portland again, it makes you party apparatchik look bad.
I like how ctrlawyer is remaining silent in his mansion while the party he so supported burns the world down around him. Are you seeing the light yet buddy?
May 5, 2024 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm in reply to: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat #2280990LostsparkParticipantHow come democrat and satan share the same gematria value?
LostsparkParticipantLakewhut, I suggest making some popcorn and silently standing by while the communists eat their own, it sure is funny to watch.
Liberal Jews where is BLM during your time of need? lol.
Modern orthodox are you still going to emphasize going to elite secular institutions after this?
April 16, 2024 2:25 am at 2:25 am in reply to: Will Israel attack on Iran bring the Russian anti aircraft #2277717LostsparkParticipantIn all honesty the world doesn’t see Oct 07th as a carte blanc to engage with every country Israel has a problem with.
The US pulled this stunt with 911 with horrifying, demoralizing and pitiful results. Many of the soldiers that returned have depression knowing they were duped. American moral hegemony has disappeared probably never to return.
The emphasis that Oct 7th was somehow worse (of course it was to us) than any other tragic event in contemporary history is falling upon deaf ears outside of Jewish adjacent communities. The messaging is failing, and honestly won’t work with the younger generations that are embarrassed by American neocolonialism in the Middle East.
For those of you that think the US will back Israel outside of material or proxy support you are sorely mistaken. Ukraine is a perfect example, pouring money wishes and prayers into Ukraine is not staving off the Russian incursion. No matter how much propaganda was put out nothing will be done, not even Ukraine joining NATO will stop it.
America is tired of wars, US intervention will be mulled by the exceedingly more left leaning officer class in the military using bureaucratic means to stifle any real war. Real war means risk to cushy retirements.
American youngsters shouldn’t have to die for Israel regardless as millions of Jews live here like Ben Shapiro.If you want to see extreme antisemitism arise in America on the right, ordering boys from Nebraska to go die in Iran to protect Israel is just the way to do it.
If you live in America and you want victory in Israel move there and fight for it, America can’t do the job for you.
April 15, 2024 2:11 am at 2:11 am in reply to: Trump Trial #3 – Criminal Trial for falsifying business records #2277330LostsparkParticipantChaim87
If you want to see real antisemitism just wait until some boys from Nebraska die in a war in the Middle East defending Jewish lives while millions of Jews remain in the US.
American isolationism is the best approach.
Israeli dependency on US support has made them totally compromised hampering any heavy handed approaches required to resolve the issue.
Every American dollar sent to EY has a string attached to it.
LostsparkParticipantThe leadership of either side isn’t trying to win, they are trying to appease their own populaces with demonstrations of “force”.
Real victory requires sacrifices on the part of leadership, that is something this world doesn’t have anymore. They rather just throw a few pawns away so they can get promotions.
Anything to risk might G-d forbid have a negative impact on an officials career.
The news is all sensational nonsense.
LostsparkParticipantWhere is QWERTY with his convoluted “checkmates” did this thread actually burn him out on his favorite topic of discussion?
April 11, 2024 11:07 pm at 11:07 pm in reply to: Trump Trial #3 – Criminal Trial for falsifying business records #2276504LostsparkParticipantI thought daily Trump hate was a reform minhag, not ywn material.
Jackk why don’t you take Trump to court and demand eight years of missed rent for the space he occupied in your mind?
April 10, 2024 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm in reply to: Bidens Two Face Policy on Gaza is destroying the World #2276186LostsparkParticipantIf every yid had emunah in HaShem like Jackk has for the democrats Moshiach would be here now! Lol
LostsparkParticipantI can’t believe it, where is Sam Kliens obligatory achdus and tshuva post on this obvious siman?
LostsparkParticipantLakewhut doing the good work in changing hearts and minds on YWN lol
LostsparkParticipantA total social collapse as a result of democrat sponsored policies.
I want the republicans to lose so there is no longer a scapegoat for the left to blame for social disorder. Then once the old left realizes they are kulaks as well we can finally attempt to right the ship.
Suffering is sadly the only way through
LostsparkParticipantHow much tax money has been used to engage in weaponized legal action against him? All of it fruitless by the way.
I honestly hope Trump loses so we can see how far the American Khumer Rouge goes. American Democrats are in need of a historical level lesson.
LostsparkParticipantCommon you should spend even more time, even doubling your time learning and the issue will resolve itself.
LostsparkParticipantIf Biden had wanted this war could’ve gone very different
Lol Biden cares about weapons contracts to Israel, for now.
The longer this lasts the better for business, see Ukraine for reference.
March 20, 2024 10:22 am at 10:22 am in reply to: Should the President be Immune from Prosecution #2270601LostsparkParticipantI think Trump should be subjected to capital punishment for hurting so many peoples feelings both on twitter and on Jan 6.
