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  • in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998079

    Gadol you can’t boycott everyone and most likely most companies/people hate or dislike Jews whether they make it known or not.

    However these companies who directly assisted in the Holocaust or profited by it probably should be avoided. Such as IBM who set up machinery and systems to track down Jews and keep track of the systematic killings and operation of the Holocaust, which btw have not apologized till this day. So what does that tell you about how they feel towards what they’ve done.
    Bayer directly produced the Zyklon-B gas for the chambers.
    Volkswagen especially the beetle was a design produced by Porsche and Hitler yimach shemam. The name as well was thought of by him, “people’s car”.
    When the Germans ran out of coca cola, coca cola Germany created Fanta Orange which was known as the Nazi drink.
    The list goes on and on such as Chase Bank freezing Jewish accounts, Kodak, Hugo Boss who made uniforms for the soldiers and was a Nazi member himself, even GE who used Jewish slaves to build Gas Chambers and the list goes on and on.
    Avoid what you can. There’s a difference between a company/people who dislike Jews and companies that actually aided and profited in the extermination of Jews.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1997972

    The only thing that’s disturbing here is your lack of comprehension

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997971

    Ari please prove that the unvaccinated are infecting others and please prove that the vaccinated are not infecting others.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1997778

    “Then there should be six-dollar bills too.”

    -very clever DovidbT now we are starting to think. Except that there already is a 2 dollar bill so we don’t need to create that, the topic is about putting them in circulation not creating a bill for every denomination. Try to contribute to the conversation because If your goal is to make us laugh it’s not working.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997569

    Lotspark ““The book 1984”……what compelled you to read this trief?”

    How do you know its treif “wink wink” ; )
    Also who said I read it. But since you clearly have, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1997296

    3 dollar bills are unless since they won’t save you from using additional bank notes. For 6 dollar transaction you would pay with 2 threes but you can use a 5 and a 1. So you aren’t saving the amount of bills used. 2 dollar bills are very convenient especially for transactions under 10 dollars.

    I honestly don’t know why they aren’t used. I’m sure many would find them convenient if they were in regular circulation.

    in reply to: The irrational response to Covid is part of the Decree from Above #1997287

    Also you can smoke in public exposing everyone to second hand smoke and actually rasing the risk of getting sick, but that’s ok.

    in reply to: The irrational response to Covid is part of the Decree from Above #1997267

    @reb eliezer noone is hurting others enough with this propagandous brainwash thats exactly the mindlesness rhetoric that they are pushing on everyone and you are playing well into their agenda.

    If you are wearing a mask and the mask is effective, then what do you care about what others are doing? And if you are vaccinated and the vaccine is effective, why do you care if others are vaccinated!

    You are talking like everyone is a constant walking virus just waiting to attack you.
    If you are around elderly then yes take extra precaution. But stop disturbing everyones lives.
    And even the precautions you take, make sure they actually help such as wearing the proper mask such as N95 at minimum, and not anything less than that because according to SCIENCE they do nothing to prevent the virus.

    And why stop with the covid vaccine, why dont you make sure everyone gets the flu shot as well as any other vaccine since they are “endangering” you!

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997186

    Reb eliezer-“The CDC is ruling that people who had COVID should still get vaccinared as the antibodies are not that effective against the delta variant.”

    Really. In that case we should have had Covid all over again because all those who were infected initially would have been reinfected in droves. Obviously that hasn’t happened so should you recheck your data?

    In fact vaccinated have been getting infected regardless of vaccine and spreading it as well.

    Also there is no test to show variants so keep that in mind when you blindly follow whatever they tell you.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997074

    Ubiquitin what are you talking about? You aren’t as clever as you think yourself to be so please elaborate because all I see is rambling on your part. First of all yes the freedoms are being limited and taken away from people! Do you live under a rock? Deblasio announced you need to be vaccinated in order to participate in society starting next month. Cuomo and deblasio also calling on all businesses to only allow vaccinated to shop or to be employed there. Yes the masks were a gateway to get everyone used to being told what to do and now it escalated to vaccines. They were merely suggested at the beginning but when everyone went along with it they were able to mandate it. And yes they have built covid detention camps it was openly on the news. They maybe haven’t used them yet but the fact that they even spoke about that as an idea and built them is alarming enough as things tend to snowball into other things.

    The ultimate purpose is power and control. It just works better for government that way. Look up communism and wonder why the leaders never stepped down from their position.

