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  • in reply to: Shidduch Profiles #861616

    They come in all shapes and sizes.

    Just write the pertinent information on a piece of paper and you’re good.

    Trust me— whatever you write can’t be worse than some of the one’s I’ve seen. Just keep it looking neat and clear.

    If you want to know what to PUT ON, that’s a different story altogether. There it’s pretty much whatever you want, though there are basic guidelines like name (obviously), age, birthday, personal description (physical and character, can be short), schools attended (high, sem/ yeshiva gedola and college), shul, brief parent info, what you’re looking for, and a reference or two. That’s pretty much bare-bones. You can really put whatever you want on.

    You may also need a pic if you’re a girl, unfortunately. Don’t supply unless it’s requested. Many people won’t request it, so why send it if you can avoid it?

    in reply to: If You find Free Jewish Sheet Music Post It Here #902250

    Is there a website for flute music, or is this music compatible with flute (no chords)?

    in reply to: Optimist or Pessimist #862111

    Realist, like NOMTW and Sam2.

    I apparently come from a long, long line of brilliant underachievers.

    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861859

    QB: Thanks :)— trust me, I was writing from the heart. I definitely understand what you mean, and I hope and believe I am a good person who people like, but as someone who has had doubts about herself, reading this article was like banging nails into my eye.

    I mean, sure, I can see her original point about looking nice before going out —- and I mean anywhere, not just a fashion show (excuse me, SHIDDUCH INITIATIVE) —- but she took it waaay too far. I know she expected to be crucified, but let’s draw and quarter her as well for good measure. (Figuratively speaking, of course, though I’m not even sure of that anymore.)

    My grade just had a speech about anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders. If you want to make that an even worse problem than it always is, post an article like this.

    in reply to: French Shootings #861177

    They say it was possibly neo-Nazi, which is also pretty scary.

    By the way, Chassidishe Gatesheader, I don’t see what this has to do with France. The really scary part is that it could happen anywhere.

    Baruch dayan emes. Hashem yinkom damam.

    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861855

    Ugghhhh…. Ewwww…..

    This is making me despair for the time when I will be in shidduchim;.

    You see, I am not at all pretty. I am not thin, I have gross hair, I have a terrible nose, I have a really bad-looking face. I’m not just saying things out of insecurity; it’s true. And until I read this article I didn’t feel too bad about it.

    Okay, so I try to look my prettiest when I need to go places. I don’t wear make-up or anything, but I wear nice clothes, and I never felt I needed much more than that. I never felt THAT gross. Thank you, Mrs. Halberstam, for making me feel like a future spinster mutant freak.

    No, everyone, you don’t need to arrange for a psychiatrist. I’m okay. But this article is just disgusting. It should come with a tagline FWD TO ALL GIRLS WHO NEED A GOOD BOUT OF DEPRESSION.

    Like my grandmother said, “There are seven people who will ALWAYS, no matter what, think you are a sheine meidel- your grandparents, your parents, and one day your husband.”

    So yeah, Mrs. Halberstam, one day, most if not all of these girls will get married. Maybe they’ve just put on their mother-in-law-like-her repellent— no makeup. Smart of them.

    in reply to: Beshow vs. Dating #1050558

    As far as comments made about teachers seeing only certain things about you go, I have received wonderful references for various reasons from teachers who barely know me. My mom sometimes calls these shidduch contacts and they know less about the person they’re being a reference for than my mom does (and she’s only the sort-of shadchan).

    It’s actually a real scream, because my parents went to PTA and one of my teacher goes to my dad and says, “Oh, your daughter is a wonderful girl, so intelligent–” and then he does a double take and asks, “Um— what grade is she in again?” And then he shows my dad my class picture on the seating chart to make sure he’s got the right person.

    But either way I’ll take the compliment :).

    in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861099

    There’s a section on what to do if you’re caught. Many of them were actually repeated here.