March 20, 2024 2:45 am at 2:45 am in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2270495LostsparkParticipantAlways, remember it was Obama that gave us the great economy in the early years of Trumps presidency and it was Obamas policies that ended ISIS when Trump was president.
Now Biden has been dealing with four whole years of the disaster Trump made, so he needs four more years to fix it.
Maybe if we are lucky Biden could win third and forth elections if we get some more help from the southern border.
LostsparkParticipantHaha that’s the crowd that wears the brim up hats as far as they possibly can in the back of their heads?!?
I never got that trend, every time I’m in a yeshivish environment the young guys are wearing thier hats literally on the back of their heads, it’s a marvel that they stay on.
LostsparkParticipantChaBaD bochurim dress way cooler than the yeshivish crowd. Make sure to get some blundstone boots, a Borsolino with the gold logo on the ribbon and some tortoise shell warby Parker glasses.
LostsparkParticipantLet me offer the standard counter argument:
BUT TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL WHO COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA TO STEAL AN ELECTION AND LED A INSURRECTION!!!!! He’s going to jail any day now boys for sure this time the walls a closing in.
LostsparkParticipantI think things were going a lot better in this regard when Trump was president, I’m sure the OP would agree.
February 29, 2024 12:22 am at 12:22 am in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264928LostsparkParticipantFor sure Kushner is going to let that happen.
February 23, 2024 7:40 am at 7:40 am in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2263340LostsparkParticipantYou know what’s racist?
Asking illegal aliens for ID to vote,
I think it’s even more racist that they can’t use the free money NewYork is giving them to buy firearms without ID.
Maybe we should make firearms illegal for everyone so we aren’t racists.
February 22, 2024 8:04 am at 8:04 am in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2263066LostsparkParticipant“Many of these places are in Red States”
These red state can’t be that bad considering Californians are moving into them in droves.
I honestly hope republicans keep on losing as well, I want the left to realize their dreams to the fullest extent possible so folks like you can finally see the truth.
A president can’t fix this, the democracy sham is up. I say let things run their course.
February 21, 2024 1:09 pm at 1:09 pm in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2262957LostsparkParticipantI say let them all in and this party called America can collapse once and for all. Folks like Jackk can have their San Francisco paradise across the remains of America.
There is no reason to even mention problems with this country anymore, no one is going to fix them.
The future of America is third world
1.See swedens response to the lockdowns, sorry I’m not a “medical expert” so me stating this fact doesn’t matter.
3. Sweden
4. Equivocation of Jews during the to immigration coming from the third to first world is pathetic, is this what they teach you in temple?
5. Many folks have multiple full time jobs to make ends meet, immigration isn’t going to alleviate that situation.
If Trump wins he’ll be blamed once the house of cards falls as usual.6. Disinformation is a word used by minds infected by leftism. Sounds like someone went to college lol.
7.I’m glad we can agree Ukraine is losing, and may they continue to do so. Did they teach you about Bandera or Chelminsky in college?
Here’s a new one,
Biden’s mind is gone, I can’t wait for your obligatory rebuttal.
In Russia under Stalin someone who used the word disinformation would have been a true party man! Lol
LostsparkParticipantMan the coffee room is what it must be like to live in David Bergers mind.
QWERTY if you obsessed on something constructive as much as you do finding ways to disparage ChaBaD, I’m sure you wouldn’t just be a doctor.
LostsparkParticipant“Telling your whole historical narrative to a chossid (at least a Chabad chossid – I can only talk for myself) is like a secular historian trying to convince a frum Yid about the “real way” that the Torah was composed by some random scholars…“
The Rebbe makes it clear in hayom yom how to be mekusher even after ג tammuz.
This is one of those cases where you have to be swimming it these particular waters to appreciate it, an outside understanding will only confuse you.
LostsparkParticipant“There’s no such thing as a Chasid without a Rebbe.”
Let’s inverse this true statement.
I see plenty of Chassidim so there must be a Rebbe.
LostsparkParticipantJack, latest polls are showing 20% of gen z identify as being LGBTQ+. How many of them do you think for republican? The tiny minority fallacy is trash, radicalization of the left is systemic all the way up to the institutional level.
On Claudine Fake and Gay, if any aspiring doctoral student pulled what she did they would have been pulled from Harvard and you know this.
I suggest you stop watching the view to decide what you think.
LostsparkParticipantI wonder what the reaction will be @ Harvard when Gay’s appointment is filled by a white (Jewish) woman
January 5, 2024 10:47 am at 10:47 am in reply to: to tip or not to tip that is the question #2251452LostsparkParticipantHaha I tip, I’m just saying no matter what you do the people with low end jobs are facing more pressure due to corporate greed.
LostsparkParticipantTips are the way for Americans to avoid paying livable wages in the service sector.
As soon as a livable wage is legislated for the service sector here comes total automation….