    Let’s see how you laugh when they tell you the unvaccinated or non updated vaccinated can’t buy food at the grocery. Because it doesn’t stop at just restaurants. Just as before it was health workers mandatory to vaccinate, then became city workers, and now they are trying to get all employers to vaccinate. Notice a pattern?

    Besides what about those with antibodies which are much more effective than the vaccines! Why would they need to get vaccinated! But keep chuckling it’s healthy. Again, it’s due to people like you that the rest of us have to suffer by not being allowed to “participate” in society as if we are being given free tickets to an amusement park. Because that would be a privilege. Living life in a society is not, it’s just called life. But now that’s a privilege. Interesting.

    And by the way before you accuse me of spewing nonsense, nothing I said was imaginary I am commenting on facts and current events. I didn’t say anything about chips, you did.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1996986

    What about those with antibodies?
    Also hospitalizations are up in comparison to the past few months but not as high as they were earlier. Besides they said delta is more contagious, not necessarily more dangerous. First it was the British variant which was more contagious than the original then the new York variant, Paris, Brazilian, African and so on until it became delta.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1996971

    coffeaddict, I get it. No not to kvetch but to wake people up. And im sure there will be many protests so I dont think it will come down to me having to organize them but I definitely will join if necessary.

    torahvaluesoverparty- firstly, being that the vaccine is bh very effective, why is it anyone’s business if I am vaccinated?

    -We still dont know how effective the vaccine is, and if it truly helps then thats great. But the concern of the vaccine is more about the long term effects which we dont know yet and we will find out as we go along but thats a separate issue.

    To the second part, thats exactly the point. It isnt anyones business if you are vaccinated but they made it their business by declaring that if you are not vaccinated, you are endangering others. Just as they did with the mask. The wearer is not being protected they are only protecting others from themselves, therefore both parties have to wear a mask in order to protect each other. Which utterly makes no sense since how can the mask prevent you from making others sick but not prevent yourself from getting sick from others?
    Is the layer of cloth only strong enough to prevent outgoing virus but not incoming? Total propaganda without any science at all. In fact the mask wont protect any of the parties unless it is at least a KN95 or rather a K95 to even have a chance. The surgical masks or cloth are just for droplets and used for surgery NOT for prevention of viruses which are at least 4 times smaller than the microscopic holes in the surgical masks. Plus the virus is AIRBORNE, and not contagious merely by droplets.

    There is a lot of money and power/control involved. We are definitely living through something historical and quite likely Acharis Hayamim. Nothing they have been saying or doing makes any sense and thats what gives it away. Even Cuomo killing thousands of elderly at nursing homes by throwing in infected patients to be amongst the elderly, doesnt make sense and he is declared a hero.

    At first the mask mandate was a conspiracy, then the lockdown was a conspiracy, then the covid passports was a conspiracy, then the vaccine mandate was a conspiracy…STILL a conspiracy? I feel like we are living in a science fiction novel. I guess we will see what happens after the summer as I predicted would get much worse since they cannot control the masses in the heat of summer. Once they start “enforcing” these mandates the store owners wont even have a say it will be city workers at the doors waiting to see your papers.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1996912

    Btw gadol what will you do when they won’t let you shop for food because you aren’t updated on your vaccines and booster shots? You think it stops at restaurants?

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1996916

    And one more thing. How about those with antibodies who contrary to the 3 month decline that the media wanted you to believe, people with antibodies from early 2020 still have high number of antibodies and in some cases even went up!

    If antibodies went away after 3 months or were ineffective you would have seen Covid all over again. That hasn’t happened. So what now will you tell me antibodies can spread but vaccinated cannot? Wrong! Even the CDC admitted vaccinated are spreading the virus and even getting infected. This is pure propaganda and control!

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1996911

    Gadol take the vaccine again and again then. But if you are demanding that others take it as well then you are admitting the masks and vaccines don’t work since you are using both options.
    Also stop talking like people are constantly sick and carrying a virus. In most cases they are not. You aren’t special to eat at a restaurant so get back down to earth. You are part of the problem which will cause all of humanity to suffer because of your foolish ignorance.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1996897

    No coffeeaddict we will just stand around like you and support our freedoms being taken away from us.
    Also if you think you are safe cause you took the vaccine, aside for the fact that vaccinated are still getting infected AND spreading the virus(CDC admitted), anytime there will be a new vaccine/booster you better believe you will need to take it and keep up to date or you too will be barred from society until then. But I like your snappy answer, you are so cool.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1996547

    Cash is great and should never be eliminated. Not everyone is into digital everything, and not everyone wants to have all their transactions tracked for any reason including privacy even though that doesn’t exist anymore. Also when systems are down, physical money can always be used. But we are off topic.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1996504

    Actually 1000 dollar bills and up do exist or have existed at some point. The really rich have/had access to them and used them.