    And he works in Monsey, so if it had been in the Front Page or something, I’d be nervous, but this is outside his circle of potential clients for the most part :).

    in reply to: Al Tira after Aleinu #861365

    Don’t people usually say it under their breath? I mean, if it’s in the siddur, I assume people say it. Usually, in my shul at least, they only say until about “vaanachnu kor’im” out loud. After that is anyone’s guess.

    in reply to: Being A Member of a Kehilla #861295

    The only kehillah I’m part of, to the best of my knowledge, is Kehillas _____ ______, my shul. I mean, my dad pays the dues, so I guess I’m in the kehillah.

    I think you’re in the kehillah you identify with. Like if you’re in the KAJ yekke kehillah, or a Chassidish kehillah. My family, except for our shul membership, is pretty nondenominational. I think a lot of litvaks are (though we’re not litvaks), unless their yeshiva has a kehillah, lke Brisk.

    But then again, I’m a snot-nosed kid, so don’t listen to me.

    (I’m bitter. Someone just called me that.)

    in reply to: Mezonos Bread #1213015

    Chassidish-litvish? Really? Because we’re chassidish blood (like, my great-grandfather was chassidish but we’re not) without a drop of litvish, and we wash on all bread. Including one slice of pizza. Including mezonos rolls and pitas made with apple juice (I’ve gotten weird looks over that one). It’s a family thing, I just don’t know where from.

    in reply to: iPhones #1144522

    My dad was forced to get a BlackBerry for work and he hates it with all his heart and soul.

    My mom had a Droid X and it had a lot of glitches. She liked it but it kept on breaking down on her (and she did switch phones, she didn’t use the same one the whole time). Also, my dad has an iPod Touch and she couldn’t use the same apps as him. Then she got an iPhone 4S and she’s in heaven.

    2scents: that’s what my dad does. He has an iPad and a regular old (and yes I mean old) phone. And an iPod Touch but it’s kinda broken. He says he doesn’t want to put all his eggs in one basket. (I don’t count the BlackBerry because he doesn’t use it unless he absolutely has to.)

    Personally I’d take any of them :).

    in reply to: Sheva Brochos Entertainment #860694

    At my cousin’s shabbos sheva brachos they put the men in one room and the omen in another room and they had a gorgeous kumzitz. It was really beautiful (especially since the other side, unlike ours, had fantastic voices).

    On the men’s side there was an ‘amateur badchan’ (translation: some teenage kid who thought he was good at telling jokes) but that kind of bombed. It was funny anyway.

    And a cousin always does a grammen.

    in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861094

    Unless you got the idea for the post from there in the first place.

    in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861093

    Check the Mishpacha article this week.

    in reply to: Sefardic Rabbonim's Hats #1101440

    One problem is that in the Israel of 50-60 years ago, Sefardim weren’t considered as ‘up there’ in the social strata as the Ashkenazim, many of whom were there since the first yishuv. The Ashkenazim were the dominant people (in the secular world especially, many times they still unfortunately are) and most yeshivos were Ashkenazi. In order for a Sefardi to get into one he needed to kind of blend in. I assume that from there it spread.

    in reply to: Was William Shakespeare an Anti-Semite? #926968

    How can you be an anti-Semite without meeting a Jew? It’s like not liking butternut squash kugel or something because you’ve never tried it. Or being bad at tennis because you’ve never played it.

    Then again, he may well have met Jews, comsidering that many of his plays are conjectured to have been written about his possible travels during his blank decade when he vanished. He apparently knew a lot of street plans and clothing styles of many cities because he visited them then. Perhaps he may have met Jews then.

    Then there’s always the possibility that Shakespeare wasn’t written by Shakespeare, which would make it even more possible he was anti-Semitic.

    Mishpacha had a really interesting article on the subject a year or two back.

    It would be more plausible to say that Dickens was an anti-Semite than Shakespeare, and at least he eliminated the tens of references to Fagin being “the Jew” at some later point. He actually definitely met Jews.


    cherrybin: Is that serious?

    in reply to: New Tanach Trivia #908306

    longarekel: It’s Purim Torah. I explicitly stated that at first. And who says that it stops? (Yes, I mean it is common sense, but don’t destruct my logic!)

