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  • in reply to: Quick Quote From Yankel Feferkorn #2152097

    he passed away a few years ago came from the bronx, davened by rav moshe bick ztl for many years who knew yet from the bronx

    in reply to: Should Yeshiva Bochurim go out and vote on Tuesday’s election? #2136449

    of course bochurim should vote if they havent already. why would you think they shouldnt?
    their are issues that effect us generally as citizens living in the USA such as crime, taxes, the economy all these have gotten worse under the current democratic administration
    and then their are issues that effect us specifically as jews such as anti Semitism, the (NY)state govt mixing into our yeshiva curriculum dictating what we should be teaching and how many hours should be spent on secular subjects under threats of punishment etc
    these issues are real CRIME is up see crime stats for NY

    the school issue is known to everyone are these not reason enough to go out and vote?
    besides forget your personal choice our gedolim no matter what rebbe or rosh yeshiva you listen to have asked us all especially this year to GO OUT AND VOTE!

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124209

    if this was true moshiach wouldve been here long ago i think a bigger segula to bring moschiach would be to do a chesed for another jew

    in reply to: Siyum Hashas – Inclement Weather – What Happens? #1818167

    is YWN beholden to aguda that you didnt post my critique about the siyum? if not why didnt you post it?

    in reply to: Why does my son’s Rebbi have a smartphone ? #1805245

    your surfing the net ,proof is your posting here yet you want your kids rebbe to be better then you are what difference would it make if his parents own smart phones
    what do you think ?your kids rebbe is a malach? he’s no different then you and i and I’m sure he has it filtered

    in reply to: learning from an artscroll #1766016

    before artscroll came out with their shas they went to rav schach ztl who was opposed to it and for good reason
    as we now see
    though much learning has happened due to artscroll it isnt for everyone all the time as mentioned a boy in his developing years in yeshiva will never fully gain the tools to learn on his own as well as miss out on the toil and huruvanya that brings the geshmak in learning on the other hand someone who is learning the daf and gets stuck artscroll is a tremendous help and tool to reach his goal of finishing the daf

    in reply to: Problems with Verizon in Lakewood #1731117

    you may have more success finding info on your cell phone issues on the dans deals forum

    in reply to: A Solution: Finding Shidduchim (aka “Shidduch Crisis”) #1685797

    dont know who you are, but your idea is at best ludicrous .
    of course we must all do what ever we can to try and help everyone find their bashert , but for the whole class to put their life on hold until each girl in the class is engaged is off the charts ,wild, silly

    perhaps you should spend your time writing story books as your imagination is working overtime

    in reply to: Beth Isaac of Flatbush (R Yerucham Leshinsky) Closed? #1656967

    if a rav opens a shul on his own even though he solicited funds for it ,its still his own private shul . yes hes providing a mokom torah and tefila for the public benefit (and perhaps raises money for the upkeep (utilities ,upkeep etc perhaps even a small income) but at the same time he enhances peoples ruchniyos by providing shiurim,sholosh seudos , perhaps a mikva etc
    but the real estate is his and if the minyin is dwindling or dying out unless its a building owned by the shul which is made up of board members
    its a private place belonging to an individual and his family hence they can sell it and keep the proceeds

    in reply to: Hats and jackets in the street #1563787

    the now famous picture of non other then the chofetz chaim ztl shows him attending the kenissa gedola in a polish “peasants” hat
    so if your coming from a kovod hatora view the MB himself didnt seem to be busy with his outside appearance vs-vs how the outside world would preceive him.
    he didnt need a hamburg and kapoto to know who he was
    seems its only today when we are emptish inside that we feel the need to impress and command respect by our mode of dress .
    if you want to brand yourself as a yeshivaman or ben torah then perhaps their is a point in dressing a certain way
    then again some are way overboard when they take a walk in 90 degree weather together with their wife and still feel the need to wear a jacket and tie too .
    i always want to remind them they forgot their hat but always mind my own business but being the question was posed
    i can air my personal view on the issue