    But technically speaking they are useful but not as practical as a day to day basis especially for a regular person. I mean why would they even be in circulation? They were typically used for large transactions or bank transfers.

    The 2 dollar bill on the other hand (no pun intended) is very useful and practical but for some reason they refuse to keep it in circulation.
    Btw how many thousands do you have that you need such “convenience” lol…no need to answer

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1996464

    “The cashier refused to accept the bills, saying “that’s not real money””

    -exactly my point. It’s so rarely used that most people don’t even know that it exists. But another issue is many won’t even accept the 2 dollar bills or make a face and begrudgingly accept them. I’m not sure why. But part of the reason is probably since they aren’t used and go straight back to the bank.

    My point is they should be used and be included in daily circulation since they are very practical to use, even though everyone says they aren’t practical. They are very convenient to pay with or receive as change since less bills are needed.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1996368

    I never understood their purpose aside for the fact that you are using something the size of a quarter which is actually worth a dollar. They are nice looking coins but unpractical. The whole reason they switched to bills was due to the convenience of not having to carry 20 pounds of coins in the pocket and lose half of them during the day.

    in reply to: 2 is better than 1 #1996312

    How does that make it easier to pay with or carry

    in reply to: Hatzalah stickers color #1996202

    Also what’s the deal with the 5 or more spring variations. Isn’t it a unified organization?

    in reply to: Hatzalah stickers color #1996200

    Ya I remember then from around the 90’s even early 2000. Why did they stop making them. I heard the orange stick out more but my personal opinion is that the digits are easier to read on the yellow background. Plus the orange ones look kind of scary.

    in reply to: Hatzalah stickers color #1996187

    Isn’t the number 212/718? 212 is Manhattan area code. Also I’m referring to the NYC stickers. Im almost certain they used to have yellow ones at some point. Can anyone back that? Also isn’t black digits in yellow background easier to read than black on orange?

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1995554

    At this point has nothing to do with safety and all to do with power, politics, and control.

    in reply to: Pushback on Ben and Jerrys #1994989

    Just get Haagen Dazs.which btw is a made up name by Jewish founders of the company. So support Jewish owned brands.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1994860

    No Gadol, not chassidim or other. It will be vaccinated vs unvaccinated, liberal vs conservative, left vs right. And its already happening. And the government along with the controlled media are responsible for this division and chaos. Something unnatural is happening in the world.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1994668

    Sooner everyone will be required to vaccinate
    Will there be a civil war?

    in reply to: Social Destruction #1994487

    No it’s a forum

    in reply to: Social Destruction #1994426

    Ya probably wishful thinking. People will never get off of it it seems. A meme here a meme there and not a waste of emotions at all

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1992835

    This will either go away soon or seems can evolve into a new way of life

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1989401

    First, you follow the science. You ask questions later. If the science was a flawed, too bad just live with the effects but be happy since you did the right thing and followed the science. No need for a brain or logic. Just do what you are told.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1989283

    @avik-“The more people are vaccinated the less severe COVID will be.”

    Is that why Israel claiming that the Pfizer vaccine is only 64% effective at this point?

    And what about those with antibodies? They should get vaccinated as well right since only vaccines give you immunity? Is that why we are seeing so many reinfected individuals with antibodies? (We aren’t)
    If the vaccines help slow it down and you are willing to risk unknown side effects that’s fine, but they are disregarding antibodies and want to force everyone to get the vaccine regardless by imposing rules such as not being able to go to college without the vaccine, flying airlines etc.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1986257

    Israel slowly going back to mask mandates and lockdowns.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1985831

    Participant, are you ok there?

    in reply to: preparing for future pandemics c”v #1985513

    Maybe monitor labs so that these viruses don’t get unleashed into the world? Or maybe shut down labs that are creating harmful viruses for whatever reason?

    in reply to: Pro-Palestinians Nearly Killed a Jew today in Manhattan #1974691

    Thanks to social media everything nowadays is either a trend or created Into a big deal on a large scale. There have never been such huge numbers at these protests and it ls honestly a little alarming. Especially after the whole lockdown year people are frustrated and will use any excuse to go outside and exert energy especially for ‘humane” labeled causes.

    in reply to: Fauci’s Fraudulent Fearmongering #1968879

    Rev eliezer, fauci saved millions of lives? How exactly! By telling everyone to NOT wear a mask in the beginning of the pandemic since “it is useless” “it will not protect you” and “especially if you are not sick you have no need to wear it”. And then admitting he lied about it so that medical staff can stock up on those useless surgical masks?