    Now, for some Pesach Torah: Who was the first PERSON to perform the mitzvah of vehigadeta lebincha bayom hahu and why him/her?

    If you’ve heard it, wait for people to try on their own.

    I stumped my whole family with this one last seder night.

    in reply to: Dating A Gerrer Guy #861470

    HaMelech: Who says she wasn’t in the women’s section (assuming there was one)?

    sushe: Mazal Tov! So everything was resolved in the end? Or did it not come up?


    Go Mets (on behalf of my dad— I’m nonpartisan, but I won’t say that with HIM around)!

    CitiField is the stadium you want, Getzel.

    in reply to: New Tanach Trivia #908303

    The happiest day is the last day of Tammuz and the saddest is the last day of Shvat.

    Can anyone guess why?

    in reply to: Colored Shirts #985633

    I dunno; I have a picture of my dad and uncle at about ages 14 and 9 wearing green and pink (respectively) RUFFLED SHIRTS. No joke. (Quinquagenarians here, please don’t be insulted.)

    He never wore white shirts.

    But I consider it as more of a thing like girls wear uniforms to school. Girls wear whatever color shirts, and boys wear whatever color shirts (in this case white).

    in reply to: Cereal for Dinner #860710

    A glance at the nutrition facts and your portion sizes will tell you easily.

    in reply to: The other singles crisis! #862829

    Clip them with plastic paper clips. Or just get a bunch of the same socks for boys and wear stockings for girls.

    But why did you say it was a satire? Those responses could’ve been great….

    in reply to: Women's Kollel?!?!? #859609

    Everyone arguing that women shouldn’t learn, please put your money where your mouth is and transfer your daughters out of their bais yaakov. They are learning pirkei avos, their historia is from gemara sources, they have all kinds of meforshim based on gemaros in their chumash and navi classes, etc. Actually, when you come down to that, chumash and navi are Torah. No Torah! Bring down the chumash test!

    See— I knew you wouldn’t do it.

    in reply to: Hebrew Transliteration by the Secular and Modern #860368

    Itchesrulik: I walways wondered why they didn’t do that. (And thank for telling me it was called a diacritic. You learn something new every day. I always called it the little dot on the h.)

    in reply to: Sephardim, Marriage, Gittin, and Cherem Rabbeinu Gershom #901466

    I believe that there is no text of the cherem as it was not instituted all at once (just kind of over time, these are famous decrees he made, etc). Even if there was, there is no reason to believe that it would survive, as this was written 500 years before the printing press and there would be no reason for them to copy it like the gemara or Rashi or anything like that.

    in reply to: syium costs #859147

    Even a ticket to a sporting event isn’t that much of an s&h fee.

    But whatever. Josh31: I think the same way when they have things where they sell stuff for tzedakah and it’s quadruple the price. I always think to myself, I’m not paying $4 for a slice of pizza, I’m giving $4 to tzedakah and getting a slice of pizza free!

    in reply to: Are Birthday Celebrations Un-Jewish? #859692

    gefen: kiddush day? Might be a bit hard, though, considering that I didn’t have a kiddush until I was a year and a half (the shul was under construction, etc. etc.).

    We celebrate birthdays in my family just not SUCH a big deal. Like we have a cake and we decorate the kitchen and the birthday kid gets to pick dinner. Just cute stuff, nothing fancy.

    TO slightly change the subject, what’s with the recent trend in making crazy-fancy bas mitzvahs? My sister’s going to all her friends’ ones and they are literally through the roof. They’re fancier than a lot of bar mitzvahs that I’ve been to.

    in reply to: So, what was the best Shlach Monos you got?! #858772

    OneOfMany— I got one like that last year. It was sooooooooo good. Hershey Kisses and Rollos and Reeses Cups… yummm……

    My aunt gave out this really, really good focaccia bread and a salad. We ate it for lunch.

    in reply to: Pesach is almost here! #858048

    We change over a week before and then have MARATHON cooking sessions. We’re away for half of Pesach usually so it’s not SO much but it’s still a lot.

    in reply to: Are Shabbos Elevators Permissible to Use? #858112

    What about regular, normal elevators with an elevator operator (like in hotels)? I don’t use them just for me, only if I have my grandmother with me who’s in a wheelchair, but if I were using it for myself would it be permissible?