    for all you herring connoisseurs who dont want to spend too much money

    you can buy whole or sliced fillet shmaltz herring at any kosher supermarket is imported comes in a blue flat plastic container comes with OK hescher $3.19 @ gourmet glatt $3.99 @ aisle 9 in lkwd for 3 fillets comes either pre sliced or whole fillets ( they even have a larger package must be 10 fillets but dont know price)
    i cut up a large onion and put in canola oil let it percolate a few days and you have great tasting herring
    i rinse off the original oil as too salty for me

    in reply to: Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie? #1461327

    the actual translation of ehrlicher yid= am honest truthful jew = when dealing in buiness
    but in the context of yiddish it means alot more it means a 100% frum yid all around not only in business but between man and g-d and man to man or bain udum lamokom and bein udum lechavero
    if we use the term in the actual translation then correct theirs nothing to stop a truthful honest jew from enjoying food
    but in the all encompassing meaning of ehrlicher yid one who enjoys stuffing his face by a kiddush or discusses food wouldnt be considered an ehrlicher yid in that context
    dont get me wrong theirs nothing wrong with eating and enjoying food but one who goes out sampling different restaurants every weekend is obviously not separating himself from earthly pleasures
    because one who strives to serve hashem and get close to hashem and works on himself spiritually will automatically separate himself from earthly pleasures as thats one of the prerequisites to attaining a higher level in ones ruchnious and getting closer to hashem
    this is ABC no chidushim here

    in reply to: Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency? #1417386

    ובהר ציון תהיה פליטה this chazal was quoted by non other then the chofetz chaim zt’l when asked before the war where jews would be safe and he quoted the above chazal
    their is the famous story about the tzadik reb shloymka zhviller zt’l who went to daven at the OHR Hachaim ztls kever and promised that the jews would be safe and protected from the NAZIS YIMACH SHEMOM
    he died shortly thereafter and i was said at the time that his demise was a kapara =meesass tzadikim mechaper and saved eretz yisroel from the nazis (ROMMEL who was across the seuz canal right across the border from israel )

    in reply to: How do frum kids know about guns? #1378027

    How do the majority of FFB kids, who B”H have never seen or been exposed to guns in real life, learn about guns and other weapons?
    same way your on the internet though your frum . why do you wonder and question others ?start at home!!

    in reply to: Do women avoid seeking necessary medical care out of modesty? #1292102

    i don’t generally read or write into these forums but this question caught my eye
    i think the question is absurd to any intelligent person
    anyone who needs critical medical care should go to which ever doctor is able to heal them the best way possible. when a medical emergency is in progress you call the closest person able to help their are no gender issues when it comes to saving a life . that being said, when all things are equal as far as medical expertise, if a woman feels more comfortable with a woman physician thats her personal preference, go for it
    but your not obligated to give up your life if a woman isnt the closest available to do CPR
    c’mon how about a little common sense here

    in reply to: Credit Card “Shtick/Fraud” – is it stealing? #650628

    amex will deduct the rewards posted (and their actul policy is to post reward points only after u pay the next months bill which means 3 months since the original purchase this usaually protects them from shtik like this)

    as mentioned above it most definatly falls under genevas daas as if you would ask the store straight out they would throw you out in a heartbeat so much for your plan

    ps their is no easy way to earn honest money this is part of the klolu to adam

    if its easy money you can be sure theirs a “catch” to it excuse the pun


    it seems both of these individuals went to the same kiddush (b’h)so its an isolated incident though the 2nd individual wrote what the first one chose to leave out for good reason

    having said that i fully agree 100% with both letters (though living in lakewood b’h we(so far)dont have these problems.

    i think credit goes to these 2 individuals who took the time out to bring this to the publics attention and rabbonim will definatly come out and give speeches about tznius most do anyway especially now b4 the summer etc but it definatly gives backbone to the rabonim when they see that torahdik baalebatim are behind them and support there efforts

    may hashem keep our machne kodesh from outside influenses and behaivor

    these issues have to be practiced by the parents at home and reinforced in the bais yaakov schools AT AN ELEMENTRY LEVEL NOT 11/12th grade HS. if we have the zechus to be born frum we should take advantage of it and be mechanach our childrent to be proud of tznius and not feel suffocated by it! its all a matter of how we are mechanech our children

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