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  • in reply to: House January 6th Commission #2041626

    They call their partisan hackery as proof.

    Biden wasn’t cured from his loss of mental faculties over the last two years

    in reply to: The Bochur found out he is not Jewush… #2041605

    HaLeiVi: He can wear kosher tzitzis, too, since he isn’t obligated in it and therefore it is carrying for him.

    in reply to: House January 6th Commission #2041604

    The “commission” are a bunch of political hacks with an outcome predictable before it even started. It’ll be meaningless.

    Biden is senile.

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2041569

    “Who does that impress? Who will say בריך אלקהון דיהודאי because of that?”

    If becoming a vegetarian, to avoid killing animals, impresses Goyim who then say בריך אלקהון דיהודאי, you think that’s a Kiddish Hashem?

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2041517

    HaLeiVi, why is it/isn’t it a Kiddish Hashem for a woman to hold open a door for a man?

    in reply to: Non jewish isreilis #2041508

    Avi, how will “the problem eventually go away”?

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2041382

    What is “honoring freedom”? And being against racism isn’t a Torah value; in fact, au contraire.

    in reply to: where to you live #2041318

    Glasgow, Montana

    in reply to: Pending for Moderation #2041275

    I cannot fathom any topic or comment submitted by the gentle, considerate Talmid Chochom beloved by us all and known as der heilige Reb Eliezer ever being anything other than automatically approved as soon as the mods see who submitted it.

    in reply to: Chafetz Chaim story “I took a check.” #2041090

    Gadol, I understand that the heavenly HVAC provider only services those who led a proper life.

    in reply to: Non jewish isreilis #2041071

    Ash, what you mean is a shidduch with a Ger or descendant of a Ger.

    in reply to: taanit notzrim #2041073

    Let’s restore the censored Gemorah’s to the standard Vilna Shas.

    in reply to: taanit notzrim #2041045

    Regarding the Christian/European Church censoring parts of the Gemorah, are any of the parts of the Gemorah that were forcibly deleted by the censors completely lost to us today or do we, essentially, know all the missing passages?

    The question is interesting because the Gemorah originated outside of Christiandome and the Gemorah always was present outside of Christian lands. So it would stand to reason that regardless of what the Church censored, Klal Yisroel always had and never lost the uncensored version of the Gemorah.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2040822

    And a Kohein is intrinsically holier than a Yisroel? Or a Talmid Chochom than a layman?

    I think the same principles apply. They all become holier through their avoda.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2040762

    Reb Eliezer, Rambam Horiyos 3:7

    האיש קודם לאשה וכו’: כבר ידעת שהמצות כולם חייבין בהן הזכרים והנקבות בקצתם כמו שנתבאר בקידושין והוא מקודש ממנה ולפיכך קודם להחיות

    in reply to: I have the flu #2040667

    Refuah Shelamo

    in reply to: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion #2040658

    The Russians were losing until America joined WWII.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2040594

    Avira, going from memory, the Rambam says they’re holier when he writes about the halacha you referred to — kadima by pekuach nefesh. Also see the Maharal, Gur Aryeh, Vayikra 12:2, beginning of parshas Tazriah, where he writes men are more chashuv and the Tiferes Yisroel 4 and 28 where he says theyare on a higher spiritual level (the opposite of what you asserted) and have more chochma. This same idea about spiritual level, made either explicitly or implicitly, can be found in the following sources: Rambam, Mishnah Horarios 3:7; Tur, Orach Chaim 46; Akeidas Yitzchak, Bereishis 6; Bartenura, Mishnah Horarios 3:7; Taz, Orach Chaim 46; Zies Ra’anan (Magen Avraham), Yalkut Shemoni, Shmuel 1:1; Vilna Gaon, Even Shelaima 1:8; Baal Shevet Musar, Midrash Talpiyos, Ohs Aleph, Anaf Isha; Rav Tzadock Rabinowitz, Dover Tzedeck, p. 119; R’ Avraham Yitzchak Kook, Olas Re’iah, Birchos Hashachar; R’ Moshe Feinstein, Igoros Moshe, Orach Chaim IV, 49; R’ Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 84; Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sichos in English, Iyar-Tammuz 5744, Vol. 21, pp. 69-72; R’ Avigdor Miller, Rabbi Avigdor Miller Speaks, pp. 245-246.

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2040595

    Kuvult: Being killed because one is Jewish, even if given no choice, is certainly dying al kiddish Hashem.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2040548


    in reply to: Chafetz Chaim story “I took a check.” #2040550

    Reb Eliezer, the Chasan Sofer or the Chasam Sofer?

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2040547

    A Yisroel needs to give kovod and honor a Kohen by according him service first, allowing the Kohen to go in front of a Yisroel and generally honoring the Kohen with kibudim before a Yisroel. The same principle applies regarding the Hamon Hoam honoring Talmidei Chachomim first and allowing him to go first; and the same applies regarding women honoring men and allowing him to go first.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2040326

    HaLeiVi, Why would it trigger anyone even that Rambam and the meforshim explain the Brocha as being because men are holier? Other groups are described as holier (Kohanim, Talmidei Chachomim, etc.) and, yet, the leftists don’t raise heckles so much about non-gender demographics being described as better in certain ways.

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2040329

    “Returning money, is not a Mitzvah (and can even be an Aveira), and yet it is the prime example of Kiddush Hashem.”

    What makes you think that returning money to a Baal Avoda Zora (i.e. a Christian) is a Kiddish Hashem, if returning it is halachicly forbidden (even if you actually need to return it)?

    in reply to: Interesting Supreme Court case #2040279

    America can follow the European model of funding private schools, including Yeshivos.