    Wow what world some people live in. You don’t need to be conservative or republican but at least don’t be such a foolish liberal sheep smiling all the way to the slaughterhouse just because they told you it’s good for you!

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964944

    “Excellent news! There is a vaccine for H1N1 (I had it in 2009), Ebola , Swine flu (H1N1 see above) AND bird flu (H5N1)”

    -then make it mandatory for everyone to take it and carry a passport for it as well

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964943

    So anyone who’s not vaccinated automatically has the virus and will make everyone sick? Especially if they have antibodies?

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964822

    Days”Are the governments going to ban people from using these facilities, or is it the owners of the facilities who are going to ban unvaccinated people from using them?”

    -whoever it will be makes no difference

    Jack”If you have to work from home and order food from Amazon that is your option.
    Nobody needs to risk getting covid because you don’t want a vaccine or a negative test”

    Why stop there what about the flu shot why should anyone be at risk from you. What about making vaccines for h1n1 and ebola and swine flu and bird flu and anything else so that no one is at risk from you.

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964693

    Daas, “they” are the government’s, and I’ve checked it online where Israel is implementing them, as well as nyc dubbed “exelcior pass” in which biden saw it as a good idea to implement nationwide. Basically they only allow access to certain venues, entertainment, gym facilities and so on to those who have this passport. How do you get this passport you ask? By getting the vaccine. What happens if you don’t get the vaccine, you don’t get the passport. No passport, no access. Can it be any simpler to understand? Maybe you can explain to us otherwise. No, it hasn’t taken off full force, YET. What will happen when it goes past venues and disallow the unvaccinated to work for a living, buy food, be amongst others and all the other endless options.

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964620

    “Exactly. There’s a choice in this Country – some want to take the Pizer or the Monderna.
    You can take nothing.”

    -really @health? Last I checked they are introducing vaccine passports which will only allow vaccinated people to be part of society. So what were you saying about choice?

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964551

    Ubiquitin, the government days so but the damage is already done. Besides that’s only the short term effects. As far as the long term effects, the government can’t know to stop it even if they wanted. Again, experimental vaccine means just that.
    Anyway there’s little to do in order to make you understand since you just aren’t capable. Also I didn’t say anything about depopulation, putting all that aside, the fact that people are taking an experimental vaccine to begin with is enough of a concern. Use your brain that there are likely long term side effects. Just as with pretty much all medicines. And if you want to take your chances go ahead, but the issue is that you want everyone vaccinated. That’s not going to work that easy.

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964451

    So if natural immunity goes away you will inevitably be forced into taking an experimental vaccine. Great news.

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1964450

    U.S. Recommends ‘Pause’ For J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clot Reports – What To DO If You Got The Vaccine

    Wow another one? Can’t be must be unrelated to the vaccine since there is no proof. Who’s worshipping the avodah zara now?

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1963433

    “So, hopefully you will trust now that the other vaccines are as safe as it is reported.”

    -oh so that’s how it works, trust it until a report comes out telling you that it’s too late. Ok

    in reply to: CAN THERE BE ALIENS?? #1963168

    Health, area 57? It’s called area 51. Now go get your facts straight and get the vaccine while your at it! And if you already got the vaccine, get it again.

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1963162

    Man, ywn posting fake news now? Problem with vaccine, no can’t be!

    UK Advises Limiting AstraZeneca In Under-30s Amid Clot Worry

    in reply to: Vaxxine-pass #1962995

    Still avoiding the question. Why force people with antibodies to get the vaccine. How could it be that someone with antibodies which so far are lasting for over a year can transfer the virus but s vaccinated individual which is projected to last 3-6 months and constantly will require more shots cannot transfer it. How does that make sense. It doesn’t. Again if people who had the virus were susceptible to getting it again or transferring it, there would have been a major uptick by now especially before the vaccine came out or even with it since they would transfer it to everyone. That hasn’t happened. So why force them to take the vaccine?

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