    Yes, I will be asking an actual posek, not just YWN. Just curious.

    in reply to: New Tanach Trivia #908300

    Purim Torah: What is the happiest DAY of the year, what is the saddest DAY of the year, and what is the source?

    If you heard it elsewhere, please don’t say— wait for someone to figure it out.

    in reply to: Should People Who Are not Fasting Hide Their Eating? #858051

    Yes— please do. Especially in a school setting (but then again, that’s just my scenario). I’ve seen girls who ‘pretend’ that others are fasting, who make microwave popcorn in front of people, etc. etc. It’s not funny.

    in reply to: Motorcycle Driving #858116

    My neighbor does. He did it because he figured it was more interesting than driving, but he’s annoyed because he still has to drive— his daughters made him promise not to let the thing out of the garage til they’re all married.

    in reply to: 13th Avenue Renamed Raoul Wallenberg Way #859252

    NOBODY I know, for example, calls the Triboro the RFK Bridge. Don’t get offended if you do— chances are I just don’t know you.

    But there’s also a Raoul Wallenberg Way across from the Holocaust Museum in Washington. So Brooklyn’s waaaaaay late.

    in reply to: making a bracha while wearing retainers #857743

    Why do you want to eat anything with your retainer in? Isn’t it a pain in the neck to clean?

    Not that I’d know, b”h I’ve never darkened the doorstep of an orthodontist 🙂

    in reply to: Tuition – How much do you pay? #858163

    more/more_2 (which are you anyway?): Sorry if I misunderstood you. What I meant was that it is worth it to look for a school where you can pay full tuition (after considering, of course, the quality of the school).

    in reply to: Artscroll's New Digital Library #857915

    That app is insanely cool, but the video was definitely waaaay over the top. The word ‘revolutionary’ was used far too many times and the beginning was just melodramatic.

    in reply to: The Titanic– #857807

    soliek: Holocaust jokes, anyone?

    in reply to: Sandra Fluke and Rush #858058

    I’m itching to say something about this, but I’m not supposed to know about it, so…

    in reply to: Are You Part of the 80%? #882176

    Whoops, I meant “approximation.” Thanks for reminding me.

    And I got it from a vort on the parsha my dad told me. I can ask him later where he got it but he’s not home right now so it’s not really practical.

    in reply to: WHAT makes you CRINGE….??? #858356

    yentingyenta: Thanks for reminding me— I hate the fact that I’ve got one teacher who EVERY SINGLE WEEK (I only have her once a week) sees my full name on the attendance sheet (let’s pretend it’s Chaya Sarah, which it isn’t) and calls me by it, and then asks, “So what do you want to be called?” For Pete’s sake, it’s February already! You should remember that my name is Chayala! (which again, IT’S NOT!!! With no offense meant to the Chayalas of the world. My friend’s name is Chayala and she’s really sweet.)

    in reply to: Are You Part of the 80%? #882173

    Well, Wolf, if you want to get into technicalities, some say that the passuk which mentions that they brought ‘chamushim’ means that each family brought their family plus the children of four other families who were among the 80%. If that’s really how it worked, then 80% must not have been an exaggeration.

    in reply to: Is Red Bull Kosher? #857779

    Most people I know drink it… if that means anything…

    in reply to: Yeshiva's reading rules #858480

    Whoops— the word is used, not sued. And after my whole thing about disliking when people don’t proofread! Tsk, tsk…

    in reply to: Are You Part of the 80%? #882169

    Wolf: Mathematics disagree with you– unless you’re a closet Mitzri.

    in reply to: Money yes, Bracha no. #857513

    Isn’t matanos le’evyonim supposed to be given on Purim itself?

    in reply to: Are You Part of the 80%? #882167

    They died by Makkat Choshech.

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