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2040188

    Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg was asked if one should pray with a minyan on an airplane. He said yes, adding that he does it “all the time.” While strictly speaking it might be permitted to pray at your seat, Rav Scheinberg prefers that one pray with a minyan, but quietly in a way that doesn’t disturb others.

    Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner said “it is preferable to daven in small groups” on an airplane.

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2040183

    “The benefit of the public is how it raises Hashem’s glory in their eyes.

    If it doesn’t, then obviously you gotta do what you gotta do, but there is no ברוך אלקי שמעון there.”

    If you shecht an animal, do kaporas with a chicken, do metitza b’peh or even a simple bris mila or you exclude women from various religious leadership positions or you make a Brocha loud and clear, even in public, of shelo asani isha, you’re making a Kiddish Hashem because the public sees you’re doing what Hashem told you to do. Even if it is unpopular, in contemporary times, among some or even most gentiles and secularists.

    Avrohom Avinu made a Kiddish Hashem by the akeida even though popular opinion may have considered him to be an attempted murderer.

    Simply because in all of the above examples, and in many others, the person followed Hashem’s command and the public saw that. Even if the public opinion is opposed to following that command of Hashem.

    in reply to: Interesting Supreme Court case #2039987

    It’ll further clarify constitutional law that State’s may fund religious schools. Which will open the door for willing State’s to actually fund religious schools.

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2039968

    Here’s a silly question — how common is plastic surgery in the frum community?

    in reply to: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion #2039924

    AJ: Are you suggesting Hashem had no part in orchestrating Pearl Harbor? Or that Hashem had no bearing on the beneficial side results of Pearl Harbor benefiting Yidden?

    in reply to: Knesset hears epidemic of racist Arab anti-Jewish attacks since Oct. #2039912

    Welcome to Golus; of which the State of Israel is a major part thereof.

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2039785

    AAQ: TorahAnytime

    in reply to: Zoom Solution to the shidduch crisis (not dating) #2039575

    P.S. N0m: It is after Chanukah. You stipulated that you’d follow up on the conversation regarding saving the lives of men before women, in the thread you promised a further comment on over a year ago that never materialized.

    in reply to: Zoom Solution to the shidduch crisis (not dating) #2039573

    N0m: There is no abundance (i.e. more than other demographics, namely learning boys) of non-learning boys who remain long-term single or even single until an older age. In other words, there is absolutely no evidence (if you submit otherwise, please do submit it) of non-learning boys marrying later than learning boys or of them remaining single in greater proportions than learning boys.

    This is even the case if you discount “fake learners in yeshiva” and disregard them. Regarding those openly not learning in yeshiva are not getting married later or never moreso than learners.

    Regarding going OTD (“leaving the fold”), there’s probably some truth to that; but that’s more due to the fact that learning Torah is more likely to keep one in the fold and sincerely observant than one who isn’t learning.

    in reply to: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion #2039474

    akuperma: Also consider that Hitler put so much resources into the Final Solution, that he thereby reduced Nazi Germany’s military resources available for the war.

    in reply to: shidduch probability #2039473

    Avira, why is half Sefardi, via the maternal side, a hindrance?

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2039467

    DaMoshe: What your basically describing is that RJBS was the head kiruv rabbi for America.

    Regarding your points about YU in general, in fact they’ve gotten much worse over the last 25 years, with their student body as well as some faculty, including some of the rabbinic faculty in RIETS, literally offering open support for practitioners of toeiva.

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2039465

    CS: Cold milk, hands down. Hot coffee is good afterwards, especially on Shabbos morning.

    in reply to: Tanach in Yeshivos #2039443

    We can be meshadech MB with KC…

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2039413

    It is a hiiddur mitzvahfor the kokosh to be rich in chocolate and eaten while warm.

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2039289

    When one student claims RJBS supported wome egalitarian minyanim whereas another student claims he was deadset against them, y’know there’s a problem.

    in reply to: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem #2039211

    “Why can’t it just be neither?”

    HaLeiVi: If following a halacha is ultimately angers goyim it is a Kiddish Hashem; of violating a Halacha makes the Goyim happy with us, it is a chillul Hashem if done. It isn’t neither. Why would you question whether it isn’t a Kiddish/chillul Hashem?

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2039206

    Reb Eliezer, in what context did the Mattersdorfer bring up Reb Yoshe Ber? What reason did he have to discuss him?

    in reply to: Zoom Solution to the shidduch crisis (not dating) #2039170

    N0m: If you were correct, then working/non-learning boys would be remaining unmarried. But that doesn’t appear to be the case.

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2039168

    MDG: That was his own fault. He, during his lifetime, let everyone think he meant something what. Hence, two students can cite him as supporting completely polar opposite positions.

    in reply to: Non jewish isreilis #2039145

    I’m sure they should not be called Jewish.

    in reply to: Non jewish isreilis #2038966

    AAQ: I’m mainly (though not exclusively) referring to the so-called “conversions” of Russian gentiles in Israel, most of them too old for army service.

    in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2038965

    Avira, in fairness, I not infrequently hear Litvishe Bnei Torah refer to their Rosh Yeshiva as “the Rosh Yeshiva” even when speaking to people or groups of people not affiliated with their Yeshiva.

    in reply to: Why Do People Knock Agudath Israel? #2038963

    RE: Now that you got both Pfizer and J&J, please let us all know which of the two is the better shot.

    in reply to: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion #2038962

    Your parents weren’t freed yet on December 7, 1941.

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